Nano Currency

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Join the conversation on nano, an eco-friendly currency with ultrafast transactions and zero fees over a secure, decentralised network.

founded 1 year ago
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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/EnigmaticMJ on 2024-09-18 22:53:52+00:00.

One of the biggest talking points in cryptocurrency is "scalability." But what does this really mean?

Many cryptocurrency advocates boast about the scalability of their favorite coin without having much real understanding of the meaning. In most cases, the numbers being touted as the maximum transactions per second (TPS) of a network are nothing more than an artificial constraint due to protocol limitations. In reality, these "maximum TPS" numbers don't describe a network's scaling capabilities, but rather its scaling limitations.

If our goal is really to create a monetary foundation for a new global economy, it's critical that we establish a clear understanding of the meaning of scalability, and what is required to achieve scalability capable of serving the demand of a global monetary system.

Scalability isn't just about "max TPS" and protocol thresholds. It's a multifaceted challenge involving network design, resource management, and real-world performance considerations.

Let's take a look at some of the core principles of scalability for distributed ledger networks.


Purpose-Driven Architecture

Perhaps the most fundamental principle of scalability is purpose-driven architecture. In the same philosophy as phrases such as "keep it simple, stupid!" (KISS) popularized by Lockheed engineer Kelly Johnson, and "do one thing, and do it well" (DOTADIW) popularized by Unix developer Doug McIlroy, purpose-driven architecture emphasizes focus on optimization of a system for its primary function. For the sake of this discussion, that primary function is monetary payments.

Imagine using a Swiss Army knife as your sole tool for driving screws, cutting, etc. While versatile, it's not the most efficient tool for any specific job. Similarly, many distributed ledger networks aim to be all-encompassing, offering functionalities such as smart contracts and decentralized applications. While this versatility can be attractive and induce demand and investment, it often comes at the expense of efficiency, having a detrimental effect on the processing of monetary payments.

By concentrating solely on payments, a network can allocate resources more effectively, reduce operational costs, and handle a higher volume of transactions without incurring prohibitive expenses.

When a network supports non-monetary use cases, monetary transactions must compete for network resources and priority. Unfortunately, monetary payments are often less profitable compared to just about every alternative use case. This competition results in monetary transactions being deprioritized, leading to higher fees, slower processing times, and an overall degraded user experience.

Support for non-monetary use cases can even be unintentional. Networks that allow storage of arbitrary data can be exploited for non-monetary purposes. This misuse increases resource consumption (computation and storage) and operational costs, which are ultimately passed on to users through increased fees, inflation, or degraded network performance. This has been observable even in Bitcoin, with "NFT" exploits for storing arbitrary data such as Ordinal Inscriptions, Bitcoin Stamps, and BRC-20 tokens causing exponential surges in fees and confirmation times.


Asynchronous Data Structures and Consensus Protocols

Traditional blockchains process transactions sequentially, creating a linear chain of blocks. This sequence means that unrelated transactions can bottleneck the network because their processing is blocked by the processing of preceding transactions. This design inherently limits scalability, as all transactions are processed one after another.

Asynchronous data structures, like Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), allow for parallel processing of transactions that aren't dependent on each other. Multiple transactions can be processed simultaneously, significantly increasing throughput and reducing confirmation times. By enabling asynchronous processing, networks can better handle the high transaction volumes required in a global economy.

The type of consensus protocol also plays a crucial role in scalability. Leader-based consensus protocols, such as Bitcoin's Nakamoto Consensus, rely on a single node (the "leader") to propose the next block of transactions. Miners compete to solve a cryptographic puzzle, and the first to solve it adds the next block to the chain. This is a synchronous process that forms bottlenecks in the system's overall performance.

In contrast, leaderless consensus protocols, especially those utilizing vote propagation in Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) systems, distribute the consensus process across multiple nodes without a central authority. Nodes collaborate to reach agreement on the order and validity of transactions through weighted voting mechanisms. This can be done asynchronously, ensuring that no transaction processing is blocked by the processing of other unrelated transactions.

This leaderless approach reduces single points of failure and allows for more efficient processing of transactions. By not relying on a single leader, the network can achieve lower latency and higher throughput, as multiple nodes contribute to consensus simultaneously. This method is particularly effective when combined with asynchronous data structures, further enhancing the network's ability to scale and handle global transaction volumes.


Vertical vs. Horizontal Scaling and Decentralization

In traditional computing, scaling is often achieved by adding more servers (horizontal scaling) or enhancing existing ones (vertical scaling). However, in distributed ledger networks requiring consensus among nodes, these concepts don't apply in quite the same way.

Adding more nodes to a distributed ledger network doesn't necessarily improve throughput. In fact, it can introduce additional latency because more nodes need to communicate and agree on the network's state. For distributed ledger networks, real-world throughput is actually inversely correlated to level of decentralization. As the number of nodes increases, the time required to reach consensus can also increase, slowing down the formation of consensus.

While decentralization is foundational to blockchain technology, it presents a scalability challenge. The more decentralized a network is, the more complex and time-consuming the consensus process becomes. This complexity can hinder the network's ability to process transactions quickly and efficiently, which is crucial for a global-scale monetary system.


Optimized Data Dissemination

Even if a network can theoretically process thousands of transactions per second, real-world throughput depends on how quickly data can be propagated and disseminated across the network. The latency for data dissemination - the time it takes for transaction data to reach all nodes - is a critical factor in network performance.

Efficient data propagation ensures that all nodes receive transaction data promptly, facilitating quicker consensus and higher throughput. Implementing optimized communication protocols, such as modern gossip protocols, can help minimize latency and improve the network's ability to handle a large volume of transactions.

Unfortunately, the majority of distributed ledger networks use relatively naive mechanisms for data dissemination, such as traditional gossip protocols, causing network latency to be orders of magnitude greater than necessary.


Node Synchronization and Quality of Service (QoS)

As networks scale up to handle more transactions, node synchronization becomes crucial for maintaining efficiency. This means ensuring that all network nodes agree on the order in which they process incoming transactions. This is commonly referred to as the determination of prioritization for quality of service (QoS).

Under normal conditions, nodes can easily stay synchronized because they have enough time to communicate and align on transaction ordering. However, when the network reaches maximum capacity (i.e. "saturation") keeping nodes in sync becomes much more challenging. If nodes start processing transactions in different orders due to timing differences or delays, it can create compounding backlogs and increases in latency. This misalignment results in severely degraded network performance.

To prevent this, it's essential for networks to establish a common protocol for transaction ordering, especially under heavy load. By following standardized rules, nodes can maintain synchronization and process transactions efficiently, ensuring smooth network performance even when demand is high.


Minimal Protocol-Level Constraints

Most cryptocurrencies have protocol-level constraints - such as block size and block time - that effectively create a maximum theoretical throughput. While these limitations are often in place for security and stability, they can become bottlenecks as network demand grows.

To achieve true scalability, as many throughput constraints as possible should be removed from the protocol. This approach allo...

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/yap-rai on 2024-09-17 13:49:15+00:00.

Nigerian Nano Ambassador Enaanapu Gabriel writes a post-event debrief of his 'BizMerchant' Event which showcased Nano services and ignited a new Nigerian community of digital entrepreneurs.

Read about it here and please do show your support and be inspired by the wonderful work Enaanapu Gabriel is doing in trying to create adoption within his local community in Nigeria.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/nanswap on 2024-09-17 08:35:44+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/NanoMod on 2024-09-16 05:00:11+00:00.

Welcome to Nano!

This post is meant for things that are relevant but do not justify their own post. For example, debates, issues, simple questions, memes or similar.

We normally recommend using our Discord server for quicker answers but using this post is fine if you don't have/want Discord. Note that the official English Telegram channel for nano is @ nanocurrency.

It's common that users have the same questions. So please, before making a new thread, make some research and look for similar questions. You will often find a comprehensive answer to your question has already been given! Please also check the official nano forum linked below.

What is Nano?

A fee-less, instant, decentralized and eco-friendly digital currency meant for peer-to-peer payments. Also knows as the ticker XNO or Ӿ.

Please check out r/nanocurrencybeginners or the Introduction For Newcomers

Where can I get some and try it out?

Where to store Nano?

  • There are several wallets to choose from found in this guide or listed here
  • The most simple form is the Nano seed which unlocks your accounts. Make sure to keep a safe backup of it, or you will risk losing your funds!
  • Nano is supported on the hardware wallet Ledger Nano S and X. Refer to the Full Guide
  • More about Nano security

Trade / Price Talk Neighbour Communities

More Information


  • Be respectful of one another. Follow the golden rule of friendliness
  • No trolling or shilling
  • No begging, bragging or illegal activities
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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/sometimesimakeshitup on 2024-09-15 20:25:59+00:00.

I came across a comment from someone on X, and I thought it had some useful ideas for driving adoption. They mentioned:

  • Replit templates for quick project setups
  • Plugins for e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce
  • Websites for tagging transactions
  • Easy invoicing tools for businesses
  • A Nano equivalent of BTCpay
  • Code snippets to easily embed Nano payments on websites

Any thoughts which of these would be most useful and which one i or someone could try making (if i get some time) ?

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Qwahzi on 2024-09-14 13:27:18+00:00.

Original Title: New test from Ricki: 10K transactions, 10K accounts, 3 different buckets, as fast as possible, on top of the daily spam test 💀 All blocks confirmed in less than a second, & still not saturated 👀 Fair queues & bucket election limits have made V27 Nano much more difficult to spam

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Qwahzi on 2024-09-13 12:40:52+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Qwahzi on 2024-09-13 12:32:47+00:00.

Original Title: New V27 test from Benskalz & gr0vity_dev 🥳 Multiple manual transactions (wallet to wallet) during the daily spam stress test. Always confirmed in ~1 seconds, vs ~10 seconds before 💪🏾 Live CPS/BPS during the test, vs the same graph 1 year ago:

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/SpaceGodziIIa on 2024-09-11 05:16:10+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/yap-rai on 2024-09-10 07:42:01+00:00.

This update marks a significant milestone in enhancing the network's robustness, focusing on spam prevention, scalability, and improving the overall user experience.

See the documentation here:

And further reading on the upgrade features here:

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/NanoMod on 2024-09-09 05:00:12+00:00.

Welcome to Nano!

This post is meant for things that are relevant but do not justify their own post. For example, debates, issues, simple questions, memes or similar.

We normally recommend using our Discord server for quicker answers but using this post is fine if you don't have/want Discord. Note that the official English Telegram channel for nano is @ nanocurrency.

It's common that users have the same questions. So please, before making a new thread, make some research and look for similar questions. You will often find a comprehensive answer to your question has already been given! Please also check the official nano forum linked below.

What is Nano?

A fee-less, instant, decentralized and eco-friendly digital currency meant for peer-to-peer payments. Also knows as the ticker XNO or Ӿ.

Please check out r/nanocurrencybeginners or the Introduction For Newcomers

Where can I get some and try it out?

Where to store Nano?

  • There are several wallets to choose from found in this guide or listed here
  • The most simple form is the Nano seed which unlocks your accounts. Make sure to keep a safe backup of it, or you will risk losing your funds!
  • Nano is supported on the hardware wallet Ledger Nano S and X. Refer to the Full Guide
  • More about Nano security

Trade / Price Talk Neighbour Communities

More Information


  • Be respectful of one another. Follow the golden rule of friendliness
  • No trolling or shilling
  • No begging, bragging or illegal activities
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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/SpaceGodziIIa on 2024-09-07 00:20:06+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/borgqueenx on 2024-09-08 11:07:13+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/blockracer on 2024-09-07 09:43:50+00:00.

Hello just letting you guys know that the raffle is still active and winners have been drawn every 5 days.

Join the raffle here

Thank you.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Mirasenat on 2024-09-06 11:20:14+00:00.

First and foremost: Reflection 70B has been added.

Reflection 70B on evals

Reflection 70b, according to the evaluations, outperforms the other top models in tasks such as:

  • language
  • mathematical reasoning
  • logical reasoning
  • reasoning that involves theoretical/ university reasoning questions

It does so at about 1/5th to 1/10th the cost of Claude, Gemini and ChatGPT, so give it a try.

Reflection 70B has some odd random text thrown in sometimes which is an error the model creators are aware of. Nothing we can do about it yet unfortunately.

We've also added Gemini Pro Exp. This is the experimental upgrade version of Gemini Pro. It's smarter in every way, but is technically still "under evaluation" by Google and is "less stable". Take that as you will. It's a bit cheaper than regular Gemini Pro too.

Talking about cheaper - we've decreased our prices on Gemini 1.5 Pro & Flash and Llama 3.1 Medium & Large. It's a 10-40% drop in prices.

Finally, we now have permanent referral links. If you like our service and want to refer others to us while making some money on the side, create a referral link. It gives whoever you refer a 5% discount, while you get 10% of the revenue from them. Pre-funded invites (invites that have a balance on them) are still possible as well and give the same 10%/5%.

That's all for now!

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/bytom_block_chain on 2024-09-05 08:16:10+00:00.

Hey guys, 1 Month ago I posted here to ask for ideas, and now I come back with a beta version of localXNO(dot)com Which is a Nano Marketplace

With the power of Cursor, Claude 3.5 Sonnet and a few late nights working on this as a side project, I built it in just 3 weeks—absolutely crazy!

I also need to add the Terms and Conditions.

And please refrain from posting 'crazy' content 😭 —**I don’t have content moderation in place yet (or I might end up giving you ideas, geez)! ** 😭

Features of Our Nano Marketplace

  • User Accounts: Effortlessly login, update profiles, and manage locations.
  • Create & Manage Listings: Easily create, edit, and delete your listings. Upload images to showcase your products.
  • Marketplace: Browse through listings with advanced search and location-based filtering.
  • Search & Filtering: Find exactly what you’re looking for with our powerful search tools.
  • Messaging & Chat: Stay connected with buyers and sellers in real-time for seamless communication.

Coming Soon:

  • Nano Address & Balance Verification:
  • Reset Password:

Future Plans:

  • SEO Optimization, Marketing, and Promotion
  • TBD (Suggestions welcome!)

Jump in, explore, and let me know what you think!

1 Month ago:


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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/presuasion on 2024-09-04 19:12:55+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Fiono11 on 2024-09-03 19:20:07+00:00.

Hey everyone,

Here’s a quick update on the Community Protocol Fund and the work happening with Rsnano.

Over the past month, I’ve managed to port the (de)serialization TOML code. For those who aren’t familiar, TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) is a text format used for configuring the Nano node and RPC server through files. This feature is useful for both node operators and developers for testing purposes.

Currently, I’m focusing on porting the RPC server to Rust. This is a crucial part of the codebase because it enables applications to interact with the Nano node, like wallets and exchanges. Importantly, this is one of the last major components that needs to be ported to Rust.

Thanks for your support, and we’ll keep you posted on further progress. You can follow the development here: .

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Qwahzi on 2024-09-03 14:59:14+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/TehOblivious on 2024-08-31 20:25:19+00:00.

Just curious because I got the STAX a few weeks ago and literally cannot find anything online about nano xno having ledger stax support (yet), not even github, is nano dead? I can't really tell, but lots of coins had ledger apps/support on release, heck even a complication coin like monero xmr, but can't find anything about nano xno having stax support yet... anyone know anything yet?

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Mirasenat on 2024-09-02 05:18:44+00:00.

We have a lot of people in the community that want to help Nano in small ways and aren't always sure how to do so.

What many don't realise is that u/corican has set up a very easy way to do this.

PRISM is set up with a questboard with small tasks to do that help Nano. For example: follow Nano on Twitter, join the subreddit, but also leave a review for WeNano, for Nautilus, or email a business.

These tasks give exp which is just a way to show how much you've been helping Nano, some of them also pay out Nano (massive shout-out here to Corican who reviews most of this manually).

There are a lot of different tasks, some that take 10 seconds, some take 5 minutes, but if you're ever wondering what you can do to help Nano there's genuinely no simpler way to get started.

Full link: https://

Had to remove the actual link since Reddit keeps auto-removing the comment.

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/NanoMod on 2024-09-02 05:00:12+00:00.

Welcome to Nano!

This post is meant for things that are relevant but do not justify their own post. For example, debates, issues, simple questions, memes or similar.

We normally recommend using our Discord server for quicker answers but using this post is fine if you don't have/want Discord. Note that the official English Telegram channel for nano is @ nanocurrency.

It's common that users have the same questions. So please, before making a new thread, make some research and look for similar questions. You will often find a comprehensive answer to your question has already been given! Please also check the official nano forum linked below.

What is Nano?

A fee-less, instant, decentralized and eco-friendly digital currency meant for peer-to-peer payments. Also knows as the ticker XNO or Ӿ.

Please check out r/nanocurrencybeginners or the Introduction For Newcomers

Where can I get some and try it out?

Where to store Nano?

  • There are several wallets to choose from found in this guide or listed here
  • The most simple form is the Nano seed which unlocks your accounts. Make sure to keep a safe backup of it, or you will risk losing your funds!
  • Nano is supported on the hardware wallet Ledger Nano S and X. Refer to the Full Guide
  • More about Nano security

Trade / Price Talk Neighbour Communities

More Information


  • Be respectful of one another. Follow the golden rule of friendliness
  • No trolling or shilling
  • No begging, bragging or illegal activities
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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Popular_Broccoli133 on 2024-09-01 02:19:41+00:00.

I saw on the crypto subreddit that the Nigerian SEC approved a company called Quidax to operate in the country. Just curious if work has been done to get nano listed on it since Nigeria seemed like a big push for the foundation?

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/PedroPierrePeter on 2024-08-30 06:23:34+00:00.

Will any of the partnerships of old be reinstated? It feels like the adoption routes conversations have gone very quiet. Doesn't V27 reopen the door so to speak? Also, is there a rough time frame for delivering V28, and will that be the 'commercial grade' milestone?

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The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/Mirasenat on 2024-08-29 11:18:54+00:00.

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