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founded 3 years ago

Hi. First of all. Im a newbie. I still gotta learn a lot. But I wanted to have a gifting ritual to Kvasir. I make Mead so I though I could offer him Mead so I could make better Mead and get wisdom from it.

I wrote this poem. I got some help from someone who does poetry because English is my second language, so they helped me making it more poetic.

I prepared all of my Mead making equipment, I had some space dedicated to the ritual. Lighten a candle and started reading the poem. Also wrote Kvasir name in futhark in a piece of paper.

Then I poured some of my Mead in the bowl and left it there as an offering.

Then I started to make my Mead, while I listened to some pagan and Norse related music. Skald, Wardrune, heilung, Brothers of Metal (for The Mead Song). Also Metfest was in the play list and Man with a Plan from Korpiklani.

Then when my Mead was ready I had put the lid on with the airlock and waited till I saw the bubbling. Didnt had to wait much.

I put away my equipment, washed it and saved it, then after listening a few more songs I thanked Kvasir, asked him for permision, and drank the Mead from the bowl and turn the candle off.

Im writing this right before going to sleep because is already late at night.

Im not saying this is the best ritual, is what I could think of and had some opinions and help.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

The poem is public domain BTW.

This is the full poem:

O Kvasir, from the mead of lore, Grant us skill and wisdom more. Bestow upon both hand and heart, That we may brew with finest art.

In mead's sweet nectar, knowledge flows, A boon from thee, as legend shows. Thy counsel sought, so pure, so bright, To guide us through the darkest night.

With hearts sincere, I offer mead, A simple gift for every need. Come join our feast, partake and share, In this glad day, with joy and care.

Thank thee, Kvasir, for thy grace, Thy wisdom bright in every place. Raise we our cups in honor true, To thee, our friend, in all we do.


Hello. I'm not really pagan, I've been atheist all my life in a 70% catholic country where the most common way of paganism is Yoruba and Christian witchcraft, from which I've kept my distance because they sacrifice animals to their saints, sometimes stealing house pets to sacrifice them. However, I love the Norse myths and as I started to learn more and more about it I got very interested in Mead, now I'm making my own Mead and I love that. IDK if Norse Paganism might be compatible with my form of atheism (don't believe in anything super natural, but willing to follow certain deities in a symbolic way, for example, I am a satanist atheist), I know very little about it, but because of the Mead I'm interested in learning more about the rituals associated to Mead, if there was any. I think learning and doing a proper ritual might link more closely my Mead making with it's cultural significance (yes I know Mead is not exclusively Norse, far from that, but still is what got me into it). I've read that sometimes Mead can be offered in altars. But I wonder if the old Norse had any ritual specific to it, or maybe something to thank the gods for the Mead, and what gods might be the main ones to offer it, Odin? Kvasir? Ægir? Freya?

Sorry if I'm way over the line, again, I'm willing to learn and follow advice. If you have some ritual instructions could you help too?

Thanks in advance.


I don't know exactly how to describe it, but I feel like the universe or something within os trying to tell me something and I'm so close to getting it. I'm going to start meditating for therapeutic reasons, but I was curious if there are ways I could better listen to whatever it is that I feel.

I know openness is important, but I don't really understand what it means to open up like that.


cross-posted from:

Found on FB:

I-know-all anti-Catholic: "Christmas? But Christmas, like Easter, like all your other holidays were pagan celebrations! Don't tell me you don't know?"

As I am about to upload the historical-philological broadside on the original authenticity of Christmas, I pause for a moment, reasoning. No, not this time.

I take a breath and...

Me: "That's right. We got them all. And if you keep complaining, we'll also take Spring Break, OktoberFest and the Furniture Show."

I.k.a.a.c: "Ahah! Then you admit it... Wait, what?"

Me: "You got it, smartass. We're a bit rusty, but you said it yourself: for centuries we appropriated all that barbaric junk and turned it into traditions thousands of years old and beyond, shaping Western civilization on the necropolises of antiquity. Not one has been saved, not one that has survived Christian reinterpretation: Romans, Greeks, Germans, Celts, Slavs... It's all our stuff. And those would slaughter us in the arena or eviscerate our evangelizers! You people slaves of consumerism complaining on Threads think you're a challenge?"

I.k.a.a.c: "But what do you think..."

Me: "We're already the main promoters of that environmentalist Earth Day trinket, it would take us two seconds to move our Day for the Care and Custody of Creation from September to April. Wanna bet?"

I.k.a.a.c: "You can't...."

Me: "Too late, you prick, you lost Black Friday, we are already making selections for the Saint Donor who will supplant it."

I.k.a.a.c: "But what..."

Me: "Oh, yeah. And say goodbye to Pride Month, we're already re-organizing Corpus Christi month, with permanent Eucharistic adoration of reparation from rainbow perversions. Oh, and your mother has given her availability for the general secretariat!"

I.k.a.a.c: "Leave my mother alone..."

Me: "And listen, do you like Shark Week? We just need a companion devotion to the Assumption, and we've left Stella Maris on hold for a while."

Yes, in my opinion we should start doing that again.


I want to update the side bar to be more inclusive and I would love to invite native and tribal practitioners but I honestly don't know if that would be appropriate or if you would rather not be grouped in with other pagans and magic practitioners.


We really need a /c/magick


I love song. Blessed are the children of Horned One!


Is it possible for a mortal being to become a god?


She started showing up when I was around 16 (late 30s now.) I only see her like twice a year but every time I do the dreams are so intense I spend the next day in that sort of distorted state where I can't quite shake how real it was. Every time I see her I recognize her instantly in my dreams and we have such an overwhelming connection, stronger then I've ever experienced in real life. She feels right, like a mythical soulmate.

I've felt since the first time I saw her that she's a real person. She's beautiful but like real person beautiful not Hollywood, and she's aged along with me. I can't shake the feeling the that I'm supposed to find her, like our souls are connected from some past life. I of course have no idea how so in a couple of days she'll fade to the back of my mind again, showing up only in stray thoughts till she pops up in my dreams again months later.

Idk I'm just a little worked up today and wanted to share with people who might not think I'm crazy.


A druid was a member of the high-ranking priestly class in ancient Celtic cultures. Druids were religious leaders as well as legal authorities, adjudicators, lorekeepers, medical professionals and political advisors. Druids left no written accounts. While they were reported to have been literate, they are believed to have been prevented by doctrine from recording their knowledge in written form. Their beliefs and practices are attested in some detail by their contemporaries from other cultures, such as the Romans and the Greeks.

The earliest known references to the druids date to the 4th century BCE. They were described by other Roman writers such as Cicero, Tacitus, and Pliny the Elder. Following the Roman invasion of Gaul, the druid orders were suppressed by the Roman government under the 1st-century CE emperors Tiberius and Claudius, and had disappeared from the written record by the 2nd century.

In about 750 CE, the word druid appears in a poem by Blathmac, who wrote about Jesus, saying that he was "better than a prophet, more knowledgeable than every druid, a king who was a bishop and a complete sage." The druids appear in some of the medieval tales from Christianized Ireland like "Táin Bó Cúailnge", where they are largely portrayed as sorcerers who opposed the coming of Christianity. In the wake of the Celtic revival during the 18th and 19th centuries, fraternal and neopagan groups were founded based on ideas about the ancient druids, a movement known as Neo-Druidism.

Societal role and training

The Greco-Roman and the vernacular Irish sources agree that the druids played an important part in pagan Celtic society. In his description, Julius Caesar wrote that they were one of the two most important social groups in the region (alongside the equites, or nobles) and were responsible for organizing worship and sacrifices, divination, and judicial procedure in Gallic, British, and Irish societies.

Two other classical writers, Diodorus Siculus and Strabo, wrote about the role of druids in Gallic society, stating that the druids were held in such respect that if they intervened between two armies they could stop the battle.

Druidic lore consisted of a large number of verses learned by heart, and Caesar remarked that it could take up to twenty years to complete the course of study. What was taught to druid novices anywhere is conjecture: of the druids' oral literature, not one certifiably ancient verse is known to have survived, even in translation. All instruction was communicated orally, but for ordinary purposes, Caesar reports, the Gauls had a written language in which they used Greek letters. In this he probably draws on earlier writers; by the time of Caesar, Gaulish inscriptions had moved from Greek script to Latin script.


With regard to their actual course of studies, the main object of all education is, in their opinion, to imbue their scholars with a firm belief in the indestructibility of the human soul, which, according to their belief, merely passes at death from one tenement to another; for by such doctrine alone, they say, which robs death of all its terrors, can the highest form of human courage be developed. Subsidiary to the teachings of this main principle, they hold various lectures and discussions on the stars and their movement, on the extent and geographical distribution of the earth, on the different branches of natural philosophy, and on many problems connected with religion.

  • Julius Caesar

Druids in mythology

Druids play a prominent role in Irish folklore, generally serving lords and kings as high ranking priest-counselors with the gift of prophecy and other assorted mystical abilities – the best example of these possibly being Cathbad. The chief druid in the court of King Conchobar mac Nessa of Ulster, Cathbad features in several tales, most of which detail his ability to foretell the future. In the tale of Deirdre of the Sorrows – the foremost tragic heroine of the Ulster Cycle – the druid prophesied before the court of Conchobar that Deirdre would grow up to be very beautiful, and that kings and lords would go to war over her, much blood would be shed because of her, and Ulster's three greatest warriors would be forced into exile for her sake. This prophecy, ignored by the king, came true.

The greatest of these mythological druids was Amergin Glúingel, a bard and judge for the Milesians featured in the Mythological Cycle. The Milesians were seeking to overrun the Tuatha Dé Danann and win the land of Ireland but, as they approached, the druids of the Tuatha Dé Danann raised a magical storm to bar their ships from making landfall. Thus Amergin called upon the spirit of Ireland itself, chanting a powerful incantation that has come to be known as The Song of Amergin and, eventually (after successfully making landfall), aiding and dividing the land between his royal brothers in the conquest of Ireland, earning the title Chief Ollam of Ireland.

Female druids

Irish mythology has a number of female druids, often sharing similar prominent cultural and religious roles with their male counterparts. The Irish have several words for female druids, such as bandruí ("woman-druid"), found in tales such as Táin Bó Cúailnge; Bodhmall, featured in the Fenian Cycle, and one of Fionn mac Cumhaill's childhood caretakers; and Tlachtga, daughter of the druid Mug Ruith who, according to Irish tradition, is associated with the Hill of Ward, site of prominent festivals held in Tlachtga's honour during the Middle Ages.

According to classical authors, the Gallizenae (or Gallisenae) were virgin priestesses of the Île de Sein off Pointe du Raz, Finistère, western Brittany. Their existence was first mentioned by the Greek geographer Artemidorus Ephesius and later by the Greek historian Strabo, who wrote that their island was forbidden to men, but the women came to the mainland to meet their husbands. Which deities they honored is unknown. According to Pomponius Mela, the Gallizenae acted as both councilors and practitioners of the healing arts.

History of reception

In the Gallic Wars of 58–51 BC, the Roman army, led by Julius Caesar, conquered the many tribal chiefdoms of Gaul, and annexed it as a part of the Roman Republic. According to accounts produced in the following centuries, the new rulers of Roman Gaul subsequently introduced measures to wipe out the druids from that country. According to Pliny the Elder, writing in the 70s CE, it was the emperor Tiberius (ruled 14–37 CE), who introduced laws banning not only druid practices, and other native soothsayers and healers.

The best evidence of a druidic tradition in the British Isles is the independent cognate of the Celtic *druwid- in Insular Celtic: The Old Irish druídecht survives in the meaning of 'magic', and the Welsh dryw in the meaning of 'seer'.

While the druids as a priestly caste were extinct with the Christianization of Wales, complete by the 7th century at the latest, the offices of bard and of "seer" (Welsh: dryw) persisted in medieval Wales into the 13th century.

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Yes (
submitted 2 years ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi just wanted to ask if anyone read astrology charts or placements? Or If any of you keep up with it?


Here's the article if you want to read it. Its kinda esoteric but so is everything quantum physics puts out:

Not super paganism related I just thought it was funny.


Hello everyone!

During my last trip for a moment my wife and I went out on our porch. At one point I went and leaned against our banister, and when i looked up at the upstairs neighbors porch/our porch's roof, I saw a very large spider dangling from a loose thread above my wife/ above where I was previously sitting. It wasn't paranormally large, but definitely More Unique Looking/Platonic Ideal Of A Spider than most that I see in the city. I'd say it's leg span was probably 3-5 inches in diameter. I pointed it out to my wife and she said she couldn't see anything. This bothered me, not really in a Bad Trip way, but in a Something Didn't Seem Right way. I remark that it looks dead, and that it's some dead god that was once weaving our fates, and perhaps still is. It wasn't really in a Bad Trip way, but it bothered me my wife couldn't see it, so I got her glasses and a flashlight, because the sun was setting. I shone the flashlight on the spider, and for me it cast a distinct large shadow on the ceiling behind it. My wife still saw nothing. She has particularly bad vision, and didn't wanna go out on the porch with a potentially Killer Spider (my ravings may have weirded her out a little :p), so we decided that we'd check and see it was still there in the morning with the sunlight out.

Sure enough, it's gone, and right around where I saw it, a small vine that a tripping person could mistake for a spider's thread is dangling down. No spider though. None of it particularly Wigged Me Out, I left because I didn't feel a particular connection with it, but I'd done a lot of work with small and forgotten gods, and didn't feel In Danger. Does anyone else have any experience with spider gods, fate gods, etc?


I desperately need something to fill the meaningless void in my soul until I get out of retail, but my stupid idiot brain wont let me have fun

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know an ash standing

Its name Yggdrasil

A high tree sprinkled with stark white clay

From its boughs fall the dew drops

It grows ever green over Urðr's well

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