this post was submitted on 21 Nov 2024
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This is the "official" Fediverse community for all things pro wrestling!

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'The Dirt Sheets':

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Other Related Websites:

-Kayfabe News
-Pro Wrestling Tees
-SquaredCircle on Reddit
-Kim Justice's Wrestling Road

founded 8 months ago

Ok. I don't have recording/streaming equipment, so I can't actually be the one to do this.

However. What if one of us created a new community here on Lemmy, and the purpose of the community was this:

Once a week, a streamer goes on twitch. And they record a video. Maybe 10 minutes. Maybe an hour. Depends how long all this takes.

But basically, lets say there are 5 of us in this game. So all 5 of us pick a wrestler. Then the steamer has our 5 wrestlers, and 35 other wrestlers.

We have a CPU vs CPU game. Everybody starts with 5 points.

A win gives +5 points. A loss -5 points. A championship win is +6 points.

So all week we can trash talk in the new community, and then the day of the show a 10 match card is released. Our wrestlers will always have a match, while the unowned wrestlers will cycle out so they can't really build many points.

Then, once a month, we have a ppv style show. Streamer will write down 6 different specialty matches on a list, and number that list.

Then roll a dice. Whatever match it is, thats what match the title will be faught in.

And the competitors will go like this: highest points number gets highest spot. Meaning the wrestler with the highest points will face a jobber in the main event. The second highest points will face a jobber in the match before the main event. And so on.

And when I say jobbers, I don't mean easy points. I just mean nobody owns that wrestler, so they won't have a high point total.

Then for the ppv, screw the jobbers. It's all the human owned wrestlers vs each other.

And as far as which video game we'll use? I think fire pro wrestling, since anyone can beat anyone else at any time. So it won't be like the WWE games where you HAVE to pick who the company was pushing. That would have unfair advantages for whoever picked a guy like cena or hogan.

In fire pro, gillberg could just as easily beat 1985 hogan and 2007 cena. And then he could lose the same match the next time.

So at least everyone is fair.

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[–] Neon_Carnivore 4 points 2 days ago

Streaming is super easy nowadays, the functionality to stream to twitch is built into PS4, and maybe PS5, can't say as I don't have one.

For recording/streaming PC games, OBS Studio is free and open source.

You can also stream/screen share on discord on PC, I assume you can do it on consoles, as well.

Steam also has game recording, now.

Since this would be just a small community thing, you don't need a fancy microphone or really any voice recording, at all. So that's the easy part.

I like the idea of using Fire Pro, but IIRC, it's possible to edit the stats of any wrestler in WWE2K, even the "vanilla" ones. I used to make every wrestler a perfect 100 for my nephews so they could pick their favorites without worrying about arbitrary numbers. Granted, it's a universal change, so if you're also playing a career or fantasy booking mode, that will also be effected.

The hard part is getting a group together to actually make it happen. Schedules and jobs and all that.