cArEFUL MJf i love you but don't ever talk bad about ospraey
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Yeah I'm on Bruvs side as well
I kinda love that all Cage's big moves are named after Wolverine's supers from Marvel Vs. Capcom. It's kinda hilarious.
Modern wrestlers being gigantic comic book/video game/anime nerds still makes my old ass giggle.
πππ Fuck why is The Learning Tree winning me over?
Is it entering the realm of so bad it's kinda good
i love it so much they're having a laugh on the iwc and it's beautiful. plus bill is amazing at this.
I'm even enjoying Bryan Keith being such a militant about respect
Booker T would be proud
matthew and nicholas, confirmed cops
it's amazing how perfect the double turn of mjf and adam cole was
It's the Bore Me Tree! What the fuck was that? Did he hit the sudafed too hard?
He got Ultra Long COVID in Sturgis
Not long enough lol
You can't do Anarchy in the Arena and defend the belt. Swerve! You'll spread yourself too thin!
yes our perfect role model, timeless toni storm here to give us words of wisdom.
also i need session moth to show up and getting confused by mariah as toni
Who's gonna get custody of Mariah πΏ
I don't think Toni treats her well enough! There I said it!
πMariah needs stern love sometimes
Are we going to get a OC and Willow vs Trent and Kris?
That's what I'm thinking, two birds stoned at once. OC gets new friend to watch his back, Trent and Kris go on a rampage (lol), some good feuding in there.
Edit: Pretty sure that fist-bump was just OC ad-libbing himself into the interview given Willows reaction lol
MJF, Ospreay, Willow, OC, our white meat babyfaces have horrible friend selection
Just like me!
What size is the AEW ring? That overhead shot made it look small, like WCW sized.
like WCW sized.
perfection <3
I agree in most ways because the smaller size is better for the high flyers, it makes their moves hitting from across the ring more impressive.
I'm not sure how big it is!
Google swears it's a 20x20 ring, but the ropes are further in than WWE's.
We need a picture with Big Bill in the ring in a way we can measure the ring in Big Bills. Then we just convert from Big Bill to feet!
It's an easy conversion, since he's 7 feet tall. And you can't teach that.
Do you think Jericho's children talk to him?
50-50. Given how well his ~~traitor~~ wife indoctrinated him into being a piece of shit it wouldn't surprise me if the kids also got 'nabbed'. That being said their ages seem to be young-adult/about-to-become-young-adults so they may be lucky enough to realize their parents are twats.
He's a machine!
I think I'm a Brian Cage mark
I know I am!
Same, and he won't be going anywhere (forget if I posted it but he's under contract for like 6 more years lol)
Why in the blue fuck would you instigate a fight with Samoa Joe
Mark already has a belt!
- Jack Perry
I appreciate that Mark always gets that chair spot in
The man just finds a way! I don't know if Sabu was able to do that!