I do at least. I joined the site after most posting had drastically slowed down - a little before Wander mostly disappeared. When there's only a half dozen names, you tend to notice.
Furry Chat
Yiffit chat! Talk about anything you want here.
Mention @[email protected] from your favorite Fediverse / Mastodon client to post here directly, or post directly via any Lemmy instance.
Community Icon (CC-BY-NC-SA) Tom Fischbach
Well, I'm from another instance, and I feel this pretty empty, tbh.
It often does. I fell like I'm talking to the void.
I'm mostly commenting/posting around the larger fediverse rather than posting around here locally, I'd be here making conversation more often though if there was more chatting going on.
Not really here for the porn, but conversing with other adult furries
I don't like teenagers
I'm usually around if you post anything that strikes my interest to reply.
Where've you been?
I barely see any conversation or posting. Maybe I got here too late.