So it wasn't really about attestation or security. I am really shocked!
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I don't know how we managed to do the online banking thing all those prehistoric years before such "attestance programs" were implemented.
It was shit with horrible semi-working never updated java applets that were always broken, unless you used right version of ie and windows. But it was certified by proper authority. 🥴
Oh, no, I can't use the McDonald's app!
Can't remember the last time I spent money on McDonald's over priced crap.
When they helped Trump win political points, they bought a lifetime boycott from my. "Franchisees are free to do whatever they like." Is explicit consent from corporate, not the side step they thought it was.
Especially since their Franchisees are not free to do anything that corporate DOESN'T like when it comes down to the building, or decor, or supplies, or food, or special deals, or whatever the fuck else is involved in running the damn business.
However, for politics, gee shucks they just can't have any rules and the franchisees are just able to do whatever.
My bullshitometer hit 11 on that one.
I finally had enough of them last week. 3 shitty, horrible cheeseburgers (no drink or side) cost as much as a proper toasted turkey club sandwich, apple fritter and coffee from Timmy's. I'm done with their trash food. I'll eat Timmy's trash food, at least it's halfway tasty.
Fair, but Timmies is also dogshit. Has been since it was acquired by the multinational conglomerate, Restaurant Brands Incorporated.
Honestly, what fastfood isn't shit nowadays? Maybe some more local places, but national chains are all shit
Didn't the GrapheneOS devs threaten to sue Google over the attestation issue last summer? Whatever happened to that?
According to the bluesky thread they're talking to regulators now and are still planning on suing. Hopefully they do and something good comes from it.
No need to link to bluesky
At what point it was acceptable for everyone to demand you download there app?
Why would I need any of these?
At the point that greedy corporate vultures realized that people don't perceive or completely understand the privacy you're giving up in exchange for a few percent off your order, which you better believe has already been jacked up to compensate for the discount.
GrapheneOS protects your privacy, so if the companies pushing their apps can't harvest your data, they see no reason to let you use the app to get your discount.
If they can't trick you, they don't want you playing their game.
To add a little more context, I worked at a corporate marketing firm for 16 years, and I can see through their bullshit ulterior motives like a superpower.
The US is heading into a society where ALL corporations will have their own "loyalty" cards, which you present at time of payment for your discount, which actually serves to track your consumer habits (through being linked to your personal information like name, email address, phone number, physical address, etc).
Eventually, as this opt-in, privacy-invasive trend goes unregulated by our government (due to corporate infiltration of our government's regulatory agencies, the term being "regulatory capture". Learn this word, you will see it on your exam later.), what we see as advertised prices will begin to only apply to those with loyalty cards, the hidden meaning being that the sale price is contingent upon providing your private data. The corporations will pour millions into researching the smallest possible discount which will convince you to participate. Make no mistake, rest assured this is by design, the various industries have colluded, directly or indirectly, during this greedflation era to make it so financially difficult to exist, and have made us all so desperate to get by, we are everything but forced into their privacy disclosure program because we need every little bit that helps.
Goodbye privacy.
Say goodbye to the days of traditional, old-fashioned "here's a sale, here's the money" type of transaction. The buzzards in corporate finance department have found yet another incrementally more efficient way of extracting even more profit from you during the sale process. The era of loyalty cards/proprietary corporate apps is coming fast and hard, so get used to it because it won't be going anywhere but further up your ass. I see these trends and this is ultimately why I left my corporate career. Once I saw it's cold unquenchable heart of greed, I didn't want to use my talent to further stoke the flames to revive the capitalistic greedfest that consumed the 80s. The only difference is that in the 80s, they lacked the technology, government policy, and the understanding of the socioeconomic mathematical models in order for the 1% to plunge us deeper into this hellscape we enjoy today.
I don't disagree at all.
Phone number based programs are often relatively easy to do an end around - try the "coin deposit error message" phone number, or Jenny's number in a local or major city area code.
I just ask other people in line for their loyalty cards. Or find valid barcodes for them online.
Most stores I go to have a "store" card that they scan when I say I don't have one.
Lol why would I have ever done that? If I need an app for your service I don't need you. (Reddit) (YouTube) Etc ..
Pretty much COVID. Now that they've invested....
Eh, whatever. If they won't support me, I won't support them.
Oh so they banned their app being used on the OS? I was confused by the title as if they banned it in the workplace or something which would be even crazier
As a revolut user, this is pretty Bad news lmao.
Not authy :( (even tho i dont use Graphene)
Authy has now long gone out of favor...
Yk what i agree, kinda dont like how authy discontinued the desktop app (and i kinda wish i can find a open source and free auth app that supports linux and android ik you can do it in bitwarden but you need to self host or pay), sad they went through this route for other reasons aswell was one of my favourite app.
And the worst - they don't allow export. Even as a workaround.
Bitwarden personal, smallest, is free though?
I self host, but I'm aware that this isn't for everyone.
wow no export :(
i have a bitwarden acc on i have to migrate that to some public instance which is easy(not easy)
Authy sucks anyway.
Someone told Me it sucks aswell but why simplified? Maybe they got of the desktop app or no exporting hmmm
Yeah those are the main reasons. It's also proprietary, and the only way you to create an account/back up your stuff is by entering a phone number, which isn't exactly great for privacy.
Oh yeah the phone number thing and sim swapping.
This is probably the coolest news for Graphene!
When a big company blocks use of their app if you use something from a smaller company, users will choose the big company over the small company. Just ask WeChat about how they kill competitors.
is there some sort of Android emulator on Android ?
could help this kind of nonsense, what do you think ?
Emulators/VMs are not going to pass safetynet
I know some people have been bypassing VM detection for intrusive desktop applications... So I wonder if mobile checks can be tricked as well, or if the protections there are way different.
Last time I called an uber it never came…. Good riddance
Sorry but it seems I might have been mistaken by calling out Uber on this one. Thought i read about Uber during this but I cant find back to it. Have changed the title.
Uber: I don't see it listed in the FAQ. I just installed it, and it works. Where does Uber come from in the post title?
Uber is only the "driver" app, the one for riding still works.
Originally I am 100% sure it was either on that list or in another source I was reading, but cannot foe the life of me find back to it... Very strange.
GrapheneOS folks have also mentioned that they're progressively going to expand on their list in their docs.
But let's face it, if any app is planning on implementing googles API then it's Uber. But if I can't find back to it I will ofc change the title.
There's probably a way to spoof the Android OS right?
If rooted, it is possible to some extent. but it will likely still fail Strong integrity check (hardware based).
also GrapheneOS don't recommend rooting.