I've always pronounced it Ass-key
Discussions on vintage and retrocomputing
Count me amongst the Ass-keyers.
Welcome to the fold. First rule of 🍑 🔑: claim territory, and keep the isekai clan off our turf.
They give you trouble, you call me, captchisce? 🤌
The joke is that 'isekai' in Japanese translates to "another world" in English. 1985 was truly another world, as anyone who was there might attest.
Quick, I need an American. How do you guys pronounce 'isekai'? Going off the correct Japanese pronunciation this post does not make any sense. These things aren't even close in the way I say them.
ih-seh-kai, and ASCII like ass-key. They aren't close, to me.
That's ass-sea, you Neanderthal!
It's much funnier that way, as any right thinking human knows ;)
Ee-sik-kai and ass key. I bet I'm double wrong but less wrong than OOP. There not close.
i usually would hear EE-seh-kai or EE-say-kai, given that its basically I and Sekai(meaning world in japanese) put together. so how you pronounce the latter should depend on how you pronounce the word Sekai
We don’t. We make you speak American, like god intended.
Ahs-see. The hard C following a vowel and preceding a long vowel makes "ck" seem wrong to me.