Funny: Home of the Haha
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Keep the change, ya filthy animal.
Lol ... Isn't that Bono from U2 ... and isn't that a lyric from an REM song?
I'll give you a nickel back if you can tell me who it reminds me of.
Jesus? ... of Nazareth?
Kirk was the wisest Beach Boy of them all. RIP in peace.
Remind me, who is that really?
It's very tempting to tell you the wrong name, but at the risk of ruining the joke I'll answer sincerely.
The quote is attributed to Kurt Cobain but it comes from a song by Nickelback. The portrait is not of Kurt Cobain or even Chad Kroger. It is instead actor Owen Wilson
This is how you do it, I got tired of living like a blind man.
Kurt Cobain, obviously. /s
All aside, that’s Tiger Woods.
Tiger woods is Brazilian. That's Dame Judy Dench
It's what I really am
You should apologize, or is that not like you?
Wait! I'll tell you a different story.
Nirvanaback ft. Owen Wilson
Kirk's lyrics were always so soulful and poetic.