This worked. Thanks!
When I first set up my jf docker image I left the config and data directories in the docker container instead of pointing them outside. Now when I try to update I lose all my metadata. Is there a way to move those folders before I upgrade? Edit-typos
"The Guide says there is an art to flying", said Ford, "or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
I've only ever seen that clip with the Harlem shake song. Never knew it was its own thing.
Also spend a couple days deciding on the best design to print
It seems to me like "maybe", pretty much always means no.
I'm probably sorted wrong. I either do top 6 hours or hot.
My biggest issue here as well. Can't find new communities and then when I do join I never see them in my algo.
Joe Kelly
Same. Neither of those features seems to be there for me on version 14
Thanks I'll have to check it again. I guess I either missed it or it wasn't implemented when I originally looked.
Thanks. This explanation plus the docker cp link helped get this done.