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Have a moderate, polite, and informed discussion about politics. We like news articles, cool wikipedia pages, discussion threads, and more.

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founded 1 year ago

Whispers of Despair


        In the shadowed corners of broken streets,

        Where whispers of despair echo through the night,

        I stand as a witness to humanity's defeat,

        A tale of darkness where hope takes flight.



        Trump's silhouette looms, a modern tyrant's guise,

        His rhetoric echoing Hitler's vile decree;

        Rights stripped away, truth cloaked in lies,

        A genocide unfolding for all to see.



        The cries of the oppressed, a symphony of pain,

        Betrayed by those meant to shield and save;

        Community fractured, trust shattered in disdain,

        Conflict and danger lurk in every grave.



        Faces etched with fear, eyes filled with tears,

        Darkness encroaching, swallowing every light;

        Anger simmers, fueled by unspoken fears,

        Anxious hearts tremble at the endless night.



        Dreams crushed beneath oppression's heavy hand,

        Failure seeping into every soul like rain;

        Disgust at the cruelty that grips the land, 

        A tragedy unfolding in silent pain.



       And as we gaze into the abyss of despair, 

       Hopelessness grips us with its icy hand; 

       Confusion reigns in this world so unfair, 

       Depression's embrace on this desolate land. 



          Yet in our hearts, a spark remains aglow,     

          A flicker of resistance, a flame to ignite;

          Together we rise against the tyrant's woe  

          And through unity, we'll eventually see light.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I entered myself into the upcoming presidential race. Quite a stupid idea but maybe work out. That’s an email I sent out to multiple news channels.

Good morning, my name is Kira. I am an aspiring presidential candidate. I am hopeful that the age requirement will be reconsidered, but if not, I will run in 2040. As an independent candidate with utopian ideals, I am committed to fostering a world of understanding and equality for all. This will undoubtedly be a challenging endeavor, but with the collective willingness to try, I am confident that it is not impossible. 

If I might humbly offer my ideals, they would be as follows: 

1: It would be beneficial for trusted doctors to study and determine an appropriate age for a girl to undergo a forced abortion, considering the girl's health. 

2: It could be considered that a child may have the capacity to overrule a parent's decision if they are able to understand and overcome their decision and knowledge, while having a full understanding of what will happen and the risks involved. 

3: It would be beneficial for religions and cultures to have a similar court system that could be used in cases of direct and noticeable hate crimes or targeted crimes against a religion or culture. 

4: It would be beneficial to consider reducing spending on the military and opening the ports and beaches while also renovating and upgrading facilities. 

5: We are all human, regardless of race, sexuality, or any other defining characteristic. We all face challenges, and it is crucial to cultivate love and understanding within our diverse communities. 

I would like to propose the creation of a new company, Project GiMLÈ, which would be dedicated to the development of augmented reality technology. My initial task would be to identify suitable candidates for the positions that would be created within this company. While this may seem ambitious, it is precisely this kind of ambitious goal that will help our country to progress and to make revolutionary discoveries. 

I would like to suggest a few possible applications for our future. Perhaps we could use these augmented reality models to pull up videos to help people learn how to cook or repair a car. They could also be used to analyze the ground to help in search and rescue. Otherwise, they could be used as an assistance AI.

I may consider redirecting a portion of the military budget toward enhancing trade and commerce. This could potentially lead to increased economic activity and growth. Additionally, I am exploring the possibility of legalizing certain substances while implementing educational initiatives and providing access to resources that could help individuals manage their consumption and understand the associated risks. 

This is just the beginning of our journey together. I invite you to join me in standing with the future and humanity. 



It is unfortunate that many people are reluctant to embrace change and expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. This can lead to the projection of self-hatred or fear onto those who live differently from them. In time, it seems that politicians may look to make any same-sex relationship seen as pornographic, and if done around children, sexually exposing oneself around children. I wonder if this might be perceived as hypocritical, given that in Disney movies and elsewhere, we have long seen examples of heterosexual couples engaging in intimate activities. We respect your right to your beliefs and ask for only a little more understanding so that we can live in peace and harmony together. Should the need arise in the future to advocate for the rights to live and love as we see fit, we ask that Christians join us in this endeavor. As your exemplar, Jesus stood with the marginalized and embraced those who were unlike him. We ask that you consider doing the same.

I am concerned that we may have reached a point where it is no longer feasible to stop history from repeating itself. However, there are ways we can still combat the challenges that have arisen.

Let's imagine an alternative future where we can all flourish and grow, fostering understanding and mutual respect. This could be a world where peace and prosperity can thrive. This vision challenges us to rethink our approach to global issues and to each other. It suggests a pathway towards a more productive and peaceful world.

You may be wondering how we intend to approach this task. Our goal is to cultivate understanding and harmony between governments and cultures, aiming for a state of utopia where research and science can flourish more effectively. Furthermore, we hope to enhance the trading capabilities and volume. A place where all religions, sexual orientations and more can live side by side in peace. Whether you're Christian, Norse Pagan or part of the Satanic Temple – we're all human, and all deserve love and respect.

Btw I am willing to hear feedback and others thoughts but if possible let’s keep it civilized please.


I would like to share this mock bill that I created in Social Studies 12th grade. It only took me about five to ten minutes, and I know it’s not exactly current politics. Perhaps one day we can strive to move in this direction.


In the upcoming 2025 election cycle, the Republican Party is poised to elect a candidate with values strikingly similar to those of Adolf Hitler. As many have been cautioning, this is a repeat of history.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community are experiencing heightened levels of anxiety and distress. They feel unsafe in their ability to express love and affection in public spaces, where they may face violence or even arrest for simply holding hands.

Furthermore, Ladies I urge you to consider this matter carefully. The Republican Party is seeking to restrict your access to birth control, contraceptives, and other forms of reproductive health care. Their proposed legislation would effectively define sex as solely for the purpose of reproduction, excluding any other forms of sexual expression.

It is my hope that others will eventually be able to comprehend the nuances of the situation and not unquestioningly follow the lead of someone with few values that align with your own. Instead, I encourage you to consider the greater good and the safety of your fellow citizens.

The Republican Party is prepared to engage in conflict, whereas we are simply seeking to live in peace and harmony.

A discrepancy exists in the perception of love between same-gender couples and heterosexual couples. While the former is considered pornographic, the latter is not.

Finally, I would like to address those who identify as Republican or Christian. If you or anyone in your family is married to another race, their marriage will become illegal in 2025 if Trump wins. This would result in a significant shift in the country's social and legal landscape, reminiscent of the 1900s.

Let us endeavor to cultivate love and understanding. For the future of humanity, we must act now to avoid self-destruction.

Please find links to some sources below. I hope you will be willing to learn and read.

Project 2025

Agenda 47


cross-posted from: link

To prevent these worst-case scenarios, we, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Principals, urgently request the parties to the conflict to do the following:

Take immediate measures to protect civilians, including by refraining from directing attacks against them, allowing them to leave for safer areas, and ending sexual and gender-based violence. Facilitate unimpeded humanitarian access through all possible crossline and cross-border routes to allow civilians to receive humanitarian aid. Immediately cease all acts denying, obstructing and interfering with, or politicizing, humanitarian action. Simplify and expedite administrative and bureaucratic procedures related to the delivery of humanitarian aid. De-escalate the situation in Al Fasher and adopt a nationwide ceasefire. Stop human rights violations, including grave violations against children, and hold perpetrators accountable for their crimes.

We are also concerned by the limited support from donors. Nearly five months into the year – and six weeks after the International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and its Neighbours in Paris on 15 April – we've received just 16 per cent of the $2.7 billion we need.

Donors must urgently disburse pledges made in Paris and fast-track additional funding for the humanitarian appeal. With a famine on the horizon, we must deliver much more life-saving aid now, including seeds for farmers before the planting season ends.

The clock is ticking. The choice is clear.


The Georgia prosecutor who has brought charges accusing former President Donald Trump and others of illegally trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the state is asking the judge in the case to take steps to protect jurors in the case.


My heart goes out to all of the victims of the Hawaiian fires. That's terrifying to imagine a fire sweeping through a community that quickly.


This is our weekly discussion thread. Anything goes but try to keep it focused on politics. Long form and short form are welcome! Feel free to introduce yourself, chat, and get the opinions of other random strangers on the internet.

You can post anything here, it doesn't even have to be about politics. That said, I'd love to hear what you all think of the indictment!


EDIT: I would like to ask people in the comment section to respect community info. This is not c/politics. Thank you.


Found this on hacker news and wanted to post it here. It's fascinating to see how quickly the Earth is heating and just how anomalous the temperature is this year.


The new law is madness. If this happened in the US people would riot, and rightfully so in my opinion.


This is our weekly discussion thread. Anything goes but try to keep it focused on politics. Long form and short form are welcome! Feel free to introduce yourself, chat, and get the opinions of other random strangers on the internet.


I rarely read this sort of thing. It's honestly just very dense and I can't motivate myself to read it every day. That said, with the new cluster bombs getting shipped to Ukraine and some Western pundits accusing the Counteroffensive of stagnation I kind of just wanted to know, "What the actual F is going on in Ukraine right now?"

So my partial TLDR is:

  • It's very early in the counteroffensive to say who is "winning".
  • The source publication believes that the Ukrainian Army is focusing on inflicting disproportionate casualties onto the Russian Military in lieu of focusing on taking back land as quickly as possible.
  • There's a lot of uncertainty inside the Russian political sphere and the upper echelons of the Ministry of Defense.
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