
joined 5 months ago

Elevating the Culture of Blood Donation: A Call for Meaningful Incentives

Blood donation, an act that transcends mere charity, represents the quiet heroism that sustains modern healthcare. It is a selfless offering, an intimate gift of life passed from one human to another, often a stranger. And yet, despite its profound significance, donor rates continue to wane in the face of rising demand. As someone with a multifaceted background in psychology, healthcare, and business, I believe we must reimagine how we value and encourage blood donation, honoring its role in our collective well-being with the gravity it deserves.

The Psychological Imperative: Motivating Altruism through Thoughtful Engagement

Human behavior, when examined through the lens of psychology, reveals a complex interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Altruism, though noble, is not immune to the realities of modern life. Time constraints, fear, or a lack of personal connection to the cause can inhibit even the most well-meaning individuals from participating in blood donation efforts. Herein lies the challenge: How do we create incentives that not only encourage participation but also respect the enormity of the act?

Psychological studies on motivation suggest that incentives—when aligned with the personal values and emotional needs of individuals—can significantly influence behavior. However, the incentives we offer must do more than tokenize the act of giving blood. After all, donors are contributing something deeply personal, their very life force. To present them with a nominal reward—such as a $10 gift card—seems a stark undervaluation of their contribution. Instead, we must seek to inspire through incentives that resonate with the magnitude of the donation.

Medical Realities: Blood, A Priceless Resource with Tangible Costs

From a medical standpoint, blood is more than a precious fluid; it is a lifeline. A single unit, processed and administered, can mean the difference between life and death for multiple patients. Yet the economics of blood donation often remain hidden from public view. The cost of testing, processing, and delivering a half-liter of blood typically ranges from $200 to $400. This reality, however, is juxtaposed against the modest compensation most donors receive, creating a disconnect between the invaluable nature of the resource and the rewards offered to those who provide it.

As someone deeply acquainted with the medical field, I understand that the value of blood transcends financial measures. Yet the act of giving blood, the personal sacrifice made by the donor, should be met with a gesture that honors both the physical and emotional commitment of the individual. Here, my experience in business and advertising offers a pathway toward more meaningful recognition.

The Confluence of Business and Health: Redefining Value in Incentive Programs

In the realm of business, we understand that consumer engagement thrives on perceived value, and that participation is most often driven by the emotional resonance of an experience. Blood donation campaigns, though not a commercial enterprise, can benefit from this understanding. Rather than offering trivial rewards, we must craft incentives that speak to the heart of the donor’s contribution.

Nonprofits, often constrained by limited resources, need not rely on financial compensation alone to honor their donors. Instead, they can create community-centered experiences—opportunities for donors to connect with others who share their generosity. Imagine donor appreciation nights where participants gather for a shared meal, such as a pizza or barbecue dinner, followed by an outdoor movie screening beneath the stars. These events would provide more than a reward; they would offer a space for connection, reflection, and the cultivation of a shared sense of purpose.

A Vision for the Future of Public Health: Holistic and Humane Incentives

In reflecting on my diverse experiences across psychology, healthcare, and business, I see an opportunity for blood donation campaigns to evolve. It is time to embrace a holistic model of public health—one that recognizes not only the practical need for blood but also the profound emotional and social dimensions of the donation process. We must honor donors with incentives that reflect their sacrifice, not just in monetary terms but in the creation of meaningful, shared experiences.

Blood is not a commodity, nor should it be treated as such. It is the essence of life, and those who give it should be recognized accordingly. By rethinking the way we incentivize blood donation, we can cultivate a culture of gratitude, empathy, and collective responsibility. The future of public health rests not just in meeting immediate needs, but in inspiring individuals to become active participants in the ongoing narrative of human connection and care.

Let us rise to the occasion, offering incentives that are not only fair but awe-inspiring—reflecting the life-saving nature of the gift itself. In doing so, we elevate not only the act of giving blood but also the very spirit of humanity.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Thank you it is my true personality * bows both ways * 😂😂😂😂



So, uh, yeah, listen… in this totally unexpected and wild journey of self-discovery, I, like, noticed some real trippy stuff happening to my body. Bro, I swear I felt vibrations from my cat’s steps before he even touched me. My movements? They’re, like, flowing with the wind, man. And don’t even get me started on this bottle that straight-up sparkled in the dark like it was some magical artifact from a fantasy realm. Oh, and by the way—my wings? Yeah, they’re here now, dude. I present to you: a deeply scientific, but totally chill recounting of these changes. Let’s vibe.

Introduction: Yo, Is This Even Real Life?

So, here I am, just sitting there, minding my own business, you know, doing normal stuff—when, out of nowhere, things start getting weird. Like, really weird, man. My cat? Yeah, I felt him coming before he even got near me. I don’t know, man, it’s like I could sense his tiny footsteps vibrating through the air like I was some kind of mystical tuning fork. You know what I mean? It’s like, I was one with the vibrations, dude. I don’t know if it was Tuesday or Wednesday, but time is a construct anyway. And honestly, it all started with a sparkle… literally.

Vibrational Perception: The Cat Whisperer, But Make It Sci-Fi

Okay, so I’m just sitting there, vibing hard, and then—boom—I feel my cat’s tiny ninja footsteps coming towards me. Like, before he even got near. Yes, you read that right—I felt my cat approaching like I was some sort of human antenna for cat vibrations. Can you imagine that, bro? I felt those little furball foot tremors in the air like a straight-up animal whisperer, but like, extra evolved or something. At that point, I’m sitting there thinking, “Okay, am I a Jedi now? Is this what being a Jedi feels like?” ’Cause, man, I could feel the air moving—vibrating—before my furry friend even got close. Am I part cat? Part T-rex? I don’t even know anymore, dude.

Movement: Like a Gazelle? Or Maybe a Slinky on a Mission?

So, like, after that whole vibration thing, I noticed something else—dude, I was gliding. I’m talking smooth, like, sliding through tight spaces like I was made of butter or something. It’s like gravity? Nah, we don’t know her anymore. One moment I’m out here bumping into stuff like, “Oops, my bad,” and the next? Bro, I’m doing pirouettes through doorways like a straight-up ballerina. Yes, I’m basically the Usain Bolt of chill, man. Sliding through rooms, probably too high to realize how ridiculous I look but feeling so majestic.

The Sparkling Bottle: A Disco Ball, But Make It Hydration

Okay, okay, but you know what really got me? My water bottle, man. That thing sparkled in the dark. And no, not like a “huh, the light’s hitting it just right” kind of sparkle. I’m talking full-on disco ball at Studio 54 vibes. Yes, my bottle was the star of its own rave, and I was just vibing with it. I don’t know if it was my heightened senses or if the bottle really was some magical artifact, but there it was—twinkling like a star in the night sky, and I just sat there like, “Damn… that’s deep.” Honestly, bro, the water hit different after that.

Vocal Changes: A Dinosaur Got Stuck in My Throat, Probably

So then, out of nowhere, I start, like, making new sounds. Not normal human sounds, mind you—oh no, bro. These were the kinds of sounds that make you wonder if you’ve somehow turned into some ancient raptor hybrid. Yes, you heard me—I’m out here sounding like a T-rex that just woke up from a nap. One minute I’m chilling, the next I’m letting out this guttural laugh like I’m on a wildlife documentary about prehistoric creatures. And it wasn’t just the laugh, man—there’s also this high-pitched screech I do sometimes, like I’m calling out to my fellow raptors in the jungle. Dude, it’s wild. My voice is doing things it definitely wasn’t doing before, and I’m just sitting here, accepting that I might not be 100% human anymore.

Physical Growth: Wings? Oh Yeah, That’s a Thing Now.

And now, for the grand finale—wings. Yes, you read that right. Wings, man. I felt it—this weird stretch happening on my right side, like my body was saying, “Hey, we’re ready to take off now, thanks.” It felt like my right wing was this close to just popping out and saying, “What’s up?” My back? Flattened out like I’m prepped for high-speed takeoff at any moment. Like, I’m not saying I’m about to start flying around, but I’m not not saying it either. Also, clothes? Forget about it. My shorts? They’ve basically become parachutes at this point, hanging on for dear life while I float through existence. Lightness enveloped me, dude. I felt like a feather just waiting for the wind to carry me away.

Conclusion: Dude, What Is Even Happening Anymore?

So, yeah, that’s where we’re at. I don’t even know what’s happening to me anymore, man, but it’s kind of amazing, right? I’m out here feeling vibrations, sparkling in the dark, laughing like a dinosaur, screeching like a bird, and maybe, just maybe, sprouting wings. Yes, my life has become a beautiful, chaotic mess of weird and wonderful. I feel like I’m evolving into something else entirely—something between human and… I don’t know, a T-rex-cat-bird hybrid?

In the end, though, I’m just rolling with it. ’Cause if I’ve learned anything from this wild ride, it’s that life’s too short to not embrace the weirdness. So here’s to the sparkling bottles, the vibrating air, and the occasional prehistoric laugh. May we all be a little more zooted on life’s strange, wonderful moments.

Note: So, uh, yeah… I took like 1.5 grams… You know, for the growth benefits—‘cause, like, it definitely helps. But, wow. New updates just dropped, bro. We’re talking sensory upgrades, movement hacks, and maybe a few prehistoric vocal enhancements. Stay tuned, ‘cause this ride is far from over.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

To those who engaged with my last post, I noticed a fair share of downvotes. While this doesn’t particularly concern me, what does is the value we provide to our customers. I’m not here to control your perspective or force a change, but I do want to raise some questions and ideas.

Do you want to build lasting customer relationships? A reputation that stretches beyond your local town, city, or even country? Because the way many businesses operate today is, frankly, short-sighted. The strategies are not only inconsiderate but ultimately non-beneficial to anyone seeking long-term success.

What do I mean by this?

Imagine the battlefield. The dust rises as swords clash, armies push forward, and victory is within sight—but at what cost? Many salespeople and business leaders are fighting for the quick win. They charge into battle with the sole goal of taking the nearest hill, claiming short-term profit. A hill may be taken, but what of the enemy? You know nothing of their strength, nothing of their tactics, and you leave the field unprepared for the greater war to come.

This approach is reckless. You may win that skirmish, but you lose something much greater: the insight needed to secure lasting victory. The short-term gain blinds you to the larger campaign, to the territories that could be conquered if only you took the time to understand your opponent.

How does this relate to business?

In this analogy, your customers are the battlefield. Charging in for a quick sale without taking the time to know their needs, their motivations, or their concerns is like rushing into battle without a plan. You may secure a sale, but you miss the bigger picture—the loyalty, the trust, and the continued patronage that come from truly understanding those you serve.

A tactician worth their salt doesn’t fight for one hill—they fight to dominate the entire field. They observe, they learn, and they adapt. In the same way, a skilled businessperson must take the time to know their customers, not just as buyers, but as individuals. Every customer is a new encounter, an opportunity to refine your strategy and strengthen your position. By treating each interaction as a step in a larger campaign, you prepare yourself for more than just a single victory—you prepare for the long war.

Now let’s talk about the Long Game.

The long game in battle is never about brute force or a singular, reckless charge. It’s about patience, precision, and foresight. The battlefield is vast, the enemies many, and each movement must be carefully calculated. You don’t simply rush in to take ground; you lay traps, scout the terrain, and find ways to turn the enemy’s strength into their downfall. You build alliances, learn from your scouts, and turn every minor skirmish into a lesson for the next encounter.

In business, this long game is just as essential. You must know the terrain—the market. You must study your adversary—the competition. But more than that, you must understand the people who will ultimately decide the outcome of the war—your customers. You don’t just sell to them. You learn their habits, their needs, and their desires. You become a trusted ally, not just a vendor. This is how you win not just one sale, but every sale that follows.

In a well-fought war, the general who listens to the whispers of his scouts and the murmurs of his soldiers is the one who triumphs. This is how you should treat your customer base: as scouts and soldiers in your long-term strategy. By understanding them deeply, you don’t just sell them a product; you become part of their journey. And when that happens, they don’t just buy from you—they return, time and time again. And they bring others with them.

So which path do you choose: the reckless charge or the calculated campaign?

Will you continue to rush into battle with no plan beyond the immediate gain, or will you rise to the level of a true tactician, guiding your business with foresight and wisdom? You could continue on the short path, fighting skirmishes and chasing momentary profit. Or you could fight for something greater: a reputation that spans continents, customer loyalty that endures for generations, and a business that thrives, not just for a season, but for a lifetime.

The choice is yours. But remember: True victory belongs to those who see beyond the immediate fight. The future belongs to those who understand the battlefield and its players—and who are willing to play the long game.

Informal note: I just recently studied The Art of War by Sun Tzu, complementing the tactical insights I’ve gained from studying Meng Tian for quite some time. If you happen to disagree with any of this, I encourage open communication. Only downvoting helps neither of us.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Hey unprofessional note: I don’t believe anyone should copy me with influencing a Hypomania. Though I think if you believe it could be beneficial discuss it with a your psychiatrist. Then make sure to keep up on medication and have an emergency support group. As this not only takes help from a psychiatrist, medication but also takes deep self control. So please be careful!


The intersection of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Bipolar Disorder (BD) within the same individual presents a complex and nuanced psychological experience. Through both personal experience and psychological study, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of how these two conditions co-exist, shaping not only my emotional landscape but also my relationships, personal development, and everyday functioning. Central to my experience is the reality that I live predominantly in a state of hypomania, with little to no periods of neutrality. Every once in a while, I experience an escalation into mania, but it typically remains in the middle range—not overwhelmingly intense. However, on rare occasions, it delves deep into mania, leaving me feeling uneasy and out of control.

Bipolar Disorder: Living in Hypomania

Bipolar Disorder manifests differently in everyone, and in my case, hypomania is the default state of being. While many with Bipolar Disorder cycle through clear manic, depressive, and neutral phases, I rarely experience emotional neutrality. When I was younger, I spent much of my time in varying states of depression, ranging from mild melancholy to major depressive episodes. However, as I aged, the balance shifted. Now, I find myself anchored in hypomania, with occasional escalations into full mania.

Hypomania, for me, is marked by heightened energy, creativity, and focus. I can go for days with minimal sleep, immersed in projects and ideas, feeling an endless stream of possibilities. This state has many advantages: I feel productive, engaged, and alive. Most of the time, I stay in a moderate state of hypomania, which is manageable and beneficial. However, every once in a while, I can feel myself shifting into mania. While it typically remains in a mid-level intensity, there are rare times when it deepens into full mania, causing unease and making it harder to control my thoughts and actions.

Medication, specifically Lamotrigine at 100 mg, has played a crucial role in moderating my symptoms. It has allowed me to maintain the benefits of hypomania—creativity, energy, and productivity—while minimizing the irritability and anger that once accompanied it. This pharmacological support has enabled me to stay in a functional hypomanic state, avoiding the darker depths of depression or the destabilizing effects of mania.

Borderline Personality Disorder: Emotional Intensity Amplified

While Bipolar Disorder has shaped the broader rhythms of my emotional life, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) adds another layer of emotional complexity. BPD has been particularly challenging in how it influences my relationships and emotional reactivity. The hallmark of BPD is emotional intensity, particularly in the realm of personal connections. Minor events can feel like major emotional upheavals, and the fear of abandonment or rejection often triggers extreme responses.

In my younger years, I experienced profound emotional swings in relationships. For example, when separated from someone I cared about, I would enter emotional meltdowns or what felt like trance-like states—overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of my feelings. The smallest disruptions in my connection to loved ones could lead to days of emotional turmoil.

Over time, I’ve learned to manage these emotional extremes through a combination of therapy and self-regulation strategies. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) have been particularly helpful in teaching me how to recognize and moderate my emotional responses. Through focused work, I’ve significantly reduced the trances and emotional breakdowns, though certain traits—such as intense romantic devotion—remain a part of who I am. Rather than viewing these traits as purely negative, I’ve come to embrace and channel them constructively.

The Challenge of Co-occurrence: Navigating Bipolar and BPD Simultaneously

One of the unique challenges of living with both Bipolar Disorder and BPD is navigating the interplay between the episodic nature of Bipolar and the emotional instability of BPD. While Bipolar Disorder brings longer, more predictable mood phases, BPD introduces a level of emotional volatility that is more reactive and immediate.

In particular, during hypomanic episodes, the emotional sensitivity of BPD can create a heightened sense of connection or euphoria in relationships. However, this emotional high can also come crashing down if there is a perceived rupture in the relationship, leading to BPD-related emotional crises. The two conditions feed off each other, with hypomania amplifying the emotional swings inherent to BPD.

Despite this, I’ve found that the key to managing both conditions lies in balance. Medication helps to moderate the more extreme fluctuations in mood, while therapy provides tools to manage emotional reactivity. Together, they form a comprehensive approach that allows me to maintain stability, even when living in a state of perpetual hypomania.

Redefining the Narrative: Embracing Hypomania as the Default State

Living in hypomania is not a problem to be solved, but rather a state of being that I’ve learned to navigate and manage. While many view Bipolar Disorder through the lens of balancing highs and lows, I have come to accept that my “normal” is a heightened state of existence. Instead of striving for emotional neutrality, I focus on maintaining stability within my hypomanic state, ensuring that it doesn’t escalate into mania or devolve into depression. On the rare occasions that mania deepens, I’ve learned to recognize the warning signs and implement strategies to regain control before it overwhelms me.

This proactive approach to managing my mental health includes carefully curating my emotional environment. For example, I avoid triggers such as sad music, which could potentially disrupt my mood. By maintaining control over my sensory input, I help sustain the positive aspects of hypomania, while reducing the risk of a downward emotional shift.

BPD, similarly, is something I’ve learned to live with rather than eradicate. Over time, I’ve gained the ability to recognize my emotional patterns and intervene before they escalate. I no longer view BPD as something that threatens my relationships or emotional well-being, but as a facet of my personality that, when managed, adds depth and intensity to my connections.


Living with both Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder is an ongoing journey of self-awareness and adaptation. For me, the experience is not defined by constant shifts between depression, mania, or emotional turmoil, but by learning to live in a state of hypomania, with all its creativity, energy, and potential challenges. While the occasional dive into full mania brings unease, it remains a rarity in an otherwise manageable experience.

Through therapy, medication, and personal strategies, I’ve created a mental health framework that supports my emotional needs while allowing me to thrive. The key has been recognizing the unique interplay between BPD and Bipolar Disorder, and using this awareness to maintain balance and emotional well-being. As mental health discourse evolves, I hope that more individuals can be empowered to embrace their own unique experiences, finding not just management, but meaning and strength in the process.


In today’s competitive market, understanding the unique needs of customers is paramount, particularly when assisting families in significant purchases such as vehicles or footwear. Imagine a family entering an auto dealership, looking to purchase a vehicle that accommodates their large family and specific requirements. The initial step in this process is to engage the family in a conversation about their budget and essential features. However, my approach goes beyond simply matching criteria. 

Tailored Solutions for Unique Family Dynamics

After establishing a budget, I would delve deeper by asking questions about the ages of their children and any particular safety features they may require. For instance, if there are toddlers in the family, we might prioritize vehicles with advanced safety systems, easy access to car seats, or spacious interiors to accommodate strollers and other child necessities. By focusing on these aspects, I can ensure that the vehicle not only meets their practical needs but also promotes a sense of safety and security within the family unit. 

Moreover, I consider the psychological implications of the purchase. A family vehicle serves as a space for bonding, adventure, and comfort. By offering options that encourage positive family experiences, I aim to maximize the developmental benefits for the children while ensuring the vehicle is psychologically beneficial for the entire family.

Why This Matters: Building Trust and Community

This approach is crucial because consumers rely on us to find the right vehicle that meets their needs, budget, and safety requirements. We facilitate significant financial milestones for our customers, often representing a substantial investment for families. By considering factors beyond mere specifications, we can foster a community of growth and trust, enhancing our reputation within the town.

Expanding the Concept: A Holistic Approach in Retail Footwear

This same philosophy applies to retail, particularly when selling footwear. Imagine a family shopping for shoes for their children. The process begins similarly: I would inquire about their budget and any specific features they are seeking—whether it’s durability for active play or support for growing feet. 

Finding the Best Shoes Across Price Ranges

To further illustrate this approach, let’s examine how I would guide a family in selecting shoes by identifying three of the best options across three different price ranges: low, medium, and high.

 Low Price Range (Under $50)

  1. Adidas Advantage Base  

Description: Affordable, stylish, and comfortable, these sneakers provide good support for everyday wear.  

Why It Works: Their classic design appeals to children and parents alike, making them a versatile choice for various occasions.

  1. New Balance 680v6

Description: A lightweight running shoe with ample cushioning, suitable for active children.  

Why It Works: Offers a balance of quality and affordability, ensuring kids can run and play comfortably.

  1. Skechers Microburst 

Description: These shoes feature a breathable mesh upper and a lightweight design, perfect for casual wear.  

Why It Works: The emphasis on comfort and style makes them attractive to kids, while parents appreciate the value.

 Medium Price Range ($50-$100)

  1. Nike Air Max Excee 

Description: Combining style and comfort, these shoes are ideal for both sports and casual outings.  

Why It Works: The Nike brand is trusted, and the Air Max technology offers excellent support, making them a popular choice among older children.

  1. ASICS Gel-Contend 7

Description: Designed for active kids, these shoes provide cushioning and support for running and playing.  

Why It Works: ASICS is renowned for its athletic footwear, and these shoes deliver quality at a reasonable price.

  1. Saucony Cohesion 14  

Description: A versatile running shoe that offers stability and comfort, suitable for various activities.  

Why It Works: The emphasis on functionality combined with a stylish design appeals to both parents and children.

 High Price Range (Above $100)

  1. Hoka One One Bondi 8

Description: Known for exceptional cushioning and support, these shoes are perfect for long distances and active kids.  

Why It Works: Hoka's focus on comfort and performance makes these shoes a worthwhile investment for serious young athletes.

  1. Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 39

Description: A highly regarded running shoe that balances comfort, responsiveness, and durability.  

Why It Works: Its performance features cater to older children involved in sports, while the Nike brand adds an aspirational element.

  1. Adidas Ultraboost 22

 Description: These premium sneakers combine style and advanced cushioning technology for a luxurious feel.  

Why It Works: The blend of performance and aesthetics makes them a favorite among trend-conscious youths.

Understanding Developmental Needs in Footwear

Beyond the initial questions, I would explore the developmental stages of the children. For younger children, I would emphasize shoes that promote healthy foot development and provide ample support. For older kids involved in sports, I would recommend shoes that cater to their specific activities, ensuring that they enhance performance while minimizing the risk of injury.

Just as with vehicle purchases, the psychological aspects are significant. Shoes are often tied to self-expression and confidence, especially for children. By guiding parents to select footwear that not only fits well but also resonates with their child’s personality, we create a positive shopping experience that contributes to the child’s overall self-esteem and comfort.

The Food Industry Perspective: Marketing and Consumer Engagement

In both the automotive and footwear industries, the holistic approach can also be mirrored in the food sector, where understanding consumer preferences is crucial for effective marketing and engagement. For instance, consider a family shopping for healthy meal options. A grocery store can implement strategies similar to those in vehicle and footwear sales.

Tailored Recommendations: Just as we inquire about a family’s needs for vehicles and shoes, grocery stores can engage customers by asking about dietary restrictions, family sizes, and meal preferences. This information can guide staff in making personalized recommendations.

Product Range Selection: Similar to identifying the best shoes across different price ranges, grocery stores can curate selections of healthy foods across various price points. This may involve offering budget-friendly options like store-brand products alongside premium organic choices.

Community Engagement: Establishing trust with consumers is crucial. Grocery stores can foster community by hosting cooking classes or health workshops, encouraging families to make informed choices. This aligns with the concept of facilitating significant purchases—like food that nurtures and sustains families.

Promotional Strategies: Marketing campaigns can focus on the developmental benefits of nutritious food for children, emphasizing the importance of healthy eating habits. This could involve collaboration with local schools or pediatricians to reinforce the message.

Conclusion: Enhancing Customer Experience Through a Holistic Lens

By adopting a holistic approach in automotive, retail footwear, and the food industry, we not only fulfill the immediate needs of our customers but also contribute to their long-term satisfaction and well-being. In doing so, we cultivate trust, loyalty, and a strong sense of community—key components in establishing a reputable business. Ultimately, our goal is to serve not just as salespeople but as facilitators of meaningful experiences that positively impact the lives of our customers and their families.


Remember, each and every one of you is important and deeply loved! Your past and beginnings do not define your future. Together, let us rise above societal barriers and emotional hurdles, uniting as a powerful collective to forge a brighter tomorrow.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Thank you for pointing that out! Yes, if I’m correct in assuming, Trump serves more as a figurehead, primarily representing ideas gained from the Heritage Foundation. As you mentioned, this reflects the dynamics of the whole party.

The issue spans both sides, in my experience. While the situation is drastically worse on the Republican side, we must consider that both sides lack true, meaningful political and leadership skills. Leaders today not only need to embrace knowledge of current political ideals but also integrate studies from fields such as psychology, developmental science, and environmental science.

Furthermore, a leader must possess a level of empathy that is often hard to find. Currently, we tend to vote for candidates who are perceived as the best choices based on their long-standing presence in politics.

Thank you so much for your insights on this article. It’s crucial to collaborate and raise awareness to build a better future for everyone.


I want to start by saying that this post isn’t meant to bash anyone’s beliefs. I’m genuinely and deeply concerned about the direction our future is headed, and I felt it was important to share my thoughts.

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read and share this. I also welcome any feedback or criticism—just please, let’s keep it respectful, and ideally, educational and professional.

At the end of the day, we’re all humans sharing this planet, and everyone faces their own struggles and hardships. It’s up to us to shape a future that supports and protects everyone.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I assume you’re questioning the overall concept. As a Yale student majoring in Psychology, Developmental Studies, Medical Sciences, and Design, with a background in Business Management from Ivy Tech, I may not be an expert in tattooing specifically. However, I draw from my academic knowledge and the insights I gain from my husband’s expertise to continuously refine and improve my designs. My goal is to create something that benefits everyone, informed by both existing understanding and future learnings.


Second part!

As we navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of technological innovation, I understand that many may view these advancements with skepticism, particularly regarding their implications for personal autonomy and societal well-being. While I possess access to technology that may seem advanced—even futuristic—I want to share the motivations behind my work and the ethical considerations that guide it.

My journey began with a personal challenge: my husband’s struggle with eyesight. He has preferred glasses over contacts, and I found myself reflecting on the inconvenience this posed—not just for him, but also for his clients. This inspired me to take the initiative to design solutions that not only enhance his quality of life but also benefit those around him.

I recognize that concepts involving near-cyberpunk designs can evoke concerns about privacy, control, and the potential for misuse. However, I firmly believe that the line we must tread is one of enhancement rather than encroachment. The goal is to elevate our overall satisfaction and well-being while respecting individual autonomy and ethical standards.

To that end, I am committed to transparency in my work. It is essential that the technology I develop prioritizes user well-being, is customizable, and remains optional. By emphasizing ethical safeguards and privacy features, I aim to shift the narrative from fear of dystopian futures to excitement about the possibilities of human empowerment.

Ultimately, my vision is to either distribute or sell this technology, ensuring that it serves as a tool for enhancement rather than a source of concern. I invite an open dialogue on these issues, as I believe that discussing our apprehensions is the first step toward finding common ground and fostering innovation that truly benefits society.


I wanted to share this with everyone! I recently completed the first version, now packed with all these exciting features. What started as a way to help my husband’s eyesight has grown into something much more.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

We must consider the benefits of AI as such and how they can contribute to our life. I can assure you prices of such while AI may seem like a game or useless thing for others. It’s actually a useful tool able to help others understand complex concepts that most people have a hard time explaining or won’t. Many more things too.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

You bring up valid concerns about infertility and uncontrolled mutations. While I’ve successfully applied fast-tracked evolutionary changes to others—like my partners and some friends—my current transformation is by far the most complex and scientifically controlled.

Because of this, infertility isn’t a concern for me in this process. And, while this might sound a bit off, in today’s economy, I and many others might actually view infertility as a benefit rather than a drawback. I understand it’s an unusual perspective, but it reflects the practical concerns many face today.

Unprofessional note I’d love to just be someone’s dog and be used anytime and that would take away risk from a lady.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I understand why you might assume I’m speculating, especially when these ideas seem detached from widely accepted scientific methods. However, the method I’ve developed allows for nearly any enhancement, and I have observed specific, measurable changes, such as:

* Spinal Cord Adaptation: Throughout Year 2, the spinal cord began to stretch and lengthen, continuing this adaptation through Year 4. This adjustment provided the necessary structural support and flexibility to accommodate the forthcoming wings. The adaptation of the spinal cord was crucial for supporting the growing wings and ensuring proper alignment.
  • Kneecap and Rib Changes (Year 4):
    • Kneecap Modifications: Initially, the subject's kneecaps were replaced by tendinous structures, which later regrew with increased strength and resilience. This change facilitated enhanced mobility and support for the wings.
    • Rib Modifications: The ribs demonstrated fusion and extension, contributing to structural changes essential for integrating the future wing structures. These modifications helped create a more stable framework necessary for wing deployment.

These changes were not only noticeable to me but also documented by my medical team, making this much more than mere speculation.

While I understand that this might seem like escapism, it’s important to note that these adaptations are not just alleviating my symptoms—they’re correcting and improving my overall condition by a factor of ten. This is demonstrated in my paper, Comprehensive Analysis of Progressive Wing Development and Associated Musculoskeletal Adaptations: A Four-Year Longitudinal Study, which outlines the gradual and logical changes in my biology.

Although this may seem implausible now, many groundbreaking ideas were once considered impossible until methods were discovered to achieve them. My second paper, Adaptation and Change in Wing Development: An Evolutionary Perspective, supports the claims made in the first, correlating them to the observed growths.

Remember, we are still pioneers—our greatest achievements aren’t behind us, but ahead of us!

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

This idea is really fascinating. I understand your assumption that, given the extensive divergence in evolution, if humans were to grow wings, they might resemble those of bats or squirrels. However, that’s why I emphasized the importance of detailing what you envision. While bat-like wings may be the most logical conclusion, the concept of fast-tracked evolution allows for a range of possibilities—wings with feathers, tails, horns—essentially anything you can imagine. With enough dedication and patience, nearly anything is achievable.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 week ago

I do write actual books, but may I ask why you mentioned this? While the idea of humans growing wings may seem far-fetched or implausible, it’s important to remember that things are only deemed implausible when someone chooses not to try.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yes, the first paper specifically correlates my developments with real-life evolutionary processes. It demonstrates how my concept of “Fast-Tracked Evolution,” while seemingly fantastical, is deeply rooted in biological and evolutionary principles—just on a grander scale that challenges conventional possibilities.

As for why I pursue this, I would ask: why wouldn’t you try? If you’re living in a constant state of suffering, wouldn’t you seek a way to alleviate it? Isn’t that what life is about? Whether it’s striving for a better financial situation or seeking medical intervention for a health issue, the goal is to mitigate the negative impacts of our circumstances.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah sadly I did figure that out afterwards a little while though I did stop in DXL and they estimated it due to material and everything between 150-300$! Though I ain’t selling it. Actually probably heading by DXL again and getting that altered!! To fit. though for sure thank you.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I do intend on keeping it but also thought of a possible energy rent fund.

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