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South Korea’s KHNP (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Philippine government to conduct a feasibility study on the long-inactive Bataan nuclear power station, the Yonhap news agency reported.

Yonhap said that under the new agreement, KHNP will evaluate the plant’s economic viability, safety, and other factors to determine whether it can be safely revived.

The agreement follows a summit in Manila between South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol and Philippine president Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.

The Philippines has a nuclear station at Bataan, north of the capital Manila in Luzon, but it has never operated and has been mothballed.

The 621-MW Westinghouse light-water reactor unit at Bataan was completed in 1984, but never fuelled or commissioned. It was mothballed due to safety concerns in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 and issues regarding corruption under the government of Marcos’s late dictator father, Marcos Sr.

The Philippines is exploring nuclear energy options to address growing power demands, including potentially bringing the Bataan plant online.

In November 2023, the Philippines took a significant step towards becoming a nuclear power nation with the signing of a 123 Agreement with Washington that will give it access to US material and equipment.

Marcos Jr has been bullish on nuclear since his election as president in 2022, saying “this is the right time” to reexamine the country’s approach and policy towards using nuclear energy.

In early 2024, the Philippine Department of Energy (DOE) unveiled plans to establish a nuclear energy programme coordinating committee with the goal of achieving a 2,400-megawatt nuclear power capacity by 2032.

A study conducted by Russia’s Rosatom in 2017 during the administration of Marcos’ predecessor Rodrigo Duterte had found the rehabilitation of Bataan would cost $3bn-$4 bn (€2.7bn - €3.6bn).


Voters in Kazakhstan backed the construction of a nuclear power station in the Central Asian country in a referendum held on Sunday 6 October, data by the Central Election Commission has shown.

According to the commission, 71% of participants voted in favour of the project, while 26% voted against. Voter turnout in the nation of 19 million people was about 64% (63.66%), the data showed.

Kazakhstan’s government announced the exact date for the referendum in early September 2024, although a referendum proposal had been circulated for a few years.

Local media said voters were presented with a straightforward question in the referendum – "Do you agree with the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan?” – requiring a simple yes-or-no response.

Kazakh president Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said earlier this year that economic development will be impossible without a stable energy supply and he had instructed officials to begin work on plans for the construction of a nuclear power station.

The site being considered for new nuclear is near Ulken village in the Almaty Region, 330 km northwest of the city of Almaty on the shores of Lake Balkhash in southeastern Kazakhstan.

The site, however, is not final and “is subject to change”, an official at the National Nuclear Centre of Kazakhstan told NucNet last year.

Ulken was established in the 1980s to house workers for a planned hydroelectric power plant. That project was unfinished when the Soviet Union collapsed and high-rise apartments are the only completed constructions from the period.

Kazakhstan is the world’s largest uranium producer, but has no commercial nuclear power plant. It has four operational research reactors that are used for fuels and materials testing.

Plans to deploy large-scale nuclear power during the Soviet era were dropped due to the availability of other energy options, although the country operated a single fast neutron reactor at the Caspian Sea site of Aktau between 1972 and 1999.

According to the International Energy Agency, Kazakhstan is a significant producer of coal, crude oil and natural gas, and a major energy exporter. While coal dominates the country’s energy mix, renewable sources of energy are a small but growing share of Kazakhstan’s electricity generation.

In 2023, Kazakhstan’s energy minister said the country had received offers from France, China, South Korea and Russia to build its first nuclear power station.

Earlier reports have also said that Astana is looking at deploying large-scale reactor technology for its first nuclear station.


The decommissioning process for the Fukushima Daiichi site and surroundings is scheduled to be completed by 2051. It will require many innovations, and careful planning. Here are some of the details outlined at an event at the International Atomic Energy Agency's General Conference in Vienna.

What happened?

On 11 March 2011 a major earthquake struck Japan. It was followed by a 15-metre tsunami which disabled the power supply and cooling of three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and all three cores largely melted in the first three days. More than 100,000 people were evacuated from the area as a precaution because of radioactive releases in the wake of the accident. After two weeks, the three reactors were stable and official ‘cold shutdown condition’ was announced in mid-December. According to World Nuclear Association, there have been no deaths or cases of radiation sickness from the nuclear accident but there have been 2313 disaster-related deaths among evacuees from Fukushima prefecture, which are in addition to the 19,500 killed by the earthquake and tsunami. Since the accident, work has been taking place to safely decommission the reactors and the surrounding areas, with large areas of the evacuated areas now back open for people to live in. The air dose rate is now similar, or lower, than major cities, the Japan-hosted event Reconstruction and Decommissioning in Fukushima heard.

It has meant that the evacuation area which covered 81,000 people's homes in August 2013 had been cut to 7000 people's homes by April this year and the intention is to lift all the evacuation areas "even if it will take many years to do so".

The decommissioning process so far

The decommissioning of any nuclear power plant is a long process, so it is no surprise that the timescales for decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi plant are lengthy, with the completion currently scheduled to take place up to 40 years after cold shutdown - so by 2051. The different phases in the decommissioning roadmap start with the post-accident period to achieving cold shutdown in 2011, and then a two-year period to November 2013 when the start of fuel removal began. The third, and final phase, began in September with the start of trial fuel debris removal in unit 2.

Fuel removal

The situation in each reactor is different. Fuel removal from used fuel pools was completed for unit 4 in December 2014 and for unit 3 in 2021. The aim is to start fuel removal from unit 2 this year and for unit 1 from 2027/28.

There is also the extremely complicated task of removing the fuel debris from the reactors, with a fair amount of uncertainty about the distribution in each of the reactors.

A trial process began last month, trying to remove fuel debris in unit 2, using a long narrow grabber tool.

The plan is to sample granular fuel debris weighing 3 grams or less by lowering an end effector (gripper) with a camera mounted on it, to the bottom. Before the start of the process in September, the telescopic-arm-type equipment was tested in mock up facilities set up by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in Naraha.

Yasutaka Denda, from Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), explained that a few kilograms a day would be collected - but the process would also provide important information about how the accident progressed, as well as information about the location of the fuel debris.

Larger scale fuel debris removal

Kosuke Ono, Executive Director, Head of the Decommissioning Strategy Office, Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation (NDF) explained the options in the selection process for methods to further expand the scale of fuel debris retrieval “that will determine the success or failure to complete longterm decommissioning”.

The government, NDF and Tepco are all involved in the process. Full-scale fuel debris retrieval starts with unit 3 and he said the “property and distribution of fuel debris greatly varied depending on the accident progression” - and comprised a likely mix of fuel rods still in their original form, fallen gravel-like fuel pellets, melted and resolidified metal/ceramic materials and fission products stuck in narrow parts.

He said there were three methods considered - the partial submersion method.

He said that this was the easiest method to understand, but stressed that it would need a lot of planning and would need remote operation of equipment.

The second option was the submersion method. He described this method as "like making a big bathtub and sinking the reactor building into it - water is a very effective radiation shield and this method may be faster than the partial submersion method". However there was no engineering confirmation about whether it was possible to build such a huge structure and what would happen if there were leaks, so this option has not been selected - although a method using water as a radiation shield could be required if the partial submersion method does not work.

The third option considered was the filling and solidification method. This method uses mortar/cement - this has been the least studied and there are on-going studies of which material could be used.

He said that more information was needed about the situation inside the reactors, but the recommendation at this stage has been to start design studies and research and development utilising the partial submission method. Micro-drones and endoscopic investigations would be used to build up a picture of inside the reactor vessels.

There would need to be a new cover on unit 3 for retrieval to ensure no release of radioactive material during the process and a new building constructed to store the fuel debris. There would also need to be a number of nearby buildings demolished, which would themselves take a long time, to ensure the highest standards of safety.

A further round of public explanatory sessions is planned to be held in Fukushima Prefecture in November and December to outline the fuel debris retrieval methods and how it would work.

Among the technological innovations that will be needed, will be a way to investigate the inside of the reactor pressure vessel - how to drill a hole so as to be able to see inside and to improve the environment inside.

Off-site environmental remediation

Yoshitomo Mori, from Japan’s Environment Ministry, said that by March 2018, 100 municipalities in 8 prefectures had had full scale decontamination completed. He said that since 2014, when it started as a small-scale pilot project, approximately 13.76 million cubic metres of soil and waste had been removed and transported to the Interim Storage Facility.

The Interim Storage Facility was built to manage and store removed soil and waste arising from decontamination, until final disposal outside Fukushima Prefecture, which is stipulated in Japanese law to be completed within 30 years (by March 2045). The facility occupies about 1600 hectares.

He stressed the importance of recycling the removed soil, which was equivalent to the volume of 11 Tokyo Domes (the baseball stadium). This scale, he said, showed the need for some form of volume reduction. About 75% of the soil has relatively low radioactivity and is to be recycled in lower levels in public works projects. There are a number of different demonstration projects taking place.

There have also been pot plants placed in national ministries using recycled soil as part of the efforts to build public understanding of its safety. Studies have been taking place on selecting technology, and a site, for final disposal, and from 2025 they will “proceed to processes for studies and coordination related to the selection of a final disposal site”.

Water management - the ALPs treated water

The highest profile issue in the past few years relating to Fukushima has been the issue of the contaminated water - in part used to cool melted nuclear fuel - treated by the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS), which removes most of the radioactive contamination, with the exception of tritium. This treated water is currently stored in tanks on site. Japan announced in April 2021 it planned to discharge ALPS-treated water into the sea over a period of about 30 years. It started to discharge the water on 24 August last year and has completed the release of eight batches, a total of 62,400 cubic metres of water, with the ninth release beginning at the end of September.

The process has been overseen and is monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose Department of Nuclear Safety and Security's Director, Gustavo Caruso, gave a presentation outlining the work the agency had been doing, and said that the IAEA had concluded ahead of the first release that "the discharge of the ALPs treated water, as currently planned by Japan, will have a negligible impact on people and the environment" and was "consistent with relevant international safety standards". He said that IAEA measurements had confirmed the water release was safe and would continue to corroborate the Japanese data relating to the ALPS treated water discharge, and would continue to carry out independent tests to "help build confidence in Japan and beyond". Read more here on the IAEA's guide to ALPS treated water discharge.

Reconstruction is under way

So what about the future? With large areas of the previously evacuated area now decontaminated and open for people and businesses to move to, or return to, initiatives have begun to encourage them to do so, with a plan for "creative reconstruction: not simply reconstruction". The aim is to develop and build on specialist expertise and industries in areas such as robots, drones and decommissioning, as well as agriculture and the environment and research and development.


Moltex Energy Canada says new research demonstrates "the unique capability" of its Stable Salt Reactor - Wasteburner (SSR-W) to consume used nuclear fuel, supporting its ongoing development of a reactor that can "significantly reduce nuclear waste while producing clean energy".

The company said the peer-reviewed paper "highlights that the SSR-W - developed by teams in New Brunswick, Ontario, the UK, and the USA - can consume the vast majority of transuranic (TRU) elements present in used fuel bundles from Canada's Candu reactors".

It added: "These transuranic elements, which are created during the fission process, are radioactive for thousands of years. Unlike traditional reactors that accumulate these elements over time, the SSR-W is designed to consume them as fuel, presenting an innovative approach to reducing nuclear waste."

The paper presents results from modelling of this fuel cycle and demonstrates that with repeated fuel recycling an equilibrium can be reached where the concentration of all actinides is reduced during burnup in the reactor and actinide burning can continue indefinitely. The combination of this actinide burning in the reactor and the separation of most fission products in the recycling process results in a large reduction in waste volume, radiotoxicity and heat generation. The flexibility of the fuel cycle is also demonstrated, enabled by the recycling process, online refuelling and a fuel salt chemistry that allows variation of the conversion ratio.

The research concludes that an SSR-W fast spectrum molten salt reactor with a thermal power of 1200 MW eliminates 425 kg of actinides on an annual basis, or about 25 metric tonnes over its lifetime, with a fuel salt composition and isotopic vector that evolves to reach an equilibrium. At this point, the required top-up of TRUs from freshly recycled Candu fuel is constant and corresponds to the amount of TRU transmuted. The equilibrium is also visible with the isotopic vector of the discharged fuel, in which the proportion of plutonium-239 is significantly reduced compared with used Candu fuel.

In addition, the end-of-life core load could itself be recycled and used as start-of-life core load for a new SSR-W, therefore fully closing the nuclear fuel cycle.

"The SSR-W was specifically engineered to efficiently reuse and consume recycled nuclear waste," said Moltex CEO Rory O'Sullivan. "This breakthrough research, the result of years of collaboration, clearly demonstrates that ability."

He added: "Our fuel source is already sitting in stockpiles at nuclear sites around the country. This means we can tap into these resources to produce clean power for years to come."

Moltex is developing three unique technologies: the SSR-W that uses recycled nuclear waste as fuel; a WAste To Stable Salt (WATSS) process for recycling nuclear waste to produce SSR-W fuel; and GridReserve thermal energy storage tanks, enabling the SSR-W to act as a peaking plant.

The company plans to deploy the first WATSS unit at the Point Lepreau site in New Brunswick, where it also plans to deploy the first SSR-W by the early 2030s. NB Power's existing Candu reactor at Point Lepreau is expected to retire around 2040.


Maritime classification society the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has launched what it says is the industry's first comprehensive rules for floating nuclear power plants.

ABS said the Requirements for Nuclear Power Systems for Marine and Offshore Applications has been developed "for classification requirements specific to design, construction, and survey of vessels fitted with nuclear power systems whose generated power is transferred or distributed to onboard industrial or adjacent facilities. Nuclear power service vessels are intended to operate nuclear power plant systems while temporarily or permanently stationed. This document is not applicable where nuclear power is used for propulsion or auxiliary services on self-propelled vessels".

"Uniquely, the requirements allow designers to consider any type of reactor technology and propose a framework for nuclear regulators to collaborate with flag administrations (the national authority with whom the vessel is registered) and ABS for complete regulatory oversight and license," ABS said.

ABS noted that it is the responsibility of nuclear regulators to license the reactor and applicable nuclear safety structures, systems and components. "These requirements and any use thereof does not replace the review, certification, licence, or other approval of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) technology by a nuclear regulator."

The classification requirements were launched during a forum held at ABS's world headquarters in Texas for nuclear industry leaders held jointly by ABS and Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The event saw presentations on the latest reactor technologies from leading companies and publication of a detailed study from ABS and Herbert Engineering modelling the design, operation and emissions of a floating nuclear power plant. It was followed by workshops with offshore industry leaders to explore their requirements and understand operational challenges floating nuclear power plant technology will have to overcome.

"We demonstrated today that nuclear's potential in the maritime domain is so much more than a reactor on a ship," said ABS Chairman and CEO Christopher Wiernicki. "Nuclear energy can link energy demands across the electric, industrial and shipping transportation sectors to optimise energy generation and use, maintain grid reliability and support decarbonisation of shipping and industry. Not to mention its vast potential for the production of clean fuels such as e-ammonia and e-hydrogen.

"It is clear that nuclear energy has the potential to be a disruptor for the maritime industry. This is why we are proud to produce the first comprehensive rule set for the industry as an important step forward for the adoption of the technology."

Brad Tomer, COO of the National Reactor Innovation Center headquartered at INL, added: "This is an exciting time for nuclear energy. Idaho National Laboratory is growing and working with industry partners like ABS to test and demonstrate advanced reactor technologies. Collaboration and discussions like these will be critical as we move forward in delivering the low-carbon, affordable and reliable power that nuclear energy provides."

ABS is a maritime classification society: an organisation responsible for establishing the minimum technical standards and requirements for maritime safety and environmental protection and ensuring their consistent application. Established in 1862, the organisation describes itself as a global leader in providing classification services for marine and offshore assets, with a mission to serve the public interest as well as its members and clients by promoting the security of life and property and preserving the natural environment. The organisation's history with maritime nuclear energy sources dates back to 1959, when the NS Savannah - the first merchant ship powered by a nuclear reactor - was approved under ABS Rules.

ABS said it is "playing a leading role in helping government and industry work towards the adoption of advanced nuclear technology in commercial maritime, including key research with the US Department of Energy (DOE) and multiple new technology qualification and approval-in-principle projects with industry."

The DOE has awarded ABS a contract to research barriers to the adoption of advanced nuclear propulsion on commercial vessels. The DOE has also contracted ABS to support research into thermal-electric integration of a nuclear propulsion system on a commercial vessel being carried out by the University of Texas.


IsoEnergy is to acquire Anfield Energy - owner of the licensed and permitted Shootaring Canyon uranium mill in Utah - while Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp has agreed to purchase the Pinon Ridge Corporation, whose Colorado site has previously been licensed for a uranium mill.

IsoEnergy and Anfield announced on 2 October that IsoEnergy will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Anfield by way of a court-approved plan of arrangement, in a transaction which is expected to complete in the fourth quarter of this year subject to satisfaction of the conditions. The "implied fully-diluted in the-money equity value" of the transaction is about CAD126.8 million (USD93.6 million), the companies said.

The companies said their combined portfolio of permitted past-producing mines and development projects in the western USA is expected "to provide for substantial increased uranium production potential in the short, medium and long term". Combined current mineral resources of 17.0 million pounds U3O8 (6539 tU) in the measured and indicated category, 10.6 million pounds in the inferred category, and historical mineral resources of 152.0 million pounds U3O8 (measured and indicated) and 40.4 million pounds (inferred) will make the proforma company "among the largest" in the USA, with operational synergies between projects in Utah and Colorado as well as a "robust pipeline" of development and exploration-stage projects in tier-one uranium jurisdictions, including in Canada’s Athabasca Basin.

Shootaring Canyon is one of only three licensed and permitted conventional uranium mills in the USA. The mill has been on standby since 1982, but earlier this year Anfield submitted a production reactivation plan - including an application to increase its licensed capacity from 1 million to 3 million pounds U3O8 - to the State of Utah's Department of Environmental Quality, targeting a potential restart for 2026. Existing toll-milling agreements with Energy Fuels at the White Mesa Mill provide additional processing flexibility for current IsoEnergy mines, the company noted.

Western eyes second mill at Pinon Ridge

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp said its acquisition of 100% of the shares of the Pinon Ridge Corporation (PRC) through a binding stock purchase agreement is part of its plans for developing and licensing one or more uranium and vanadium processing facilities to process production from its resource properties in Colorado and Utah.

The PRC property, which includes historic uranium production sites and exploration projects, has been previously licensed for a uranium mill and Western said the acquisition is part of its plans for developing and licensing "one or more uranium and vanadium processing facilities" to process the output from its resources in Colorado and Utah. This multiple site approach will optimise transportation and processing costs, it says, and notes that the Colorado site is about 25 miles its flagship Sunday Mine Complex.

Former owner Energy Fuels had planned to build a 500 tonnes per day mill at Pinon Ridge, receiving a licence from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) in 2011. However, Energy Fuels subsequently acquired the operational White Mesa mill, and in 2014 it sold Pinon Ridge to a private investor group led by Baobab Asset Management and former Energy Fuels president George Glasier. Glasier is now the president, CEO and a director of Western. As Glasier and his wife now own 50% of the shares of PRC, with another director of Western indirectly owning 3%, the negotiations and approval of the agreement to acquire PRC has been overseen by an independent committee comprised of directors "who are not considered to have an interest in the transaction".

The issuance of the mill's radioactive materials licence was challenged by several environmental groups and in 2018, the CDPHE decided to revoke the licence rather than hold further hearings on the issue.

The preliminary engineering design that has now been developed by Precision Systems Engineering for Western's proposed Utah mill may be utilised at both proposed sites, the company said. The proposed mill will include a kinetic separation circuit to separate mineralised rock from waste rock in a pre-milling process.


The Salt Production Facility at the company's new Manufacturing Development Campus near Albuquerque will produce high-purity, molten salt coolant for its advanced reactors.

Kairos Power’s fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactor technology (KP-FHR) is cooled by a chemically stable mixture of lithium fluoride and beryllium fluoride salts known as Flibe. The Salt Production Facility will employ a proprietary chemical process to produce large quantities of high-purity Flibe enriched in Lithium-7 that will meet the stringent specifications to be used inside a reactor, the company said. The first-of-a-kind plant will enable future process optimisation and establish the competency to scale up reactor-grade Flibe production for the commercial fleet, it added.

In line with Kairos's iterative approach to development, the new facility will build on the lessons learned from the Molten Salt Purification Plant (MSPP) where the company, in partnership with Materion Corporation, produced 14 tonnes of unenriched Flibe for the company's non-nuclear Engineering Testing Unit-1 (ETU-1). The MSPP, in Elmore, Ohio, was itself the first plant ever built to produce Flibe at an industrial scale. ETU-1 completed more than 2000 hours of pumped salt operations before entering decommissioning earlier this year.

The Salt Production Facility is receiving support from the City of Albuquerque and the State of New Mexico via economic incentives approved in September, and will also use funding from the US Department of Energy's Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program in addition to the "substantial" private investment. It is expected that construction and operation of the facility will create 20-30 full-time jobs. The project’s general contractor is TIC-The Industrial Company, a subsidiary of Kiewit Corporation.

At the same time as the ground-breaking for the Salt Production Facility, Kairos also held a dedication ceremony for its Manufacturing Development Campus, part of which is being built on the site of a former solar panel factory. The campus will host facilities for advanced reactor component manufacturing, U-stamped pressure vessel production, modular reactor construction, fuel fabrication process development, large-scale, non-nuclear testing and more.

"The facilities we are building in Albuquerque will play a pivotal role in deploying Kairos Power's clean energy technology with robust safety at an affordable cost," Kairos Power Chief Technology Officer and co-founder Ed Blandford said. "With the addition of molten salt coolant production, Kairos Power's Manufacturing Development Campus will soon have all the capabilities we need to deliver the Hermes demonstration reactor and establish a credible path to scale up production for the commercial fleet."

Kairos began site preparation work for Hermes, a demonstration version of the KP-FHR, at Oak Ridge, Tennessee in July. The unit is scheduled to be operational in 2026, with a two-unit electricity-producing plant to follow.


General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) announced it has completed preliminary development of four individual performance models in support of its SiGA silicon carbide composite nuclear fuel cladding technology.

GA-EMS is near completion of a 30-month contract with the US Department of Energy (DOE) to deliver individual models for nuclear-grade SiGA materials to form the basis of a future digital twin. This is a modelling and simulation capability intended to help accelerate the process of nuclear fuel qualification and licensing for current and next generation reactor materials.

SiGA is a silicon carbide (SiC) composite material which, because of its hardness and ability to withstand extremely high temperatures, has been used for industrial purposes for decades. It now forms the basis for the development of nuclear reactor fuel rods that can survive temperatures far beyond that of current materials, such as zirconium alloy.

GA-EMS said the four individual physics-informed models it has developed capture the complex mechanical response of SiGA cladding while exposed to irradiation. A multi-scale modelling approach was taken where each individual model covers a different length scale – from a mechanism-based microscale model to a reactor system level model. In future work, these individual models will be combined into one integrated model called a digital twin.

"A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical object or system - in this case our SiGA cladding nuclear fuel system," said GA-EMS President Scott Forney. "When complete, this digital twin will allow us to predict SiGA performance within a nuclear reactor core, reducing fuel development and testing costs and reducing the time it will take to get regulatory approval for this revolutionary technology, without sacrificing safety."

"We have been able to expedite development and verification of the individual models by leveraging the expertise at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Idaho National Laboratory," said Christina Back, vice president of GA-EMS Nuclear Technologies and Materials. "Our work integrally involves dedicated laboratory testing as we develop each performance model. We look forward to continuing to the next phase to bring these individual models together and incorporate them into a greater digital twin framework. Utilisation of the framework to apply the separate effects models appropriately will bring a new level of sophistication and accuracy to efficiently predict fuel performance."

GA-EMS has successfully created silicon carbide nuclear fuel cladding tubes. The company's technology incorporates silicon carbide fibre into its cladding. The combination creates an incredibly tough and durable engineered silicon carbide composite material which can withstand temperatures up to 3800°F (2093°C) - about 500 degrees hotter than the melting point of zirconium alloy.

In July, General Atomics announced it had manufactured the first batch of full-length 12-foot (3.6m) SiGA silicon carbide composite tubes designed for pressurised water reactors. It had previously created 6-inch (15cm) long SiGA rodlets and 3-foot (91cm) cladding samples that meet stringent nuclear power reactor-grade requirements and will undergo irradiation testing at DOE's Idaho National Laboratory.

GA originally developed its SiGA composite for its Energy Multiplier Module (EM2) small modular reactor design. This is a modified version of its Gas-Turbine Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) design.

In February 2020, Framatome and GA agreed to evaluate the feasibility of using SiGA in fuel channel applications through thermomechanical and corrosion testing. The long-term goal is to demonstrate the irradiation of a full-length fuel channel in support of licensing and commercialisation.


Sellafield Ltd will have to pay almost £400,000 after it pleaded guilty to criminal charges over years of cybersecurity failings at Britain’s most hazardous nuclear site.

The state-owned company, operator of the vast nuclear site Cumbria, northwest England, left information that could threaten national security exposed for four years, according to the industry regulator, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), which brought the charges. It was also found that 75% of its computer servers were vulnerable to cyber-attack.

Sellafield Ltd had failed to protect vital nuclear information, Westminster magistrates court in London heard on Wednesday (2 October).

Chief magistrate Paul Goldspring said that after taking into account Sellafield Ltd’s guilty plea and its public funding model, he would fine it £332,500 for cybersecurity breaches and £53,200 for prosecution costs, a total of £385,700.

The offences related to Sellafield Ltd’s management of the security around its information technology systems between 2019 to 2023 and its breaches of the nuclear industry security regulations.

An investigation by the ONR found that Sellafield Ltd failed to meet the standards, procedures and arrangements set out in its own approved plan for cyber security and for protecting sensitive nuclear information.

Regulator Points To ‘Significant Shortfalls’

Significant shortfalls were present for a considerable length of time, said the ONR.

In a written witness statement referred to in an earlier hearing on 8 August Euan Hutton, chief executive of Sellafield Ltd, apologised for failures spanning years.

Hutton said: “I again apologise on behalf of the company for matters which led to these proceedings… I genuinely believe that the issues which led to this prosecution are in the past.”

In June Sellafield Ltd pleaded guilty to three criminal charges brought by the ONR over the IT security breaches.

One of the charges was that it failed in March last year to “ensure that there was adequate protection of sensitive nuclear information on its information technology network”.

The other two charges related to failures to arrange “annual health checks” for its systems.

Sellafield Ltd is owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, a UK government body set up specifically to deal with the country’s nuclear legacy.

The Sellafield site is one of the largest and most hazardous nuclear facilities in Europe.

It comprises of a range of nuclear facilities, including redundant facilities associated with early defence work, as well as operating facilities associated with the Magnox reprocessing programme, a mixed oxide fuel plant and a range of waste treatment plants.

It began life in the early 1950s making plutonium for nuclear weapons, and later that decade became the location of Calder Hall, the world’s first commercial nuclear power station.


France's Naarea has entered into a strategic partnership with EO Concept to explore the use of Naarea's XAMR molten salt fast neutron microreactor for the production of hydrogen and/or low-carbon electrofuels, particularly for heavy maritime applications.

Naarea said the partnership will also aim to evaluate the necessary conditions for ensuring competitive hydrogen and electrofuel production, while identifying the means of achieving these goals. It added that both partners are particularly interested in "exploring the advantages of high-temperature hydrogen production, made possible by the XAMR".

Naarea - formally established in November 2021 - says its ultra-compact molten salt fast neutron reactor uses "the untapped potential of used radioactive materials, and thorium, unused mining waste". Once it develops the XSMR reactor design, the company intends to target applications in areas such as transportation, agriculture and smart buildings. Naarea says that, because of the compact size of its reactor and because there is no need for it to be grid-connected, the XSMR can "be deployed as close as possible to regions, to match energy demand as closely as possible and allow the control of security of supply, at the service of industries and communities". It expects the first units of XSMR - which can generate 80 MWt/40 MWe - to be produced by 2030.

"We are very excited about collaborating with EO Concept through this strategic partnership," said Naarea founder and CEO Jean-Luc Alexandre. "Together, we share the same vision of a clean energy future, where innovation plays a central role in meeting climate challenges.

"Naarea's XAMR solution represents a breakthrough technology that, combined with Energy Observer's expertise in alternative fuels, will allow us to explore new avenues for producing hydrogen and electrofuels. This partnership embodies our shared ambition of proposing concrete, competitive and environmentally friendly solutions, and to actively contributing to achieving a just and responsible energy transition."

EO Concept - a subsidiary of Energy Observer - was created in 2023 as a research and development firm specialising in naval and port energy systems. EO Concept is developing the Energy Observer 2, a 160-metre-long cargo ship powered by 4.8 MW fuel cell systems using liquid hydrogen. It is designed to be the lowest carbon-emitting cargo ship in the world.

"We are looking forward to this collaboration with Naarea," added EO Concept General Manager Didier Bouix. "Together, we share a mutual commitment to implementing efficient solutions to meet real needs, in particular through energy ecosystems. The production of hydrogen through electrolysis and its liquefaction, in sufficient quantity and at a competitive cost on the target market, is a prerequisite for the deployment of our container ship Energy Observer 2. The XAMR represents a promising medium-term solution to round out the energy mix of tomorrow and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from our modes of transport."


El Salvador, which is embarking on a nuclear energy programme, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Argentina's National Atomic Energy Commission.

The memorandum of understanding was signed by the President of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), Germán Guido Lavalle, and the Director of the Agency for the Implementation of the Nuclear Energy Program (OIPEN) of El Salvador, Daniel Alejandro Álvarez.

Guido Lavalle said: "This is undoubtedly a great step in the development of nuclear energy for El Salvador, and we at CNEA are proud to be able to accompany and assist in this very important initial stage, which will undoubtedly bring concrete benefits to Salvadoran society. Our long tradition of training human resources in the Latin American region, through our academic institutes, will be made available once again within the framework of an inter-institutional understanding, with great impact to generate local capacities and strengthen the applications of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes."

The agreement which was among a number of bilateral ones coinciding with the visit to Argentina by El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele, includes promoting the exchange of information, scientific and technical visits, expert missions and training opportunities. The country's president announced in March the ambition to adopt nuclear energy.

At last month's IAEA General Conference in Vienna, Alvarez set out El Salvador's ambition to "diversify our energy matrix under three premises: Rely less on external resources, take care of the environment and, last but not least, transform the lives of our people, with affordable energy that allows them to fulfil their goals and dreams ... with the commitment to incorporate nuclear energy into our energy matrix, complying with the highest international standards and in accordance with the treaties that El Salvador has ratified before the International Atomic Energy Agency".

"Our country," he added, "through the peaceful use of nuclear energy, aims to promote and encourage the economic and scientific development of our population, allowing us to guarantee a reliable and sustainable supply of electricity; in addition to achieving, through the implementation of public policies, tangible benefits in areas such as: agriculture, health, industry, environment, among others."

Argentina has a long nuclear energy history. It has three operable reactors - the first of which began operating in 1974 - and one small modular reactor under construction. It has a number of research reactors and the RA-10 multipurpose reactor, a 30 MWt open pool type reactor, is currently under construction.


Japan will need to maximise the use of existing nuclear power plants as AI and data centres are expected to boost electricity demand, the new economy minister said, indicating no major shift in policy under newly appointed prime minister Shigeru Ishiba.

It is natural for Japan to pursue both nuclear and renewable energy to meet growing energy demand without increasing carbon emissions, said Yoji Muto, who was appointed to the role on Tuesday (1 October).

Muto said the new administration will plan restarting as many reactors as possible so long as they are safe.

He also said that Japan will need to protect its nuclear industry by developing next-generation reactors. The government is in the process of revising its energy plan that will dictate the power mix, which is currently 70% fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal, beyond 2030.

Muto’s comments point to a continuation of former prime minister Fumio Kishida’s policy that moved Japan back towards nuclear energy as a major power source.

Ishiba had said during his campaign that Japan should reduce its dependence on nuclear energy, but later said that he would support the restart of existing plants.

Kishida said before he left office that he was working on plans to restart units at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (Tepco) Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power station.

Kashiwazaki Kariwa, the world’s biggest nuclear station with seven units and a net installed capacity of about 7,965 MW, has been offline since 2012 pending safety checks after the 2011 Fukushima disaster.

12 Out Of 33 Reactors Have Resumed Operation

Before the Fukushima disaster in 2011 Japan’s fleet of 54 nuclear plants generated about 30% of the country’s electricity, but were all shut down for safety checks following the accident.

Among the 33 operable nuclear reactors in Japan, 12 have now resumed operations after meeting post-Fukushima safety standards. The restarted plants are: Sendai-1 and -2, Genkai-3 and -4, Ikata-3, Mihama-3, Ohi-3 and -4 and Takahama-1, -2, -3 and -4.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear generated about 6.1% of the country’s electricity in 2022. The Tokyo-based Japan Atomic Industry Forum said recently that the fleet generated 81 TWh of electric power in 2023, about 50% higher than 2022.

International Atomic Energy Agency director-general Rafael Grossi has expressed his support for increasing Japan’s nuclear capacity and offered Japan technical assistance as its bids to restart Kashiwazaki Kariwa.


President Alexander Lukashenko told International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi Belarus would not "in our worst nightmare" seize Chernobyl and then be answerable for it.

The two men held talks on Tuesday during a visit by the head of the IAEA to the country, which also included a tour of Belarus's first nuclear power plant, which has been providing 25% of the country's electricity since its second unit entered commercial operation last year.

Lukashenko praised the work of the agency "related to the safety of nuclear power plants, especially those plants that actually ended up in the combat zone - Zaporizhzhia and Kursk" and added "you should know that we are committed to security, peace and we will do everything we can, everything that depends on us, to ensure regional nuclear security".

He then said there had been suggestions Belarus wanted to seize the Chernobyl nuclear power plant site, about 20 kilometres across its border with Ukraine, and said the idea was "complete stupidity ... we did not build, we did not service and we did not blow up. And the main disaster fell on a quarter of our territory. And we are still struggling with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster". The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was built when Belarus and Ukraine were part of the Soviet Union. Since the accident in 1986, there has been an exclusion zone around the plant including areas on both sides of the border.

The president added that the country was looking forward to continuing to work with thje IAEA in the future on the safety and operation of its nuclear units and said they would be willing to share their experience with the IAEA and any country thinking of embarking on a nuclear energy programme because "we built it, figuratively speaking, from scratch. We had no specialists, no experience, no knowledge in operating a nuclear power plant. But we learned this, trained specialists in time".

The presidential website's report of the meeting quoted Grossi as saying: "I am particularly pleased to hear that at the highest level - at the level of the head of state - the most serious commitment to ensuring nuclear safety is being expressed. This says a lot - first of all, about the professionalism that your country has, having gone through a long path to becoming a power producing nuclear energy ... and it serves as an example of how a country can work with the agency, how closely it can interact with experts and missions of our organisation and show, in particular, the openness of your country" to the issue of nuclear safety.

The official Belta news agency reported Grossi as telling reporters afterwards: "We discussed a number of very important issues in an open and trusting atmosphere. First of all, this concerned the delicate situation in the region, the conflict in Ukraine, the challenges and dangers that the situation in the region poses. I was able to inform Mr President in detail about the work of the IAEA, which our agency has been conducting since the very beginning of the conflict, to ensure nuclear safety at nuclear power plants in Ukraine."

Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Viktor Karankevich, former Energy Minister, said, after the visit to the Belarusian nuclear power plant in Ostrovets: "Interaction with the agency will continue ... we have already started preparing the next IAEA mission on operational safety ... we intend to expand our cooperation in new areas, including in the field of radioactive waste management. The experience and achievements of the world community will be used in the framework of the project to build a national burial site for radioactive waste."

Grossi called it "a great honour and joy for me to finally visit Ostrovets after so many years of working together on this project ... the IAEA was involved in the Belarusian NPP project ... from the very beginning - on issues of choosing the location of the plant, developing rules for interaction in emergency situations, work in the initial operational stage. Now we have the opportunity to talk about supporting the plant ... we are ready to continue our communication within the framework of interaction on waste processing issues".

Nuclear power in Belarus

The existing Belarus nuclear power plant is located in Ostrovets in the Grodno region. A general contract for the construction was signed in 2011, with first concrete in November 2013. Rosatom began construction of unit 2 in May 2014. There are now six VVER-1200 reactors in operation in total, with four in Russia. The first Ostrovets power unit was connected to the grid in November 2020 and, the energy ministry says, the plant will produce about 18.5 TWh of electricity per year, equivalent to 4.5 billion cubic metres of natural gas, with an annual effect on the country's economy of about USD550 million. The second unit was put into commercial operation on 1 November 2023. Together they are generating about one-quarter of the country's electricity.

The country has been considering the option of a second nuclear power plant, with Karankevich saying in December 2023 that experts were looking into the costs and the requirements for future electricity capacity growth, saying: "We intend to reach 44 billion kWh of electricity in 2025. By 2030 we have to reach 47 billion kWh ... as we decide in favour of the second nuclear power plant or the third unit (at Ostrovet), we have to analyse the year 2040 instead of 2030 or 2035." He said that if a second nuclear power plant was built, Belarus would become a world leader in terms of share of its energy which comes from nuclear.


The Board of Directors at the US Export-Import (Exim) Bank has approved a final commitment for a USD98 million loan for pre-project services needed for the development of a first-of-kind NuScale small modular reactor in Romania.

Romania's small modular reactor (SMR) project is aiming for 462 MWe installed capacity, using NuScale technology with six modules at the former coal plant site at Doicești - about 90 kilometres northwest of Bucharest - each with an installed capacity of 77 MWe. The SMR project is estimated to create nearly 200 permanent jobs, 1500 construction jobs and 2300 manufacturing and component assembly jobs, as well as facility operation and maintenance jobs over the 60-year life of the facility.

The partnership between the USA and Romania on SMRs began in March 2019 with a memorandum of understanding between state-owned nuclear power corporation Nuclearelectrica and NuScale to study potential developments. In 2021, NuScale and Nuclearelectrica signed a teaming agreement to deploy a NuScale VOYGR-6 power plant in Romania by the end of the decade. In June 2022, the two companies signed a memorandum of understanding to begin conducting engineering studies, technical reviews, and licensing and permitting activities for the project.

NuScale Power and RoPower Nuclear - owned jointly by Nuclearelectrica and Nova Power & Gas - completed Phase 1 of a Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) study in late 2023, which analysed the preferred site of the first VOYGR-6 SMR power plant.

In July, Nuclearelectrica and RoPower Nuclear signed the FEED Phase 2 contract with Fluor Corporation of the USA for the Doicești SMR project. Under the FEED 2 contract, Fluor will provide RoPower Nuclear with the design and engineering services required for the implementation of the project, at the end of which there will be an updated cost estimate and schedule as well as the safety and security analyses needed for a final investment decision.

The Exim Bank issued a Letter of Interest in May 2023 for potential support for up to USD99 million to RoPower Nuclear for design studies - alongside expressions of interest from public and private partners from Japan, South Korea and the UAE – together amounting to up to USD275 million in early-stage support. These commitments, along with new pledges by Romania, support procurement of long-lead materials, completion of the FEED analysis, provision of project management experts, and regulatory site activities. In addition, the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and Exim also issued Letters of Interest for potential support of up to USD1 billion and USD3 billion, respectively, for project deployment.

Exim's Board of Directors has now approved a final commitment for a USD98 million loan under its Engineering Multiplier Program for pre-project services. It is estimated that the transaction would support 400 US jobs.

As well as Nuclearelectrica, RoPower Nuclear, Nova Power & Gas (part of the E-INFRA group and joint owner of RoPower) and Fluor, Samsung C&T Corporation and Sargent & Lundy are also involved in works to facilitate the development and deployment of NuScale SMR power plants in Romania.

The Exim Bank is the USA's official export credit agency with the mission of supporting American jobs by facilitating US exports. To advance American competitiveness and assist US businesses as they compete for global sales, Exim offers financing including export credit insurance, working capital guarantees, loan guarantees, and direct loans.


TerraPower Isotopes announced it is producing the actinium-225 at commercial scale. The medical radioisotope is being produced from material recovered from a legacy uranium-233 inventory at a US national laboratory.

In November 2019, nuclear innovation company TerraPower, Isotek Systems and the US Department of Energy (DOE) signed a public-private partnership agreement to use material recovered from the legacy uranium-233 (U-233) inventory at the DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to increase the supply of the medical radioisotope actinium-225 (Ac-225).

AtkinsRéalis subsidiary Isotek - a federal cleanup contractor in Oak Ridge - is responsible for the removal of the inventory of U-233 currently stored at ORNL. Under the agreement, Isotek extracts thorium-229 (Th-229) from the U-233, which TerraPower then uses for the production of Ac-225.

Oak Ridge's U-233 inventory is a legacy of Cold War-era operations and its disposition is the DOE Office of Environmental Management's highest priority at the Tennessee site. It is stored in Building 3019, which has been described as the oldest operating nuclear facility in the world.

TerraPower Isotopes (TPI) - a subsidiary of TerraPower - has now announced it is producing Ac-225 at commercial scale, "providing sustained access to highly pure Ac-225 to the global pharmaceutical community through weekly production runs".

Ac-225 is a short-lived alpha-emitting isotope that can be used in a form of treatment known as targeted alpha therapy. This therapy, in which a molecule such as a monoclonal antibody is combined with an alpha emitter such as Ac-225, has the potential to treat a variety of cancers, targeting solid tumours, metastases, and systemic cancers such as leukemia. However, the scarcity of Ac-225 - sometimes described as one of the world's rarest radioisotopes - is limiting its development and therapeutic use.

"This scale-up of production capacity of TerraPower Isotopes' actinium-225 opens a new chapter in the development of cancer treatment options, and I'm proud to be part of the journey," said Scott Claunch, president of TerraPower Isotopes. "We are proud to be the first company to provide actinium-225 at this scale, transforming how the pharmaceutical industry approaches cancer treatment with targeted alpha therapies."

TPI said it uses a natural decay method to produce Ac-225 that is free of isotopic impurities. "This method increases the efficiency and automation of the process, which enables TPI to produce a significant, consistent supply of the isotope to the market."

It added: "TPI's collaboration with Isotek reduces the cost associated with the ultimate disposal of uranium-233, while enabling a secure supply chain for the actinium-225 isotope."


US nuclear capacity has the potential to triple from about 100 GW in 2024 to about 300 GW by 2050 with a widespread surge in electricity demand after decades of stasis increasing the need for and interest in nuclear, a report by the US Department of Energy says.

According to the report, Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Advanced Nuclear, much of this load growth is being driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and data centres with a particular need for carbon-free 24/7 generation concentrated in a limited footprint.

This provides a set of customers who are “willing and able to support investment in new nuclear generation assets”, the report says.

Combined with incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act, which created new incentives for the generation of electricity from nuclear power plants, this demand has created “a step change” in the valuation of the existing fleet and new reactors.

“In 2022, utilities were shutting down nuclear reactors; in 2024, they are extending reactor operations to 80 years, planning to uprate capacity, and restarting formerly closed reactors,” the report says.

But it warns that a committed orderbook of 5-10 deployments of at least one reactor design is the first essential step for catalysing commercial liftoff of advanced designs.

“These 5-10 reactors should be of the same design as construction costs are largely expected to decrease based on repeat building and learning by doing,” it says.

The report says tripling nuclear capacity by 2050 likely will require both Generation III+ and Generation IV advanced nuclear reactor designs.

Gen III+ reactors are evolutions of the existing US operating fleet. They use water as a coolant, use low-enriched uranium as fuel and have passive safety systems.

Generation IV reactors will use non-water coolants and fuel that are not currently used by the US fleet and will offer multiple advantages, including expanded use cases such as high temperature heat for industrial applications.

Advanced nuclear includes a range of “proven and innovative” technologies and includes three size categories – large, small, and micro.

Primary Barrier To Deployment Is Cost

Modelling shows the US will need at least 700-900 GW of additional clean firm capacity to reach net-zero and nuclear is seen as one of the few proven options that could deliver this at scale.

The primary barrier to committing to new nuclear projects is cost, or cost overrun risk. Measures including sharing costs to lower barriers to entry, either among private sector companies or with the government, and ensuring on-budget delivery through improved cost estimating and implementing best practices, can help to overcome this, the report finds.

The report says nuclear does not displace or compete with renewables. Decarbonisation will require both new nuclear and renewable capacity.

“Including nuclear and other clean firm resources reduces the cost of decarbonisation by reducing the need for additional variable generation capacity, energy storage, and transmission,” the report says.

The existing US fleet of 94 nuclear reactors at 54 sites provides about 20% of US electricity generation and almost half of domestic carbon-free electricity.

Investing in subsequent licence renewals is essential for maintaining the existing fleet: of the 94 operating US reactors, 84 have licences that will expire before 2050 and 24 have licences that will expire before 2035, the report says.

Power uprates totalling about 2-8 GW could add near-term capacity to existing reactors.


Unprecedented load growth, renewed interest in AP1000s, and increased recognition of the value of the existing nuclear fleet - including plans to restart closed reactors - have prompted the US Department of Energy to issue an updated version of its Pathways to Commercial Liftoff - Advanced Nuclear report.

Pathways to Commercial Liftoff is a series of reports launched by the Department of Energy (DOE) to provide public and private sector capital allocators with a perspective as to how and when various technologies could reach full-scale commercial adoption, including a common analytical fact base and critical signposts for investment decisions. The first four Liftoff Reports - designed as "living documents" to be updated as the commercialisation outlook on each technology evolves - on clean hydrogen, advanced nuclear, and long duration energy storage, were published in March last year.

The DOE launched the updated Advanced Nuclear report on Monday at the same time as it announced nearly USD3 billion in federal loan guarantees and grants to support the repowering of the Palisades nuclear power plant in Michigan, which shut down in 2022.

Since the publication of the last iteration of the report, a widespread surge in electricity demand after decades of stasis has increased the need for and interest in nuclear, the report says. Much of this load growth is being driven by artificial intelligence and data centres with a particular need for carbon-free 24/7 generation concentrated in a limited footprint.

"In 2022, utilities were shutting down nuclear reactors; in 2024, they are extending reactor operations to 80 years, planning to uprate capacity, and restarting formerly closed reactors," the report notes.

Nuclear provides a differentiated value proposition for a decarbonised grid, the report finds. It generates carbon-free electricity, provides firm power that complements renewables, has low land-use requirements, and has lower transmission requirements than distributed or site-constrained generation sources, as well as offering high-paying jobs and significant regional economic benefits.

The report identifies a committed orderbook of 5-10 deployments of "at least one reactor design" as the first essential step for catalysing commercial liftoff. If those 5-10 reactors are of the same design, construction costs are largely expected to decrease based on repeat building and learning by doing.

The primary barrier to committing to new nuclear projects cited by many potential customers is cost, or cost overrun risk, but measures including sharing costs to lower barriers to entry, either among private sector companies or with the government, and ensuring on-budget delivery through improved cost estimating and implementing best practices, can help to overcome this, the report finds.

Another barrier identified in the report is the lack of "nuclear and megaproject delivery infrastructure" in the USA, and it says this must be addressed: "The integrated project delivery model aligns incentives between owners and contractors to deliver projects on-time and on-budget. Funding constructability research could target the drivers of cost overruns and improve project delivery".

Economies of scale

When it comes to costs, the report finds, large reactors provide "powerful economies of scale", with generating costs at multi-units plants 30% cheaper per MWh than single unit plants. This makes large reactors a good solution for bulk electricity generation.

Because civil works construction drives capital costs, the value proposition for small modular reactors (SMRs) centres around maximising design standardisation and factory production, and while SMRs may be more expensive than large reactors in terms of dollars per MW and dollars per MWh, they potentially offer a smaller overall project costs and "may be the right fit for certain applications", such as replacing smaller retiring coal plants or industrial processes requiring high temperature heat, the report finds.

Microreactors, too, could serve a variety of use cases where their compact size, transportability, and reliability are highly valued, the report finds. However, to justify investment in manufacturing facilities, microreactor designers may require a committed orderbook of some 30-50 reactors, it says - but notes that an orderbook of 50 reactors "would only amount to 500 MW total for 10 MW reactors, which could be achievable for a single industrial customer".

Since the first edition of the Liftoff report was issued, Vogtle units 3 and 4 have entered commercial operation. The two AP1000s were the first new nuclear units to be constructed in the USA in more than 30 years, and Vogtle is now the largest generator of clean energy in the USA - but lessons have been learned, the report notes.

"Delivering the first projects reasonably on-time and on-budget will be essential for achieving liftoff of the next wave of nuclear in the US; Vogtle provides essential lessons for project delivery," the report says. It also says that the costs of those two units "is not the correct anchor point for estimating additional AP1000s given costs that should not be incurred again".

"The nuclear industry is building momentum to break the commercial stalemate as utilities and other potential customers see the successful operation of Vogtle Units 3 and 4, anticipate sustained electrical load growth, and internalise IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) benefits. However, the industry must overcome remaining barriers to achieve liftoff," the report says.

"New nuclear has a critical role in decarbonisation, strengthening energy security, reliability, and affordability while providing high-quality, high-paying jobs and facilitating an equitable energy transition. Industry, investors, government, and the broader stakeholder ecosystem each has a role to play in ensuring new nuclear achieves commercial liftoff and rises to meet the challenge in time."

The report is a collaborative effort of the US DOE Loans Programs Office, Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, Office of Nuclear Energy, Office of Technology Transitions, Office of Policy, and Argonne National Laboratory and Idaho National Laboratory.


Westinghouse Electric Company has announced that it will transform its Operating Plant Services business into two new global business units - Long-Term Operations and Outage & Maintenance Services - as of the beginning of 2025.

The new Long-term Operations (LTO) business unit will develop and deliver innovative solutions across engineered solutions; instrumentation and controls systems; training and resource solutions; and parts that support the global operating fleet of nuclear power plants.

Meanwhile, the new global Outage & Maintenance Services (OMS) business unit will deliver outage, maintenance, inspection, welding and refurbishment services for operating nuclear power plants in the Americas, EMEA and Asia regions.

Westinghouse said the new organisation "reflects the increased market focus on extending the operating life of today's nuclear fleet and delivering optimised performance to existing reactor operators". It added that the new structure will "enhance customer value by elevating these respective segments within the enterprise and better positioning our teams to deliver our technical solutions for our clients worldwide".

The OMS business unit will be headed by Luca Oriani, currently senior vice president of Global Engineering & Components Services, while the LTO business unit will be headed by Marie Blanc. Dan Sumner, current president of the global Operating Plant Services business, plans to leave Westinghouse in early 2025 to pursue a personal project.

Westinghouse President and CEO Patrick Fragman said: "Westinghouse is a global leader in delivering solutions that enable the installed nuclear fleet to operate their plants effectively, safely and as long as possible."


Australia's only nuclear reactor - the OPAL multi-purpose research reactor - has officially returned to power and recommenced operations, following a months-long planned shutdown to carry out essential maintenance and upgrades including a complex operation to replace the unit's cold neutron source (CNS).

Planning and design activities commenced in 2015, working towards the planned shutdown in March this year. As well as the replacement of the CNS - a three-metre-tall device next to the reactor core which slows down neutrons as they travel from the OPAL reactor through to the large scientific neutron beam instruments - the shutdown also included the replacement of the First Reactor Protection System, a primary system required for reactor safety.

Planning for the project included the construction of a full-scale mock-up of the CNS and reactor environment which allowed team members to undertake comprehensive training in conditions which mimicked the real environment. The mock-up was also used for developing the process for replacing the CNS and the specialist tooling required. Multiple practice runs of the removal and installation of the CNS, and crane manoeuvres using the life-size OPAL mock-up, were carried out over the year before the planned shutdown, and more than 100 bespoke hand-tools were designed and created by ANSTO's engineering workshop to support a unique range of maintenance activities.

Replacement of the CNS was a first-of-a-kind operation for Australia's nuclear science and technology organisation. General Manager for the OPAL Reactor, David Vittorio, said: "Since OPAL commenced operations 17 years ago, we've been in a constant state of forward planning for regular, scheduled maintenance periods to ensure OPAL continues to operate safely, reliably, and efficiently.

"This planned shutdown has been the most significant maintenance and upgrade programme in OPAL's history to date. We're very fortunate to have extensive engineering and maintenance expertise, and decades of experience in running nuclear research reactors to accomplish these types of projects."

The replacement CNS is slightly larger than the original one, and will increase the performance to 8 of the centre's 15 neutron beam instruments. Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering Director Jamie Schulz said: "The neutrons produced by OPAL support our unique facility and scientific instruments, allowing our researchers and industry partners to study the structure and dynamics of samples, such as molecules, polymers, proteins, and viruses."

The 20 MW OPAL reactor was officially opened in 2007 as a replacement for the HIFAR research reactor which operated from 1958 to 2007. It produces medical radioisotopes as well as enabling the supply of more than half of the global demand for irradiated silicon for use in electronics and green technologies. These functions were temporarily paused during the reactor shutdown, and ANSTO worked with alternative suppliers overseas to import critical nuclear medicine products while the reactor was out of service.


The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) governing body has said it will continue to support all nuclear power plants so none become isolated from "industry interaction needed to support the highest levels of nuclear safety".

The resolution, which came at WANO's 17th Biennial General Meeting in Abu Dhabi in the UAE, also says: "We declare our firm intention to provide a focused support to Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, Kursk nuclear power plant and other nuclear power facilities located close to areas of military operations, to the extent necessary for maintaining their safe operation, within WANO competence and mandate."

It adds: "We reaffirm that every effort must be taken to ensure no interference in the nuclear operators’ ability to safely perform their work at any nuclear power plant in the world; and ... we are dedicated to maintaining WANO unity in supporting all nuclear power plants in the world, ensuring that no member nuclear power station becomes isolated either from the industry or from industry interaction needed to support the highest levels of nuclear safety."

The resolution concludes: "We urge all members to promptly and thoroughly review key SOER (Significant Operating Experience Reports) recommendations ... to help ensure readiness to maintain nuclear safety in the face of military conflict, severe weather events or other disruptive situations ... we restate our position that nuclear operators cannot be hindered in their ability to safely operate nuclear power plants, and we urge all parties to respect the IAEA's seven indispensable pillars for ensuring nuclear safety and security and the five concrete principles and restrain from actions that can initiate or prevent mitigation of a safety event."

The gathering, held every other year, brought together more than 400 delegates from 35 countries. WANO CEO, Naoki Chigusa, said it reinforced "our collective commitment to work as one team in supporting each other on the ongoing journey to achieve higher levels of performance. With around 60 nuclear units under construction worldwide, this year's event included special emphasis on supporting new entrants and emerging technologies".

The assocation also launched its revised strategy Unity Towards Nuclear Excellence with a "renewed focus to support new nuclear units start up safely and reliably over the next decade".

WANO Chairman Tom Mitchell, said: "The great engagement and participation of delegates at this conference underlines the unity of this unique association. It is the key principle that underpins the success of WANO since its establishment."

Outgoing WANO President Mohamed Al Hammadi said: "With renewed momentum in the nuclear sector to deliver new units to generate clean, baseload power, WANO will fulfil an important role in supporting these new units and the wider global fleet. Together, we will continue to build on our successes and remain dedicated to our mission of collaboration knowledge-sharing for nuclear safety and reliability."

WANO is a not-for-profit international organisation established in 1989 by the world's nuclear power operators to exchange safety knowledge and operating experience among organisations operating commercial nuclear power reactors. It currently has 460 nuclear units as members, with 60 under construction.

The organisation is well known for the on-going support operating nuclear power units provide and receive from each other, and it has created an earlier stage category of membership for an organisation during the tendering, licensing, construction and commissioning phase of a new nuclear power plant, with the intention that they will transfer to a full voting member at the time of pouring of first nuclear concrete on the nuclear island.


France's Framatome has signed a memorandum of understanding with Czech utility ČEZ on the development of fuel for VVER-1000 pressurised water reactors. ČEZ operates two VVER-1000 units at its Temelín plant.

ČEZ - which also operates four VVER-440 reactors at its Dukovany plant - began a process of diversifying its fuel suppliers with a 2018 tender process, with contracts signed in 2022 for Westinghouse and Framatome relating to Temelín, and a 2023 contract with Westinghouse for Dukovany. It has previously received fuel supplied by Russia's TVEL.

"We are pleased to take another step in the development of a Framatome own-design VVER-1000 fuel design, with a view to ensuring the safe, reliable and uninterrupted operation of the VVER nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic and beyond," said Lionel Gaiffe, senior executive vice president of the Fuel Business Unit at Framatome. "Framatome is the fuel supplier which can guarantee a 100% sovereign European technology, with a fully European design and product, and manufacturing facilities and a fuel component supply chain located and operated in the EU."

"The first key step to strengthen the energy security of the Czech Republic taken by ČEZ Group was ensuring fuel deliveries and increasing the number of fuel suppliers," said Bohdan Zronek, director of the nuclear energy division for ČEZ. "Another step is the collaboration on the new fuel development with Framatome. ČEZ Group has long been focused on enhancing the safety and efficiency of its nuclear power plants, as well as ensuring their operation for at least 60 years. These initiatives are part of our strategy that aligns with our strategic direction."

In 2022, ČEZ also decided to increase its fuel reserves stored at its nuclear power plants, to boost energy security and it says the new fuel types meet the requirements of the switch to longer fuel cycles - of 16 months at Dukovany and 18 months at Temelín.

Nineteen VVER reactors - developed during the time of the Soviet Union and historically reliant on Russian fuel supplies - are currently in operation in the EU, including four VVER-1000 reactors in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, and 15 VVER-440 reactors in the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary and Slovakia.

"The international context has accelerated the need for a Framatome sovereign VVER fuel design to reduce the risk of interruption in the supply of critical services and to reduce dependency on imports from outside of Europe," Framatome said.

It said it was advancing the development of a fully European sovereign nuclear fuel product for both VVER-440 and VVER-1000 reactors, with the support and cooperation of European VVER operators. Framatome has been working on its own-design fuel for VVER reactors since 2018. The company has three nuclear fuel fabrication facilities: Romans in France; Lingen in Germany and Richland in the USA.

ČEZ selected Westinghouse in February 2016 to supply six Lead Test Assemblies for the Temelín plant. In August 2018, ČEZ announced plans to test six Westinghouse fuel rods in unit 1 of the plant.

Temelín has a unique fuel design operating currently and therefore careful testing with limited fuel introduction over a period of two years was required to ensure safe compatibility with existing fuel. Westinghouse has developed a modified Robust Westinghouse Fuel Assembly design for use at Temelín. The new design includes fewer spacer grids for the assembly to be compatible with non-Westinghouse fuel, and material upgrades to further improve fuel economy and performance.


The US Department of Energy has finalised a USD1.52 billion loan guarantee for Holtec International's project to recommission the single-unit pressurised water reactor, and the Department of Agriculture has issued USD1.3 billion in grants to two rural electric cooperatives that will purchase power from the restarted plant.

The Department of Energy (DOE) conditionally committed to the loan guarantee in March. Today's announcement is the first closing of a loan guarantee through the Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment (EIR) programme under Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Section 1706, first authorised and appropriated under the US Inflation Reduction Act. The EIR programme can finance "projects that retool, repower, repurpose, or replace energy infrastructure that has ceased operations or enable operating energy infrastructure to avoid, reduce, utilize, or sequester air pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions". According to the DOE, USD52.8 billion in Section 1706 (EIR) projects have been submitted to date or are expected to be submitted in the next 120 days.

"This project will bring a retired nuclear power plant back to life for the first time in American history and deliver reliable, affordable clean power to rural areas in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana and Illinois - showing how the Inflation Reduction Act is revitalising communities across the Midwest," said John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy. "Today's investments will create good-paying, union jobs - many of them for workers who've been at the plant for more than two decades."

The single-unit pressurised water reactor, on the shores of Lake Michigan, ceased operations in May 2022. Holtec agreed to purchase the 800 MWe unit from then-owner and operator Entergy in 2018, ahead of the scheduled closure, for decommissioning, completing the acquisition in June 2022. But the company then announced plans to apply for federal funding to enable it to reopen the plant.

Last year, Holtec signed a long-term power purchase agreement with Michigan non-profit Wolverine Power Cooperative to purchase two-thirds of the power generated from a reopened Palisades, with Wolverine's partner Hoosier Energy, which supplies member electric cooperatives across Indiana and Illinois, purchasing the balance. Shortly afterwards - in October 2023 - Holtec formally began the process of seeking reauthorisation from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to restart Palisades.

Earlier this month, Wolverine and Hoosier were among 16 rural electrical cooperatives announced by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to receive a share of more than USD7.3 billion in financing for rural electric cooperatives to build clean energy for rural communities across the country through its Empowering Rural America (New ERA) programme. Today, the USDA announced the award of more than USD650 million to Wolverine and USD675 million to Hoosier. Hoosier is to use the funding to help it procure 369 MWe of nuclear energy through the restart of Palisades and 250 MWe of renewable energy annually, while Wolverine will use its New ERA investment to purchase 435 MW of power from the plant.

According to Wolverine, the project to restart Palisades will reduce carbon emissions by nearly 2 million tonnes annually, putting the cooperative’s members on track to reach 100 percent carbon-free energy before 2030, as well as "restoring and maintaining" a highly-skilled workforce of 600 and supporting key initiatives that will benefit local communities for decades to come.

In an update published on 18 September, Holtec said the programme to restart Palisades is now in the inspections and maintenance phase and on schedule. The company has previously said it is aiming to repower the plant by the end of 2025.

"This loan is more than just a financial transaction: it is a signal of confidence in the vital role that nuclear energy will play in securing a clean, sustainable, and reliable energy future," Kris Singh, founder and CEO of Holtec International, said. Singh's words were reported by Power magazine.


Newcleo, the developer of small modular lead-cooled fast reactors, has relocated its headquarters from London to Paris in a move which opens up "access to a broader range of European funding opportunities".

In a statement announcing the move, Newcleo said: "The company is now better placed to secure significant investments and grants from European institutions and institutional investors ... with the newly appointed European Commissioner for energy given a specific mandate to accelerate the development of small modular reactors, Newcleo's relocation comes at a crucial time."

The company, launched in 2021, currently has more than 850 employees at 19 locations across France, Italy, the UK, Switzerland and Slovakia.

Newcleo says its "ambitious timelines" include the development of a precursor reactor in Italy by 2026, the establishment of a MOX manufacturing plant in France by 2030, the construction of a prototype 30 MWe lead-cooled fast neutron test reactor in France by 2031 "and the delivery of commercial reactors starting from 2033".

A spokesperson told World Nuclear News the headquarters move does not involve any staff transfers. The company has previously said it aimed for its first-of-a-kind commercial reactor to be in the UK - the spokesperson said it "continues to target a first UK reactor by 2033".

Newcleo's founder, chairman and CEO Stefano Buono said: "Relocating our headquarters to Paris is a strategic milestone in accelerating our mission to deliver the next generation of sustainable nuclear energy. We are now better positioned to deepen our European partnerships and tap into funding resources from institutional and industrial investors. This move aligns with our commitment to making a global impact by closing the nuclear fuel cycle and providing a clean, safe, and reliable energy source."

The company also announced it was closing the "UK phase of its Series A capital raise and will reopen it in France later this year to further facilitate investments from French and European parties. At the date of the tranche closing, the company has raised a total of over EUR535 million (USD596 million) from institutional and individual investors, of which EUR135 million has been subscribed and paid from the UK Series A tranche".

Newcleo says its investor base now includes more than 700 shareholders, including funding from Inarcassa (the Italian National Pension and Security Fund for Engineers and Architects), Walter Tosto, Ingérop, "family offices and individual investors active in AI and data centres development".

In April, the UK's Nuclear Industry Association applied for a justifcation decision for Newcleo's LFR-AS-200 lead-cooled fast reactor, the first time such an application had been made for an advanced nuclear technology in the UK. Last month, the company signed a cooperation agreement with Slovak nuclear engineering and services firm VUJE covering an assessement of deploying Newcleo's LFR technology in Slovakia and exploring fuel cycle solutions to potentially re-use Slovakia's used nuclear fuel inventory, collaborating on research and development activities and developing skills and capabilities in advanced nuclear technologies.


A new survey has shown that more than half of the Swiss population supports the government's plan to remove the country's ban on the construction of new nuclear power plants.

The online survey was conducted by the Leewas Institute on behalf of 20 Minuten and Tamedia, and was reported by SonntagsZeitung. Some 19,552 people took part in the survey, carried out on 19-22 September.

The survey found that 53% of respondents were in favour of the construction of new nuclear power plants, with 43% opposed and 4% undecided. This was a turnaround compared with a survey conducted from 6-10 September, in which 51% were against new nuclear power plants.

In late August, the Swiss government announced it will seek to lift the country's ban on the construction of new nuclear power plants, which has been in place since 1 January 2018. The Federal Department of Energy and Communications will submit an amendment to the Nuclear Energy Act to the Federal Council by the end of 2024, and the consultation will last until the end of March 2025. Parliament will then discuss the initiative and the counter-proposal.

A new Swiss energy policy was sought in response to the March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. Two months later, both the Swiss parliament and government decided to exit nuclear power production. The Energy Strategy 2050 initiative drawn up by the Federal Council came into force in 2018 and calls for a gradual withdrawal from nuclear energy. It also foresees expanded use of renewables and hydro power but anticipates increased reliance on fossil fuels and electricity imports as an interim measure.

The Federal Council noted that "in recent years, the situation on the electricity market and in energy policy has changed fundamentally" due to: climate targets and electricity demand; new gas-fired power plants no longer being an option; and geopolitical uncertainties.

Switzerland currently has four nuclear reactors generating about one-third of its electricity. They all have an unlimited operating licence and can be operated as long as they are safe.


The inner containment building for unit 2 of Egypt's El Dabaa nuclear power plant has begun to take shape, with work also under way on the reactor vessel for the fourth unit.

The inner containment building is a cylindrical reinforced concrete structure which houses the nuclear reactor and the primary circuit equipment of the nuclear power plant. It has a domed roof and will be surrounded by a similar shaped, but larger, outer containment building.

The inner containment building consists of 12 leaf-type segments, each weighing between 60 and 80 tonnes, with the first segment installed on Thursday, 26 September. The installation of the first tier of the inner containment building for unit 1 took place between March and May this year.

Mohamed Dwiddar, project manager of the El Dabaa nuclear power plant, described it as "a new milestone in the continuous progress of the construction works - this achievement is a result of the combined efforts of the Egyptian team represented by the Nuclear Power Plants Authority in its capacity of the owner, and the Russian team represented by Atomstroyexport".

ASE JSC's Alexey Kononenko, director of the El Dabaa NPP Construction Project, said: "Today we are moving on to a new stage of the construction works ... our international team has done a tremendous job for this purpose ... it is a great pleasure to acknowledge the close cooperation between both the Russian and Egyptian parties - currently, we are building all four units of the NPP simultaneously, ensuring overall development of the construction site of the nuclear power plant”.

Among the work taking place for the other units, this week also saw Rosatom's AEM-Special Steels machine building division begin work on the reactor vessel for El Dabaa's unit 4.

The metallurgists smelted 192 tonnes of metal. After casting, the metal was treated outside the furnace and then cooled in a vacuum chamber for two days to 550-650 degrees Celsius, Rosatom said, adding: "To give the billet the desired shape and dimensions, the ingot is then transferred to the forging, pressing and mechanical-thermal shops."

El Dabaa will be Egypt's first nuclear power plant, and the first in Africa since South Africa's Koeberg was built nearly 40 years ago. The Rosatom-led project is about 320 kilometres north-west of Cairo and will comprise four VVER-1200 units, like those already in operation at the Leningrad and Novovoronezh nuclear power plants in Russia, and the Ostrovets plant in Belarus.

Rosatom will not only build the plant, but will also supply Russian nuclear fuel for its entire life cycle. It will also assist Egyptian partners in training personnel and plant maintenance for the first 10 years of its operation. Rosatom is also contracted to build a special storage facility and supply containers for storing used nuclear fuel. Construction of the nuclear power plant began in July 2022.

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