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[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Make no mistake. These people fleeing Israel have not had a sudden change of heart, or developed a conscience after the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents. Their comfortable lives built atop human rights abuses, apartheid, land grabs and genocide have merely become slightly less comfortable. They just don't want to be around when it's time to face the consequences.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 month ago

Pretty much this. Israels behavior should have been untenable to any decant human being since it's inception. Leaving now is merely a sign that these people aren't prepared to personally suffer any consequences for their part in this genocide. I can't wait for them to cry about the businesses and property they lost to those evil brown people, cuba style, after Israel falls.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

It is history repeating itself, Israel is another failed Crusader State

Emigration from Outremer intensified from the 1240s as prospects of the crusader states' survival darkened.[252] In this period, a massive influx of Frankish and native Christian refugees to Cyprus is well documented.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I listened to the audio, love the last woman they spoke to who said she's leaving because the nation has PTSD and she doesn't want to put that on her daugher's shoulders. Seems kind of reasonable, if very typical in not acknowledging the genocide and apartheid. But then when asked if she'd ever return to "Israel" she says she would, if her daughter wanted to serve in the IDF at 18. Where do you think "Israelis" get their PTSD from, lady? What the fuck?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Reasonable choice if you ask me.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Eh, reading the article it's more like "the Israeli government isn't doing enough" than "the Israeli government is comitting genocide". The could being interviewed said they chose to go to Thailand because it has few pro-palestine protests, so it's not out of any kind of solidarity.

Regardless, gotta be better to get people out of the echo chamber Netanyahu has built.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Yeah i wasnt thinking they were pro palestine, but as you say, the more people leave this hyper homogenized religious echo chamber the better.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Getting out before the world has had enough of their shit.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Million whites leave SA - study: South Africa

Sep 24 2006 4:37PM

Peet van Aardt

Johannesburg - One million white South Africans - almost a fifth - have left the country in the past ten years.

This figure was released last week in a report from the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR).

Frans Cronjé, who compiled the report, said it was especially crime and affirmative action which had driven a fifth of South Africa's white population out of the country.

He did an analysis of Statistics South Africa's Household Surveys between 1995 and 2005, emigration figures and other reliable estimates on population numbers.

Cronjé said the results left himself and his colleagues dumbfounded.

"When we drew the graphs we saw that almost a whole generation of white South Africans are not here anymore."

Young people, children leaving

The SAIRR's population pyramid of white South Africans show a definite loss of young people and children under the age of ten.

The figures for 2005 put the number of white South Africans in the country at 4.3 million, 841 000 fewer than the 5.2 million of 1995.

Cronjé predicts that the white population would continue to shrink, and, he said, the situation would have a far-reaching impact on the economy.

"The white population is getting older, which means the white taxpayers are only going to contribute to the economy for the next twenty years. There would have to be a huge influx of skilled workers to fill this gap. This, unfortunately, is not the case."

Due to the inequalities of the past, the education of most of the black children is still not on par to fill these gaps.

Last year, for example, only 3 000 black learners passed matric with higher grade mathematics, said Cronjé.

Economically productive

Most of the white emigrants are economically productive people, said Marco Macfarlane, co-author of the report.

However, in the last decade the black economically productive population grew by 81%. Some of these people have slot into the high-income group, where black people make up a third of the top earners.

Whites, however, still account for half of this group, where Indians and coloureds make up 7% and 6% of the high-income group respectively.

The rest of the black entrants to the labour market are busy in the informal sector, which do not necessarily contribute to the tax income.

"Black people are entering the economy at a stiff pace, but of the economically active middle class (the country's biggest tax contributors), blacks only account for 1%."

Macfarlane said crime and affirmative action are the top reasons for the exodus of whites.

More whites going to leave

"And because the crime figures are not going to decline rapidly and affirmative action is to continue, more whites are going to leave.

"The young people reckon they are being punished for what happened in the previous dispensation. They are furious, because they feel they had no part in it," said Macfarlane.

According to the report the emigrants are between 20 and 40 years old.

"This is the group that have children and help grow the population, but now they're getting their children overseas. And they don't come back. That means the white population is going to continue to shrink."

The decline in the white population in the decade to 2005 is estimated at 16.1%.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Seems to be a logical extension of the end of a apartheid regime. The racist population, instead of accepting these new conditions simply flee to more welcoming (white) pastures.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


Among the first Afrikaner converts to make aliyah were the Taljaards from Randfontein, a gold-mining city near Johannesburg. They came in the mid-1990s and began raising sheep in the settlement of Susya, where they were often involved in violent clashes with Palestinians from nearby villages in the South Hebron Hills.

I wonder what happened in the mid 90s in South Africa that might explain this move.

Jacob, the eldest of 14 children in the family, was killed in a tractor accident several years ago. He once famously told an Israeli television reporter that he “loved” the apartheid system and thought it was “the best thing in the world.”

Well, there it is. Where's the Apartheid? Ask the fucking white guy from South Africa. He seems to know where it is!

His younger sister Sarie moved to [...] a place near her younger sister in the West Bank settlement of Ma’aleh Michmash, she moved to Ra’anana, where she found steady work. She has one older brother who still lives in Susya, another in the nearby settlement of Beit Yatir, an older sister in the settlement of Einav, in the northern West Bank

It's a whole family affair, it would seem. It doesn't seem to be a mystery at all as to why white South Africans would want move to Israel.