this post was submitted on 06 Feb 2024
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A space for LGBTQIA+ people to express themselves.


  1. Familiarize yourself with the site-wide Code of Conduct

  2. Be nice to each other, no bigotry of any kind
    Bigotry includes transphobia, homophobia, aphobia, sexism, racism, ableism, etc. Hold each other accountable. If you see something, say something.

  3. Don't link to transphobia
    Please don't link to transphobia (or other bigotry), even if your personal intent is to challenge the bigotry in some way. Provide a content warning label in the title of your post where applicable.

  4. Be dank; don't be not-dank
    No liberalism, capitalist apologia, imperialism, etc.

  5. Harassment
    Cyber-stalking, harassment, and all other forms of threatening another comrade will result in removal.
    Threatening, inciting violence, and promoting harm to another comrade shall result in removal.

  6. No sexually explicit content
    As badly as some of us want to get saucy here, do not post sexually-explicit content that could reveal your personal or confidential information. Until there is a way this could be safely executed, all sexually-explicit posts will be removed to keep our comrades safe.

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    It will be removed.

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    We can't guarantee an immediate response. This does not mean no one cares. If you need to talk to someone at once, you may want to take a look at this directory of Hotline Numbers.
    If you need help but don’t feel comfortable making a post for any reason, please message the moderators. We will be glad to talk with you privately, or help in any other way that we can.

founded 4 years ago

Looking for trans and queer comrades working on self-acceptance to start a reflection and growth group. It will be sort of like group therapy but with more emphasis on personal reflection. There would be weekly threads to share reflections and to find support with each other.

I started this sort of hokey new-age self-help book titled 'Gay Spirit Warrior' which provides a framework for becoming a liberated, anti-patriarchal Gay Man through processing internalized homophobia, and anxieties around being publicly out.

As I was reading the introduction, it was so easy to replace 'loving other men' with 'letting yourself be genderqueer.' I am really excited to start working through the book! But like all forms of reflection and growth, it is done best through community.

I am committed to spend about two hours each week reflecting, and imagine others could have a worthwhile experience with about half that time. If there are a few interested comrades, I would begin freely adapting the chapters of the book to be about general queer self-acceptance.

I will try to adapt the first chapter by Friday so comrades can have a better idea of what it entails! Probably this will be done by block quoting with interpretive notes.

top 4 comments
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[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago

I like this a lot

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

This is an interesting idea. I might join.