Dead by Daylight

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Darkest Dungeon studio joins Dead by Daylight developer.

  • Quentin player is my 4th hook
  • I'm nearby when he gets unhooked, try to M1 the savior
  • Quentin body-blocks
  • Savior got away, Quentin still nearby after getting hit
  • Chase Quentin, got my 5th hook, his 2nd
  • Ended up getting a 3k, Quentin escapes
  • Post game chat Quentin is pissed that I tunneled him.

How do we feel about the new survivor?

Blood Moon 2024 (March 18-31) (
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So during the recent player survey, BHVR floated ideas for some additional game modes. I was curious what everyone thought of them. What were your favorites or which ones do you think are really missing the mark? Do you have any other fun ideas you think they're sleeping on?

Personally, I really like the sound of Tag, 5v5 and 2v8. 5v5 sounds really interesting and like it would be a good place to sweat a little. Tag sounds like pure chaotic fun, and 2v8 sounds like it could be cool, though I am skeptical they could balance it.

On the other side, I feel like Giant mode sounds like a boring novelty, and I don't understand the purpose of a Hide & Seek mode where auras are revealed every couple of seconds. That sounds like a waste of time to me, but maybe I'm missing something.

As for a mode I think they're sleeping on, I think that Hide & Seek would be more fun if Survivors goal was to cross a map without being spotted. If you get spotted you're out, and if more than one survivor makes it, then time is the tie breaker. Maybe with more than one Killer to make it even spicier.

Also here are the ones BHVR included


Survivors work together to complete tasks before one or more "Deceivers" can kill everyone without being discovered discovered

Played in rounds with voting between each round

Swapped Perspective:

Killers play in 3rd person while survivors play in 1st person

Zombie Tag:

A random survivor is picked to be the Killer

Down a player to switch roles

Once a survivor turns into a killer they don't turn back

Keep playing until there is only 1 survivor left


More generators spawn on the map

Everyone moves at double speed

Survivors have 3 lives, from which they respawn after a 20-second death timer


2 killers against 8 survivors

Hooks are removed but Cages of Atonement prevail

Luck of the Draw:

Start the game with randomized perks and items


Sizes are altered! Killers are turned into giants, while survivors become tiny

Hide & Seek:

No generators

No hooks, only Mori on downs

Stay alive for 5 minutes to escape through the exit gates

Auras will be revealed every couple of seconds


Two teams of 4 survivors and 1 Killer face off to control the generators.

Capture the generators by moving generator progress towards your team's side in a tug of war gameplay


When the obsession is killed everyone dies

Only the obsession can open the exit gates for everyone


A random survivor is picked to be the Killer

Down a player to swap roles

Survive for 5 minutes and escape


Hey guys. Am brand new to this game so forgive me upfront if this is an obvious answer.

I wanted to buy some characters or skins (not sure which they are preferred to be called) but wanted to make sure of something. If you buy a character or a killer: do the other players or your friends have to have that same character to play together?


Apparently coming to the public test beta on Steam today.


Already live!


Is it the classic stunning Jane build, the Boon Mikaela or maybe a full power struggle one for Ash? Especially if they are over-tuned to the max, committing to the theme over synergy and better perks.

I go through phases were I only play a special build which matches the current main. First was loot goblin Elodie, then a smashing Jane and some floppy Ash in between.

Currently I run medic builds on Rebecca which are ridiculously over the top.

Even though it's completely countered by Plague, it feels so rewarding having Autodidact ramp up. (Especially against sloppy Thana-Legions!)

I always take one aura perk with me. If I want to play offensive and get Autodidact online early, Empathy is great. Want to lay back and mainly do objectives? Swap it for Empathic connection. Although randoms often ignore your aura in favour of self-healing or objectives.

Bite the bullet helps you heal more safely and even close to the killer. I usually heal others first, so it also masks my noise.

Better than New boosts others and also gets you faster backrubs in return. Also, I like healing. I think it's neat.

Do you have similar over the top builds for specific survivors or themes?

Combat Medic -

Triage Medic -


They finally did it.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What's your favourite order to do gens and best/worst 3/4 setup?

Mine is something like D>E>C. If I'm close to the basement, I stick that next or if I find it while walking around. Gens outside of the corner are my next target.

I roughly try to track the other progress and will switch to edge gens on the other side or the middle ones if we are on 1-2 gens.

3 Gens

Depending on the killer, A-C-F would be a classic nice 3gen setup but I do prefer two gens close to each other and one in the opposite corner. Those make slowly inching the progress between two close gens much easier with 3+ survivors and the killer is pressured to at least chase one of the people on those.

If the killer can teleport (Demodog/Sadako/Freddy), I do prefer a line setup like E-D-C because the rest of the map feels much safer to reset and heal up.

The worst setups are (probably for everyone) the ones that only have the gens on either side of the map done, leading to a 3 or even 4 gen situation. It's pretty difficult to recover with randoms or tell them to not finish a gen that'll make our game very difficult.

Sometimes however I love me some nice bad 3 gen setups where you can hide nearby or between two gens and do a hit-and-run on 2 different ones. Even better with some Potential Energy on top, can recommend!

(Map by )

Reward codes (2023-09-30) (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


The codes can be redeemed on the store page via the button "Redeem Code" on the right side of the Featured page, below your Bloodpoints.

The currently active codes are:



FLAGB Bisexual Flag

ISFLAG Intersex Flag

FLAGP Pansexual Flag

FLAGT Transgender Flag

AFLAGG Agender Flag

GFLAGF Genderfluid Flag

NBFLAG Nonbinary Flag

GFLAGQ Genderqueer Flag

AFLAGS Asexual Flag

LETSROLL Dwight Charm

CAWCAW Feathers of Pride charm

PRIDE2022 Pride Charms (Permanent)

WARRIORPUPPERS Puppers Charm (Permanent)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Facecamping has pervaded DBD since its release, and this anniversary, Behaviour announced a planned change to the game's core mechanics to disincentivize camping.

The changes are not live, or in any PTB, and there has been no date announced for it; nor has there been any demonstration of its particulars yet. As of yet, we've just had the concept described to us.

The summary, from their website:

With this update, whenever a Survivor is being face-camped by a Killer, a meter will build over time. This meter is only visible to that Survivor. Once it’s completely full, they will be able to escape from a Hook without need of another Survivor, gaining Endurance and the Haste Status Effect. Note that this system can activate in both the first and second Hook stages.


The meter fills when the Killer is nearby, with the rate of fill increasing based on the Killer’s proximity to the Hooked Survivor. Please note that this will not impact instances of proxy-camping, nor the times when a Killer is actively defending a Hook from a group of swarming Survivors. In fact, the presence of other Survivors in the vicinity will reduce the meter fill-rate, though the rate itself will never be negative.


A Killer being fewer than 5 meters away from a Hooked Survivor will significantly increase the system’s fill meter. Between 5 and 10 meters, the rate of fill will still raise, albeit not quite as quickly. If the Killer is more than 16 meters from the Hooked Survivor, the system will not activate. Please note that the presence of additional Survivors will have an impact on the rate-of-fill, slowing it down.


If a Survivor can self-unhook as a direct result of being face-camped, they will be able to use any Perk that triggers following an unhook – for example, Dead Hard and Off The Record. Survivors who escape via this system will also be granted the Endurance status as usual.


As it stands, this system will remain active and function as intended on Maps with multiple floors like The Game or Midwich Elementary School. We’d like to clarify that this may possibly lead to edge cases where a Killer is falsely punished for face-camping, so we will be monitoring this closely following release and adjusting as needed.

What are your thoughts on this system? Do you think we'll see it hit live? Do you think it can be abused? Crucially, will it fix face-camping? Or do you think tunneling will become the next point of blame for people's fun?


The devs love putting codes in surrounding Jonah


Figure this could be a fun topic! Who's your favorite Killer, either to play as or play against? Bonus points, share your build!

For me, my favorite still has to be Singularity to play as, its ability is super flexible, with applications in cross-map info and chases. Plus its voice lines do a great job of showcasing both cold calculation and absolute disdain. I run a pretty basic build, Nowhere to Hide, No One Escapes Death, Fearmonger and either Thrilling Tremors or BBQ and Chili, haven't settled on which I like better. My favorite add-ons are the blindness within biopod one, and the one that makes survivors scream when they cleanse slipstream. (Funniest perk combo: the purple that makes the first EMPs take longer and everyone starts streamed, + the one that streamed survivors hear the terror radius constantly. Psychological warfare from the jump!).

To play against... I think I have to say Ghostface. He turns the game on its head by never having a terror radius, so you really gotta look around all the time to keep an eye out, and the paranoia that brings is very thrilling.


I've never fought for anything in my entire life, I'm fighting for this hat.


I don't expect killers to let all survivors go, or meme around, or farm, but can we all at least just play the goddamn game?

There is no reason at all to camp and tunnel out two survivors at 4 gens then slug the last two in general, but when there's five tiramisus? You're not even getting many points for brutality or chasing if you have no gens to kick and players are just bleeding out on the ground ffs. If you just played competitively but normally you could likely still get a 4K, and/or get more points than playing the asshole way.

It is a game, yes, and that means you don't owe the other side anything. Play the game, play to win.

But at the same time, it is a game. It doesn't have to be THAT serious that it warrants you sweating so much so early.

And the people who do it because the fun of the game for them comes not from the challenge or objectives of the game but instead comes from doing whatever you can to be a dick to other people? I say this sincerely, that is really sad. You know most people don't derive their main source of pleasure from hurting/harassing/annoying other people, right? Like, you know that is not a thing that people who are okay do?

And survivors also don't need to go out of their way to be as rude as fucking possible, in and outside of events. Like, chill out for a second. Lots of killers are choosing to be casual in the early days of the event, you're not necessarily actually outplaying them, and even if you were, your "achievement" doesn't warrant endless teabagging, literally hundreds/thousands of other people are escaping this game every single day lmao, you're not a superstar.

Just play the game. If you want to be chill about it and have fun celebrating the event then you do you, but it's obviously okay not to. But can we at least just all just play the game we're celebrating the anniversary of as it was intended to be played?


It’s been almost a week since the debut of the End Transmission Chapter. We’ve been keeping a close eye out for feedback since the launch, and we are already preparing a few balance changes for an upcoming update. Today, we’ll take a moment to run through each of the adjustments we have made and give some explanation as to why we are making them.

But first, let’s cover a few trends we’ve noticed:

The Singularity’s Biopods are often disabled, making it difficult to use its Power.
Holding an EMP offers a Survivor too much protection against The Singularity’s Power, allowing them to quickly and easily remove Slipstream and disable Biopods while being chased.

For the former, we made some incremental changes between the Public Test Build (PTB) and live release, reducing the number of Supply Cases and increasing the time it takes for them to print. We needed to be careful since making EMPs too hard to get could have the opposite problem of removing counterplay from Survivors. Now that we’ve had some time to see how these tweaks have played out, we feel comfortable reducing the frequency of EMPs even further. We have:

Reduced the number of Supply Cases to 4 (was 5).
Increased EMP Generation time to 100 seconds (was 90 seconds).
Reduced the duration of disabled Biopods to 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).

With these adjustments combined, EMPs will be less readily available and leave Biopods disabled for a shorter period of time. Survivors will still be able to defend themselves against Biopods in key locations, but they will want to use them strategically as to not waste them.

Second, we have noticed a developing strategy where Survivors would hold an EMP at all times and only use it once the Killer attempts to tag them with a Temporal Slipstream during a chase. Although we like the options this provides, it can make chasing a Survivor holding an EMP a little underwhelming since your Power is effectively “blocked” until the EMP is used. To make this strategy a little more risky, we’ve done the following:

Increased the time to charge an EMP to 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
New effect: Survivors are now slowed by 10% when charging the EMP.

With this in mind, saving your EMP for a chase becomes a lot more dangerous. While you may remove your Slipstream, the Killer will also catch up much quicker and potentially get a hit. If you decide to use your EMP defensively, you’ll want to plan ahead and use it when the time is right.

Each of the changes mentioned in this post will be available in the upcoming 7.0.1 Bugfix Patch. Stay tuned to our channels for more information when the update is available! As always, we’ll be monitoring for feedback once these tweaks go live, so be sure to let us know how they feel.

Until next time…

The Dead by Daylight team


Hey fellow DBD players. Was wondering what build or builds you're currently favoring?

For survivor, I've been running what I call the second chance build. It's Adrenaline, Unbreakable, Decisive Strike, and Off the Record. DS and Off the Record are kind of redundant, with Off the Record being much more useful, but it can make for some funny locker stuns. Pair it with Dead Hard for even more laughs ( I suck with DH though).

I don't play much killer since switching to a controller (extended mouse use hurts my hand and wrist) but I'll still occasionally play Scratched Mirror Myers. I typically run PWYF, Sloppy Butcher, NOED, and either Deadlock or Nemesis. Of course I'll need to run an indoor map offering but if my map gets nuked by another offering, I still have NOED for some endgame fun.

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