[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Those are the companies that have contributed to the fast churn of creatives getting overworked and leaving the industry, leaving their projects to be driven entirely by excess man-hours and lack of innovation.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Guns are the ultimate in demonstrating why “Let the problem solve itself” has plenty of consequences for lots of other innocent people.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

There’s no “special” reason to view the adults you grew up with as better or worse caretakers. Statistically, it’s likely they’re equivalent to many others.

Still, this over application of logic refuses to let us be enthusiastic about anything unless there’s a scientifically documented reason towards it. It’s nice to have reasons to adore something, even if that thing is a country - but the comic is making the point that you should still want to find flaws in and improve that thing.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

I’ve been doing a bit of writing, and I feel this…

I want to write comparable experiences, but it can also come across as a heavy-handed author message if people feel too strongly that a certain place or character or event is a strong allegory for a real-life thing.

It’s more likely those fictional events were informed by those real events the author experienced, and it remains in fiction for people to reflect on.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Generally, devs have felt very pressured when given multiple release date goals. By that I mean getting out a playable E3 demo, a “beta”, a demo, an early access for preorders…

It means if, say, the character has always had a clipping issue with their holster but it’s not a priority, the team can focus on important work/bugs first and their QA just kind of acknowledges the weird holster. But anytime they’re releasing, every detail like that has to be trimmed up for however many levels are coming out.

So yeah, I’m in favor of them avoiding any marketing betas if it helps them.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Okay, sorry, 93% is also an acceptable number.

But like, 7% Republican votership is still…weird. And unexpected. Given that that party has contributed absolutely nothing but lies and murderers.

If a hungry man is hanging from a rope over a pit of lava, I am not starving him by keeping food on my side of the pit, I am prioritizing getting him off the rope and away from the dangerous situation first, before addressing equity issues.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

I’m kind of okay with them going whichever way they have creative ideas. Even RE’s action design has been really fun except when they tried to “streamline” it in RE6.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 5 days ago

In a potential future where Democrats own 100% of the senate, and nobody sane is voting GOP, it’s also possible for third party candidates to make progress in elections since no one has fear of a batshit lunatic getting into office.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

All I really know about this game is the ridiculously stylized animations in its cutscenes and fight moves, which has definitely made me want to try it out.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

I’m trying this game on PSN, but often the dealer is just throwing high numbers at me and I can’t see any economic way I can match them with my own summons. Two bears in a row; what do?

It’s my common issue with Roguelikes. You’re replaying the first level a lot and things don’t really develop much very quickly. I kinda just gave up.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

As someone who never touched the difficulty, I think my smooth experience came down to considering the encounters more, not dial-mashing the controller. Some fights work a lot better with certain equipment. There’s three kinds of defense suitable for certain attacks: Shield, dodging, and sprinting (a certain enemy has a long gun attack, for instance, that’s good for sprinting).

I think I did struggle a bit at an eventual “rush” segment, but that’s coming up near the end of the game.

It's Not About The Nail (www.youtube.com)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

An HD re-release of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Dual Destinies, and Spirit of Justice, for Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PS4.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sales follow the tradition of supply and demand. Products come out at their highest price because of expectations and hype. Then, as interest wanes, the publisher continues to make some sales by reducing price to tempt the less interested parties.

But this isn't the formula for all games. While we might agree that games from 2000 or even 2010 are "showing their age", at this point 5 to 8-year-old games are less and less likely to be seen as 'too old' by comparison to hot releases. Some publishers have picked up on that theme, and doubled down on the commitment to the idea that their games have high longevity and appeal; making the most of their capitalistic venture for better or worse.

I recently was reminded of an indie game I had put on my wishlist several years back, but never ended up buying because it simply had never gone on sale - but looking at it now, not only did it maintain extremely positive user reviews, I also saw that its lowest all-time price was barely a few dollars off of its original price.

In the AAA space, the easiest place to see this happening is with Nintendo. Anyone hoping to buy an old Legend of Zelda game for cheap will often be disappointed - the company is so insistent on its quality, they pretty much never give price reductions. And, with some occasional exceptions, their claims tend to be proven right.

In the indie space, the most prominent example of this practice is Factorio, a popular factory-building game that has continued receiving updates, and has even had its base price increased from its original (complete with a warning announcement, encouraging people to purchase at its lower price while it's still available).

Developers deserve to make a buck, and personally I can't say I've ever seen this practice negatively. Continuing to charge $25 for a good game, years after it came out, speaks to confidence in a product (even if most of us are annoyed at AAA games now costing $70). I sort of came to this realization from doing some accounting to find that I'd likely spent over $100 a year on game "bundles" that usually contain trashy games I'm liable to spend less than a few hours in.

For those without any discussion comments, what games on Steam or elsewhere have you enjoyed that you've never seen get the free advertising of a "40% off sale"?

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We get a lot of sequels in the gaming world, and a common criticism is when a series isn't really innovating enough. We're given an open world game that takes 40 hours, with DLC stretching it out 20 more, and see a sequel releasing that cut out it's late 30 hours because players were already getting bored.

Meanwhile, there's some other types of games where any addition in the form of "It's just more levels in the series" is perfectly satisfying. Often, this is a hard measure to replicate since these types of series often demand the creators are very inventive and detailed with their content - this likely wouldn't be a matter of rearranging tiles in a level editor to present a very slightly different situation.

What I've often seen is that such games will add incredibly small, insignificant "New Gameplay Features" just so they have something to put on the back of the box, but that tend to be easily forgotten in standard play (yet, the game as a whole still ends up being fun).

The specific series that come to mind for me with "Level-driven games" are:

Hitman - the way the levels are made naturally necessitates some creativity both from the level makers to come up with unique foibles and weaknesses to each target, and from the players to discover both the intended and unintended methods of elimination.
Ace Attorney - While they series has come up with various magical/unusual methods for pointing out contradictions in court, the appeal is still in the mysteries themselves, and it's never needed much beyond the basic gameplay, and the incredibly detailed and well-animated characters to hook people in.
Half-Life - For its time, anyway. While its Episodes certainly made efforts to present new features, quite often the star of Half-Life games isn't really in any core features or gameplay mechanics, but in the inventive designs of its levels, tied in with a penchant for environmental storytelling; making you feel the world was more than an arrangement of blocks and paths. For a long time, the wait for Valve-made episodes was alleviated with modder-made levels hoping to approach the inventive qualities of the original games.
Yakuza - While the series has undergone a major overhaul moving to JRPG combat mode, for 6+ games it satisfied a simple formula: Dramatic stories driven by cutscenes, as well as a huge variety of mini quests, of boundless variety and very low logic. For many of their games, they weren't doing a whole lot to re-contextualize their core gameplay, being fisticuffs combat, and it still worked out well (plus, they're continuing to go that route for games like Kiryu's last game)

To open up discussion, and put the question as simply as I can: Which games do you follow, that you wish could be eternally supported by their devs, by simply continuing to release new "level packs" or their functional equivalent, with no need to revamp gameplay formulas?

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Occult Crime Police is an indie-made, Ace Attorney-inspired mystery game about a local town sheriff investigating crazy occurrences in her small, four-figure population hometown of Boomtown, USA.

The game is CRAZY-detailed with its animations, humor, tons of "Present Evidence" conversations, and it's available for FREE (or whatever donation price you'd like to offer). You don't go to any courtrooms, but it's the same idea, similar to the Edgeworth games; winning arguments to accuse the murder through contradictions and collected evidence.

The first case has been out for a while, but recently they've premiered case 2: Medium At Large.

And yes, there is at least one stepladder joke.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just happened to come across this one on Steam, and the reviews are generally positive. Not expecting it to reach the best points of the best Ace Attorney games, but certainly seems to be worth a try.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Apparently coming to the public test beta on Steam today.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Short segment on the subject, but he was aware of the issue long before many other channels. (If timestamp code does not work, go to 11:00)

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This should apply to internet purchases as well as retail, up to a $2,500 limit on a single item.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Facecamping has pervaded DBD since its release, and this anniversary, Behaviour announced a planned change to the game's core mechanics to disincentivize camping.

The changes are not live, or in any PTB, and there has been no date announced for it; nor has there been any demonstration of its particulars yet. As of yet, we've just had the concept described to us.

The summary, from their website:

With this update, whenever a Survivor is being face-camped by a Killer, a meter will build over time. This meter is only visible to that Survivor. Once it’s completely full, they will be able to escape from a Hook without need of another Survivor, gaining Endurance and the Haste Status Effect. Note that this system can activate in both the first and second Hook stages.


The meter fills when the Killer is nearby, with the rate of fill increasing based on the Killer’s proximity to the Hooked Survivor. Please note that this will not impact instances of proxy-camping, nor the times when a Killer is actively defending a Hook from a group of swarming Survivors. In fact, the presence of other Survivors in the vicinity will reduce the meter fill-rate, though the rate itself will never be negative.


A Killer being fewer than 5 meters away from a Hooked Survivor will significantly increase the system’s fill meter. Between 5 and 10 meters, the rate of fill will still raise, albeit not quite as quickly. If the Killer is more than 16 meters from the Hooked Survivor, the system will not activate. Please note that the presence of additional Survivors will have an impact on the rate-of-fill, slowing it down.


If a Survivor can self-unhook as a direct result of being face-camped, they will be able to use any Perk that triggers following an unhook – for example, Dead Hard and Off The Record. Survivors who escape via this system will also be granted the Endurance status as usual.


As it stands, this system will remain active and function as intended on Maps with multiple floors like The Game or Midwich Elementary School. We’d like to clarify that this may possibly lead to edge cases where a Killer is falsely punished for face-camping, so we will be monitoring this closely following release and adjusting as needed.

What are your thoughts on this system? Do you think we'll see it hit live? Do you think it can be abused? Crucially, will it fix face-camping? Or do you think tunneling will become the next point of blame for people's fun?

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