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submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/linuxquestions

Here is my problem:

Our TV is connected to a SBC running a GNOME/Wayland desktop, where we watch Jellyfin and sometimes Netflix/Hulu through Firefox.

I'd like to be able to trigger pause/play (space button) from Home Assistant, which is running on my home server.

What I am thinking of would be a server/daemon running on the TV computer that my home server would be able to send keys to via a CLI tool (in this case the space key). I am surprised to find that I cannot locate any program like this.

Can anyone provide any suggestions here?

Other ideas:

  • Jellyfin's HA integration doesn't let me pause/play from it, and that still doesn't handle Hulu/Netflix.
  • I was able to get this working through SSH and there are tools like ydotool/wtype here that work, but I found waiting for SSH to be a bit slow to connect.

Update: I got frustrated and coded up a solution:


Can I get a better Nvidia+Wayland experience by using prime and connecting the display to an AMD iGPU? I saw that in the last year Nvidia Prime had some improvements, do they make it feasible?

I can't just try it because I have yet to buy said AMD iGPU. And I'd like to know it before buying


For reference I use MX Linux with Systemd enabled.

I'm pretty new to Linux and have been running this for around a month. Everything was perfectly fine until yesterday (7th) when, on booting, I saw a glimpse of the logon screen for a second and was then taken to a black screen with some white text that read "[7.300130]". Searching for this number doesn't bring up anything.

Eventually I found that I could get into a terminal here by pressing ALT+F1. I also found a lot of people suggesting that if you get past grub and then have a very similar problem (blank screen, flashing cursor rather than a number) then it could be graphics drivers so I uninstalled and reinstalled them to no avail.

Somewhat embarrassingly, the eventual solution was very simple. After I opened the terminal with ALT+F1 I could get back to the GUI with ALT+SHIFT+F7 and.. everything was fine.

Still though, whenever I boot now, I get a glimpse of the logon page, then the black screen with the number, and then doing the shortcuts above gets me back to the logon screen and after that everything is normal.

My first instinct is to say some update on the 6th must have caused this. I have checked /var/log/apt/history.log and I did run apt upgrade on the 6th but the only update was to mx-welcome which I don't think is relevant.

Although it's only a minor nuisance I would like to not have to do this every time I boot. Any idea what this is?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/linuxquestions

I've noticed that some apps sometimes don't start from the GUI. I've seen it on several computers (all running Ubuntu 22.04). That includes double-clicking an appimage icon from an explorer window, or launching an app through a launcher shortcut. But if I open them manually from a terminal window they never fail to start.

The terminal workaround is fine... But any ideas what could be wrong with the GUI? Is there a service I can restart to try to get the functionality back?

EDIT: I'll add that the issue is sporadic. Steam will open fine from the GUI today, but tomorrow it won't, etc. (It's not as simple as a bad path in a shortcut)


I'm very new to Linux but have wanted to set up a media server since the early 2000's so I've finally set up a mini-pc with Mint and I was roughly following this guide that I'd found on Lemmy Complete Guide to Building.... I've had very little luck with the instructions provided in the link but like most of the suggested packages and have successfully gotten OpenSSH, Jellyfin, Docker and Docker Composer installed and working as far as I know. The newest problem that I'm having trouble finding an answer to is while following the instructions on

I have pulled the Docker image but when I go to create and run the container I get a message docker: invalid reference format.

I believe I have everything entered exactly as I'm supposed to:

$ sudo docker run --name adguardhome --restart unless-stopped\

-v /home/justin/server/adguard/workdir:/opt/adguardhome/work
-v /home/justin/server/adguard/confdir:/opt/adguardhome/conf
-p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp
-p 67:67/udp -p 68:68/udp
-p 80:80/tcp -p 443:443/tcp -p 443:443/udp -p 3000:3000/tcp
-p 853:853/tcp
-p 784:784/udp -p 853:853/udp -p 8853:8853/udp
-p 5443:5443/tcp -p 5443:5443/udp
-d adguard/adguardhome

Does anyone have any advice for me?


I'm considering buying second small touchscreen monitor, but I've been only ever running single monitor setup. How much hassle would it be? Is it possible to make mouse captive to primary monitor, and operate this secondary only as touch? Would running screens at different resolutions be a big problem?
Running KDE on Wayland, AMD graphics.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/linuxquestions


I'm not sure what was going wrong with what I was doing initially, but, thanks to @[email protected], as suggested, I disabled the tftp server system service, and, instead, started it with the following command:

sudo in.tftpd -L /srv/tftp --verbose --permissive -s

and it then flashed successfully.

Original Post

I'm trying to flash firmware to a router (Archer C7) using TFTP, but, when the router makes the request for the firmware file over TFTP, the TFTP server responds with the following error

Error code: Access violation (2)
Error message: Only absolute filenames allowed

This is the config for tftpd in /etc/conf.d/tftpd:


I have the firmware file in /srv/tftp, and both the firmware file, and /srv/tftp have chmod 777 permissions.

The TFTP server is running on Archlinux, and is installed as tftp-hpa from the arch repos.

If I test as a client, I can get it to download if I specify the full (absolute) path to the file /srv/tftp/filename, so it seems that the config isn't pointing the server to /srv/tftp as the relative path... How would I go about fixing that?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/linuxquestions

Hi, I’m using riverwm & the battery monitor script i’m using is working on terminal but not working through the autostart file. I have given it the executable permission.

~/.config/river/scripts/bat_status_notifier.rb &


I was just about to try to compile btop with cmake, which gave me some errors about python. which cmake returned ~/.local/bin/cmake which made me curious. After listing ~/.local/bin I found several files there, which all have a similar script within them. from import main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from cmake import main
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])

Have I caught some sort of malware/virus? Are these save to remove? I know that pip installs --user binaries into ~/.local/bin, but after inspecting it, there are just these

pip list --user
Package      Version
------------ -------
configparser 6.0.0
protonup     0.1.5
razer-cli    2.2.0

I have been trying some of the immutable linux OSes because from what I understand they are more modern and feature better security and reliability. What I have found so far is shocking. Half of these don’t support my laptop (probably because it’s nvidia optimus). Some I tried like guix were very difficult to install, configure, and use with sprase documentation. Good luck trying to use KDE, wayland, or pipewire for example. BlendOS was notably better and could at least run on my laptop but chocked with nvidia driver issues.

I have switched to pop os on my laptop for now but looking at alternatives and what to install on my desktop.


I have no intentions of actually using Kalis long list of tools for any real reason, but I really like learning new stuff. I thought it'd be fun to crack my own wifi password and stuff like that just to understand how it all works. Is there any good place to learn how to use the tools, and how they work?

Otherwise, I can just Google each tool and learn that way. I didn't know if there was a good "step by step" guide of what I should learn and in what order though


General information:

  • I'm using EndeavourOS, with KDE Plasma. I am very happy with my setup as it is, but since Wayland is "the future" I'm thinking of getting a move on.
  • It came default with just X11, no Wayland. I know KDE supports Wayland but have no idea how to switch.
  • I play a lot of games, I read somewhere that Wayland has worse gaming performance. I don't know if true or not, though.
  • ... I have an AMD GPU. I'm not enough of a masochist to try and use Linux with NVidia.
  • ..... BUT I've been thinking of upgrading to an Intel Arc GPU in the nearish future.

Let me know if there is any, more important, specific info I should be giving.

EDIT: I have changed. ... I felt no difference, but I suppose that is the whole point. Thank you to everyone who answered.


I broke my old laptop, and decided to full send Linux Mint on the new one without ever using Linux before. I'm trying to help some people study math. I want to put together like 10 questions, and below them have the answers as well as the shown work to get to the answer. I'd like to be able to blur/black the answer section out until clicked or something.

I can always put the answers on a separate page or something, but thought I might as well see if Linux has something to offer

I could also code something into a webpage, but I was just looking for convenience

Thank you!

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/linuxquestions

Ok so I have a Macbook Pro 12,1 and the keyboard/trackpad has been dead for a few months, or so i thought. I installed linux in a seperate partition and when it booted, lo and behold, a working damn keyboard and mouse! Boot camp/windows hadn't fixed the issue and it still is broken when i go back to MacOS.

Now i have to wonder, is there a way I can get those drivers from linux that make the keyboard function work on MacOS? I'm running linux lite 6.6 (which i guess is a branch of ubuntu) and MacOS Monterey if that helps..

Sticking with ubuntu lol

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Blxter to c/linuxquestions

Hello, I am trying to setup sunshine (the RPD client) to work on linux using Nobara distro and am running into a "Fatal: Couldn't find any working encoder" I also told me to run -Dvideo-codecs=h264enc,h265enc but that returns "Command not found". Any help would be appreciated. Also just tips in general new here.

Edit: Or if someone has a better or easy RDP solution that helps too I don't mind streaming games through steams own remote play but I wish to be able to remote in from my phone elsewhere to do non gaming things.


submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/linuxquestions

How to run/install a game repacked for windows on Linux? Is it possible?


I use multiple systems, and all seem to have some kind of way to ease the use of password prompts:

On MacOS you can use the fingerprint reader, or the Apple Watch to authorize operations (yep, even sudo)

On Windows, Windows hello allows you to authorize using a fingerprint reader or specific camera setup

Fingerprint readers are not as widely supported in Linux as in Windows because of vendor limitations (they just don’t care).

Is there any other recommended way to authorize operations on a desktop computer using something similar to the other systems? (Fingerprint readers, Bluetooth auth, etc)


I'm seeing programs freeze when I start any operation that would open a 'save as' dialogue box. The behavior is happening with all programs and started suddenly last week.

I've been able to trace the problem to a mounted SMB network drive that I access through a VPN. I have the mount specified in /etc/fstab. If I manually unmount (sudo umount -l /path/to/mount/) then all of these 'save as' freezes go away, and programs which appeared frozen suddenly come back to life. But if I remount (sudo mount -a) then the freezes return when I try to save anything.

So I have a workaround solution (unmount whenever saving, remount to continue working), but I'm at a loss for how to fix this more permanently. Weird that it began all of a sudden like this, everything used to be fine. I've tried updating and that hasn't helped. Any thoughts are much appreciated!

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS x86_64

Kernel: 6.2.0-36-generic

DE: GNOME 42.9

WM: Mutter


Wine works really well on popular games. But when I want to run a more obscure program I have spotty luck.

On a few of occasions I was able to get a few programs to run via Wine, but after an OS wipe I was unable to get them to work again. In those circumstances I know the programs CAN work, & I realize how terrible I am at troubleshooting Wine problems. Internet searches turn up very little advice for how to go about troubleshooting.

Do any of you have any procedures, rules of thumb, advice etc for troubleshooting Wine issues?


My backups don't complete because of the following error:

bup "-d" "/media/backonmybs/BackupSSD/KDENeon Backup" "init"
bup "-d" "/media/backonmybs/BackupSSD/KDENeon Backup" "index" "-u" "/home"
b'/home/': [Errno 13] Permission denied: b'chamaco/'                  
read Linux attr: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/chamaco/'       
WARNING: 2 errors encountered.

Exit code: 1
Kup did not successfully complete the bup backup job: failed to index everything.

The main account with admin rights is backonmybs. The other account which has full admin rights is chamaco.

How can I change permissions so that backups complete successfully?


I am running KDE on Ubuntu and I'm trying to type in traditional Chinese using fcitx-chewing, but it only outputs simplified I believe that I have all the necessary packages installed: fcitx5-chinese-addons, fcitx5-table-extra But on the fcitx settings page I can't find any option of switch between traditional and simplified. Is there any hidden settings or configuration file that I am missing?



When trying to adjust the appearance of my KDE Neon setup, I made a mistake and now I can't figure out how to undo it. I was editing the applications in the stock Application Launcher. I can't remember exactly what I did, but I made a second entry to an application (Ferdium) that was already installed and tweaked the "Program:" entry for it. Since then, I haven't been able to use it. I even uninstalled the app, which removed the original application item, but I can't remove the copied version.


When I click on it in the KDE Menu Editor, it immediately crashes the editor and suggests that I report a bug. The bug error details read "Executable: kmenuedit PID: 3,152 Signal: Segmentation fault (11) Time: 10/25/23 6:16 PM". I've submitted the bug, but haven't heard anything about it in weeks. I might have submitted it without contact information, and if I try to resubmit it, it appropriately prevents me from submitting the bug again.

When I click on the application entry as if it to open it, I get an error stating, "execvp: No such file or directory".

Any ideas on how I can remove the application from my application menu?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/linuxquestions

[Look at comments for solution]

Yeah, can't really explain why either...

#* /dev/nvme0n1p4 LABEL=Gentoo_ROOT UUID=1904b32b-44e0-47c0-9896-f2a72462ba35 / ext4 rw,relatime 0 1

#* /dev/nvme0n1p5 UUID=da7160d5-2c7b-4dee-99a2-f77fd94fd50c /home ext4 rw,relatime 0 2

#* /dev/nvme0n1p6 LABEL=GENTOO_BOOT UUID=3549-4E88 /boot vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro 0 2


#* /dev/sdb3 LABEL=2TB\134x20HDD\134x20P2 UUID=3abcc113-850d-4e7a-88fb-f183907b3b55 /run/media/presi300/2TB\134x5cx20HDD\134x5cx20P2 ext4 auto,rw,relatime 0 2

#* /dev/sdc1 UUID=35bb39b3-650d-45d5-bf13-795edf483ca2 /run/media/presi300/35bb39b3-650d-45d5-bf13-795edf483ca2 ext4 auto,rw,relatime 0 2

#* /dev/sdb1 LABEL=2TBP1 UUID=0c9f4f41-5129-4829-8666-c1c7ee6b0ff0 /run/media/presi300/2TBP1 ext4 auto,rw,relatime 0 2

#* /dev/sda1 LABEL=1TB UUID=199a489b-a592-4546-9b38-8ba1f0365a34 /run/media/presi300/1TB ext4 auto,rw,relatime 0 2


I've tried changing pretty much everything in /etc/fstab to no effect, another weird thing is that the system can boot without /etc/fstab being present... Though only the ROOT partition gets mounted. Any Ideas? (Ignore the *s, they are so that the # appears instead of lemmy enlarging the text)


I would like to install Ungoogled Chromium, but I can only find ungoogled Chromium as an older version on Arch AUR and a "Ungoogled Chromium XDG" as a newer build. Can someone please explain me what's the difference between Ungoogled Chromium and Ungoogled Chromium XDG?

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