
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

I'm down with grinding and killing bad guys on loop actually. I wish "Free Guy" was a game because that looked fun to play.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

This looks good... I would play Halo but I only have PS5..

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] -2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Gonk /ɡɒŋk/ TRADEMARK noun a spherical or egg-shaped doll with frizzy hair.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I'm into 3D games more than 2D tbh but thanks for the suggestions

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Tried Returnal but the difficulty was impossible...

[–] [email protected] -3 points 10 months ago

It was a toss up between this or The Last of Us which is also story driven

[–] [email protected] -1 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Like what? Most games seem to be largely story based these days.


I can sense this is going to get downvoted probably. I know you guys probably love all aspects of the game so it's understandable. But I'm not into story based games. I'm into more active gameplay (mostly combat/adventure), of which there is a lot in Cyberpunk that's actually good. I just want to know how to get the most action with this game and skip through the story, yeah I know I'm missing stuff, but that's not what I got the game for. I just want gameplay, not story or dialogue or choose your own adventure stuff.

I chose Corpo and I'm not sure if it's the best path since I read that it has a lot of dialogue. I'm so uninterested in the dialogue that I skip through all of it while choosing random/default options mostly, until I can get to more action gameplay or at least get to walk around and look at stuff which is fun.

I saw gameplay footage online which sold me on the game, and it had someone shooting at robots and fighting different enemies a lot with space age futuristic weaponry and settings. That's what I want from this game. How can I get to fight robots properly (not the dummy robot you have a fist fight with in the ring but actual warbots with weapons that are a real threat)? Does the Corpo go up against robots at some point or is that something reserved for Streetkid? I just want the most combat and gameplay possible with the least dialogue/story-driven stuff.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago

Why do you choose to assume the worst and not believe people? I didn't say 50% of my comments are problematic and worth deleting. I said 50% GET deleted unfairly. You are putting supreme faith in the YouTube moderation system and assuming that it doesn't make mistakes when it clearly does. Unlike other people's comments which deserve to be removed but aren't, nothing I'm saying is problematic at all.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago

I did not say 50% of my comments are questionable. I said about that many get removed for no reason despite being harmless. It's you who is making negative assumptions about a human being and choosing to put all your faith in technology and AI to work correctly when it clearly doesn't. And no, again, it's not channels. Channel owners have confirmed to me they're not deleting my comments and they don't know why they get removed.


It just annoys me because I'm not going to order it and I'm abstaining from alcohol. But there's always some "special deals" being advertised by UberEats on alcohol, as well as meat, dairy and eggs. It's like they're really sleazy and desperate to hawk these products.


As strange as it may seem, I hate my accent and want to speak like an American because I think it sounds cooler and more like how I want to sound.

I've more or less perfected my version of an American accent on my own, I think.

But whenever I'm with other people who know me, I revert back to my old accent instinctively because that's how they know me to sound like. I'm unsure about how I can subtly transition without them noticing a sudden change, such as through gradual exposure to my accent changing more each time they hear it. That way I could argue that I don't know how it happened and it was a slow progression if they eventually realise it's different, rather than something forced that I started doing one day.

The biggest thing I think is changing the pronunciation of certain words with "a", such as going from "fahst" to "faast" for the word 'fast', or "mahsk" to "maask" for 'mask'. Because it's really one or the other, there's no in-between. I feel like for most other sounds, a gradual transition into more American sounds can be possible, but that one's like, how can I make the plunge and will people notice it straight away and think it's weird?


The Infinity Blade or Minigore series, for example, or anything made by Illusion Labs. These games are genius and most consoles don't even have a touch screen or utilise it well like some smartphone games do.

Also why do people look at me weirdly 👀 when I play games on my phone in public while waiting for something?


When inside the chat itself, there is no notification sound for incoming messages. The messages just show visually, with no audio.

But when outside of the chat, or not in the messages app, the sounds occur when messages come in.

This was the case on multiple Samsung phones, and with multiple different messages apps for SMS/MMS/RCS.

Is there a way to solve this? Couldn't find any solutions after researching


I'm not trying to insult Fear The Walking Dead, I somewhat enjoy it for some entertainment value, and I wish the showrunners the best of luck with whatever they do now that the show is finishing.

But I've been wondering for a long time, why didn't Scott Gimple or AMC or someone fire those 2 after the terrible trainwrecks of season 4 and 5? What would the actual reason for keeping them on be, after such bad critical reception of those seasons? And now the ratings have just gone down and most people agree the show continued to be bad if not worse with them in charge.

They had already done the same thing previously, by firing Dave Erickson after season 3, despite most people agreeing the first 3 seasons were much better than the rest of the series and season 3 is usually cited as the best (so his firing made no sense. Another thing I'm curious about.)

I understand if Erickon didn't want to come back after they "massacred his boy", but couldn't they find someone else to steer the ship back on course after Goldberg and Chambliss proved they weren't able to make a good show out of it?


Or why do they need to change the appearance from the original version of the page at all? It just looks unaesthetic


How do you say something like that?

"There's a thing for which I don't know what it is" "There's a thing where I don't know what it is" "There's a thing that I don't know what is"

or (the one which I hear people say a lot but sounds awkward:) "There's a thing that/which I don't know what it is"?

To be honest they all sound awkward to me to varying degrees


As we see there are 2 meanings of "so-called" that can be confused or misinterpreted, of which one implies falsehood and the other doesn't.

One. to show that something or someone is commonly designated by the name or term specified.

"Western Countries belonging to the so-called Paris club"

Two. used to express one's view that such a name or term is inappropriate.

"she could trust him more than any of her so-called friends"

Since so-called I feel is very often used to suggest that a title for something describes a meaning that isn't necessarily accurate, what's another term that simply expresses that something is titled something without judgment of the title?


When I get a lack of sleep (or especially multiple nights of bad sleep), I often have a splitting headache the next day that makes me unfunctional and worsens until I get more sleep. Other people I'm with have the exact same sleeping routines and never get any headaches, and can still function despite being tired. What's wrong with me?

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