
joined 10 months ago
[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 10 points 1 day ago

Remember when that was the most horrifying and insurrectionist thing about trump?

Good times

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 12 points 1 day ago

Woo. He CAN hear Kamala laughing her ass off

Not happy that the cop laughed that hard at being accused of supporting defunding the police but the bar is low.

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 12 points 1 day ago

There were also specific rules about not fact checking and structure.

Abc said "come at me bro" and are just yoloing it

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 26 points 1 day ago

Kamala is his worst nightmare.

A woman like Hilary. A brown person like Obama. And making a mockery of his entitled ass like Obama.

Just need to trigger some rage so she can scare him like Biden did.

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Oh shit. Kamala going for a straight up low blow by talking about trump's low attendance .

Countdown to the n-word

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 4 points 1 day ago

Because, like all women with half a brain cell, the female moderator is fucking pissed about losing basic human rights and is going to make sure the American people get some semblance of an answer.

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 18 points 1 day ago

Okay. Fuck abc for unmuting him whenever he talks but holy shit the female moderator is doing her job. Fact checking and follow up questions.

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 9 points 1 day ago

Holy fuck the moderator fact checked trump on late stage abortion

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I mean, console sales decreased in the 80s and never went back up, right?

The reality is that a lot of people haven't migrated from the previous gen. Partially because of supply chain issues from COVID. Partially because of economic uncertainty.

Stuff goes in waves. Time will tell. But in terms of "core" gaming, consoles still continue to dominate the "casual" market. And I suspect we are more likely to see "core" gaming going away in favor of mobile than for PC to suddenly dominate at the AA/AAA level.

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I mean... that is what happened on PC. I know people forget we exist, but basically anyone who was "a gamer" back in the early 00s embraced digital distribution and Steam for a reason. Because after the third time that you have done four disc swaps and entered three 30 character keys to play Neverwinter Nights 1? That shit gets REAL old. Same with needing to be aware of what order to install what patches so as to not brick Dawn of War: Soulstornm and have to reinstall everything.

Contrast that with double clicking something in fricking Impulse and then waiting 30 minutes for it to install.

Which is kind of what you described with the Vita. Nobody wanted to have to carry two or three UMDs with them anywhere they want (let alone the rise of indie games that never had a digital release). Tinfoil, but I strongly suspect Nintendo made a big deal about not licking cartridges so that the Jeff Gerstmanns of the world would... lick that shit. Which led to the meme and people wanting to buy cartridges.

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Devs have been porting (or originating) everything to PC since the PS4/XBONE era. So a decade or so? And first party development is lower across the board (excluding all the stuff Microsoft was doing before they stared culling studios left and right) because first parties are expected to release CoD level games rather than cool and fun platformers (Astrobot aside). NOBODY is doing Last Of Us level games en masse.

But basically you are describing the paradigm that MS have arguably been working toward since the start of the current generation. The idea that it doesn't actually matter what hardware you buy so long as you buy the services/games of one of the platform holders. If you REALLY love Halo? Get an XBOX. If you REALLY love The Last Of Us? Get a Playstation. With the rest being third parties. It... just so happened that Microsoft bought most of the big name third parties and are figuring out how to balance "CoD prints money" with "We want to sell xboxes".

But that still leaves what box you buy. And, in that regard, consoles are still going to appeal to "gamers" more than a desktop ever will. Especially as more and more kids become adults who don't even like laptops because EVERYTHING they do is on a tablet.

As for Japan: The key there is not "Steam". it is "Deck". Japan has ALWAYS loved handhelds. In large part because the cities don't have a lot of space for a giant TV and an entertainment center that can fit however many cubic meters the PS5 Pro is at this point. And a bigass desktop PC is also going to be a major space issue when so many people are used to a laptop while they sit in a chair or whatever. And while I do think the Steam Deck is going to do wonders to increase PC market share in Japan, I still don't see it significantly overtaking consoles for "gamer gaming" as it were and to instead be more slotted in the mobile space and indie games like Stardew Valley that run perfectly fine on ultrabooks.

[–] NuXCOM_90Percent 13 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Part of it is that purity tests are at an all time high. In large part because we are constantly inundated with Content to reinforce our world views (or the world view of the Influencer we glommed on to) constantly. So anything different is not just cognitive dissonance: it is an attack on our very core and a lie. So if someone does something we wouldn't do? They are the evilest of evil people and are knowingly hurting whoever we care about.

But the other aspect? The internet is a great place to meet people with different life experiences. And in a lot of cases (particularly with certain politicians), we and the people we love have been directly harmed by them. All that steven universe bullshit about needing to love everyone and always finding the good goes out the window when you are increasingly watching organizations try to murder you for embracing who you are and to enslave people and turn them into breeding stock.

And the last aspect is that lemmy has a really bad infestation of tankies. Tankies who, useful idiots or intentional, tend to actively argue for destabilizing The West and increasing conflicts. So advocating for terrorism and murder helps with that.

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