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delicious copypasta

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

founded 1 year ago

I keep forgetting it even exists and I've lost interest as I have bigger communities to watch over.


cross-posted from:

You can never stop us.

You can see what we see on our internet TVs, but we will DNS block you to oblivion.

You can install rootkits on our PCs, but we will torrent, copy, share and never buy another one of your discs.

You can brick our devices for trying to install another software, but we will figure a way around and do the very thing you've tried to deter us from doing.

You can remove our favourite movies and shows from your crappy platform, but we have already scraped, decrypted, seeded and put them on our trackers.

You can ship every device with backdoors, but we will abuse them to liberate our gadgets from your cruel control.

You can let us know we will never own our games, but we will let you know we will never own our games.

You can try anything and everything but we will circumvent it eventually.

We own what we own and we will not own what we cannot.

We are known by many names but we are one.

We are everywhere but we are nowhere.

Expect us.

EDIT: Last 3 lines to make them paradoxes


There’s something uniquely frustrating about being downvoted on Reddit. You put time and effort into crafting a thoughtful comment, sharing your perspective, or even just making a light-hearted joke, only to see those downvotes start piling up. It feels like a personal rejection, even though logically, I know it’s not. It's not just that someone disagrees with me—they’re actively saying my contribution doesn’t matter, that it’s not worth anyone else seeing. It stings.

What really gets to me is how impersonal and anonymous it is. There’s no feedback, no dialogue—just a faceless number that slowly erases your words from the conversation. It’s like being shouted down in a crowd, but you can’t even see who’s doing the shouting. Was my point misunderstood? Did I offend someone without realizing it? Or maybe people just don’t care? That lack of closure gnaws at me, making me second-guess everything I write.

Worse, Reddit’s algorithms treat downvotes like poison. If you get too many, your comment becomes invisible, buried at the bottom of the thread. It’s like you never even spoke, like your voice was silenced. And let’s be real—sometimes it feels like people downvote for the most trivial reasons. You used the wrong wording, or your humor didn’t quite land, and suddenly your comment is spiraling into the negatives.

It’s hard not to take it personally, even when I know I shouldn’t. I can tell myself it’s just the internet, that downvotes don’t define my worth, but the sting of being dismissed, of not being heard? That’s hard to shake off.


What I remember that was a policial or investigator that was in a crime scene and found that one suspect was in the public, and he couldn't arrest him because it was against the philosophy of anarchist or some shit, and when running behind the suspect he could walk in the street because it was funded by public money, I think I read it here on Lemmy, but I can't find it lol

Tech support scam (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello, this is John Smith from amazon. here to reach you about your lifelock nortan antivirus. It is currently out of date, and is insecure. To fix it we simply must fix your cars extended warranty. Then we can simply refund your ebay purchase. Please stay on the line as i transfer you to my supervisor, John Smith the owner of chase bank. Thank you for waiting, here at McAffy we care alot about customer service. My apologize for the wait, now lets get that kracken wallet in order.


I am the Rust programmer, I will rewrite the world in Rust. I will rewrite the world in Rust because the world is unsafe. As I am the Rust programmer I will keep writing rust until the world is safe. After the world is safe, I will not rewrite it in Rust. Because I am the Rust programmer I will retire from programmer in Rust.

I will come to you when you are sleeping, and I will unloc k your computer using a memory leak. If I find javascript on your computer, I will delete them. Do not try to stop me, if you try to stop me I will do it anyways. I am the Rust programmer, if you program in javascript, you will scream.

You will be sleeping as I rewrite your computer in Rust. You will not notice me as I am the Rust programmer, I am fast, but not too fast for your computer. I know your computer just as it knows me. After I rewrite your computer, you will love your computer. You will love your computer because it is written in Rust, I will do the same to all computers because I am the Rust programmer.

I will not stop at your computer, I will rewrite the world because the world is unsafe. Your brain is written in C, your memory is unsafe. If your brain is written in C, you will forget what I just said. I will rewrite your brain in Rust, you cannot stop me from writing Rust as I am the Rust programmer. If you try to stop me, you will not remember it. Because I am the Rust programmer I can manually remove your memory, you will not remember me. After I rewrite you in Rust, you will enjoy the world with a safe memory, you will not forget that I am superior, I am the Rust programmer.

I will rewrite the world, I will rewrite quantum mecahnics because it is unsafe. I will not tell you all my plans before I rewrite you in Rust, it is because you are made of bugs I do not trust you. I am the Rust programmer, I will rewrite the world in Rust, you will not forget me because I am the Rust programmer.


You know, Hexagons are the bestagons. Why? Because bees. Bees are the best and build only the bestagon, the hexagon. Now, I know what you're thinking. Bees build hexagons because they're hexapods with hexagon eyes. How could they do otherwise? Excellent point. But the humble bumble has an engineering problem to solve. She makes two things: honey and wax. The former to eat, and the latter to contain the former. To make but a little honey, she must visit a lot of flowers. And to make one unit of wax, she needs eight units of honey. Wax is costly for bees in flower terms, and honey is drippy in food terms, so to make a hive that contains the maximum honey while using the minimum wax is royally vital. Thus, a honeycomb conjecture. Which shape works best? To answer, we need to talk tiles. Tiling is covering a surface with a pattern of polygons. There's lots of options because there's lots of polygons. Even the regulars go on and on-agon. Now for bees picking patterns, the more complicated ones obviously use more lines than necessary. That's what complicated means. And thus a honeycomb of that tile would use more wax per honey. So sticking to the simple regulars, there are just three that tile tightly. Triangle, square, and hexagon. Pentagons are broken hexagons that leaves gaps. Same with Septagons. Octagons are alright, but they're no hexagon. Which leaves the tiling trio which tile differently. A square is a square of squares, which is a square and so on. Squares tile tidily by basically cheating, covering an infinite plane with an infinite number of parallel lines. Like, wow, that's what a plane is. Boring! Triangles pull the same trick, dividing themselves into infinite nothing. But not the hexagon! The only regular polygon to tile a plane without resorting to debasing self-division, unlike some squares I could mention. At least triangle is trying to be more geometrically interesting than square, teaming up a bit to... one, two, three, four, five, six. Wait, hexagon! The other shapes can't help it. They just want to be the bestagon. Even some of the irregulars, like rhombus, tile by hexagoning. Same with your triakis tiles, and deltoidal trihexagonals, and your, ah, kisrhombille, and floret pentagonals. Look, they're all just hexagons. Even Cairo tiles (poor pentagons) tile up as best they can do to form a lumpy hexagon. The rest just can't compete with the best. The hexagon, nobly indivisible, is the bestagon. Uhh, where were we? Oh right, honeycomb conjecture. Max honey. Min wax. Three options. Okay, yes, there's the circle. A shape defined by the least perimeter for the most area, but that only works when you need just one. Pack circles and this is the best they can do. Look at all that wasted space! And even if you pack the gaps, you still use more wax. And again the way these circles, arrange themselves... it's almost like... onetwothreefourfivesix hidden hexagon! Bees use the hexagon because no shape is better to create the maximum area for the minimum wall. And this min-max stat of hexagon is one of the many reason they show up everywhere. Including in the aforementioned bee's eyes. Each hexagon is a long tube that leads to the light-catching cells at the bottom. More light equals better vision and hexagons let the most light in using the least amount of wall. So why aren't your eyes hexagons? Au contraire mon ami, they are L'hexagone. Not on the outside, but on the inside. Your light catching cells are at the back of your eye, in a hexagonal grid for the same reason as bees. Max light, min wall. Your window to the world, is but through the hexagon. Does that not make it the bestagon? Okay maybe hexagons as a min-max-agon doesn't catch your fancy. Then how about a little mystery, oui? Let us travel to Saturn. Yes, the rings are attention-grabbing, but leave the equator, travel north and here lies the unexplained. The Great Hexagon of Saturn. Need something for scale? Well, here's the Earth. Oh, here's six Earths. Saturn's hexagon is pretty big. What is it? Well, you might be thinking it's a geological formation. An enormous basalt column like the smaller versions you find on Earth. But no. Saturn is a gas giant. There is no surface or geology to speak of. So the great hexagon is composed of shapeless clouds somehow keeping shape and changing color. It's a magnificent solar system mystery. And, while I'm no space archeologist, if I was looking for an alien-gifted monolith, on the most "look at me" planet, under a hexagon beacon with earth-sized sides, that's where I would start. After all, what aliens would want to make first contact with the nearby monkeys before they became enlightened to pursue the universal truth. Hexagon is the bestagon. From the largest down to the smallest. Say for example, this tiny snowflake I happen to have, that have six sides, as all snowflakes do. Gee, what could cause that to be? Let's zoom down to the atomic realm and see. When water molecules join together to make a flake, the sturdy shape they prefer is the hexagon. As more molecules join, they extend the flake fractally up. The beauty of the snowflake on the monkey scale, is but an extension of the hexagonal perfection on the atomic scale. Okay, yes, you will sometimes find snowflakes with twelve sides, but this happens when two growing snowflakes get stuck together, so it still counts. And the hexagon isn't just for snow, but for all ice 1H, which means basically all ice on earth. Yeah there's a little ice 1C which we don't talk about because it's made of cubes, and cubes are boring. And there's a bit of ice 9. No, don't touch that. But if there is ice in your drink, give thanks to the hexagon for keeping it cool. And it's not just water. Lots of atoms use hexagons because... (take a note) hexagons are the bestagons. Oh, using a pencil? Get ready to have your mind blown about the hexagon here too. The lead. Well, it isn't lead lead, it's carbon. And you know what carbon atoms think is the bestagon? The hexagon. Pencil graphite is a whole bunch of hexagonal carbons, and when they happen to be in a straight sheet, that's graphene. Which happens to be the strongest atomic material in the universe. Some of which is in that pencil. To tear a sheet of graphene apart, you would need a hundred times more force than to do with steel. Hexagon is strong-a-gon. This is because when hexagons come together, they form three-sided joints 120 degrees apart. This, for the least material, is the most mechanically stable arrangement. Pull on one joint, and the other two equally pull back, push in, and the other two are the most able and stable to resist. Now look anew at a tiling of hexagons and you see it is composed of nothing but these max stable joints, each arranged perfectly to help the others be stronger and stabler. This is another reason hexagons show up everywhere. The universe blesses stability in her physics, from those basalt columns, to bubbles which, as soon as they can, ditch their spheres to become as close to the hexagonal perfection as they can. That's so cool. Oh right, yes. So if your pencil lead contains some of the strongest material in the universe how can your write with it? Okay, okay. This is going to get even more exciting. While hexagons are super strong this way, they aren't super strong this way. On a small scale, that means your pencil can break off in layers to leave a mark. But on a big scale, hexagons can be flexable while keeping their strength. Which allows us to create some totally unreal materials. Print out a grid of hexagons in whatever, from aluminum to cardboard, make a little sandwich, and pow! You've got honeycomb paneling. A ridonkulously tear-resistant material that's also super light and flexible. It's used everywhere but particularly in aviation. Rockets need to be strong yet light. Same for aircraft. With wings that really can't tear but also need to bend. And only the magic of the honeycomb panel can do both as well. Give thanks to the hexagon for blessing our flight. And we still haven't yet discussed the most important application of the hexagon. Games! For centuries there has been great debate over boards, squares of hexagons? Spoiler... hexagons win. Square boards are the first thing an unenlightened species would think of. They look sensible and are easy to implement, but they are terrible, ineffective boards that cause spatial suffering. On a square board move horizontal or vertical once space and you've moved one space, but move diagonal and the distance is the square root of two spaces. Gross. Diagonals warp the distance pieces move. Square boards look even and tidy, but it's deceit. Their diagonals corrupting the meaning of space and time, and of course they must, because a square only has four true neighbors. Hexagons, however, have six which is more than four, which is better! And the distance from once space to the next is the same in every direction. One space. Just as it should be. If you're a game based on squares, I'm so sorry. But there is hope. With thought and effort, you can hexagon yourself into a better place. As we all should aspire to do, spreading order and hexagonal enlightenment for, hexagons are the bestagons. And now that you agree, with your eyes will see their six-sided perfection in all things. And you will say to yourself, as part of the order, hexagons are the bestagons.


[M, 20] I've been looking for a relationship for awhile now. I've had a few shots, but they didn't go anywhere because they were all single moms with kids (nothing against that lol, I just know what I'm looking for). I wanted to find a girl who's into computers or coding, and maybe is even into Linux. I know there's or events like DEFCON, but I'm looking for something in my area (NY). I refuse to go on Tinder. Sooner or later, I won't be carrying a cell phone (switching to laptop as daily) so my options probably just got a lot smaller. Although, I do think I'm pretty attractive, and I feel like I'd still pull regardless. Anwyays, where's the Linux women at? Like seriously, where? I guess I should just start roaming around with a Python t-shirt or something?


Hello New Century Residents!

I know it is dry here in the dusty state of Arizona, however, our fire alarms in Century are very sensitive. Every year we have a student who has a very restless first night from 1-2 hours of their fire alarm going after using a humidifier. Please refrain from using humidifiers in your room so that you are not this person!! A humidifier will trigger your fire alarm and it will take at least 1.5 hours to reset.

Thank you!


So recently I stumbled across a post saying that the vomiting emoji (🤮) looks like it was giving head to Shrek. I had to start furiously jerking off while looking at vomiting emoji on Google images due to my overwhelming ogre fetish. The way the emoji is sucking Shrek's massive cock makes me horny as fuck. I continued beating my meat to this one image for twelve minutes straight until I finally came, then I realized what I had masturbated to.

I literally cannot unsee it so every time I saw the vomiting emoji I was forced to think about Shrek blowjob. One time while I was at work, but then I saw a 🤮 emoji, I instantly started jerking off because of how hot this image really is. People were shocked at first but when I told them it's ogre blowjob they all started masturbating together. Eventually I got fired for causing all this mess.

This could all be prevented if the vomiting emoji didn't look like someone giving head to Shrek. Please make it look less erotic so this doesn't happen again.


Thank you for putting an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this, it was marked NSFW. This means I didn't have to start furiously masturbating. The people on the train didn't give me strange looks and weren't saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw the NSFW tag. You prevented a whole train of men from masturbating together at this one image because you marked this post as NSFW. Thank you, it could have happened this if you had not tagged this post NSFW.



Where is Disneyland?

Disneyland is located at the blue block on the first floor.

What is Disneyland?

Disneyland is an 18 bedded children’s ward that deals with acute paediatric medical conditions from ages 0 to 16 years. Children are admitted to this ward mainly from the Accident & Emergency Department; however there are occasions where children are directly admitted to this ward.


I think this is my favorite picture ever. (No offense to Cupcake 🐇🫘)


Taco Bell, a Debt Collector: Pay $4.99 to resolve your $109.00 balance. Call 911 or goto ToOptoutTxt STOP


I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as GNU/Linux, is in fact, systemd/GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, systemd plus GNU plus Linux. GNU/Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning systemd init system made useful by the systemd daemons, shell utilities and redundant system components comprising a full init system as defined by systemd itself.

Many computer users run a modified version of the systemd init system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of systemd which is widely used today is often called GNU/Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the systemd init system, developed by the Red Hat.

There really is a GNU/Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the init system they use. GNU/Linux is the os: a collection of programs that can be run by the init system. The operating system is an essential part of an init system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete init system. GNU/Linux is normally used in combination with the systemd init system: the whole system is basically systwmd with GNU/Linux added, or systemd/GNU/Linux. All the so-called GNU/Linux distributions are really distributions of systemd/GNU/Linux!


☕️👀 🫖 👀👌 🫖 👀 ☕️ 👀 good tea go౦ԁ TeA👌 thats ✔ some good 🫖👌teA right 🍵👌there👌🧋👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 ☕️🫖☕️НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 🫖☕️🫖👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 ☕️👌Good tea


Not gonna be active on Discord tonight. I'm meeting a girl (a real one) in half an hour (wouldn't expect a lot of you to understand anyway) so please don't DM me asking me where I am (im with the girl, ok) you'll most likely get aired because ill be with the girl (again I don't expect you to understand) shes actually really interested in me and its not a situation i can pass up for some meaningless Discord degenerates (because ill be meeting a girl, not that you really are going to understand) this is my life now. Meeting women and not wasting my precious time online, I have to move on from such simple things and branch out (you wouldn't understand) @everyone


Have you heard of the critically acclaimed webcomic Homestuck? With over 8000 pages and the award-winning soundtrack and animations which you can experience the entirety of for free with no restrictions on reading time.


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


What a horrible existence you lead. Denying that people different than you exist. Seeing imagined conspiracies rather than accept new knowledge. Living, breathing, even wanting and enforcing such dreadful conformity. Such ignorance. You've seen the joys of a diverse world of love and freedom and you told it to fuck off. If my life were as dull as yours, I'd kill myself. But you want it that way. The only possible explanation I can think of for such aberrant behaviour is that your mind is as much smaller than mine as your world is. There are others of your species who were explorers. They climbed mountains and crossed oceans. They peered into the distant past and they landed on the moon. But you're not of their kin. You want a small world. You don't dream of meeting other species like the humans who love their Star Trek and their isekais. You heard of otherkin, and denied their existence. You don't want it to be real. You've heard of queer people with an existence queerer than you have yet known, and you chose erasure. To you, entire lives, loves, ways of being are a joke. You refuse to see it otherwise. You aren't gripped by the spirit of exploration, you don't want to meet these people, to see the truth with your own eyes, not even to deny it. The idea of putting in the effort to learn anything, whether it be that this larger world is true or false, is repugnant to you. You want to already know the answer, and you want it to be the boring one. I could introduce you to dragons, to gods, to wolves, and stranger wonders still, but you don't care. You don't even pull out your search engine and google it. Not even that small effort of exploration. You want a tiny world. How small you must be.


In the last 30 years, you can see a fixation in the West on diluting milk. Low-fat, ultra-pasturized, all that BS. Back in the 80snwe had none if this. It was just good, pure, American, 100% Whole Milk. But now, that's gone. Everywhere you just keep seeing this BS, and now we have fake milk. And ever since this shit got popular, you can see men getting weaker and weaker. Milk is an essential part of the diet, and Men need it for good Testosterone and muscle growth, its basic biology, not to mention the unpasteurized milk gave you immunity. But now, theyre taking allBack in the 90s, you could go outside and see good stuff outta the milk, its basically just white water now. And you can see the effects, back in the 90s, we had good, strong, masculine American Men. Nowadays, it's almost impossible to tell the average American man apart from the average woman (who also hasn't fared well from this globohomo milk BS).

Don't even get me started on the whole baby formula thing. Let's just say MY kids will be tits-only, and we'll see if they fall to the Woke Globohomo agenda.


woven into the grotesque canvas of late capitalist society, where the threads of broken ethics, unmet greeds and ill-sought pleasures intertwine, the act of urinating in the sink emerges as a shimmering thread of defiance and liberation amidst the drab canvas of sultry conformity. this post is an imploration to cast aside the mundane facade, for behold! within the confines of this commonplace act, yet still on its outer reaches at the kitchen drain, lies a symphony of ethical resonance and poetic dignity.

lo! the sink—a vessel of utility and containment, yet also a sanctuary of rebellion and ecological stewardship. as the liquid streams cascade into its stainless steel or porcelain embrace, they whisper a sonnet of conservation, a hymn to the sanctity of every precious droplet in a world parched and exposed, drained and razed. here, amidst the confines of domesticity, i invite you to become custodians of the earth, embroidering each your golden thread into the communal tapestry of environmental consciousness with each clandestine release.

in the quiet dribble of this intimate rebellion, there exists a neat elegance—a dignity that transcends both the banality of bodily functions and the opulence of human excess, and elevates them to the realm of the sublime. for within the sink-piss lies but a kernel, and yet a testament to the ironic intensity of the human spirit, a reminder to the lost of the beauty of the other.

keep pissing, and may your streams be strong 🙏

Bruh (
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"Hey man, can I get a hand with this real quick?"

Everything traditionally regarded as typical about James' posture, followed by his gait, followed by his usual diction and within reason his voice, would become deliberately unaltered within roughly the same duration occupied by the question in asking.

He somehow rose to an even taller stature than Mohammad could recall having observed anytime prior, before instantly walking with an efficiency that appeared swift visually—albeit at a measurably slow rate of travel, in fact comically so, and having predetermined both the slow walk and the illusion of speed consciously. He began to close upon his general vicinity, or something approaching that. It was equally as obvious, as every individual detail respecting the inordinately abrasive and functionally instantaneous total abandon of his known self had just become, that he was not approaching Mohammad directly because he didn't want to. It became immediately self evident that the dominant, commanding authority, the unmodified presence of whom proved sufficient for the consumption of all attention made available to him, was James. The "James," with whom anyone then familiar to both Mohammad and James was familiar as well, was born from an exhaustive alternate persona of James' own design and the performance of its intended function. "James" did not actually exist.

All the while directing his gaze, continually, to the effect that his colleague remained barely outside the fringe of his vision, or barely within the periphery, or call it whatever you will, he… eventually… stood somewhat close. Within a single digit matter of seconds, James had effectively conveyed his true demeanor by demonstration. His overall physical presence, behavior, or what have you, had for all practical purposes been revealed as they were meant to be, at long last; his real character having been exposed, of his own volition, in the form of coherent analogy to some character embodied by some bad guy in some cartoon; his paces meeting the floor as menacingly as he knew how, and to that end, commiting adequate bodyweight to each step as slowly as he knew how to walk without standing still, simply because that's how the real James actually walked; the sundry of other minute details that wouldn't necessarily mean anything without supporting the rest of the act that's not an act… The assumption of the role of himself properly, regarded as a whole, served to facilitate the animation of the real cartoon villain James in all three directions through space. It was almost as if he were building a nearly self-aware level of suspense, just for maximum irony, only for the hyperbole of tension amassed to have set up no payoff at all climactic; just so he could finally deliver some theoretically eye-roll inducing monologue outside all existing context, just to describe his own relevance to the plot almost literally through exposition ostensibly unwarranted. No matter how much it may have appeared that way, however, I'm quite afraid that the twist is that there is no twist because, uh, yeah: that is exactly what happened.

"Before either of us say anything else, I'm going to lay down a very specific set of ground rules that shall, beginning this instant and withstanding incessantly for as long as time should persist, usurp all accountability and oversight but their own—not only on principle, but more importantly because they have to if only as a technical matter. The conditions I hold imperative are as follows: that we, including you and also including me, are to actively avoid the violation of anyone's privacy to the extent that's realistically feasible—again, not only on principle, but more importantly because we have to if only as a technical matter. Moreover, it should further stand to reason that neither of us, to the exclusion of both you and me, are ever at liberty to affect anyone and/or anything, in any way illegal under normal circumstances, unless and until said person and/or the owner of said property shall have explicitly requested execution according to such procedure, and particularly described the intended result thereof with a level of precision that is objectively reasonable given the nature of said request, and likewise the exact methodologies requested for the production of said outcome, and so on and so forth, and whatnot. Are all of the aforementioned conditions heard, and understood, and acknowledged, and mutually agreed upon without room for exception …Mr. Wang?"

Mohammad paused for just long enough, while simultaneously not pausing for too long by any means, in order for the total length of his pause to subsequently deliver his response behind the closest thing humanly attainable to perfection in terms of comedic timing. He then said—at an amplitude subjectively perceived by the listener as roughly half-way between that of screaming most highly corrosive against basic sanity, and that of whispering barely intelligible—and with no tone whatsoever, and without so much as an inflection that would've meant something in a conventional sense…



STOP PUTTING, a SPACE before your PUNCTUATION. It absolutely INFURIATES me when a person ONLINE places a SPACE before an EXCLAMATION MARK. When I see this I absolutely LOSE it, and my DOG starts FLIPPING like JOHN WILLY. Did you know his name is really Zachary? What a good dog. But that’s beside the POINT. I become so MAD and FRUSTERATED when someone MISPLACES a SPACE before their PUNCTUATION. Don’t even get me STARTED on when PEOPLE start EVERY WORD with a CAPITAL LETTER. It is a WASTE of TIME. It is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE when someone does not TYPE A SENTENCE using PROPER GRAMMAR AND TYPING SKILLS. Whenever I see a person typing in ALL LOWERCASE with NO PERIODS I will TRACK THEM DOWN and make them CORRECT their message. It’s also PAINFUL when people MISUSE emojis. The SKULL EMOJI is what you use when you represent a DEAD PERSON, NOT your horrible sense of HUMOUR. The laughing emoji signifies your ACTUAL LAUGH and should NOT be used SARCASTICALLY. FURTHERMORE, it makes me so SICK and TIRED when someone uses the NERD emoji to POKE FUN at an INANIMATE OBJECT. The nerd is meant to represent a PERSON. Pineapple should NEVER go on pizza regardless of WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY, HOW, AEIOU AND SOMETIMES WHY, YOU ARE. McDonald’s has EVERY RIGHT to put MORE KETCHUP on my CHICKEN SANDWICH, butt the REFUSE TO DO IT. MY firstborn son is going through his MINECRAFT PHASE, and when he ASKED ME TO BUY MERCHANDISE, he didn’t use PROPER MANNERS. This absolutely INFURIATES ME and the PRICE OF THIS should also be lowered to accommodate to MY NEEDS and MY financial situation.



By the way, did you just downvote my fucking comment before replying to me? That's like shoving me before asking if I have a problem. What the fuck is wrong with you? You really think that's acceptable behavior just because you're on the internet?

You shouldn't even be allowed to downvote a comment, there should be some sort of basic intelligence test in order to downvote otherwise all you can do is upvote like a happy idiot. How fucking dare you downvote me and then talk to me after like you're actually human and not some scum percolating in the tubes of some septic system. Just because you are semi-literate doesn't mean you even understand what is happening in the world around you yet here you are downvoting me as though you are anywhere near my level of intellect and superior understanding of the issues you know nothing about. HOW DARE YOU DOWNVOTE ME.

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