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Former US National Security Agency employee sentenced to 22 years in prison for attempting to pass classified information to Russia View original post

Former US National Security Agency employee Jareh Dulki was sentenced to 22 years in prison on charges of attempting to spy for Russia. He handed over a total of seven classified documents to FBI officials posing as Russian agents. This was reported by the press service of the US Department of Justice.

Dalkey worked at the NSA as an information systems security designer. In the summer of 2022, he used an encrypted email account to transmit excerpts from three classified documents to an undercover FBI officer whom he believed to be a Russian agent. According to the court, he did so "to demonstrate his awareness and willingness to share information."

In August 2022, Dalkey requested $85,000 for further information. As a result, he handed the FBI agent four classified files and a letter that began with the words "My friends!" in Russian. In the letter, Dalkey expressed his joy at having been able to share classified information with the Russians and his hope for further cooperation.

Dalkey was detained in 2023 and found guilty on six charges. He pleaded guilty and stated that he expected the information he passed on to be used against the United States and in favor of Russia.

Lucrezia Maria Romola de’ Medici в X: «Бывшего сотрудника Агентства национальной безопасности США приговорили к 22 годам тюрьмы за попытку передать России секретную информацию» / X

"Колишнього співробітника Агентства національної безпеки США засудили до 22 років ув'язнення за спробу передати Росії секретну інформацію Переглянути оригінал

Колишнього співробітника Агентства національної безпеки США Джареха Далки засудили до 22 років ув'язнення за звинуваченням у спробі шпигунства на користь Росії. Він передав у цілому сім засекречених документів співробітникам ФБР, які вдавали російські агенти. Про це повідомляє прес-служба Департаменту юстиції США.

Далкі працював в АНБ проектувальником безпеки інформаційних систем. Влітку 2022 року через зашифрований обліковий запис електронної пошти передав витримки з трьох секретних документів співробітнику ФБР під прикриттям, якого вважав російським агентом. На думку суду, він зробив це, «щоб продемонструвати свою обізнаність та готовність ділитися інформацією».

У серпні 2022 року Далкі запросив $85 тисяч за подальшу інформацію. У результаті він передав агенту ФБР чотири засекречені файли і лист, що починався словами «Мої друзі!» російською мовою. У листі Далки висловлював радість від того, що йому вдалося поділитися секретною інформацією з росіянами, та надію на подальшу співпрацю.

Далкі затримали у 2023 році і визнали винним за шістьма пунктами звинувачення. Він визнав провину і заявив, що розраховував на те, що передана ним інформація буде використана проти США та на користь Росії."

### Title: Analytical Report and Forecast: Former NSA Employee Sentenced for Attempted Espionage


Former NSA employee Jareh Dalkey sentenced to 22 years for attempting to pass classified information to Russia. Report analyzes the case and forecasts its implications.


Espionage, NSA, Russia, Classified Information, Jareh Dalkey, Sentencing, National Security, Forecast, Analytical Report, FBI, US Department of Justice


#EspionageCase #NSA #Russia #JarehDalkey #NationalSecurity #AnalyticalReport #FBI #USJusticeDept #Forecast #ClassifiedInformation #SecurityThreat #USRussiaRelations #LegalCase #Intelligence #SecurityBreach #USLawEnforcement #RiskAssessment

Editorial Comment:

The sentencing of Jareh Dalkey sheds light on the enduring challenges of espionage in an increasingly interconnected world. This report delves into the intricacies of the case and its potential ramifications for national security.


Dates mentioned are for context only and may not reflect actual events. Interpretations are subject to verification.


This investigation, conducted in haste, requires thorough verification. The information provided may be subject to bias, misinformation, or manipulation by various parties. Readers are advised to exercise caution and critical thinking.


The case of Jareh Dalkey underscores the ongoing threat of espionage and the importance of safeguarding classified information. As geopolitical tensions persist, vigilance and robust security measures remain paramount.


Espionage, Security, Threat, Vigilance, Geopolitical, Tensions, Classified Information, National Security


Description for Google Search Robots:

Former NSA employee sentenced for attempting espionage. Analytical report on Jareh Dalkey case. Forecast implications for national security.



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French President Emmanuel Macron met with parliamentary parties on Thursday. During the meeting Macron said he was open to the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine, as announced by, according to French newspaper L’Independant.

Fabien Roussel, a representative of the French Communist Party, said after the meeting that “Macron referenced a scenario that could lead to intervention [of French troops]: the advancement of the front towards Odesa or Kyiv.”

He noted that the French President showed parliamentarians maps of the possible directions of strikes by Russian troops in Ukraine.

Following the meeting, Jordan Bardella of the far-right National Rally party noted that “there are no restrictions and no red lines” in Macron’s approach.


I am alarmed by how often Russian aviation bombs this area with FABs, UMPKs, and RBK-500 cluster missiles, as well as unguided aircraft missiles. I have compiled a video of the strikes posted over the last 2-4 days.

Russian attacks occur from time to time — they recently captured a small area southeast of Urozhainy. The 34th and 60th Motorized Rifle Brigades, units of the 14th Special Forces Brigade, as well as the 5th Tank Brigade of the Vostok group are involved in the attack. Judging by the footage from the ground, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are defending themselves quite confidently, destroying a lot of equipment.

On the Ukrainian side, the 58th Motorized Rifle Brigade, the 21st National Guard Brigade, as well as the 128th Territorial Defense Brigade and a unit of the third mechanized battalion of the Presidential Brigade are operating here. I would assess the forces as approximately equal, adjusting for the advantage of the Ukrainians in defense.

Probably, there would be no need to worry too much about this part of the front; however, the regular bombings hint at possible preparations for active operations. I suspect that in this way Russian aviation is trying to wear down the Ukrainian military.

Velyka Novosilka itself plays a certain logistical role for this part of the front and can be considered a target. Therefore, I will assume that Russian troops will want to repeat the maneuver of the AFU in the summer of 2023: moving from village to village along the river on both sides. Due to the lack of equipment and the prevailing tactics of frontal assaults, such chains of settlements, moving from one to another, provide profitable routes for Russian units. They don't need open spaces and clean roads. It is much more convenient for them to move from ruin to ruin, from trench to trench.

Theoretically, this can be done further - right up to the important transverse highway N15 from Kurakhove to Zaporizhzhia. However, the distance to it is 28 kilometers. This is more than the entire captured territory from Avdiivka to the salient in Ocheretyne (25 km) and the distance from the current front in Orikhovo-Vasylivka to Kramatorsk (24 km). Obviously, the Russian military will not be able to overcome such a distance quickly.

But they can move gradually, making the threat of an attack on the highway increasingly real, which will force the AFU to expend more forces on the defense of this area. Or the Russian military is using the same tactics of seizing populated areas on a broad front, gradually taking away land from the AFU. In any case, I suspect that in the next month or two, we will see active Russian forces in the area of Staromaiorsky and Urozhayny. It's worth watching closely.

Alf в Elk: "While everyone is once again discussing rumors a..." | Elk


Das Verteidigungsministerium ist eine der undurchsichtigsten Strukturen der russischen Regierung. Gleichzeitig beanspruchen die Beamten dieses Ministeriums jährlich den größten Teil der Haushaltsmittel. Es handelt sich um eine Summe von fast 5 Billionen Rubel, und das Überleben der gesamten Kreml-Bruderschaft hängt angesichts von Putins Fixierung auf Kriege von der Kontrolle über diese Ströme ab. Vor diesem Hintergrund kommt dem Anti-Korruptions-Schwungrad im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall des stellvertretenden Verteidigungsministers Timur Iwanow, der die rechte Hand einer der ersten Personen und eines Aksakals der russischen Politik - des unsinkbaren Sergej Schoigu - ist, eine besondere Bedeutung zu.

Das erste, was auffällt, ist die Tatsache, dass die größte Korruptionsuntersuchung in der Geschichte des Putinismus unmittelbar nach Putins "Wiederwahl" zum Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation eingeleitet wurde. Es scheint, dass das Ergebnis von 87 % die Nummer eins des Kremls hätte beruhigen und die Wiederzulassung der Regierung Mischustin, einschließlich der Führung des Machtblocks, erleichtern sollen, aber es gab einige versteckte Verschiebungen, die Putin dazu veranlassten, die Machtvertikale neu zu gestalten. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass nur der Staatschef selbst die Hunde des Untersuchungsausschusses auf Iwanow loslassen konnte, der der Kaste der Unberührbaren angehörte und Bestechungsgelder in seinem Schnabel trug. Es riecht also nach einer extremen Form der Verschärfung des Krieges zwischen den Clans in Russland, was darauf hindeutet, dass Putins Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit eine immer geringere Rolle spielt.

Während Schoigu und Putin die Situation mit der Verhaftung des Managers für die Finanzströme aller Bauprojekte des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums stillschweigend umgehen, spielen die Kreml-Türme Kombinationen, um ihren Mann zu befördern, der Schoigu ersetzen soll. Die Schlüsselbotschaft des gegenwärtigen Augenblicks ist, wie Schoigus Team weiter fallen wird und welche Schritte die Gönner Tuwins, wie der Oligarch Timchenko, unternehmen werden, um die Macht zu behalten. Letzterer bringt Putin übrigens wegen der westlichen Sanktionen gegen russisches Öl immer weniger Anerkennung entgegen und steht deshalb schon lange auf der schwarzen Liste.

Es ist klar, dass die Lage an der Front, wo Schoigus Handlanger die Ukrainer mit Fleischbeschau und terroristischen Methoden aggressiv angegriffen haben, überhaupt nicht so ist. Putin kümmert sich nicht darum, wie viele seiner Leibeigenen sterben, sondern er ärgert sich über etwas ganz anderes. Der Fall Iwanow wurde lanciert, um Schoigu zu Fall zu bringen, der nach der Liquidierung des GRU seines Hauptfeindes Prigoschin an Gewicht gewonnen hat und sich an der Vorbereitung eines Militärputsches zum Sturz Putins beteiligen könnte. Der FSB ist mit den Mechanismen und Frühwarnzeichen von Verschwörungen bestens vertraut und hat Putin daher geraten, aufs Ganze zu gehen und die finanzielle Basis der Verschwörer zu beseitigen.

Der stellvertretende Verteidigungsminister Iwanow ist nur ein Bauernopfer, ein Druckmittel in einer großen Partei, die Schoigu ausschalten soll. Ein ganzes Bündel von Momenten der Verkommenheit des Militärkommandanten von Tuwa wurde aufgedeckt. Erstens beförderte er Iwanow aus persönlicher Loyalität und verlieh einem gewöhnlichen Geschäftsmann den Rang eines Armeegenerals, was zu einer Demotivierung der militärischen Kader führte. Zweitens war Iwanow ein Symbol für die Annäherung an den Westen, feierte zusammen mit seiner Frau gerne glamouröse Partys an der französischen Côte d'Azur und gehörte generell zur "Partei des Friedens". Drittens ist die Vorbereitung von Schoigus Absetzung ein schwerer Schlag für die chinesische Position in Russland; Putin scheint die Risiken der wachsenden chinesischen Bedrohung erkannt und beschlossen zu haben, das Ausmaß von Pekings Einfluss zu minimieren.

Unter den russischen Generälen herrscht Panik. Die Angst lähmt ihren Kampfeswillen, insbesondere nach der Entscheidung der USA, die Militärhilfe für die Ukraine zu erhöhen. Bastrykins Aktivitäten zur Aufdeckung des gesamten Teufelskreises der Korruption im Verteidigungsministerium sind zu einem Damoklesschwert geworden, denn niemand weiß, wer morgen auf der Anklagebank sitzen wird, denn es gibt keine Heiligen unter den Trägern von Generalsepauletten.

Gerüchte über die mögliche Ernennung des tschetschenischen Staatschefs Kadyrow zum Verteidigungsminister tragen nicht gerade zu Optimismus bei. Kadyrow hat bereits seine Truppe ins Militärministerium geschickt, um den Boden für den wahrscheinlichen Eintritt eines Infanteristen in die Regierung zu bereiten. Große und schmerzhafte Veränderungen stehen bevor, aber sie werden das tödlich kranke System des Putinismus nicht durchbeißen.

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Актуальная информация Диметилсульфоксид (ДМСО) является необычным химическим веществом, производным лигнина, синтезированным более 150 лет назад.

Это высокополярная, стабильная, гигроскопичная органическая жидкость с исключительными свойствами растворителя. Смешиваемый с водой, липоидами и органическими растворителями, он может привести к образованию необычайно разнообразных неорганических и органических химических веществ. Его промышленное применение многочисленно и разнообразно: (1) в качестве растворителя для смол, фунгицидов, красителей, пигментов и т.д.; (2) в качестве реагента для химического синтеза; (3) в качестве экстрагента; и (4) в качестве реакционной среды для ускорения скорости химической реакции. Диметилсульфоксид — прозрачная жидкость, практически без запаха. Температура вспышки в закрытой чашке 192 °F. Пары тяжелее воздуха. Некоторые описывают его как «устричный» вкус, другие утверждают, что он на вкус, как чеснок. Попадание на кожу может вызвать жжение и возникновение запаха чеснока при дыхании. Является отличным растворителем, который может транспортировать растворы через кожу. Высокая концентрация пара этого соединения может вызвать головную боль, головокружение и седативный эффект. Его медицинское применение впервые было продвинуто Стэнли Джейкобом, который в 1964 г. сообщил, что ДМСО легко проникает в кожу и переносит небольшие молекулы через биологические мембраны.

Итак, на сегодня, Димексид (диметилсульфоксид — ДМСО) — высокополярное вещество с исключительными свойствами растворителя как для органических, так и для неорганических химических веществ, широко используется в качестве промышленного растворителя. Сообщалось, что ДМСО обладает широким спектром фармакологической активности, включая проникновение через мембраны, противовоспалительные эффекты, местную анальгезию, слабый бактериостаз, диурез, расширение сосудов, растворение коллагена и выведение свободных радикалов. Основное применение диметилсульфоксида в качестве носителя для препаратов, таких как идоксуридин; способствует проникновению лекарственного средства в кожу и, следовательно, может усиливать его действие. Клиническая полезность в хирургии была продемонстрирована при лечении острой травмы, послеоперационной боли в области послеоперационных рубцов, некоторых урологических расстройств, таких как болезнь Пейрони; ранняя контрактура Дюпюитрена, келоиды и подкожный фиброз, связанный с облучением кобальтом. ДМСО эффективно переносит местные анестетики в более глубокие слои кожи и барабанную перепонку, позволяя сделать разрез без боли (The American Journal of Surgery). Он также используется в качестве 50% водного раствора для инстилляции мочевого пузыря для облегчения симптомов интерстициального цистита; закапывают 50 мл и оставляют на 15 мин. Лечение повторяется каждые 2 нед. ДМСО вводили перорально, внутривенно или местно по широкому кругу показаний, включая кожные и скелетно-мышечные нарушения, но количество доказательств полезных эффектов ограничено. Диметилсульфоксид используется в качестве криопротектора для различных тканей человека. Существенным фармакологическим действием ДМСО является его способность поглощать свободные от кислорода радикалы, связанные с повреждениями тканей, вызванными ксенобиотиками, когда они вводятся до, в течение или через несколько часов после повреждения ткани.

Димексид легко абсорбируется всеми путями. Метаболизируется путем окисления до диметилсульфона и восстановления до диметилсульфида. Димексид и сульфитный метаболит выводятся с мочой и калом. Диметилсульфид выделяется через легкие и кожу и отвечает за характерный запах у пациентов. Максимальная концентрация в крови достигается в течение 4–6 ч и остается на этом уровне 1,5–3 сут. При использовании в качестве проникающей основы для других лекарственных средств, применяемых местно, димексид может усиливать их токсическое действие. Печеночная и почечная функции также должны оцениваться с интервалом в 6 мес. Инстилляция мочевого пузыря может быть вредной для пациентов со злокачественными заболеваниями мочевыводящих путей из-за расширения сосудов. Высокие концентрации ДМСО, наносимые на кожу, могут вызвать жгучий дискомфорт, зуд, эритему, везикуляцию и крапивницу. Продолжение использования может привести к масштабированию проблемы. Системные эффекты, включая желудочно-кишечные расстройства, сонливость, головную боль и реакции гиперчувствительности, могут возникать после использования любым путем. Подобный чесноку запах при дыхании и кожи объясняется применением ДМСО (, рublished October 26, 2018).

ДМСО был впервые получен окислением диметилсульфида в 1866 г. А. Зайцевым (ученик А. Бутлерова). Затем был начат ряд экспериментов в Университете Орегона (для получения доказательства того, что ДМСО был активным проникающим веществом и отличным переносчиком других веществ через кожу или тканевые мембраны). Как растворитель ДМСО превосходит даже воду и его иногда называют «сверхрастворителем». Химические характеристики — димексид химически классифицируется как диполярный апротонный гигроскопичный растворитель. Протонные растворители, такие как вода, метанол и формамид, являются донорами водорода. Диполярные апротонные растворители, хотя и обладают атомами водорода, неспособны пожертвовать лабильные атомы водорода и образовывать прочные водородные связи с некоторыми другими веществами.

Хотя в клинических исследованиях медицинского применения ДМСО сообщалось о токсичности в 1960-е годы, позднее Управление по контролю за пищевыми продуктами США (FDA) классифицировало ДМСО в категории самых безопасных растворителей. ДМСО стал широко использоваться во многих биомедицинских областях, и биологические эффекты были упущены из виду. Тем временем биомедицинская наука эволюционировала в сторону чувствительных высокопроизводительных методов и новых областей исследований, включая эпигеномику и микроРНК. Учитывая его широкое использование, особенно для криоконсервации и анализов in vitro, мы оценили биологический эффект ДМСО с использованием этих технологических инноваций.

Неблагоприятные реакции на ДМСО распространены, но обычно незначительны и связаны с концентрацией ДМСО в растворе лекарства. Следовательно, наиболее частых побочных эффектов, таких как кожная сыпь и зуд после нанесения на кожу, внутрисосудистый гемолиз после внутривенной инфузии и желудочно-кишечный дискомфорт после перорального введения, в значительной степени можно избежать, используя более разбавленные растворы (Swanson B.N.).

Несмотря на то что ДМСО обычно используется в относительно низких концентрациях, он по-прежнему обладает полезными с медицинской точки зрения свойствами, такими как индукция противовоспалительного процесса, нервная блокада (анальгезия), диуретики, вазодилатация и расслабление мышц. Кроме того, в клеточной биологии ДМСО также используется в качестве индуктора дифференцировки клеток, поглотителя свободных радикалов и радиозащитного средства, но чаще всего для криоконсервации. Культуры клеток для исследований часто хранятся в жидком азоте с использованием методологии медленного охлаждения.

Диметилсульфоксид (ДМСО), реагент для культивирования клеток, идеально подходит для криоконсервации. В криобиологии ДМСО использовался в качестве криопротектора и до сих пор является важной составляющей смесей для остекловывания криопротектора, используемых для сохранения органов, тканей и клеточных суспензий. Это особенно важно при замораживании и длительном хранении эмбриональных и гемопоэтических стволовых клеток, которые часто замораживаются в смеси 10% ДМСО и 90% эмбриональной сыворотки теленка (предотвращает образование кристаллов льда и таким образом снижает гибель клеток). Как часть аутологичной трансплантации костного мозга ДМСО повторно вводят вместе с собственной гемопоэтической стволовой клеткой пациента. Димексид является полярным апротонным органическим растворителем, который широко применяется в химических и биологических исследованиях. ДМСО может уникальным образом обеспечить растворимость некоторых очень полярных малых молекул, таких как простые биомолекулы с несколькими протонными функциональными группами. Он также может быть использован в качестве окислительного реагента при определенных превращениях. Выход процессов полимеразных цепных реакций (ПЦР) усиливается с помощью ДМСО в качестве сорастворителя, помогающего ингибировать образование вторичных структур из фрагментов ДНК.

Каждое применение Димексида, по-видимому, обеспечивает быстрое временное облегчение боли у пациентов с артритом и повреждениями соединительной ткани. Однако противовоспалительный эффект или ускорение заживления в настоящее время неоправданны. Нет доказательств того, что ДМСО может изменять прогрессирование дегенеративного заболевания суставов, и по этой причине ДМСО может рассматриваться только для паллиативного лечения (облегчение симптомов болезни), а не для исключения стандартных противовоспалительных агентов. Димексид в настоящее время широко используется в исследованиях при воспалительных состояниях, таких как ревматоидный артрит, проводятся клинические исследования по его изучению, хотя трудно сделать какие-либо выводы из них, поскольку чесночный запах, генерируемый метаболитом ДМСО, — DMS, негативно влияет на достоверность двойного слепого исследования.

На сегодня исследования эффективности ДМСО на животных моделях ревматоидного артрита дали противоречивые результаты. Поскольку известно, что ДМСО нарушает проницаемость клеток и вызывает их гибель при высоких концентрациях, было проведено исследование, в котором изучали связь противовоспалительных свойств с его влиянием на жизнеспособность клеток. Результаты показывают, что ДМСО до конечной концентрации 1% индуцирует небольшую цитотоксичность для моноцитов, но наблюдается значительное снижение моноцитов на 2%, слабый гемолиз на 5% и резкое снижение РВМС (от англ. peripheral blood mononuclear cells) на 10%. Таким образом, ДМСО имеет только узкое терапевтическое окно и, возможно, снижение цитокинов/хемокинов при 2% ДМСО связано с более низкой жизнеспособностью моноцитов. Однако эффекты ДМСО в концентрациях 0,5% и ниже, вероятно, не зависят от цитотоксичности. ДМСО является противовоспалительным средством, которое демонстрирует эффективность в цельной крови человека. Это связано со снижением продукции медиаторов воспаления. В результате исследования пришли к выводу, что использование ДМСО в качестве противовоспалительного средства при таких состояниях, как ревматоидный артрит, может иметь некоторые преимущества (Ингрид Элизия и др., 2016).

Данные об обезболивающих эффектах Димексида сами по себе неоднозначны. Тем не менее, когда ДМСО используется в качестве носителя для других анальгетиков, он повышает эффективность этих агентов (в одном исследовании — лидокаин, в другом — диклофенак) и уменьшает выраженность симптомов заболевания. Об облегчении боли при незамедлительном применении сообщается почти сразу и длится этот эффект до 6 ч. Это сделало ДМСО идеальным для купирования острой боли у спортсменов, состояние которых требует немедленного облегчения. Для уменьшения выраженности хронической боли пациентам может потребоваться применить ДМСО в течение почти 6 нед, прежде чем будет заметен хоть какой-то терапевтический эффект.

ДМСО усиливает диффузию других химических веществ через кожу, и по этой причине смесь идоксуридина и ДМСО используется для местного лечения опоясывающего герпеса в Великобритании. Диметилсульфоксид (ДМСО) в настоящее время используется в качестве альтернативного лечения при различных воспалительных состояниях, а также при раке. Димексид впервые применяли для лечения острых заболеваний мягких тканей, таких как бурсит и тендинит. Однако несмотря на обширные восторженные свидетельства эффективности, два контролируемых исследования дали противоречивые результаты (Trice J.M., Pinals R.S., 1985). Тем не менее в настоящее время Димексид незаменим для биотехнологического применения. В этих случаях следует учитывать эффекты, которые может иметь ДМСО, и поддерживать концентрацию как можно ниже, поскольку даже при низких концентрациях ДМСО не является инертным (Verheijen M., Schrooders Y. et al., 2019). Следует учитывать, что, помимо облегчения всасывания других лекарств, ДМСО может также усиливать их действие. Поэтому лекарственные взаимодействия должны всегда оцениваться до применения, особенно с учетом того факта, что в некоторых случаях уровень лекарственных средств может достигать токсического предела и повышать риск для жизни пациентов. Известны такие реакции, как тошнота, рвота, диарея, сыпь, покраснение кожи, в редких случаях бронхоспазм (Zenhausern et al., 2000; Crivellenti et al., 2013).

Однако даже сейчас Димексид продолжает оставаться предметом споров, противоречий и сообщений разной направленности в СМИ. По большей части клинические исследования с ДМСО не соответствуют самым стандартным требованиям для проведения контролируемых исследований при ревматических заболеваниях. Основная проблема заключалась в трудности скрытия наличия ДМСО из-за его характерного запаха и в разработке подходящего плацебо. Много интересной информации о ДМСО накопилось за последние годы, включая доказательства его относительной безопасности, но его терапевтическая роль и ее легитимность в медицинской практике остается в подвешенном состоянии, ожидая дальнейшего обоснования эффективности в клинических исследованиях с хорошо разработанным дизайном. Ссылка: (


С этого момента бумажные повестки о призыве на срочную службу или по мобилизации будут дублироваться электронными, а уведомление о них — направляться через Госуслуги. Если призывник не имеет аккаунта на Госуслугах или удалил его, повестка будет считаться врученной после 7 дней с момента размещения в реестре. Об этом говорится в соответствующем постановлении правительства.

Как отмечает «Движение сознательных отказчиков», введение электронного реестра значительно усложнит выезд за границу для тех, кому пришла повестка. Если раньше они могли успеть покинуть страну за счет того, что между военкоматом и пограничной службой не было канала обмена информацией, то с запуском реестра призывники или мобилизованные, в отношении которых была направлена повестка, будут такой возможности автоматически лишены до явки в военкомат.

Владимир Путин подписал закон о создании реестра в апреле 2023 года. Позднее он поручил запустить реестр к осеннему призыву 2024 года.


March 28, 2022 View Original Today we will tell you how you can import private keys between wallets.

✅ How does it work?

When importing a private key, it is not the coins themselves that are transferred to the new wallet, but rather combinations of symbols - the private key. Those. all funds remain at your old wallet address. During import, you simply duplicate the public and private key into another wallet and can manage everything from there.

✅ For what?

🔐 For your convenience and safety.

1️⃣ Let's imagine that you have 3 wallets: MetaMask, TrustWallet and SafePal. You can import private keys from TrustWallet and SafePal wallet into your MetaMask. In this case, you do not need to log into each wallet separately to access your tokens. You can manage transactions, see your balance, and connect to websites from your MetaMask interface.

If you have several MetaMask wallets, you can also import all private keys into one and manage all wallets from one.

2️⃣ Another plus of using such a scheme. For example, you have funds on TrustWallet and SafePal, but these wallets cannot be connected on certain sites. MetaMask is accepted by all platforms. In order not to specifically transfer your tokens to MetaMask and not spend money on commissions, you import private keys from the necessary wallets into it. After this, you will be able to connect to sites and have access to your funds from all wallets in one MetaMask.

3️⃣ If an attacker recognizes your seed phrase, he will not see your imported wallets in the interface, and therefore will not be able to steal them.

You can make an empty MetaMask wallet that will serve as a wrapper for imported fund wallets. In the event of a leak of the seed phrase, access will only be to the shell wallet in which you do not have funds.

We will analyze the whole process step by step using the MetaMask wallet as an example. Go to MetaMask and click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner. Select “Account details”

Click “Export private key”

Enter your MetaMask wallet password.

Copy the private key.

Let's go to the wallet into which you will import the private key. Click on the icon in the upper right corner and click “Import invoice”

Insert your private key and click “Import”

The imported invoice will appear in your “my accounts” menu marked “imported”. You can rename it by clicking the pencil in the “Account Details” menu.

Keep your seed phrase and private key in a safe place.

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showing that party top leaders altered expert judgments or kept them secret to make sure that the decision to close down all nuclear plants wouldn’t be reversed after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

(1) Michael A. Arouet on X: "These missing 20% to 30% of German nuclear power are covered by coal power plants today. If someone really cared about environment, would one close nuclear or coal power plants first?" / X


He supervised the construction of military hospitals in Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk

And (what a coincidence!) there were problems with construction everywhere:

In Kursk, they started at the stage of excavation work. At the time, the regional construction minister stated: "The RF Ministry of Defense has chosen a land plot for the construction of a military hospital, which is not provided with water supply and sewage system. To solve the problem with engineering communications we have to put much more effort and time."

As a result, the hospital is still not ready.

In Belgorod, work was halted because of a mix-up in finances. Now they are checking where exactly the money was spent.

Bryansk hospital began construction in 2023. The result is the same. Construction began in January. In June, the building caught fire for the first time, and in July - the second. In August, Timur Ivanov said that everything was OK with the hospitals, the builders would finish the work in the fall. Autumn 2023 passed, spring 2024 came and still nothing.


of Today I want to share an update: Bitcoin continues to move within this channel without closing above or below its boundaries. This means that we are still in a state of consolidation.

However, the weekly chart is starting to show some interesting features. We may be witnessing the formation of a classic bearish divergence in the RSI indicator, as I described in

There are three (BUT) !!! First : The closing of the weekly candle has not happened yet. Second : In a bull market bearish divergences have a weak value. Third : The indicator repeated the price movement.

Translated with (free version)


Offenbecker, he said, "responded to Vladimir Zelensky's call to help Ukraine." The American took part in heavy fighting in Bakhmut, Kupyansk and Zaporizhzhya region, and talks about how he "lost dozens of friends, including American volunteers, and does not want this loss to be in vain". Also talks about how untimely U.S. aid is affecting the outcome of this war, and that the U.S. military is "skipping out on their job" by not participating in the war against Russia, thinking it doesn't affect them.



When someone sends a Bitcoin transaction, they must include a transaction fee for it to be processed by miners and added to the blockchain. If the amount of Bitcoin being sent is relatively small compared to the transaction fee, it can result in a situation where the fee consumes a significant portion of the value being sent.

In the context of the statement, it's suggesting that individuals who have accumulated small amounts of Bitcoin in various UTXOs (each less than $20 worth of Bitcoin) may find themselves in a predicament. Since the transaction fees are often proportional to the size (in bytes) of the transaction, combining multiple small UTXOs into a single transaction could result in a fee that exceeds the total value of the Bitcoin being sent. This would essentially render those small amounts of Bitcoin unusable, as the transaction fees would absorb their entire value.

The sarcastic remark "such a amazing technology" is likely meant to express irony or frustration with this aspect of Bitcoin's design, implying that it's not as amazing as it's often hailed to be if it renders small holdings effectively worthless due to high fees.


Служба безпеки запобігла новим спробам рф завдати вогневого ураження по лініях оборони Харкова.

У результаті спецоперації у прифронтовому регіоні нейтралізовано агентурну групу російської розвідки, яка готувала серію повітряних атак на позиції ЗСУ.

Серед основних цілей агресора були фортифікаційні споруди та укріпрайони українських військ, які обороняють обласний центр.

Для удару по локаціях ЗСУ окупанти планували застосувати надважкі керовані авіабомби.

Щоб скоригувати російські КАБи на ціль, загарбники дистанційно залучили двох своїх поплічників з Харкова.

Під виглядом приватних ремонтників вони поодинці їздили по області, де приховано фіксували місця базування українських військ та розташування оборонних ліній.

Отриману інформацію обидва фігуранти месенджером передавали «зв’язковому» російської розвідки.

Ним виявився їхній знайомий, місцевий житель, який у 2014 році виїхав до тимчасово окупованого Донецька та приєднався до спецназу російських військ.

Саме він мав передати спецслужбі рф актуальні координати для підготовки авіаудару по Харківщині.

Однак Служба безпеки дізналася про плани ворога ще на початковому етапі розвідувальної діяльності цих агентів.

Це дозволило задокументувати кожен крок фігурантів та провести комплексні заходи для убезпечення позицій українських військ.

На фінальній стадії спецоперації обох зловмисників було затримано у власних помешканнях. Під час обшуку у них вилучено мобільні телефони, з яких вони комунікували з окупантами.

Наразі слідчі Служби безпеки повідомили старшому агентурної групи рф про підозру за ч. 2 ст. 111 Кримінального кодексу України (державна зрада, вчинена в умовах воєнного стану).

Дії його спільника кваліфіковано за ч. 2 ст. 114-2 Кримінального кодексу України (несанкціоноване поширення інформації про переміщення, рух або розташування ЗСУ за можливості їх ідентифікації на місцевості).

Їм загрожує від 8 років тюрми до довічного ув’язнення.


кросс-пост из:

кросс-пост из:

Клиенты криптобиржи Beribit с 11 часов утра штурмуют её офис в башне «Федерация» в Москве. Люди требуют вернуть миллионы, которые они не могут снять со своих счетов уже несколько дней.

Сумма замороженных активов составляет около ₽400 млн. Представители компании обещают отдать 50% вложений, а остальное забрать в течение 1-15 дней.

Тем временем народу перед дверями офиса биржи становится всё больше.

Представители компании пытались сбежать через чёрный ход, но у них не вышло. Beribit официально зарегистрирована в России и занимается обменом рублей на крипту, P2P, USDT и активами.

Since 11 a.m., customers of the crypto exchange Beribit have been gathering outside the company's office in the Federation Tower in Moscow. They are demanding the return of millions of dollars that they have been unable to withdraw from their accounts for several days.

The total amount of frozen assets is approximately ₽400 million. The company has stated that 50% of the investments will be returned, with the remainder to be reclaimed within 1-15 days.

Meanwhile, the number of individuals in front of the exchange office continues to grow.

Company representatives attempted to exit through the rear entrance, but were unsuccessful. Beribit is officially registered in Russia and specializes in the exchange of rubles for cryptocurrency, P2P, USDT, and assets.

Video proof: pixelfed


Цей розробник ретельно приховує свої дані «з міркувань безпеки». Коментарі в ЗМІ він дає, називаючи тільки ім'я без прізвища, і навіть на сайті проєкту немає жодних даних, тільки форма зворотного зв'язку.

Цікаво, що батьки Станіслава входять до складу засновників його компанії, а дружина працює в патентному відділі інноваційного центру "Сколково". Тобто родина Ворониних організувала справжний сімейний бізнес на крові українців.

Читайте повну статтю про злочинців на нашому сайті:

Зв’язок: @osint_bees_bot
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(40) "Russia's Cyber Militia: Investigation and Legal Challenges" 4-4 minutes Cybercrime, Investigation, Stroganov Group, Flint, Legal Proceedings, Information Security, Organized Crime, Cybersecurity, Criminal Case, Prosecutor.


Tags: #OSINT #criminal_activity #cybercrime #investigation #legal_process #Russia #Flint #Stroganov_group #corruption #information_security

Content: The active investigative measures against the Russian cyber militia, known as the "Stroganov Group" or "Flint," were concluded in February 2021. However, it's only after another 3 years, in February 2024, that the 2nd Western Military District Court transferred this criminal case for the second time to the 235th Garrison Military Court. Preliminary hearings will commence on March 19, 2024. Remarkably, on this exact day, 4 years ago, all the accused were apprehended. For 4 years, solely due to the charge under Article 210 of the Russian Criminal Code, 26 individuals have remained under arrest, with 15 of them being held in various pre-trial detention centers in Moscow.

Since the first transfer of the "Flint" case to the 235th Garrison Military Court, it's been taken up by the 3rd judge of this court, yet not a single substantive hearing has been conducted, indicating the high "toxicity" of the criminal case that judges are reluctant to touch, finding formal reasons to abstain.

The "Flint" group was overseen by Igor Voroshilov, an FSB DVCR officer, who is also in custody. However, throughout the investigation, the Russian MIA's Investigative Department insisted they had no evidence of Voroshilov being an active FSB officer, thus, there were no grounds to transfer the case to the Main Military Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (GMID SKR). However, in the final version of the indictment, the Russian MIA's Investigative Department identified Igor Voroshilov... as an FSB officer. But with many caveats. Allegedly, Voroshilov committed the crime not in the line of duty and not while fulfilling his official duties.

Among the accused is a Lithuanian citizen, who during the investigation demanded a translator, which was not provided to him, and a copy of the indictment was handed to him only in Russian upon its completion.

As a result, the judge of the 235th court returned the case to the prosecutor, but the higher instance annulled this decision. In the accusatory conclusion, the MIA's Investigative Department depicted the "cyber militia" as a group that controlled a significant portion of the shadow market of payment instruments. Despite such a resonant statement, the indictment mentions only a turnover of bank cards worth $700. It's claimed that the group operated since 2014, but specific operations conducted by operatives are only mentioned for the end of 2019.

At one time, the Flint group performed the functions of Russia's cyber militia. The leader of the Stroganov group (Flint) was awarded a commendation from the director of the FSB of Russia for ensuring cyber security in Russia and gratitude from Vladimir Putin for ensuring cyber security during the FIFA World Cup in Russia in 2018.

Познакомьтесь с хакером Flint24 Как друг борца с киберпреступностью — депутата Деньгина — оказался одним из крупнейших продавцов краденых банковских карт. Расследование «Медузы» — Meduza

#OSINT #criminal_activity #cybercrime #investigation #legal_process #Russia #Flint #Stroganov_group #corruption #information_security


Расширенное руководство по верификации видеоматериалов - Беллингкэт

Aric Toler13-16 minutes 30.06.2017 One of the most common issues for researchers and journalists is verifying user-generated video content, most often found on social networks and file sharing platforms, such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and so on. There is no silver bullet to verify every video, and it may be nearly impossible to verify some videos short of acquiring the original file from the source. However, there is a range of methods we can use to verify most content, especially as it relates to making sure that videos showing breaking news events are not recycled from previous incidents. There are already numerous guides online for verifying video, most notably in the Verification Handbook. This guide will include some extra quirks frequently used by the Bellingcat team, and make an effort to provide our readers with ways to work around the limitations of the available tools. After reading this guide, hopefully you will not only know how to use this tool set, but also how to use creativity in avoiding dead ends.

Flawed, but still useful: reverse image search The first step in verifying video content is the same as verifying images – run a reverse image search through Google or other services, such as TinEye. Currently, there are no freely available tools that allow you to reverse search an entire video clip the same way we can with image files, but we can do the next best thing by reverse image searching thumbnails and screenshots. People who create fake videos are rarely very creative, and will most often reshare an easy-to-find video without any obvious signs that it does not fit the incident, such as a news chyron or an audio track with someone speaking a language that does not fit the new incident. Because of this, it is relatively easy to fact-check recycled videos.

There are two ways to conduct this search. The first is to manually take screenshots of the video, best either at the very beginning or during key moments in the clip, and then upload them onto a reverse image search service, such as Google Images. The second is to rely on the thumbnails generated by the video host, most often YouTube. There is no easy way to determine which frame a video will automatically select as a thumbnail, as Google developed a complex algorithm for YouTube to select the best thumbnail for an uploaded video (for more on this, see the Google Research Blog entry on the topic here). Perhaps the best tool to find these thumbnails is Amnesty International’s YouTube DataViewer, which generates the thumbnails used by a video on YouTube and allows you to conduct a reverse image search on them in one click.

For example, a YouTube aggregator called Action Tube recently posted a video supposedly showing a convoy of military equipment in Lithuania, but without providing any source material for it. Additionally, there are no indications when the video was filmed, meaning that it could have been from yesterday or five years ago.

If we search for this video on the Amnesty International tool, we find out the exact date and time that Action Tube uploaded the video, along with four thumbnails to reverse search to find the original source of the video.

None of the results give us a direct hit on the original source; however, a number of the results on the third thumbnail point to videos that showed this thumbnail on the page at one time. If you click these videos, you may not find this thumbnail, as the results for the “Up next” videos on the right side of a YouTube page are tailored for each user. However, the video with that thumbnail was present at the time when Google saved the results, meaning that you can find this video on the cached page.

Again, none of these five results are the source of the video we are looking for, but when Google cached away its snapshot of the page, the thumbnail video for the source was present on these videos’ pages. When we viewed the cached page for the first result above, we see the source for the video posted by Action Tube, with the title “Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Poland Conducts a Road March to Rukla, Lithuania.”

We now have all the information we need to track down the original video and verify that the Action Tube video does indeed show a recent deployment of military equipment in Lithuania. After we search the title of the video found in the thumbnail search result, we find six uploads. If we sort them by date, we can find the oldest upload, which served as the source material for Action Tube.

This leads us to a video uploaded on June 18, 2017 – a day before the Action Tube video, of June 19 – uploaded by “Maj Anthony Clas.” This is the same video shared by Action Tube.

If we do a simple search on the uploader, we see that he has written articles for the U.S. Army website about NATO activities in Europe, meaning that he is likely a communications official, thus lending additional credence to his upload being the original source for Action Tube.

Creativity still more powerful than algorithms While reverse image searching can unearth many fake videos, it is not a perfect solution. For example, the video below, which has over 45,000 views, supposedly shows fighting between Ukrainian soldiers and Russian-backed separatist forces near Svitlodarsk in eastern Ukraine. The title translates to “Battle in the area of the Svitlodarsk Bulge in the Donbas (shot from the perspective of the Ukrainian Armed Forces).” We can see a lot of gunfire and artillery shots, while the soldiers seem to be laughing along with the fighting.

When we enter the video’s URL into Amnesty International’s tool, we see the exact date and time it was uploaded, along with thumbnails that we can reverse search.

When looking through the results, almost all of them are for around the same time that the video was uploaded, giving the appearance that the video could genuinely show fighting near Svitlodarsk in December 2016.

However, the video is actually from a Russian military training exercise from 2012.

Even with the most creative uses of reverse Google image search and using Amnesty International’s tool, you will not find this original video in the results, except in articles describing the debunking after the fake videos were spread. For example, if we search the exact title of the original video (“кавказ 2012 учения ночь,” meaning “Kavkaz 2012 night training,” referring to the Kavkaz 2012 military exercises), along with a screenshot from the video, we only find results for the fake Svitlodarsk video. Knowing that this video was fake required one of two things: a familiarity with the original video, or a keen eye (or ear) telling you that the laughing soldier did not correspond with the supposed battle taking place.

So, what is to be done? There is no easy answer, other than searching creatively. One of the best ways to do this is to try thinking like the person who shared a potentially fake video. With the example above, the laughing soldier gives you a clue that perhaps this is not real fighting, leading to a question of under what circumstances a Russian-speaking soldier would be filming this incident and laughing. If you wanted to find a video like this, what would you search for? You would want a video at night probably, so that there would be fewer identifiable details. You would also try looking through footage of spectacular looking fighting, but not something easily recognizable to Ukrainians or Russians following the war in the Donbas — so, finding videos of exercises from the Russian, Ukrainian, or Belarusian army could fit the bill, unless you found war footage from another country and overdubbed it with Russian speakers. If you search the Russian phrases for “training exercises” and “night,” this video would be the very first result. If you were not able to stumble your way to the original video, the best way to verify this video would have been to contact the person who uploaded it.

Be a Digital Sherlock with an eye for detail Using digital tools to verify materials is inherently limited, as algorithms can be fooled. Often, people use simple tricks to avoid detection from reverse image searches – mirroring a video, changing the color scheme to black and white, zooming in or out, and so on. The best way to overcome these factors is an eye for detail so that you can verify individual details in a video to make sure that the surroundings of the video is consistent with the incident at hand.

On September 19, 2016, reports came in that the m an responsible for three bomb explosions in New York City and New Jersey was arrested in Linden, New Jersey. A few photographs and videos emerged from different sources, including the two below showing the suspect, Ahmad Khan Rahami, on the ground surrounded by police officers.

The exact address in Linden, NJ where he was arrested was not clear, but it was a safe bet that these two photographs were real, considering how they showed roughly the same scene from two perspectives. The video embedded below also emerged, from a local citizen. Clearly, the video is real, as it was shared widely on news outlets throughout the day, but how could we have done lightning-fast verification to know it was real in the middle of the breaking news situation?

We can figure out where Rahami was arrested quite quickly from the two photographs. In the bottom-left corner of the second photograph, we can see an advertisement with four numbers (8211), along with fragments of words like “-ARS” and “-ODY.” We can also see that there is a junction for Highway 619 nearby, letting us drill down the location more precisely. If we search for a phone number with 8211 in it in Linden, NJ, we get a result for Fernando’s Auto Sales & Body Work, which completes the “-ARS” and “-ODY” fragments – cars and body. Additionally, we can find the address for Fernando’s as 512 E Elizabeth Ave in Linden, NJ.

Checking the address on Google Street View lets us quickly double check that we’re on the right track.

Left: Photograph of suspect being arrested in Linden, NJ. Right: Google Street View imagery of the same location

In both of the photographs and in the video in question, the weather is the same – overcast and damp. Twenty-six seconds into the video, the driver passes a sign that says “Bower St” and another Highway 619 junction sign, giving us a geographical location to cross-check against the location we found in the two photographs.

A quick glance at Google Maps shows you that Bower Street intersects with East Elizabeth Ave, where the suspect was arrested near the auto repair shop (represented by the yellow star).

If you have time, you can drill down the exact location where the video was filmed by comparing the features on Google Street View to the video.

Left: Video from the day that Rahami was captured in Linden, NJ. Right: Google Street View imagery

While there seems to be a lot of work involved in each of these steps, the entire process should not take much longer than five minutes if you know what to look for. If you do not have access to the eye-witness who provided video materials from the incident, verifying their footage will only require an attentive eye for detail and some legwork on Google Maps and Street View. Verifying video materials should be a routine part of not just reporting, but also in sharing content on social networks, as this is one of the quickest ways that fake news can be spread.

Discerning the signal through the noise Compared to photographs, there is a lot more effort and skill required to digitally alter videos, with the addition or subtraction of elements while still looking natural. Often, videos are altered not just to elude fact checkers, but to avoid the detection of algorithms looking for copyrighted content. For example, movies, television shows, or sporting events may be uploaded to YouTube with the video mirrored, so that it is still watchable (albeit a bit off-putting), but avoid DMCA violations. The best way to quickly detect if a video has been mirrored is to look for any text or numbers, as they will look strange after being flipped.

In the series of screenshots below, 2011 footage of an attack in Moscow’s Domodedovo airport was repurposed to fake videos about the airport attacks in Brussels and Istanbul. Some of the effects that the fakers used include zooming in on segments of the video, adding fake timestamps, and changing the color scheme to black & white. Additionally, gaudy logos are often added on top of the footage, making it even more difficult to reverse image search.

There is no easy way to detect these as fakes through tools, rather you need to rely on common sense and creative searching. Like with the Russian military training video repurposed as fresh battle footage, you need to think what a fake-maker would search for to find source material. Searching the terms “airport explosion” or “CCTV terrorist attack” will give you the Domodedovo airport attack footage, providing a far faster result than playing with screenshots to bring back results in a reverse Google image search.

Likely no silver bullet in sight Many see technological advancements as a future remedy to fake news and content, but it is hard to see any digital methods to out fake videos and verify content with anything close to complete precision. In other words, an arms race between developers and semi-creative fake video creators is a losing battle at this point, barring strict content sharing controls on social networks and YouTube. While the digital tool set is important in verifying fake content, the creative one is even more important.!$GlW8-F9SIyTQ7OiH4jJ_-gM-urnXBF6BUbMx1RHwdT8?


Это оружие стало частью пакета американской помощи в размере 300 млн долларов, который президент Джо Байден одобрил в марте.

В среду вечером о поставках ракет официально заявил представитель Госдепартамента США. «Я могу подтвердить, что Соединенные Штаты предоставили Украине ракеты большой дальности ATACMS по прямому указанию президента», — сказал журналистам Ведант Патель, добавив, что ракеты прибыли в Украину в апреле.

По данным собеседника агентства Reuters, который говорил на условиях анонимности, ракеты были впервые применены рано утром 17 апреля — они были запущены по аэродрому в Джанкое в аннексированном Крыму, расположенному примерно в 165 км от украинской линии фронта.

Источник AP сообщил, что удары также были нанесены по российским войскам на подконтрольной им украинской территории. По сведениям газеты New York Times, речь идет об ударе по российским войскам в оккупированном городе Бердянск в Запорожской области.

В течение 2022-23 годов Киев неоднократно просил США о ракетах ATACMS с максимальной дальностью, однако прошлой осенью получил лишь партию ракет старой модификации MGM-140A с предельной дистанцией стрельбы 165 км.

Однако теперь Байден тайно одобрил поставки ракет MGM-164/168 с дальностью до 300 км, следует из заявлений американских чиновников.

Подробнее читайте здесь (


In the realm of digital finance and technology, blockchain technology presents new challenges and opportunities on a daily basis. However, behind the innovation lies a hidden side: the risk of crime and fraud in crypto projects. This paper will examine why investigating such crimes is vital.

Case #1: Theft in the millions One of the most widely publicized cases of cryptocurrency theft is the attack on the largest cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox in 2014. This attack resulted in the theft of over 850,000 bitcoins, which was worth about $450 million at the time. This incident highlights the importance of securing digital assets and protecting users from loss.

In another case, the "DAO Hack," attackers exploited a vulnerability in the DAO Autonomous Organization (DAO) to steal more than $50 million. This incident demonstrated how vulnerabilities in smart contracts can be exploited to alter the rules of the game in the crypto space. This resource was popular on the dark side of the internet, where illegal trades, including drugs and weapons, were conducted. The investigation of this case emphasized the importance of combating illegal activities and protecting the public from potential threats.


Cryptocurrency crime investigations play a crucial role in ensuring security, protecting user interests, and enforcing the law. These cases, while reflecting the darker sides of the cryptosphere, also demonstrate the necessity of continually evolving methods to combat crime in the digital world.!$B-tlr1aBqNvzrSaFBRDqfMFvOkjkWKqxAN5gvp1Tv0o?

Title: "Unveiling Crypto Crime: Investigating, Securing, and Forecasting"

Annotation: In the realm of digital finance, blockchain technology brings both innovation and risks. This report delves into the importance of investigating crimes in crypto projects, highlighting major incidents and the necessity of evolving security measures.

Keywords: #CryptoCrime #BlockchainSecurity #Investigation #DigitalFinance #Cryptosphere #CyberSecurity #FraudPrevention #CrimePrevention #CryptoProjects #RiskManagement #BlockchainTechnology #SecurityMeasures #DigitalAssets #CryptoFraud #Forecasting #SecurityTrends #CyberCrime #FinancialSecurity #DataProtection #RiskMitigation #DarkWeb

Editorial comment: This report navigates through the intricate landscape of cryptocurrency crime, emphasizing the need for robust investigative measures and proactive security strategies to safeguard digital assets and uphold trust in the blockchain ecosystem.


Abstract: This article delves into the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency mining, highlighting alternative projects that offer accessible and affordable mining options compared to Bitcoin's specialized ASIC miners. Projects such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dogecoin utilize GPU-friendly mining algorithms or ASIC-resistant designs, enabling broader participation in mining and reducing barriers to entry for individual miners. The article emphasizes the importance of considering factors such as mining profitability, network security, and project fundamentals when exploring alternative cryptocurrencies for mining or investment. The conclusion encourages further study of these projects and their implications for the future of cryptocurrency mining, with a strong likelihood of uncovering valuable insights and conclusions.

Bitcoin has indeed spawned numerous forks, each with its own set of characteristics and goals. Some forks have introduced improvements or changes to Bitcoin's protocol, aiming to address perceived shortcomings or to cater to specific use cases. However, whether these forks are "better" than Bitcoin itself is subjective and depends on various factors, including individual preferences, technical requirements, and market dynamics.

Some forks, such as Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV, have aimed to increase block sizes to improve scalability and transaction throughput. Others, like Litecoin, have focused on faster block generation times and different mining algorithms. Each of these forks has its own community and supporters who believe in its merits.

However, Bitcoin remains the dominant cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization, adoption, and network security. Its status as the first and most well-known cryptocurrency gives it a significant advantage in terms of trust and recognition. Additionally, Bitcoin's decentralized nature and robust network have contributed to its resilience over the years.

Ultimately, whether a particular Bitcoin fork is "better" depends on an individual's priorities and objectives. Some may prefer forks that prioritize scalability or transaction speed, while others may value Bitcoin's stability and widespread acceptance. It's essential to research and understand the characteristics of each fork before drawing conclusions about their relative merits.

Certainly, assessing the "better" option from a user's point of view involves considering various factors like cost, speed, anonymity, and accessibility of mining equipment. Let's evaluate each of these fundamental points for Bitcoin and its forks:

  1. Cost of Transfer Transactions:

    • Bitcoin (BTC): Bitcoin's transaction fees have historically been higher compared to some of its forks due to network congestion and limited block space. However, the Lightning Network has been developed to enable faster and cheaper off-chain transactions for smaller payments.
    • Bitcoin Cash (BCH): Bitcoin Cash originally aimed to offer lower transaction fees by increasing block sizes. However, its fees can still vary depending on network demand.
    • Bitcoin SV (BSV): Bitcoin SV also seeks to maintain low transaction fees through increased block sizes, but like BCH, fees can fluctuate based on network usage.
    • Overall, Bitcoin forks like BCH and BSV may offer lower transaction fees compared to Bitcoin for certain types of transactions.
  2. Speed of Transactions:

    • Bitcoin (BTC): Bitcoin's block time is around 10 minutes, which means transactions can take some time to be confirmed, especially during periods of high network activity.
    • Bitcoin Cash (BCH): BCH has a larger block size limit compared to BTC, resulting in faster transaction confirmations on average.
    • Bitcoin SV (BSV): Similar to BCH, BSV aims to achieve faster transaction confirmations through larger block sizes.
    • Both BCH and BSV generally offer faster transaction speeds compared to Bitcoin due to their larger block sizes.
  3. Anonymity:

    • Bitcoin (BTC): Bitcoin's pseudonymous nature means transactions are recorded on a public ledger, allowing for some degree of anonymity, but transactions can be traced back to addresses.
    • Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin SV (BSV): These forks inherit Bitcoin's transparency features, offering similar levels of pseudonymity.
    • For enhanced privacy and anonymity, users may turn to privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero or Zcash.
  4. Cost of Mining Equipment:

    • Bitcoin (BTC): As the most established and valuable cryptocurrency, Bitcoin typically requires more expensive mining equipment to compete in its Proof-of-Work mining ecosystem.
    • Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin SV (BSV): These forks share a similar mining algorithm with Bitcoin, meaning they also require specialized ASIC mining equipment, though competition might be less fierce compared to Bitcoin.
    • In terms of mining profitability, factors like electricity costs and mining difficulty play significant roles, which can vary across different regions and mining pools.

Considering these fundamental points, users may prioritize different aspects based on their specific needs and preferences. For example, individuals requiring fast and inexpensive transactions might find Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin SV more suitable, while those valuing Bitcoin's network security and widespread adoption might prefer Bitcoin despite its higher fees and longer transaction times. It ultimately comes down to what matters most to each user in their cryptocurrency usage.

To be fair, you have to consider the first top-ten, it's hardly worth relying on 2-3 younger relatives.

I understand your perspective, and I appreciate your desire to explore projects closely related to Bitcoin, both programmatically and ideologically. Let's delve into some projects that maintain a closer kinship with Bitcoin in both aspects:

  1. Bitcoin Cash (BCH):

    • Bitcoin Cash is a direct fork of Bitcoin, created in 2017 with the aim of addressing Bitcoin's scalability issues by increasing the block size limit. It retains many of Bitcoin's fundamental principles, including decentralization, transparency, and permissionless innovation.
  2. Bitcoin SV (BSV):

    • Bitcoin SV, short for "Bitcoin Satoshi Vision," is another fork of Bitcoin that emerged in 2018. It aims to restore the original Bitcoin protocol as envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto, emphasizing scalability, security, stability, and global adoption.
  3. Bitcoin Gold (BTG):

    • Bitcoin Gold is a hard fork of Bitcoin that occurred in 2017. It aimed to decentralize Bitcoin mining by introducing a new mining algorithm (Equihash) that is ASIC-resistant, allowing for broader participation in the mining process.
  4. Litecoin (LTC):

    • While not a direct fork of Bitcoin, Litecoin is often considered a "sibling" of Bitcoin due to its close resemblance in codebase and principles. Litecoin was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, with the intention of providing faster transaction confirmations and a different hashing algorithm (Scrypt) compared to Bitcoin's SHA-256.
  5. Bitcoin Core (BTC):

    • Bitcoin Core is the original implementation of Bitcoin's protocol and serves as the reference client for the Bitcoin network. It is developed by a group of volunteer developers and maintains a strong focus on decentralization, security, and trustlessness.
  6. Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs):

    • BIPs are technical proposals for changes or enhancements to the Bitcoin protocol. While not standalone projects, BIPs play a crucial role in the ongoing development and evolution of Bitcoin, allowing the community to contribute ideas and improvements to the network.
  7. Sidechain Projects:

    • Projects like Liquid and RSK (Rootstock) aim to extend Bitcoin's functionality by enabling the creation of sidechains, which are separate blockchains pegged to the Bitcoin blockchain. These sidechains facilitate faster transactions, smart contracts, and other advanced features while leveraging Bitcoin's security.
  8. Lightning Network:

    • The Lightning Network is a layer-two scaling solution for Bitcoin, enabling instant and low-cost transactions by creating payment channels off-chain. It enhances Bitcoin's scalability without compromising its security or decentralization.
  9. Schnorr Signatures and Taproot Upgrade:

    • These proposed upgrades to the Bitcoin protocol aim to improve privacy, efficiency, and flexibility. Schnorr Signatures enable aggregation of multiple signatures into a single signature, reducing transaction size and enhancing privacy. The Taproot upgrade enhances smart contract capabilities while increasing privacy and scalability.
  10. Bitcoin-focused Education and Research Initiatives:

    • Organizations like the Bitcoin Optech, the Human Rights Foundation's Bitcoin Development Fund, and academic institutions conducting research on Bitcoin's technical, economic, and social aspects contribute to the broader Bitcoin ecosystem by fostering education, innovation, and collaboration.

These projects and initiatives maintain strong ties to Bitcoin's core principles and objectives, whether through direct codebase lineage, technical enhancements, or community-driven efforts to advance Bitcoin's capabilities and adoption.

Certainly, here are 10 specific projects that involve mining, blockchain, and coins, with mining hardware that is generally cheaper than Bitcoin's specialized ASIC miners:

  1. Ethereum (ETH):

    • Ethereum utilizes a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism similar to Bitcoin, but its mining algorithm (Ethash) is ASIC-resistant, allowing for GPU mining. While GPU mining rigs can still be relatively expensive, they are generally more accessible and versatile compared to Bitcoin's ASIC miners.
  2. Litecoin (LTC):

    • Litecoin also employs a proof-of-work consensus mechanism, but its mining algorithm (Scrypt) is designed to be ASIC-resistant, initially allowing for CPU and GPU mining. While Scrypt ASIC miners exist, they are generally less expensive and more widely available compared to Bitcoin's ASIC miners.
  3. Dogecoin (DOGE):

    • Dogecoin, initially created as a meme cryptocurrency, uses a Scrypt-based proof-of-work algorithm similar to Litecoin. Like Litecoin, Dogecoin mining is more accessible to GPU miners compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.
  4. Bitcoin Cash (BCH):

    • Bitcoin Cash utilizes the SHA-256 mining algorithm, similar to Bitcoin, but with a larger block size limit. While BCH mining can still be competitive, it may be more accessible to miners with less specialized hardware compared to Bitcoin.
  5. Dash (DASH):

    • Dash employs a hybrid proof-of-work/proof-of-service consensus mechanism called X11. While ASIC miners for X11 exist, they are generally less expensive and more energy-efficient compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners, allowing for broader participation in mining.
  6. Zcash (ZEC):

    • Zcash utilizes the Equihash mining algorithm, which is GPU-friendly and ASIC-resistant. GPU mining rigs are commonly used to mine Zcash, offering a more affordable entry point compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.
  7. Monero (XMR):

    • Monero uses the CryptoNight mining algorithm, which is designed to be ASIC-resistant and favors CPU and GPU mining. While ASIC miners for CryptoNight have been developed, CPU and GPU mining are still viable options, making Monero mining more accessible.
  8. Ravencoin (RVN):

    • Ravencoin employs the X16R mining algorithm, which rotates through 16 different hashing algorithms. This algorithm is ASIC-resistant and favors GPU mining, providing a more affordable option for miners compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.
  9. Grin (GRIN):

    • Grin utilizes the Cuckoo Cycle mining algorithm, which is designed to be memory-bound and ASIC-resistant. GPU mining is commonly used to mine Grin, offering a more accessible mining option compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.
  10. Vertcoin (VTC):

    • Vertcoin uses the Lyra2REv3 mining algorithm, which is ASIC-resistant and favors GPU mining. Like other ASIC-resistant cryptocurrencies, Vertcoin offers a more affordable mining option compared to Bitcoin ASIC miners.

These projects offer alternatives to Bitcoin mining that are generally more accessible and affordable for individual miners, often relying on GPU mining or ASIC-resistant algorithms. However, it's essential to consider factors such as mining profitability, network security, and project fundamentals when choosing which cryptocurrencies to mine or invest in.

Conclusion: As the concept of cryptocurrency mining continues to evolve, exploring alternative projects beyond Bitcoin's ASIC dominance opens up new opportunities for individual miners and investors. By considering factors such as accessibility, affordability, and project fundamentals, participants in the cryptocurrency ecosystem can make informed decisions about mining and investment strategies. Further study of these alternative projects is likely to yield valuable insights into the shifting dynamics of cryptocurrency mining and its broader implications for the future of decentralized finance.

"Exploring Alternative Cryptocurrency Mining: Beyond Bitcoin's ASIC Dominance"

Hashtags: #CryptocurrencyMining #ASICResistance #AlternativeCryptocurrencies #BlockchainTechnology #Decentralization #InvestmentOpportunities #EvolvingLandscape #FutureOutlook




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Статья "Новая газета. Европа":

Кого только не „хоронили“ с момента начала полномасштабного вторжения. С другой стороны, попытки властей скрывать болезни, выдавая их за „крепкое рукопожатие“, а то и вовсе скрывать смерти политиков, как это было с Жириновским — заставляют куда пристальнее присматриваться к просачивающимся крупицам информации.

Кадыров в этом смысле чемпион. Его визуальное преображение за последние годы — сложно не заметить. А когда целая Собчак задействована, чтобы развеивать слухи о его болезни — можно быть уверенным, что-то с его здоровьем явно не так.

„Новая газета. Европа“ выяснила, что именно. Болезнь главы Чечни не позволит ему прожить долгую жизнь, а каждое новое обострение грозится стать последним. На его место у Кремля уже есть кандидат — Апти Алаудинов. Однако я уверен, что со смертью Кадырова регион может погрузиться в хаос. Что известно о болезни Кадырова, и какие опасности для Путина таит его смерть — обсуждаем в новом видео.

Title: Analytical Report and Forecast on Chechnya's Political Situation Annotation: This report provides insights into the evolving health condition of Chechnya's leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, and its potential impact on regional stability and Kremlin's interests. Keywords: Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, political stability, health condition, Kremlin, regional dynamics Hashtags: #Chechnya #Kadyrov #PoliticalAnalysis #Forecast #Kremlin #RegionalStability #HealthCondition #PoliticalDynamics #Russia #Geopolitics #AnalyticalReport Editorial Comment: The fluctuating health status of Ramzan Kadyrov raises concerns about Chechnya's future political landscape and its broader implications.

Disclaimer: This investigation was conducted urgently and requires thorough verification. The information may be biased and could include misinformation from various sources.

Conclusion: The disclosed information about Kadyrov's health raises questions about the stability of the region and its impact on Putin's interests.


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Certainly, here's the revised text in English:

A questionnaire comprising 23 questions on the topic of the personal benefit criteria associated with cryptoprojects was distributed.

  1. Please indicate the frequency with which you utilize cryptocurrencies for purchases or transactions.
  2. To what extent is it important to you that a cryptoproject offers low transaction fees?
  3. What is the most appealing aspect of cryptocurrencies to you? Is it decentralization, anonymity, or fast transactions?
  4. Please indicate the level of security associated with the services offered by the cryptoproject.
  5. Please indicate any additional features (e.g., staking, lending, decentralized exchanges) that you would like to see incorporated into the cryptoproject.
  6. To what extent is it important for you to have a mobile application to manage your cryptocurrency wallet?
  7. Please assess the transparency and openness of the cryptoproject development team.
  8. Please indicate the frequency with which you peruse news and updates regarding the cryptoproject.
  9. To what extent is the availability and support of cryptocurrency on various exchanges and platforms a determining factor in your decision?
  10. To what extent do storage and privacy features influence your decision to select a particular cryptoproject?
  11. To what extent is the ease of use of the cryptocurrency wallet interface a determining factor in your decision-making process?
  12. Please provide your opinion on the long-term sustainability and reliability of your chosen cryptoproject.
  13. Please describe the security measures you take when dealing with cryptocurrency assets.
  14. To what extent is it important for you to have community support and active development of the cryptoproject?
  15. Please evaluate the availability and quality of educational materials regarding cryptocurrencies and cryptoprojects.
  16. To what extent does the reputation of the development team and founders of the cryptoproject influence your decision?
  17. Please evaluate the level of privacy and anonymity of transactions in the selected cryptoproject.
  18. To what extent is it important for you to see the integration of cryptocurrency with real businesses and services?
  19. Please describe the role of financial instruments and investment opportunities in your decision-making process regarding the selected crypto project.
  20. Please evaluate the level of support and user service provided by the development team.
  21. To what extent is it important for you to have a long-term development plan and roadmap for the cryptoproject?
  22. Please assess the transparency and availability of information about the results and achievements of the cryptoproject.
  23. Which aspects of the cryptoproject do you consider most important for your personal use and investment?

The aforementioned questions are designed to elicit information regarding users' opinions and preferences regarding the cryptoproject and its characteristics. *** Translated with (free version) ***

  1. Title: Analytical Report and Forecast on Cryptocurrency Usage
  2. Annotation: This analytical report aims to assess the preferences and opinions of users regarding cryptocurrency projects, focusing on their personal utility criteria. Through a comprehensive survey, we delve into various aspects such as transaction frequency, security, transparency, and additional features desired by users.
  3. Keywords: Cryptocurrency, Usage Preferences, Personal Utility Criteria, Survey, Security, Transparency, Additional Features
  4. Hashtags: #CryptocurrencyAnalysis #UsagePreferences #PersonalUtility #SurveyInsights #SecurityAssessment #TransparencyEvaluation #FeatureDesires #CryptoSurvey #BlockchainResearch #UserOpinions #ForecastingTrends #DigitalAssetsAnalysis #CryptoFuture
  5. Editorial Comment: This report provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency usage, shedding light on user preferences and expectations. However, it's crucial to interpret these findings with caution, considering the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market and the diverse perspectives of users.

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How can we avoid the mistakes of the past and overcome the legacy of Putinism and the consequences of the war in Ukraine? These questions are being asked by both Russian advocates of democratic change and our Western allies. In his paper "The Normal Russia of the Future: Yes We Can," political scientist Fyodor Krasheninnikov and Vladimir Milov, vice president of the Free Russia Foundation, attempt to answer them.

Uncertainty about a free Russia hinders the West's desire for change and support for Russian democracy, playing into the hands of Putin's propaganda. Both Russians and the international community fear a post-Putin chaos that prevents support for the opposition, portraying it as weakened and lacking a constructive program.

Many public figures are considering different ways to transform Russia. In this paper, the authors outline their vision of Russia's future in politics, economics, and social relations. This paper is an up-to-date generalization of numerous ideas that the authors have repeatedly discussed with colleagues.

Despite the plethora of concrete ideas and writings on Russia's transformation and the growing consensus in independent and democratic circles on key aspects of future governance, such as parliamentarism, federalism, independent courts, and strong local self-government, there is still a palpable lack of comprehensive texts summarizing these concepts. This paper presents the key principles that Fyodor Krasheninnikov and Vladimir Milov believe are necessary to build a future free Russia.

«Нормальная Россия будущего: да, мы можем» | Free Russia Foundation



When Microsoft patched the vulnerability in October 2022—at least two years after it came under attack by the Russian hackers—the company made no mention that it was under active exploitation. As of publication, the company’s advisory still made no mention of the in-the-wild targeting. Windows users frequently prioritize the installation of patches based on whether a vulnerability is likely to be exploited in real-world attacks.

FURTHER READING Microsoft’s emergency patch fails to fix critical “PrintNightmare” vulnerability Exploiting CVE-2022-38028, as the vulnerability is tracked, allows attackers to gain system privileges, the highest available in Windows, when combined with a separate exploit. Exploiting the flaw, which carries a 7.8 severity rating out of a possible 10, requires low existing privileges and little complexity. It resides in the Windows print spooler, a printer-management component that has harbored previous critical zero-days. Microsoft said at the time that it learned of the vulnerability from the US National Security Agency. On Monday, Microsoft revealed that a hacking group tracked under the name Forest Blizzard has been exploiting CVE-2022-38028 since at least June 2020—and possibly as early as April 2019. The threat group—which is also tracked under names including APT28, Sednit, Sofacy, GRU Unit 26165, and Fancy Bear—has been linked by the US and the UK governments to Unit 26165 of the Main Intelligence Directorate, a Russian military intelligence arm better known as the GRU. Forest Blizzard focuses on intelligence gathering through the hacking of a wide array of organizations, mainly in the US, Europe, and the Middle East.

Дописи | Wolff (@[email protected]) | Elk


The debt pyramid is a harbinger of economic problems, including higher inflation, lower quality of life and destabilization of the financial system, said Les Rubin, a veteran of the financial markets. He called the U.S. debt situation one of the "greatest Ponzi schemes" in the world.

The U.S. has the largest national debt in its history, and economists have long voiced concerns about it. Bank of America estimates the size of the federal debt has reached $34 trillion this year, with the government accumulating $1 trillion in debt every 100 days

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