submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by sarmale to c/[email protected]

So recently tried zorin os and now im dual booting it with windows, and because of that I need a have NTFS partition between them. Now I have a 256gb windows partition, a 256 linux partition and a 1.7 Tb shared ntfs partition shared between them and I wonder how do you organize your files if you need to have them on another partition and cant use ~.

For programs they will always end up on / and I cant install them on another partition (dont know why) but what do you do for files? What folders do you have and where are they?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

massachusetts institue of technology. richard stallman is from there. most linux utilities were developed there and a lot of open source projects were and are made there!!! is it the best university for linux and open source??

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What do you think are the best mice for use with linux?

What factors do you think are most important in selecting a mouse? (eg precision, build quality, comfort, other)

Price is optional

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Linux Kernel

The Linux Kernel is the primary interface for all hardware-software interactions on your Linux operating system (OS). It enables software applications to efficiently utilize system hardware like processors, memory, peripherals, and more.

It’s updated regularly to patch security issues, add support for new hardware, and occasionally remove support for outdated and unused architectures. For instance, support for AMD’s Ryzen CPUs was added with Linux Kernel version 4.10. Older Kernel versions would experience problems running the processor.

To check your system's Linux Kernel version, type “uname -r” in the terminal. Checking Linux Kernel version in Ubuntu 22.04 through terminal

While some Linux distributions automatically update the kernel, others may require a manual OS update to access the latest version. As a rule of thumb, if you aren’t running bleeding-edge hardware, you should be fine with the default kernel version and routine updates you receive from your Linux distros

Linux Distributions (Distros)

Linux distributions, or distros, are tailored operating systems built around the Linux Kernel, targeting specific users or user preferences. The term “distribution” stems from the early days of Linux, when people and organizations adopted the Linux kernel, bundled in additional tools and software–package managers, desktop environments, custom tweaks—and “distributed” it as a fully functional and cohesive operating system.

Each Linux distro offers a unique out-of-the-box experience, thus favoring certain workflows over others. For example, Ubuntu is a stable general-purpose distro, whereas Garuda Linux is focused on gaming and cutting-edge software. Ubuntu 23.10 Default desktop The Garuda Linux Desktop.

New to Linux? Ubuntu Isn't Your Only Option

Desktop Environments (DE)

A desktop environment is a collection of components that build the common graphical user interface (GUI). This includes icons, panels, taskbars, wallpapers, widgets, and, most importantly, the window manager–a system software that controls the placement and appearance of application windows.

Unless you need a "headless" server, it’s super important to focus on the DE while picking a Linux distro. It’ll dictate how you open apps, multitask, customize the appearance, and more. Ubuntu 23.10 overview feature and virtual desktop switcher-2 Garuda Linux Mac-inspired workflow with Appmenu in panel, left-side windows button, and a dock for launching apps.

Also, a desktop environment will come with a set of integrated apps and utilities so that the apps and overall system follow the same design philosophy and look visually consistent. For example, the GNOME desktop environment ships with GTK apps, while KDE Plasma has Qt apps. As such, if you run GTK (or GNOME) apps on a KDE system, it may feel out of place with the rest of the desktop. Running GTK calculator app on a Qt system - Garuda Linux running KDE Plasma

4. Terminal and Console

In modern Linux computing, a terminal or “terminal emulator” refers to the GUI window that creates a command-line interface (CLI) for you to enter commands and view the system-generated outputs. For instance, here’s the GNOME terminal that’s accessible on distros running on GNOME: Image of Gnome Terminal running on Ubuntu

In contrast, a console or “virtual console” is a special type of terminal you get in minimal GUI-less Linux installations or server environments. This gives you direct access to the shell (a command-line interpreter), offering a straightforward, full-screen CLI experience. Many Linux distros allow you to access the “console” view through dedicated key combinations–either Alt+F1…F5 or Ctrl+Alt+F1…F5. Ubuntu 23.10 Teletypewriter view

5. Binaries, Packages, Dependencies, and Repositories (Repos)

Binaries are computer-readable code for a program (or part of a program) that the computer can run and process. Packages are binaries bundled with additional information such as configuration files, version numbers, software descriptions, installation instructions, dependencies, and more. Now, dependencies for a package are additional packages, binaries, or system components, necessary for that package to run.

Different distros have their own packaging formats for creating distro specific software packages, like Steam, LibreOffice, or Firefox. They upload these packages to a large library called a repository so you can easily download and install them. For example, Debian and Debian-based distros support DEB packages which are maintained in the Debian repository.

Now, sometimes, the software you want won’t be in the official repository, at which point you can reference an unofficial collection called a third-party repository. For reference, Personal Package Archives (PPAs) is a third-party repo for DEB packages maintained by program developers or enthusiasts.

Take this example: I’m trying to install LibreOffice, but it isn't available in the Ubuntu 22.04 repository. So I had to add the PPA:libreoffice, where it’s available to install. Linux terminal displaying the addition of LibreOffice PPA to Ubuntu.

Only use PPAs from trusted sources (check reviews and ratings) to avoid installing malware on your system.

6. Package Managers

Package managers are tools that connect you to a software repository so you can easily download, install, update, remove, and manage packages along with their dependencies. Just like packaging formats, there are distro-specific package managers. For example, there’s APT for managing DEB packages on Debian-based systems and DNF for managing RPM packages for Red Hat-based systems.

This mode of distributing packages can be challenging for developers as they have to package their apps into multiple formats and keep them updated on multiple repositories to ensure availability across distros. To try solving this problem we have universal package managers like Snap and Flatpak. Installing Discord from Flathub the flatpak store Installing Discord from the Snap Store

Universal package managers distribute software that includes everything necessary to run it, making it easier to install and compatible with different distros. Moreover, they require minimal interaction with your system files, making them theoretically more secure. However, by bundling “all” necessary files, universal packages are more extensive and take up more space.

Prioritize installing apps in the official repo because they are optimized for your system and take up less space. Use Snaps and Flatpaks when official repo packages are not available.

7. Rolling Release and Point Release Model

When looking into different Linux distros, you must have come across the terms “rolling release” and “point release”. This basically refers to how updates are delivered to a distro.

In a rolling release model, your Linux distro gets continuous updates to the latest software. This means you'll always have access to the newest features and fixes. However, updating your system regularly (at least every two weeks) is essential to avoid compatibility issues with future updates. If you don't, your system might become outdated. Examples include Manjaro and Garuda Linux. Manjaro Linux Desktop. The Garuda Linux Desktop.

Point release distros release new versions at specific intervals. You don't need to update your system as frequently, which can be convenient for professionals or servers that require stability. These releases, called "upgrades," update many core system files or replace them with newer packages. Examples include Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, and Linux Mint. Ubuntu 23.10 Default desktop Pop!_OS Linux Desktop view. Linux Mint Desktop Overview.

Point release distros have an "End of Life" date. After this date, they no longer receive updates, which can lead to security risks and compatibility issues if you keep using them. For example, Ubuntu 23.10 is supported for 9 months after its release, while Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Long Term Support) gets 5 years of support.

Understanding these essential Linux terms is the first step towards becoming a Linux power user. With this knowledge, you're now better equipped to navigate the Linux landscape, engage in discussions, and confidently continue your learning journey.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just can’t find a decent email client that looks like it’s from the last 20 years. Geary and Evolution both appear to be pretty modern but something about using Gmail with a Yubikey just doesn’t work and neither of them will connect to my account. Both on Fedora and OpenSUSE. Thunderbird works but it’s so old fashioned and Betterbird doesn’t look much better. What’s everyone else using?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My end goal is to get my desktop running functionally like a high-powered Steam Deck with my HDR monitor. I’m beyond fed up with Microsoft and really want a Linux distro to be the primary OS on my PC (and ultimately the only OS once Ubisoft decides to support R6: Siege on Linux). Eventually I’ll switch from my NVIDIA GPU to AMD since everything I’ve read makes AMD out to be far more consumer and Linux friendly than NVIDIA, but in the time being I’d love some help getting this working on my current hardware.

To get KDE Plasma 6 with HDR running, so far I have tried installing the latest HoloIso and Manjaro’s official Plasma desktop stable branch. Before doing all of the below I made sure that the option to use the iGPU ports was disabled in my BIOS.

For HoloIso, I’ve followed the directions from the GitHub readme file and installed from a USB drive to one of my internal 1 TB SSDs. I’m able to boot from the ISO on the USB drive and run the installation tool in HoloIso. The installation seemingly runs successfully and tells me to restart. After restarting and booting into that drive, I see the GRUB menu which disappears quickly, and then I see nothing but a black screen. I have tried booting with both of my monitors connected to my GPU via DisplayPort, and booting with only one monitor connected to my GPU via DisplayPort. Neither seems to solve the issue.

I then went on to try what seemed like a more stable distro that was similar to SteamOS - Manjaro with Plasma. Installation went smoothly and I was able to actually boot into Manjaro after installation. Noticing there was no HDR option in the display settings I did some Googling and found that I was using X11 and not Wayland (which is where the HDR support lies). I did some more Googling and found a guide to switch to Wayland (I can’t find the guide again now dangit) but upon doing so and restarting, all I saw was a black screen.

Honestly, if anyone has any suggestions for what to try I would love some help. I’m familiar with navigating Linux but relatively unfamiliar with installing it and VERY unfamiliar with display technologies so any suggestions for what to try are appreciated.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was thinking of getting a wifi card like that, but can't seem to find any.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What are the packages that comes default with Linux Mint Cinnamon that I can remove without any problems.

Linux Mint comes with lots of packages installed by default to give full experience to new users. But not everyone needs everything. In my case for example, I don't need celluloid, pix, hexchat, hypnotix, rhythmbox, LibreOffice, etc,... Those applications has their own audience and Linux Mint including them is a good thing but I personally don't want them.

Mini Rant or QA maybe?

I searched the internet a bit for the answer, on various forums, and subreddits. And All the people who asked this question got obliterated as far as I've seen. The common answers are:

if you remove the applications that came installed with Mint by default, it will cause Dependency issues.

If I remove an application and the dependencies shold be removed UNLESS some other application need those dependency, right? If that's the case, why removing packages can cause dependency issues?

Why would you want to remove essential applications like LibreOffice, pix etc. ? (this question is asked in the sense of "what sane person would want to remove those?")

Cause why not? Maybe I like GwenView more than Pix, maybe I don't need office applications at all. Why this even matter?

If you want don't want Mint's default applications, then what's the point of using Mint? Just use something like Ubuntu server or something. People need to realize that lot of people (at least me) using Mint for it's System management (updates, apt source list, etc..) via GUI ability. Just because I want to manage my system with ease, that doesn't mean I need everyt applications it offers me.

I honestly feel bad for the person who asked the question in the first place. They didn't got the answers till the very end. All they got is Criticism and it's not constructive one.

Why this kind of behaviour even exist?

P.S.: I'm using Mint inside VM for testing purposes. I don't want my VM to take a lot of space. That's why I don't need lot of applications.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The settings on KDE show this info about my computer after buying a used motherboard. Apparently it came from a prebuilt, though it is a standard ASUS board. Where does this branding come from and is it possible to remove it?

The branding also shows in inxi:

Machine: Type: Desktop System: PC Specialist product: Tornado R7S v: N/A serial: <superuser required> Mobo: ASUSTeK model: PRIME B450-PLUS v: Rev X.0x serial: <superuser required> part-nu: 1744753 UEFI: American Megatrends v: 4402 date: 12/13/2023

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have very little experience with linux, so maybe this is a dumb question :)

I run Ubuntu 24.04 on a machine, and I had an old HDD in a usb-case which I mounted using fstab. Worked fine, but I decided it wasn't appropriate for my purpose and removed it (physically and from fstab).

But it still shows up in the file manager? What am I missing?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Randomly on my laptop screen this appears and debian just freezes. Sometimes these vertical lines don't appear and system freezes anyway. Its just random. How do i identify if this is hardware or software issue? and then how to identify exact piece of hardware or software causing this problem.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi I'm looking for a retro style desktop environment (or maybe just some skin or something) for my Debian workstation. Preferably something that looks like Mac OS 9.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is my second "I feel like a complete idiot" question of the week, so thank you for your patience.

How does one find an app-id, e.g., for setting up window rules in my window manager (River)? For example, if I'm using Nautilus as a file manager and I wanted to have the Nautilus Previewer window float by defining a River WM rule, I can do every bit of that trivially, other than identifying the app-id. (In this case, I believe it's org.gnome.NautilusPreviewer, but I'm looking for a general case.) Please note this question is about Wayland and not X.

I dropped into GNOME and viewed active windows with Looking Glass (lg), but that seems like a silly workflow just to ID a window.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

NixOS' influence and importance at pushing Linux forward into the (previously) unexplored landscape of configuring your complete system through a single config file is undeniable. It's been a wild ride, but it was well worth it.

And although it has only been relatively recently that it has lost its niche status, the recent influx of so-called 'immutable' distros springing up like mushrooms is undeniably linked to and inspired by NixOS.

However, unfortunately, while this should have been very exciting times for what's yet to come, the recent drama surrounding the project has definitely tarnished how the project is perceived.

NixOS' ideas will definitely live on regardless. But how do you envision NixOS' own future? Any ETA's for when this drama will end? Which lessons have we learned (so far) from this drama? Are there any winners as a result of this drama? Could something like this happen to any distro?

In case you're out of the loop. Though, there's a lot that has transpired since but which hasn't been rigorously documented at a single place; like how 4 out of 5 NixOS board members have quit over the last 2 months or so.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi all, I've recently switched over to Linux Mint from Windows 10 and I'm having trouble installing a CH340 driver from Sparkfun. I've managed to unzip the contents and have it in this location: /home/user/Downloads/CH341SER_LINUX. I've tried running the files using the ./ command for both the ch34x.c and Makefile but ran into a bash issue which I'm stuck trying to figure out. Could someone please tell me how to make it work? I've already looked up a couple of different videos on Youtube but they kind of skip the explanation of how to install this driver on Linux in favor of Windows and MacOS.

Please see the attached image for the response I get in the terminal.

UPDATE: It turns out I had a bad micro USB cable. Most of the ones I was using to connect to an ESP32 board were charge only. Mint apparently had the driver for this all along. Thanks for the help everyone.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The cursor randomly enlarges every now and then. Anyone else experiencing the same problem? If so, have you solved it?

Could this be due to using different containers? I use flatpaks for everything apart from a few exceptions where I use distrobox, and in these the Plasma cursor is slightly different, but it doesn't justify the bug but just a different version of the cursor.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

should i be worried installing these two? what does it mean though?

(these are captured from Pop! OS software manager)

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I want to revive an old Lenovo laptop with an AMD A6 2.6GHz and 4GB ram, what would be the best option for a DE?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am new to Linux and wondering about having multiple distros on the same SSD and the best way to partition them. My current plan is to try Nobara Linux while having Linux Mint as a backup. By default I think that both the Mint and Nobara installers will create a partition for /boot and a combination / & /home partition. (Also, the SSD I'm using also has a Windows 10 installation.)

My main question: would running both installers this way could potentially cause any issues with each distro having a separate boot partition on the same SSD?

Bonus question: I plan to have an additional partition for shared data between the 2 distros (documents, pictures, games, etc.). If I recall correctly, by default Mint uses EXT4 and Nobara uses BTRFS for their formatting. Will it make a significant difference for picking one format over the other for the shared partition?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Where can I find i3/Sway themes, aside from the Sway Wiki?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm new to Linux, been using it for the past couple weeks now and I'm on CachyOS. I absolutely love it.

I'm curious as to what must haves or fun/great things to install? just wanted to hear the communities opinions on what they like to use.

Edit: for me personally I'm on a laptop with a focus on gaming and general content watching like streams, listening to music, etc. Right now i'm using cmus for music and I really like it but I would like tips on enhancing the performance on my laptop. It has nvidia so it's running great with cachyos right now but any suggestions for improvments would be appreciated.


submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anyone else have this issue? I thought maybe it was just my shitty surface pro 3 but it happens on my T530, T460s, and my desktop. I thought maybe it was an extension I had so I uninstalled them all except ublock. Still happening. For now I've just switched to librewolf and installed all the extensions I had on Firefox. Works fine and doesn't keep my CPU at 100% so problem solved I guess, but I'm still curious if anyone else has this issue?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My issue is that many of my remote desktop apps require knowing the IP adress of the other PC. I'm looking for a VPN that auto-discovers other devices on the same network. That way I could just "ssh" into the same IP every time, because it would be IP inside of a virtual network. Ideally I am looking a solution that does not require internet connection.


Edit: I should probably specify my usecase. I have a portable desktop and use VNC from a laptop to connect to it. To do that I need the IP of the desktop but that's different on a different network. This can be solved by using hostname.local as the "IP". (hostname is the "ubuntu" in "bob@ubuntu$:~/Documents") The solution is quite simple, I just haven't known about it.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love Fedora Atomic (Silverblue, Bazzite, Kinoite, Aurora, IOT, etc.), more than any other distro I used, and I plant to continue using it.

It never made any problems on any of my devices, and because it is pretty much indestructible and self-managing, I even planned to install it on my Mum's new laptop, in case her current one (basically a toaster with Mint on it) breaks.

But with the last days, my trust is damaged quite a bit.

First one, where I couldn't update anymore on uBlue, because of faulty key pairs. This is a huge thing for me because uBlue updates in the background, and if I wouldn't have read it here on Lemmy, I would have found out way too late, which is a security risk imo.

And now, my devices weren't able to boot anymore due to some secure boot stuff. Again, if I wouldn't have subscribed the Fedoramagazine, I would have noticed it way too late.
I was able to just boot into an older image and just paste a few commands from the magazine's post, and it was resolved in just seconds (download time not included).

Both instances were only a minor thing for ME.
But both would have been a headache if I wouldn't follow those blogs, which is a thing only nerds (like myself) do.
Nobody else cares about their OS, it is supposed to just work, hence why I use Atomic.

I don't wanna blame the devs (both j0rge/ uBlue and the Fedora team), they were very quick, transparent and offered very simple fixes.
And, being able to just boot into an older image, just in case, is something I am very thankful for, but nothing I want to depend on.

Having to be informed about stuff like this and then having to use the CLI is just a no-go for most people.

Am I over-reacting about this too much? What's your view on those things?

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).

Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word "Linux" in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.


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