Tor - The Onion Router

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Tips, tricks and information about the Tor network!

Tor Project

founded 4 years ago







You can help, too, by sharing some of your bandwidth with those who need it, and by donating towards highspeed exits.



Windows + OS X + Linux

  • Update Firefox to 78.11.0esr
  • Update HTTPS Everywhere to 2021.4.15
  • Update NoScript to 11.2.8
  • Update Tor to
  • Bug 27002: (Mozilla 1673237) Always allow SVGs on about: pages
  • Bug 40432: Prevent probing installed applications
  • Bug 40037: Announce v2 onion service deprecation on about:tor

android version will be out next week

UnderDir - The Undernet Directory, Serving the Tor Community Since 2015 (underdiriled6lvdfgiw4e5urfofuslnz7ewictzf76h4qb73fxbsxad.onion)
submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Serving since 2015

UnderDir is an open directory for onion domains, anyone can signup and add links, comments, report scam, report pedo. Users can PM each other with auto PGP encryption option.

Always make sure you are on the right URL, clearnet gateway:

Note: Users who add pedo links will be banned.


Listen with Tor browser.


I am learning the very basics of networking and I am trying to set up a simple Tor Bridge node in my home pc (Arch Linux). I have set ORPort to 443, and set up port-forwarding from 443 -> 443. I set the bandwidth limit to 30 MB/s, and bursts of 35 MB/s, and set the Bridge option. I start tor using ‘sudo systemctl start tor’, and use nyx to monitor traffic.

In the connections menu I can see that I am part of several circuits (6 at the moment), and I have seen a few inbound and outbound connections show up. The Download and Upload bar charts just show a few spikes of < 1 KB/sec. The only notices that I have are “Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside. Publishing server description” and “Performing bandwidth self-test… done.” I have left the server running over night but I do not see any improvement.

Is this normal for a new Bridge node, or have I likely configured something improperly? I have tested completely shutting off the router’s firewall and it made no difference.


As of December 2, 2020, 54% of the relays on the network run a version of Tor that supports IPv6. Of the 6852 relays in the network, 3587 are running version 0.4.4 and 8 relays are running the latest Tor version 0.4.5. From all those, 1588 are announcing an IPv6 address and port for the OR protocol. 1587 relays are reachable on IPv6 by the directory authorities. 626 permit exiting to IPv6 targets.


As total newcomer, what would you suggest as first steps with Tor? No mission critical application.


Did you know the Tor project censored important ticket?


Virmach 是一家非常非常著名的vps 提供商,国内的各位机友 肯定都听说过,今天我就给大家说说virmach 优惠码的事情。

Vps 是一个顾客非常广泛的市场,也是一个竞争非常激烈的市场。为了推广自己的产品,厂商都纷纷不遗余力推广自己的产品。使用优惠码就是一个商家常常使用的手段,对于virmach 这种厂商来讲也不例外。下面我就给大家列出近期virmach 推出的各种各样的优惠码。

Virmach 给我们提供了很多种的vps 和其他相关的服务,其中包括vps服务 ,dedicated servers 服务,远程桌面服务,代理服务器和vpn服务,网络主机空间服务等等。

Virmach 主机的价格总体来讲不贵,比较实惠, 但是要是我们能找到virmach 给我们提供的优惠码,再省一些钱的话,何乐而不为呢?笔者废了好大的力气,给各位看官整理了到目前为止最新的一批优惠码,各位有兴趣一定要来查看哦 Virmach 优惠码列表


Meta des 在这里找到最便宜,最新的Namecheap 优惠码,主机优惠码,域名优惠码,其他namecheap的服务优惠码,赶紧来看一看吧, 肯定能你省一大笔经费。 最新的Namecheap域名优惠码,主机优惠码和其他产品优惠码

Namecheap 这家域名注册服务商历史悠久的,隶属于ICANN管辖。Namecheap 主要提供网络主机空间服务和域名注册服务,同时也提供例如vpn,ssl证书等的服务。到目前为止namecheap 共管理着一千多万个的域名。下面让我来给大家介绍下namecheap 2019年 最新的优惠码。

Namecheap 域名注册优惠码 Namecheap最开始是一个单纯的域名注册服务商,他提供包括注册域名,转移域名,付费免费dns 服务,域名市场拍卖等多种服务。目前2019年相关的域名服务的namecheap优惠码有:


Namesilo 优惠码, 给你最新的namesilo 优惠码,让你注册域名便宜到家

各位小伙伴们,我们在购买域名的时候可能会去买godaddy 的域名服务,或者是namecheap 的域名服务,这两家域名注册商的名气虽然比较大,但是域名注册费用却不低,今天我就给大家介绍一个最实惠的域名注册商,namesilo, 并且在文章的最后还会把namesilo 的优惠码免费给大家。

我在这里先把namesilo优惠码告诉大家,就是namesilo123,或者点击这个链接 前言 笔者最开始接触建设网站时使用的是从 Godaddy 购买的域名,但是笔者啥都不懂,正好看见一个godday的注册优惠,觉得比较便宜,就注册了,结果后来到续费时发现比较坑!


为什么要使用namesilo 优惠码 为什么我们说namesilo 是最便宜的,最实惠的域名注册商呢,从下面这一张图看到就明白我说的原因了

The value of Tor (
submitted 4 years ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


What is Dread? Dread is an onion based free speech platform and forum, where you can post, comment and share among tonnes of different communities.

It was developed with both privacy and usability in mind, choosing to stick to a common user interface to match the likes of Reddit, but without the added security issues that are involved with the use of JavaScript.

It was developed by /u/HugBunter in early 2018 and launched on February 15th.

Following a month of down time from the 23rd of April, the platform was redeveloped to be a lot more stable, with the backbone and UI completely re-imagined to allow for more flexibility, based on the mistakes that were made in the first iteration.

Initially, I planned to base the communities solely around my interest in DarkNetMarkets and the security surrounding them, but since then it has grown to become much more than that, housing a variety of different communities and providing a safe place for users to interact without the fear of censorship beyond the specific rules in place. We provide a hub for harm reduction to many aspects of Deep web purchases, including, but not limited to, security reports and also safe drug use information.


This is a list of substantial, commercial-or-social-good mainstream websites which provide onion services:


This is just a curiosity: does anyone here run torbrowser in a wayland environment?

I tried multiple times but I just can't get it to work. Specifying env variables to make it use the xorg-wayland adapter doesn't work.
If someone has succeeded, would he/she be so gentle to share his/her solution?

For informations, I run archlinux with the mainline kernel and sway as my desktop.

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