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Light Novel - Ascendance of a Bookworm

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  • Ascendance of a Bookworm
  • Honzuki no Gekokujou
  • 『本好きの下剋上』

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submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A while ago I mentioned I wanted to go a re-read of Ascendance of a Bookworm, and I was asked to get some quote when I went through it for the community. Well because of many thing and just how low Part 1 is I've dragged my feet a little. But I've finally re-read P1V1.

But man is P1V1 a hard read. If you were to give me this book to me and told me I'd fall in so love with the series I'd buy an e-reader to read it, I'd call you crazy. Take it from me, while I love this series, if you want to get into it watch the anime, or read the Manga. Myne is unbearable at times, (as per her character is designed to be), and I quickly grew tired the one sided obsession of "Books" after 1-2 chapters. The book picks up steam again once she's stopped obsessing with books, like with the shampoo and food, but in P1V1 these are far and few between. But from the perspective of the story this is understandable why and in Volumes 2 and 3 it gets so much better.

If you want my two cents on when to read this book. Do it after you've read the Manga or watched the anime, to fill in the little bits of extra world building. Especially for the side stories.

Overall a rough start to what is still my favourite books series.

---- Quotes ----


  • Urano Motosu loved books [understatement of century]
  • She had her books, and that was enough to make her happy. [A certain high priest has words for you]
  • "Complain all you want. A little pain is a lot better than getting hit by a truck and dying, yeah?" - Shuu [truck kun misses their chance this time]
  • "That's true. I wouldn't want to die from anything but an avalanche of books" - Urano (Myne) [Moments before disaster.]
  • "But if I did die, I'd ask a god to reincarnate me so I can keep reading books in my next life. Isn't that smart? Ahaha." - Urano [I can see the God of Chaos saying; "deal, but you'll need to work for it"]
  • "Life ain't that convenient, moron" - Shuu [I think Shuu and Ferdi would be friends]

Chapter 1

  • "A college girl nearing graduation was crushed to death by books in her own home" [we would call this natural causes]
  • ... That's so embarrassing! I died twice that day, once physically and once socially. [You did ask for this]
  • "I don't see any books... Maybe this is just a nightmare? A death nightmare?" - Myne [God of Chaos asking if you've read the fine print]
  • No, I'm not Myne! I wanted to protest, but I couldn't. [This is why you get hit by Truck-kun]
  • I can survive anywhere as long as I've got books. I'll endure anything. So please. Books. Let me have books. [The beginning of the book fueled tantrum]
  • By acting like I was worried about her. I could avoid things I didn't like. [I feel this is how she handles most situations even 5 parts in]
  • Attention, whichever god put me here... I wanted to live somewhere modern and convenient. [God of Chaos laughing in the background]
  • I... I miss Japan. It was filled with so many wonderful things I took for granted. Soft wash cloths, comfortable beds, books, books, books... [I don't think she mentioned books]

Chapter 2

  • "Wow, Myne! You've gotten really good at this. Soon you'll be able to do it on your own," Tuuli [to myne while she was peeing]
  • I could appreciate that she was happy for her little sister growing up, but my pride, dignity, and self respect as a human being were in tatters. [She had dignity?]
  • The first step to improving my life here would be getting books. [Good luck with that]
  • It wouldn't be long before I started screaming "Books, give me boooks! Waaah!" while sobbing and flailing [the tantrum continues]
  • "Bwuh?!" - Chaos Gremlin [Our girls first Bwuh, I should start a counter]
  • ...Um, God, do you hate me? Is this a cruel joke? [Na girl the gods will love you soon enough]

Chapter 3

  • Um... Do your best, Tuuli! My lunch is counting on you! [Myne you need to respect our angel more]
  • For some reason, only the steps from the second floor downward were made out of pretty stone. [This is what we call foreshadowing]
  • Aaaah. A temple. It sounds like religion is enforced here, which sucks. I'll try to avoid that place as much as possible. [Good luck with that sweetie]
  • ... Oh wait, am I going down the child prodigy path here? At age ten I'll be God's gift to mankind and at age fifteen I'll be a genius, but once I hit twenty I'll just be a normal person. Oh well. [You'll soon have people which will ensure that you are revered like a goddess]

Chapter 4

  • Um, was that alcohol?! Who in the world would give an innocent little girl strong alcohol like that! [your mum huny]
  • Bwuh?! [number 2]
  • "M-Mister! What's this? Wait is it?!" "Oh, that's a book" [Myne entering nirvana]
  • "I-I don't know what's gotten into you... But I get the feeling I shouldn't let you touch that book" [wise words]
  • "...And what do I do if I can't get them? Well, what choice do I have but to make them myself?" [rinse and repeat]

Chapter 5

  • So many of Myne's memories were burred in her thoughts of "no fair," it made me kind of not like her. [spoilers]
  • "What? Huh? Myne your hair's all pretty and dark blue now. It's like the night sky. And your eyes are like moons!" - Tuuli [first worshipper of the saint]

Chapter 6

  • My Family's faith in me had hit rock bottom and apparently Tuuli wouldn't even consider leaving me home alone. [it isn't just your family]
  • "Hey, Myne. Want me to carry you?" ...Lutz, you're such a good kid! [The beginnings of a long friendship]
  • "Myne, you were sick again recently weren't you? It must hurt. I'll carry you" - Lutz [You'll be saying this a lot soon enough]
  • Ohohoho, my sweet young Ralph. Are you after my Tuuli? [Elvira frantically writing in the background]

Chapter 7

  • So... So nice. You're way to nice Tuuli. All I cared about was avoiding Mom's wrath over him forgetting what she worked so hard to find.
  • "Hahaha! Teach you...? Heh, don't you barely know how to write Captain?" The moment I heard that, I felt a crack run through my very soul. [Be nicer to your dad sweetie]

Chapter 8

  • Um... Just how useless do people think I am? I mean, it's true that I never do anything, and I'm useless almost all of the time, but still. [At least you have some self awareness... fool]

Chapter 9

  • "See? It Broke. I told you it wouldn't last all winter. Now, Dad Fix it" ... "Myne, go help Effa" [The struggles of all parents of chaos gremlins]

Chapter 10

  • ... Wait. Am I the most useless thing in this wagon? [Yes... yes you are]
  • "Myne, close your mouth. You're gonna bite your tongue off." "Bwuh?!" [number 3]
  • "He did say she wasn't as young as she looked." [Ummm Otto he meant she was 5, not mature]
  • "Sorry Tuuli" "Seriously. This is a real pain" "Aww what? Didn't you promise not to say that?" "I never promised that!" I mean... Okay you didn't promise that. But isn't it still like an unspoken promise? [That's not how that works. That's not how any of this works]

Chapter 11

  • "Bwuh, it didn't work. I wonder if there's something else I can use like a (mirror)..." "I would appreciate it if you would stop wasting out time." [Numbuh 4 and Effa, she will never stop wasting people's time. They just learn to profit from it]
  • "That's right. Creating clothes for your family is important both practically and to show off to the neighbours. You can't be a true beauty if you're not good a sewing and cooking" Aaah... I'm definitely not gonna grow up into a beauty, then. And I mean I can understand all that being important for a good wife, but what do cooking and sewing have to do with being beautiful? [Myne I am certain that a god will bless you with beauty, it just takes time]
  • ...Bwuuuh, there’re all so thin I can barely tell them apart. Fiddle fiddle fiddle fiddle [Number 5]
  • "That's it! I can't do it! Okay (ancient Egyptians), you win! I lose!" Mentally and emotionally exhausted. I clenched a fist around my faux papyrus and yelled out in frustration. [She really needed Lutz here]
  • "Bwuuuuuh... I failed. My papyrus plan failed so hard." [number 6]
  • "Be quite. Myne! If you have time to play with plants, weave some baskets!" "Baskets won't turn into books..." "I don't know what you're talking about, but you failed, didn't you? Just start making baskets already" [Good Lutz impression Effa, but only a true Lutz can turn this into something about books]
  • "That's amazing Myne. I didn't know you were a natural at this. Maybe you should try to be an apprentice carpenter?" "Whaaa? That's a little..." [Poor Myne, your secret is out and now you'll need to work]
  • "Ngh, why are you so good at this, Myne?" Tuuli compared her basket with mine and slumped her shoulders, depressed at how much worse hers were - "Don't worry about it, Tuuli. You just need to lean how to tighten gaps and plan ahead to make patters" [Tuuli is so precious]
  • "I can't believe you're better than me, Myneeee..." Oh no... Looks like I've really hurt Tuuli's older sister pride. [Poor jelly Tuuli]

Chapter 12

  • "It's sunny Dad, it's sunny! Come, wake up! Myne!" Tuuli's excited voice rang through the dark bedroom and soon I was shaken awake. [Ahh the joys of winter]
  • "Once noon comes and the sun rises, sunlight fall into the forest and like the parue leaves start shinning, and the tree starts shaking, and the leaves all start making swishy swashy noises" [The explanation of a child are fun]
  • This... This is what happiness tastes like! It's like thick coconut milk! [Poor sugar deprived child]
  • "Wait, seriously? She made you eat bird food, Tuuli?!" [and it tasted good]

Chapter 13

  • “Bwuh! So cold!” [Number 7]
  • "Uh huh, I really like him." I mean, he's my teacher (or so I've unilaterally decided), and he gave me this slate. How could I not like him? [Ah, never change fool never change]
  • What exactly are you trying to stop your five-year-old daughter from doing? Even if I did like him in that way, he wouldn't give a five-year-old the time of day. - You sure are being dumb, Dad [Myne you did this to yourself]
  • "... Myne, I'm going to swallow my pride to ask this. Would you please help me?" [Ah enter merchant #1 taking advantage of the chaos gremlin]
  • "A-Anyway! The point is, I'm not a cheap enough girl to work for free" [No you usually give the information away for free if you talk long enough]

Chapter 14

  • Dad's face fell with disappointment the moment he heard my answer. He looked so, well, pathetic that I wished he would at least try to act a little tougher. [You did this to him]
  • "Myne, it looks like Dad's all cheered up now. I'm so glad!" Tuuli beamed the innocent smile of an angel [never change Tuuli never change]
  • "If there's a way to make her cuter, it's wrong not to do it" Cuteness is justice!" [A future orange haired believer nodding in agreement]
  • I wonder if all dads act like this when their daughter is sweet to them. Well... Now that he's happy. I guess it's ok if I stop worry about him for a bit? [You'll soon get a few more Dad's to test this on, and ouch so cold to your old man] You see... Making one big flower would be a problem if I got bored halfway though, right? Once again, I kept my thoughts to myself. [She really needs a Lutz]
  • "You really thought this through Myne." "Of course I did! I'm doing all this for you, Tuuli." [This chapter needs a diabetic warning for how sweet it can be]
  • "Really?! You're amazing, Dad! I've never respected anyone this much in my life" I got so emotional that I hugged Tuuli hard as Dad muttered to himself, "Hehehe. I beat you Otto." Apparently he had been secretly competing with Otto [Oh lord not again]
  • Also, Mom ended up addicted to lacework, and before I Knew it the needles Dad made for me were in her sewing box. [Effa is as much of a gremlin as Myne is]

Chapter 15

  • I had been very careful over the winter, so I only got ever and passed out five times total. Um... That’s a lot less okay? My family was really impressed. They’re like, wow, that’s amazing, you’re doing so much better. And they mean it! [I know it, you know it, she knows it. But it’s better to not shatter her disillusion]
  • “...So I can do to the forest if I throw a tantrum?” “No need for that. Don’t be dumb” [Never change Myne, never change]
  • Otto was real serious about convincing me. Said I wouldn’t find a cheaper helper for him anywhere.” [The trap is set, Myne will not escape the merchant’s grasp]
  • “A pace like today’s is ultimately for the best. You really shouldn’t compare them to me.” [Many a sibling of Myne will agree to this statement, now and in the future]
  • ...I mean, the forst words and phrases he taught me were “Person Inquiry”, ”Noble”, “Letter of Introduction”, and “Written Petition” [And thus begins Myne’s slanted education]
  • Apparently, past Myne had barely ever participated in the neighbourhood social events, so the local children considered her something of a rare monster with a low encounter rate. [Can’t decide between Chansey or Tauros]

Chapter 16

  • “What were you doing at the gate Myne?” “Learning my letters.” “Letters? You can write?!” Lutz looked at me with utter shock. I got the feeling his eyes were whining with respect and admiration for me , but I don’t know enough words to really say I could write. [The second worshipper for our saint has joined us]
  • Incidentally, first Lutz, and then all his older brother actually cried afterwards. They were sincerely thankfully for how I had not only given them delicious food, but more food than they normally got to eat. [And only Lutz appears to respect that]
  • ...So hard! Bwuh? Is it even possible to dig into this? [Number 8]
  • “Why are you willing to help me, Lutz?” “Huh? I mean, you made those parue cakes for me when I was real hungry, right? That day I decided to help you with whatever you need. No matter what” [The beginning of a long a beautiful friendship
  • ...Bwuh? Just that? He’ll help me dig out clay just for that [Bumber 9, and yes you idiot he likes you]
  • “Sheesh! You look all nice and sweet on the outside, but I can’t let my guard down around you!” [Wise words for someone so young]
  • “Actually, I think you should let your guard down a bit more... Why do you have to be smarter than Dad?” [No sweetie, you need actual guards to keep you in line]
  • I glared at Fey and the other as hard as I could, shocking back sobs as tears streamed down my face. Rage coursed through my body as if to set my blood boiling, but somehow, my mind was frighteningly calm. [Darth Myne has appeared]
  • Fey and his friends flinched from my glare and slowly backed away, trembling in fear. [Your ability to destroy clay tablets is insignificant to the power of the force]
  • “Myne, what’s wrong?!” She peered over to see my face and immediately her expression twisted into one of fear, just like Fey’s. “...What happened? You look really mad.” She averted her eyes from me and looked around to assess the situation while consoling me [Don’t use the force on Tuuli, she’s our angel] Apparently, I reigned as the queen of the rumoured “Top People You Should ever Make Angry” rankings for some time. [And thus began her rule, of fear, terror, and books]

Chapter 17

  • What was normally a grassy wonderland had been scarred deeply by the storm, with mud scattered everywhere. Um... Does this world have financial assistance for natural disasters? [Nope]
  • I Began to teach Lutz, feeling an odd sens of responsibility to proselytize books, and writing” [And thus began Mynes long childhood career of teaching other children her age]
  • I heated them on the hearth and boom! My first book turned to dust and rubble. [Almost there girl, you just need Lutz for the whole project]

Chapter 18

  • The meeting had been ordered by an arch noble, one of a higher-ranked family in noble society, and thus his head would literally fly if he didn’t go. Literally?! Really?! That’s scary! [I wonder is this noble is the one we get to know in the future]
  • “...I’ve heard that they don’t go to the temple. They summon the priests to their home. Nobles don’t understand how we commoners feel.” [Neat]
  • “It’s a father’s duty to wait outside the temple.” “Isn’t going to work and making money a father’s duty too?” “Ngh!” [Ahh our baby girl is learning]
  • To think that a simple change of clothing and crimson blush from crushed red plants would make her look so much more beautiful. Wow... My mom’s got perfect genes. She’s like an absolute beauty. [You can do the same thing if you keep your mouth shut]
  • I hate working with needles, so I guess I’m pretty much guaranteed to never find a boyfriend or get married here. [I think you’ll need to keep this excuse in your back pocket Myne, you’ll need it]
  • “Oh goodness, Myne did that? To think she’s good a something other than weird cooking.” [Karla, you need to be nicer to the chaos gremlin, she already is corrupting your boy]
  • “Oh, okay. You’re healthier now, but we really can’t tell when you’ll get sick. That’s too bad; I wanted everyone to know how amazing you are.” [You are such an angel Tuuli, don’t worry this will be in her benefit]
  • ...”Go home with this captain immediately. He as so antsy during the meeting that an archnoble glared at us and thereby shaved years off my life.” [And he will never change]

Chapter 19

  • “Whaaa?! She hasn’t just been resting at the gate?” “Myne wasn’t exaggerating about all those things?!” Tuuli, why are you that surprised? And ouch, Mom, that hurts. I can’t believe you though I wasn’t telling the truth. [Honestly I can’t blame them.]
  • Wouldn’t that mean it looked it I was in love...? Bwuuuh! [Number 10 Oh I need to save this quote for P5]

Chapter 20

  • “Wha?! Myne, do you want to become a travelling merchant?! Wha?! Hold on! Did I inspire you by accident? The Captain’s going to kill me!” [And this is how Otto survived all these years]
  • “Bwuh?! Awww... Okay I guess that makes sense...” [Number 11] Wooow, This would suck really bad if I weren’t fooling myself into thinking I’m cosplaying Cinderella [yeah... cosplaying]
  • “How long do you think I should dry them?” “Meh? “Maybe I should try cooking them.” “Don’t bother. They’ll explode again” “Awww...” I followed Lutz advice and quiety let the soot pencils dry on their own. [And thus begins Lutz’s long career of being the Myne Manager]

Chapter 21

  • The moment she glared at the white radish and sharply cut it in half, I heard a loud scream. From the radish. “Bwuh? What?” [Number 12]
  • Is it just me, or does Mom look at lot more dangerous than the radish? It’s probably just me. [A rare parting of wisdom from Myne]
  • Sorry Sorry. But Dad, when I asked for some, Mom gave me a meaningful smile and told me that you had stealthily brought that without telling her, and that you it’d be a waste if everyone didn’t get to enjoy it. For once I actually managed to read between the lines. [Gunther you fool, why did you think Effa wouldn’t notice]

Chapter 22

No Notable quotes I found in this chapter. Just Darth Myne using the force on herself in confusion.

Chapter 23

  • “I want ahead and told her you did it for me. ‘Go and ask Myne this stuff’ I said” Bwuh?!” [Number 13 and good on you Lutz, your mother is scary]

Chapter 24

  • But although he was a successful merchant, her wasn’t like a wizened company president. He has the intensity of a CEO running a venture capital firm. [If you knew that why are you jumping into the jaws of death]
  • “...Your assistant hasn’t even been baptized?” “Aah, well, actually, I’m in the middle of teaching her to read and write so she can become my assistant.” “You sure made it sound like she was already helping you out quite a bit” “...Let it go, man.” [Benno is right Otto, but we both know he’s no better]
  • “Listen, girl, I don’t wanna hear them. He’ll never shut up once he gets going” Benno hurriedly tried to stop me, but Otto’s eyes were already shining. [Myne attracts weirdo’s like this a lot huh.]
  • In the end, I didn’t know whether I pulled Lutz into this or if Lutz pulled me into this, but if Lutz was willing to do what I couldn’t then I was willing to do what Lutz couldn’t. [And here marks the beginning of Assendance of a Bookworm. Took long enough]

Echapter 1

  • “Oh? My brother force to negotiate? Please share the details with me, Otto dear.” Corinna’s gray eyes shined and she scooted her chair toward Otto a little as she asked for details with a sweet voice [We don’t believe it too Corinna]
  • “Hair so silky that light gleams off of it, you say?! What does she do to make it like that?!” “Wha? Corrina, you’re plenty pretty already.” “Quiet, Otto. I’m asking my brother” [Corinna has Otto well under her thumb, and Myne... run]
  • “...I knew it, you have been making her work as your assistant. How could you make a little kid like that help with budget reports? Shameful.” [Again Benno has a point]
  • “I’ve never said this to anyone, but listen. She’s doing most of my paperwork for me. Seventy percent, at least” “...What?!” “...Seventy percent? Dear...” [can’t tell if this is praise for Myne, or Otto making himself look incompetent]
  • “... She’s going to become a living natural disaster that destroy the market and remakes it anew.” [I think her scale has the potential for more Benno, don’t sell her short]

Echapter 2

  • “Should be about shumil season now. I’m bettin’ there’s tons of them running around here” Ralph grinned, holding onto a net [First instance of Shumil]

  • “Phih phiiiih!” Other shumls that had been earing nearby also ran off after hearing their friend’s squeals. [Pooey]

  • Fey gave a mean smirk, “That shumil kinda looks like Myne, huh? They’re both blue and stuff” “No they don’t! Shut up, you’re making this hard for me!” Tuuli resisted Fey’s bullying and safely finished her butchering [Don’t be mean to our Angel Fey, you jerk]

  • “Think about it. Myne and shumils are both super weak right? But when they get mad their eyes get all rainbowy and stuff. What’s the difference?” [I mean you’re not wrong, but you are still mean]

  • “Hey Lutz, go home early with Fey and sell this at that crystal store. Me and Tuulu gotta stay here to watch the little kids” [Remember this kids as it will be helpful later.]

  • “When Myne glared at me with those rainbow eyes, it felt like, like, I couldn’t breathe. It hurt. Just think about that freaks me out. Myne’s just weird and scary.” [Then don’t crush her hopes and dreams]

  • ... and looked up at the darkening blue sky. As it came closer to resembling Myne’s hair and the moon rose looking just like the color of her eyes. [You’re a hopeless romantic Lutz]

Echapter 3

  • Urano I hope that someday you get stuck in a world without books and suffer! [You fool don’t make wishes like this]
top 2 comments
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[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

WOW! That is certainly a lot.

I was expecting one or two that have a high impact or are very funny, but certainly not this.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

There's too many "Bwuh!" and funny moments to not include. But as snippets you can probably cull the list down.