Yggdrasil-jumper v0.3.1 [https://github.com/one-d-wide/yggdrasil-jumper]
This project aims to transparently reduce latency of a connection over Yggdrasil network for such applications as online gaming, VoIP and others.
By default, yggdrasil-go routes data only through explicitly connected peers and doesn't attempt to reach other nodes accessible over the internet. Therefore, path usually contains 1-2 intermediary nodes, namely public peers of both sides. If both you and your peer use internet, you can send traffic directly (aka peer-to-peer), thus reducing latency.
- Jumper connects to Admin API of the running router. And monitors active sessions (peers you have data exchange over Yggdrasil network with).
- Once any such session appears, jumper tries to connect to associated peer, assuming it has another jumper running on the same listen_port.
- Both jumpers exchange their external internet addresses and use NAT traversal technique to instantiate direct bridge over the internet.
- If previous step was successful, jumper will relay all data passing the bridge to the router until session is closed or other error occurs.
Changelog: [https://github.com/one-d-wide/yggdrasil-jumper/releases/tag/v0.3.1]