He is doing video on MMT pog.
The video is great. However, it skips one point that is balance of payments. There are Global south countries like Pakistan, India, South Africa etc which have their own currencies but they are limited by colonialism/imperialism. They can't raise deficit because doing so would result in speculative attacks against their currencies and bond rating downgrades by western credit rating agencies (the same ones who were responsible for 2008) which makes it difficult for these countries to borrow foreign exchange (mainly dollars) from international markets. U.S. is in a special position because of the dominance of the dollar as the reserve currency, it doesn't have to worry about balance of payment and as everyone else uses the dollar, there are no such problems. However, America is a shithole and it still doesn't do basic shit.
This is why reducing import dependence and obtaining modern tech is so important for the third world.
That said I love his focus on real resources as what determines a country's capabilities.