I feel like you'd enjoy electroswing as a genre — that's what Caravan Palace is.
Yo I love electroswing! But Caravan Palace does dip their toes into some other sounds. At this point I'm looking for those other sounds
Are you more interested in the main genre (electro swing) or the tropical, French house influences in this song? Plume sounds like a mix of those two. I don't listen to a lot of Caravan Palace and I mostly remember their electro swing songs so you should link one of their non-electro swing songs that is closer to what you're looking for.
I love all of these genres and think these are close to what you're looking for (warning: Spotify links): Klischée, Jean Tonique, L'Impératrice, Fenech-Soler, Cherokee, Bleu Toucan and Paradis.
You nailed it! That's more what I'm looking for. I've listened to do much electroswing and now I'm looking for something adjacent with similar energy and i think this is it. Thank you!