Here's some great suggestions:
Thanks for showing me this, it’s pretty helpful. I’m going to explore some of those areas it pointed out.
Just East of Sealed Realm of the Guardian spawn is a great place. It has ore and coal, and a great view!
I think I found the place you’re talking about. You’re right that it does have a nice view.
How were you able to set stuff up with how little flat land there is? Even laying down foundation was challenging. I don’t want to use up too much ground so that there’s plenty of space for ore and coal to respawn.
Assuming you're on that plateau with the ore and coal by the lake and Vaelet boss, I just used the trees for wood to build on the edge of the plateau with the least amount of resources nodes on it. You can fit a decent amount of stuff in order to make it more self-sufficient.
Good idea, I think I found a spot for it on one side and made sure there wasn’t anything that pals could get stuck in.
I set my base up under the big tree on an official. I also abuse every glitch in the game, so I don't really need my pals mining stone or wood, just farming and ranching.
While the tree is my favorite spot, my second favorite ON MAP location is [-27, -168]. Wood, stone, ore... I swear is gaslighting me and there IS one coal node there... it also have a skill fruit tree that the pals will harvest for you.
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE - 2 dungeons past the convenient Pal Camp. You get to slide down a mountain into 2 Fast Travels which is great for farming early exp with the random pal alliance members. Across the channel towards the Elizabee boss is a Black Marketeer by a waterfall cave for $$$ / Pals.
I love it. I think there are 'better' spots for a base, but its still my favorite... non-glitched spot. :p
I think I found the spot at [-27, 168] and found a quartz nodes but I couldn’t find coal nodes.
Pretty cool location here too.
Nooo I missed the dash, Idk where I sent you I'm so sorry q.q
There is indeed a coal node here
After my first base, I picked a space right behind the fast travel point on Flopie Mountain, near but not at the north tip of the Moonless Shore area. There's two stone, a few trees, an ore and a coal spawn there. Also a walk 5 seconds down the hill is a spawn of several ore nodes. I like it best so far because then my server neighbors can visit easily, and I have quick access to ore without blocking them off from other people.
That’s a really good location too, thanks for the suggestion!
I did the classic spot between the church and small settlement with a ton of ore, but now I’m fixing to move a little farther away. Found a nice little spot with the redorange trees/grass just a skip away from the abandoned mineshaft I like.
One thing I learned from that first spot that will permanently effect my base location choice: I love marinated mushrooms. I must have respawning mushrooms to get that defense boost as my main party food.