submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Keir Starmer’s Labour government unveils plans for a “rooftop revolution” today that will see millions more homes fitted with solar panels in order to bring down domestic energy bills and tackle the climate crisis.

The energy secretary, Ed Miliband, also took the hugely controversial decision this weekend to approve three massive solar farms in the east of England that had been blocked by Tory ministers.

The three sites alone – Gate Burton in Lincolnshire, Sunnica’s energy farm on the Suffolk-Cambridgeshire border and Mallard Pass on the border between Lincolnshire and Rutland – will deliver about two-thirds of the solar energy installed on rooftops and on the ground in the whole of last year.

Now, before Wednesday’s king’s speech, which will include legislation for setting up the new publicly owned energy company GB Energy, ministers are working with the building industry to make it easier to buy new homes with panels installed, or instal them on existing ones.

Ministers are looking at bringing in solar-related standards for new-build properties from next year.

At present, while formal planning permission is not required, there are restrictions on where and how high up on buildings they can be placed. There are also restrictions in conservation areas and on listed buildings. These may also be re-examined.

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In an unusual move, the Energy Secretary – a committed opponent of oil and gas – has told regulators not to approve a new round of drilling that was slated for confirmation in the coming weeks.

It means companies have potentially wasted millions on preparing their bids, with experts warning legal action is likely.

The decision follows crisis meetings held this week between Miliband and his aides after questions were asked by journalists about outstanding drilling applications.

Applications were submitted by 76 oil and gas companies as part of the 33rd offshore oil and gas licensing round initiated by the last government in autumn 2023.

Bids for up to 35 areas of the North Sea were still awaiting a decision from the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) when the election was called.

In a statement late on Wednesday, Miliband's spokesman said: “We will not issue new licences to explore new fields, and will not revoke existing oil and gas licences. We will manage existing fields for the entirety of their lifespan.”

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Labour has appointed one of the country’s foremost climate experts to lead a “mission control centre” on clean energy.

Chris Stark, the former head of the UK’s climate watchdog, will head a Covid vaccine-style taskforce aimed at delivering clean and cheaper power by 2030.

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero said the centre would work with energy companies and regulators and would be the first of its kind in Whitehall, following Keir Starmer’s plan for mission-driven government.

According to this model, ministers will focus on tackling five of the biggest challenges facing the country, one of which is clean energy.

Stark said: “Tackling the climate crisis and accelerating the transition to clean power is the country’s biggest challenge, and its greatest opportunity. By taking action now, we can put the UK at the forefront of the global race to net zero.”

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Heat pumps are designed to be installed outside the home to extract warmth from the air, ground or water. In densely populated areas, this could mean scores of heat pump fans humming within a small area.

One device typically emits a constant hum of between 40 and 60 decibels – about the same as a fridge or dishwasher – but could millions of heat pumps amount to a noise nuisance?

The claim

Concerns about heat pump noise began to take hold in the British press late last year after the Conservative government commissioned an independent review into noise emissions from air source heat pumps.

Research submitted included a report by three experts presented at the Institute of Acoustics conference last October. It was seized on by the Daily Telegraph, which reported that it had found heat pumps were “too noisy for millions of homes in the UK”.

The report contained a claim that heat pumps installed in flats or terraced houses would break the noise limits set by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS), an accreditation body, which stipulate that a heat pump should be no louder than 42 decibels within one metre of a neighbour’s door or window.

The Daily Mail and Daily Express repeated the story a day later. Concerns about the issue appeared in the Guardian, too, with one reader’s letter complaining that a summer stay in a development where all eight properties had heat pumps was marred by the devices. “If you sat in the garden in the evening, it was an annoying, continual source of noise,” the writer said.


The verdict

Heat pumps are quieter than they used to be, and getting quieter still. But better consumer information could go further in mitigating the overall impact of noise by choosing the best model for the home and using it correctly.

“I believe that many people in the UK try to operate their heat pumps the way they operate gas boilers – turning them on and off – but they can’t heat houses as quickly as gas boilers, so they need to run constantly to do that,” said Harvie-Clark.

Turning heat pumps on after a period of being off will require the machine to work harder and therefore create more noise. So taking a slow and steady approach to home heating can make heat pumps more efficient, and quieter, too.

“In colder European countries they accept that this is how to run heating systems. Our temperate climate means people have different control expectations,” Harvie-Clark said.

“While the potential noise impact of air source heat pumps should be considered, it is important to balance this with the significant environmental benefits of transitioning away from fossil fuel heating systems. Gas boilers also make a noise.”

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Campaigners have warned that building England’s largest onshore wind farm on protected peatland would be “catastrophic for carbon storage, wildlife and flood risk”. Saudi-backed developer World Wide Renewable Energy Global Ltd wants to construct the farm on more than 2,300 hectares at Walshaw Moor, between Hebden Bridge and Haworth.

Consisting of up to 65 wind turbines, it would be capable of generating up to 302MW of energy.

The developer said last September that it would establish a £75m community benefit fund and also pledged to end grouse shooting if it was granted planning permission.

However, campaigners say it would impact endangered birds, like curlew, lapwing, skylark and merlin, and exacerbate already serious local flooding.

The huge development would need 22 miles of access roads and 160 tonnes of reinforced concrete for each of the gigantic turbines.

At 200m tall (655ft), the turbines would be 20m higher than London’s 41-storey Gherkin building.

Campaigners say turbine construction and the associated infrastructure will affect hydrology, causing peatlands to dry out to such an extent that they will become a net emitter of carbon rather than a carbon sink.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Britain's fourth-biggest household energy supplier is lining up bankers to explore options including bringing in a new investor or a sale, 15 years after it launched in a bid to challenge the industry's oligopoly.

Sky News has learnt that OVO Group, which was founded by Stephen Fitzpatrick, is close to hiring Rothschild to assist with a strategic review of the business.

City sources said this weekend that a range of possibilities would be considered during the process, which is expected to take several months.

These are likely to include a refinancing - with talks already underway about OVO's existing borrowings - as well as issuing new shares to prospective investors, or a partial or full sale by some of the company's shareholders.

An outright sale of the business is considered by insiders to be unlikely at this point, but is expected to be explored as part of the strategic review.


Key to OVO's valuation will be the growth of its technology platform, Kaluza, which was set up to license its software to other energy suppliers, and provides customers with smart electric vehicle charging and heat pumps.

OVO recently announced that AGL Energy, one of Australia's biggest energy suppliers, had bought a 20% stake in Kaluza at a $500m (£395m) valuation.

Kaluza is understood to be exploring further expansion opportunities in Europe, Japan and the US.

OVO has also entered the electric vehicle car charging sector under the brand Charge Anywhere, adding 34,000 public charging points across the UK.

In 2022, OVO Group made an unadjusted loss of £1.3bn, which it blamed on a decline in the value of energy it had bought in advance to meet future supply commitments.

It said this had "no cash impact" in a corporate filing, and that this value would rise as customers used the energy it had bought.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The electricity system operator has confirmed that the demand flexibility service will reward UK households with financial incentives for reducing their electricity consumption at any time of the year

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

SSE Thermal's £350m to £400m 50MW project would see hydrogen produced and stored at a site near Aldbrough on Yorkshire's coast before being used to power a turbine to create electricity to feed into the grid at times of peak demand.

One of the main challenges with intermittent renewables like offshore wind is how to store the excess energy - hydrogen is an alternative to batteries.

Hydrogen would be manufactured using "low carbon" electricity, delivered via an existing substation at the site, to split water into its component parts.

It would then be stored in an underground cavern 1.8 kilometres down in a layer of rock salt, previously used to store natural gas.


Residents at an event at Aldbrough on Thursday were told it would be the "first power station at this scale in the UK and pretty much the world".

Attendees were able to see what the site will look like from any chosen viewpoint nearby using an interactive tool.

Some were dismayed by its size and concerned by creeping industrialisation of the coastline - it will have a 30m high stack and the turbine will be 14m high.

One resident said it will "look like a chemical factory" and was a "lot bigger" than she'd anticipated.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A small community of similarly minded folks had also settled in Scoraig, and he would bring a particular skill: Cambridge University educated with a background in maths and physics, he was about to become Scotland’s wind power pioneer.

Today, largely thanks to Hugh, Scoraig’s 70 or so residents are in the enviable position of never having to fear the electricity bill: they rely on wind and solar power for their energy needs, topped up when there’s really no alternative using wood, bottled gas and oil.

But that’s few and far between, says Hugh, pointing out that his 20-year-old bungalow has been so efficiently insulated and heated using hot water powered by his renewables system, that even in the depths of winter there’s no real need to resort to wood, coal or any other heating source.

Indeed, he can usually comfortably run all the electrical goods he needs, cost free.

“I have never had an electricity bill since I lived here and that’s 50 years ago,” he says. “I have all the mod cons; I have a dishwasher, all the normal appliances and they work great.


submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The boss of British Gas has called for households to face mandatory smart meter installations weeks after government figures showed that almost 4m meters are not working.

Chris O’Shea, the chief executive of the British Gas owner Centrica, told a committee of MPs that smart meters should be installed in all homes through a “street by street” programme, in order to cut the costs of creating a smart grid.

The energy boss, who has come under fire after British Gas was revealed to have used debt collectors to force-fit prepayment meters in vulnerable customers’ homes, said the company would be willing to install smart meters on behalf of other energy suppliers.


The government launched its smart meter programme in 2011 and had hoped to install smart meters in households across the UK before 2020 to help reach its net zero ambitions. About 60% of homes have a smart meter, according to government data.

Smart meters are considered a key tool in helping households reduce their energy use. They use real-time data to make better use of renewable energy when it is available and cut the need for fossil fuels, as well as relaying instant data on households’ energy use.

But the programme, which is being carried out by energy suppliers, has been dogged by delays and technical faults. The government’s recent data suggested that customers with smart meters may have been overcharged on their gas and electricity bills.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A growing number of small businesses are complaining of vastly inflated standing charges on top of their standard energy bills, some as much as 13 times the level of three years ago.

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has written to Ofgem, urging it to act over fast-growing standing charges paid by small companies, particularly those in rural areas.

One business owner got in touch with the group to report an increased standing charge, from 70.94p per day in July 2021 to 969.64p per day in September 2023, more than 13 times higher.

Standing charges are applied daily, regardless of how much energy the customer uses, and are used to cover the cost of supplying energy to homes and businesses.

They also cover the costs of building new network infrastructure and keeping the power on when energy suppliers go bust.

While consumers’ bills are limited by the energy price cap, small businesses’ are not.

Tina McKenzie, FSB policy chairwoman, said: “We want Ofgem to do a thorough review of standing charges for businesses as well as consumers, for better transparency and to discern whether energy companies are behaving fairly towards their small firm clients.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The share of power coming from fossil fuels hit the new low at lunchtime on Monday April 15 and lasted for an hour, climate and energy website Carbon Brief said.

Analysis of National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) data by Carbon Brief also shows there were 75 half-hour periods in 2024 so far when fossil fuels accounted for less than 5% of power demand.

In 2023, there were only 16 half-hour periods where coal and gas met less than 5% of demand, and just five in 2022, the analysis said.

As recently as 2018, fossil fuels never met less than 10% of demand in a half hour period for electricity in Britain.

The analysis shows fossil fuels’ share of electricity averaged over a day also fell to a record low, of 6.4%, earlier in the month, on April 5.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

From the northernmost reaches of the River Soar in Nottinghamshire, the towers of Britain’s last coal-fired power station emerge from the flat countryside like concrete monuments to another time.

For more than half a century Ratcliffe-on-Soar has burned millions of tonnes of coal to generate the electricity needed to power the British economy. But one by one Britain’s coal power stations have closed, leaving Ratcliffe the sole survivor. In less than six months it, too, will finally power down for good, extinguishing the last embers of the once-mighty coal industry.

With its last winter behind it, the sprawling site, which covers the same acreage as the City of London, is quiet save for the hum of a single turbine and the crackle of electricity power lines overhead.

It once employed up to 3,000 people, but now a total of about 350 engineers are working there, in shifts, as Ratcliffe ekes out its final months, unsure of how many hours the site has left to run before it closes around the end of September.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

England could produce 13 times more renewable energy than it does now, while using less than 3% of its land, analysis has found.

Onshore wind and solar projects could provide enough electricity to power all the households in England two and a half times over, the research by Exeter University, commissioned by Friends of the Earth (FoE), suggested.

Currently, about 17 terawatt hours of electricity a year comes from homegrown renewables on land. But there is potential for 130TWh to come from solar panels, and 96TWh from onshore wind.

These figures are reached by only taking into account the most suitable sites, excluding national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty, higher grade agricultural land and heritage sites.

Some commentators have argued that solar farms will reduce the UK’s ability to grow its own food, but the new analysis suggests there is plenty of land that can be used without impairing agricultural production. More land is now taken up by golf courses than solar farms, and developers can be required to enhance biodiversity through simple measures such as maintaining hedgerows and ponds.


The calculations of the land needed exclude rooftop solar panels. Ministers have resisted calls for solar panels to be made mandatory on new-build housing. Kitting out a new-build home with renewables, high-grade insulation and other low-carbon features costs less than £5,000 for a housing developer, but retrofitting it to the same standard costs about £20,000, with the cost borne by the householder. Housing developers are among the largest donors to the Conservative party.

Electricity standing charges soar (www.energylivenews.com)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Energy companies have allegedly accrued over £420 billion in profits since the beginning of the current energy crisis, according to a report by researchers affiliated with the End Fuel Poverty Coalition.

This analysis examined financial reports from various entities in the energy sector, including oil and gas generators, suppliers and energy neworks.

The End Fuel Poverty Coalition allege that approximately £30 billion of these profits come from the entities responsible for transmitting and distributing electricity and gas, known as “network costs,” which are covered by standing charges on consumers’ energy bills.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in electricity standing charges, with a projected 147% rise starting 1st April.

This increase is driven by various fees, including 14 charges within each bill for network costs.

Gas standing charges have also risen by 15% since 2021.

Researchers estimate that the average household’s contribution to gas network costs has increased from £118.53 annually in 2021 to £163.69 as of April 1st, 2024, marking a significant 38% rise.

Simon Francis, Co ordinator of the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, commented: “As standing charges go up today, households will have to cut back on their energy use just to keep their bills the same.

“This means households continue to suffer as a few energy firms make billions in profits from running the electricity and gas networks.

“These numbers may look like fantastic amounts to shareholders, but the reality is that these profits have caused pain and suffering among people living in fuel poverty for the last few years.”

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Onshore wind farms are not being built across England due to “unworkable” planning rules that can favour fossil fuel projects, ministers have been warned.

In a joint letter, shared with i, a group of environmental organisations and energy companies said the Government is placing “unworkable restrictions” on the development of onshore wind despite repeated pledges to boost the renewable energy sector.

They said wind turbines are being “unfairly singled out” in planning rules that do not place the same levels of restrictions on other energy projects, such as coal mines or nuclear power stations. Despite the UK’s target to hit net zero by 2050, very few onshore wind projects have been built in England since former Prime Minister David Cameron brought in strict planning rules in 2015, which effectively led to a de facto ban on land-based turbines.

Last year Rishi Sunak vowed to reverse this ban by removing a planning rule that said an objection from a single person could prevent a wind farm from being built.

One renewable energy company told i it is planning to submit planning applications for new onshore wind farms following this relaxation of the rules, but others are warning that the planning rules remain too restrictive for them to consider investing in a new project.

No new applications for onshore wind projects had been submitted as of February this year despite the relaxation of the rules, according to The Guardian. The Government said it would take time for new projects to come through.

Archive link (from original article)

See also: UK scheme to spur take-up of heat pumps delayed after gas lobby pressure

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Proposals for a massive solar farm near Coylton are a step closer after South Ayrshire Council offered no objection to the plan.

Objectors had slammed the plans for 100,000 solar panels, which will generate 85 megawatts of electricity and fill an area the equivalent of 15 football pitches, claiming it would damage the protected ecology of the area close to Martnaham Loch.

But councillors on the Regulatory Panel were concerned that the amount of cash being proposed for community benefit was just a tenth of that agreed with wind farms in the area.

The Scottish Government’s Energy Consent Unit makes the final decision on the application, with the council a statutory consultee.

Independent councillor Alec Clark asked an agent for the applicant Locogen for the amount of community money being put up by the company for each megawatt of electricity generated.

He was told that, over the 40 year operation of the facility, £500 would be given per megawatt. This totals around £22,500 each year.

Cllr Clark was not impressed by the figures and said: “I would suggest that that is a very low level of community benefit. I am quite acquainted with the many wind farms we have around South Ayrshire, especially in the Carrick district, and the minimum community benefit there is £5000 per megawatt.”

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The visit to Holyhead, which also involved Jo Stevens, the shadow Wales secretary, was to promote a remaining element of the scaled-back green plan, GB Energy, a publicly owned sustainable energy company.

Part of this would involve floating offshore windfarms, which Starmer said would not just make energy more sustainable but would also bring down bills.

“Floating offshore wind is going to be a gamechanger when it comes to energy,” he told BBC Wales. “Some country in the world is going to be the leader, and I want that to be the UK. What we can do is have the Westminster government, and the Labour government here in Wales, working on the next generation of energy.”

Speaking to ITV Wales, Starmer said last month’s decision to slash the pledge to invest £28bn a year in green policies to under £15bn still left “a huge difference” with government policy over renewables.

Interviewed by BBC Radio 4’s World at One, Miliband, who has been largely quiet since the change of policy, said there were “huge opportunities” for jobs from renewable energy, and that the floating windfarm plan was a major policy.

“It’s going to be the first priority of GB Energy’s £5bn investment,” he said. “It will partner with the private sector in places like north Wales so that we can get the jobs that floating wind can bring and, indeed, the lower energy bills.”

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Are 200,000 jobs really supported by the oil and gas industry in the North Sea? Campaigners and MPs are questioning the longstanding government claim.

Ministers have repeatedly used the 200,000 jobs figure as justification for pushing ahead with more fossil fuel developments despite the escalating climate crisis and widespread opposition from scientists and energy experts.

But campaigners say the figure, which includes indirect employment and comes from the oil and gas industry, has not been scrutinised by the government. They point out that the most recent Office for National Statistics data suggests 27,600 people are directly employed.

The Green MP Caroline Lucas has submitted three parliamentary questions asking for clarification on how the 200,000 figure was calculated.

In response, the energy minister Graham Stuart said it came from the industry body Offshore Energies UK and referred to direct, indirect and induced jobs supported by the sector. He did not explain how the 200,000 figure was calculated.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Plans for a £200m green energy park, which could create 4,500 jobs, have been given the green light.

Yorkshire Energy Park, on the site of the former Hedon Aerodrome, to the east of Hull, is set to focus on renewable energy, battery storage, state-of-the-art digital infrastructure and research and development. The proposal, for land allocated to the wider Humber Freeport scheme, was approved by Hull City Council's ruling cabinet.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A £58bn plan to rewire Great Britain’s electricity grid to connect up new windfarms off the coast of Scotland is expected to trigger tensions with communities along the route.

National Grid’s electricity system operator (ESO) has mapped out power “motorways” across Great Britain to allow for the biggest investment since the 1960s.

The new “blueprint” recommends a “high-capacity electrical spine” running onshore from the north-east of Scotland through to the north-west of England, alongside a complex collection of cables stretching along coastlines.


Policymakers are attempting to revamp the grid in the face of long-term shifts in where power is generated in Great Britain. The grid was formed in 1935 around a coal-focused system centred on industrial powerhouses in Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and the north-east, with nuclear later playing a significant part.

A drive towards low carbon power and the growth of the offshore wind industry have necessitated greater need for strong connections between the east coast of Scotland and the urban centres of England, where demand is greatest.

Scotland already generates nearly 15GW of renewable power, far outstripping the peak winter Scottish demand of 5GW, and the government has suggested offering reduced bills to areas where demand is lower than supply.

Late last year, the government said properties closest to new transmission infrastructure could receive up to £1,000 a year off electricity bills over 10 years.

The ESO welcomed government plans to allow communities hosting energy projects to have “financial incentives”. However, there are questions over whether this would quell local opposition.

The network revamp threatens to have political ramifications. The Labour leader, Keir Starmer, has vowed to “get tough” on local people who oppose onshore wind turbines, while Labour’s goal to decarbonise the grid by 2030 relies on projects being connected swiftly. The government hopes to hit the same target by 2035.


The Guardian revealed last month that the ESO was working on the blueprint, which also suggests a “connections hub” off the coast of Lincolnshire to reduce the impact on protected marine areas off East Anglia, where opposition to electricity projects has been vociferous.

The ESO said three times as much undersea cabling would be laid than onshore infrastructure by 2035 and estimated its blueprint would add £15bn to the economy, creating 20,000 jobs a year.


There is growing debate over the cost of decarbonising the grid and reaching net zero, as the renewables industry faces supply chain upheaval and rising costs.

The energy regulator, Ofgem, last week voiced concern that the costs associated with achieving net zero would hit lower-income households hardest.

Buckland said any future government would have to decide how the costs of large infrastructure investment would be met, whether through taxes or consumer bills, and whether “protection” would be given to vulnerable households. Between £20 and £30 a year is now spent on network costs through consumer bills.

Burke added: “If you do smart things – like prioritising insulating homes, community schemes and embracing battery technology – then bills go up a bit. If you do stupid things, like focusing on delayed nuclear power projects, then they go up more.”

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The government has delayed by a year its scheme for spurring the take-up of heat pumps, under pressure from the gas boiler industry.

The clean heat market mechanism is intended to force heating installers to fit more low-carbon heat pumps, to meet the UK’s net zero greenhouse gas emissions target and save energy.

But the scheme – which requires companies to install a gradually increasing proportion of heat pumps compared with the number of gas boiler installations or face a financial penalty – was inaccurately described as a “boiler tax” by gas heating companies and their lobbyists. Some boiler companies put their prices up by £120, which they said was in reaction to the potential scheme, but which one government insider told the Guardian was unfair price “gouging”.

The mechanism was due to come in this April but has been delayed to April 2025, the government said on Thursday. The energy secretary, Claire Coutinho, has also asked the Competition and Markets Authority to investigate the boiler market.

Reforms to the boiler upgrade scheme also announced on Thursday will mean households no longer need to upgrade their insulation to take advantage of government heat pump grants. Removing the requirement for cavity wall and loft insulation should save consumers about £2,500 on a heat pump installation, for which the government is offering a £7,500 grant.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://feddit.uk/post/9089792

The City of Liverpool, England, has unveiled advanced proposals to build the world’s largest tidal power generator on the River Mersey.

If it’s built, Mersey Tidal Power would become the largest tidal range scheme in the world. It would power more than 1 million homes for more than 120 years.

The dam-like Mersey Tidal Power would be a barrier between the Irish Sea and a tidal basin. It would be fitted with turbines and tap into one of the UK’s largest tidal ranges to generate power with two-way generation.

It would connect Liverpool and the Wirral peninsula and could become a pedestrian and cycling link across the Mersey. It could also provide future flood defense.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Wind power and heat pumps are obvious assets in the fight against fossil-fuelled climate change. But have you ever considered how well the two might work together?

A new report from UK climate action charity Possible has done exactly that - and found they’re not only a match, but one capable of cutting energy bills by a third.

With 3,700 of the most deprived neighbourhoods in England located within 1km of onshore wind resources, there’s big potential for alleviating fuel poverty while tackling emissions.

“Replacing gas boilers with clean home heating will be vital to protect the climate. At the moment, one seventh of the UK’s emissions come from home heating,” says Possible.

“And a lack of clean, affordable heat is harming people too - not to mention costing the NHS [National Health Service] hundreds of millions of pounds each year to treat the health problems that come from living in cold, damp homes.”

So how can these two clean technologies be linked up? And what’s holding the UK and other European countries back?

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