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There has been an annoying belief, both in religious circles, and in communist ones, that being a communist makes you an atheist, or that believing in the ideologies of communism is mutually exclusive to being religious. This is simply untrue and a fault of past socialist and communist nations. However, they do not represent the full ideology of communism itself, and self-criticality is a major part of many left-wing movements, where the nuance to accept the good things about communist nations (lifting people out of poverty, free subsidized healthcare, etc.) is accepted along with the denouncement of their flaws (in this case attack on public religion).

Edit: This was taken from my reddit account, u/Planet_Explorer. We're looking for new members of r/IslamicSocialism101, so you're welcome to join!


I was reading Socialism's Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism by Ramin Mazaheri, and they mentioned something that has become a common sight here too: Islamic finance.

Iran is leading in Islamic financing, with Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, the UAE and Qatar filling the rest of the Top 5 according to this report.

For those who don't know, it's basically finance but with Islamic principles as accorded to the Quran and various Madhhabs (schools of jurisprudence).

Some of it's principles are (quoting Wikipedia), among others:

  1. Paying or charging interest. "All forms of interest are riba and hence prohibited". Islamic rules on transactions (known as Fiqh al-Muamalat) have been created to prevent use of interest.
  2. Investing in businesses involved in activities that are forbidden (haraam). These include things such as selling alcohol or pork, or producing media such as gossip columns or pornography.
  3. Charging extra for late payment. This applies to murâbaḥah or other fixed payment financing transactions, although some authors believe late fees may be charged if they are donated to charity,or if the buyer has "deliberately refused" to make a payment.

Has any comrades read much on this?

How viable do you think is such a financial system, especially now, with renewed interest in de-dollarisation? (see what I did there?)

Can it fully live up to it's socialistic principles in a world capitalist system?


Specifically, they were Libyans who had already been resisting Italian colonialism for a decade.

Sadly, this also means that the first foreign victims of a Fascist government were probably Muslims too, many of whom perished in concentration camps. (As a preinstitutional movement, on the other hand, Fascism’s first foreign victims were most likely Croats or Slovenes.)


You can block the comments but you cannot silence our voices.

It's troubling "mean arab terrorist" had such experiences here. I would ask if this was on Lemmy or Lemmygrad?

"I have seen people refer to Chador and Hijab as “wearing trashbags”"

This is insanely racist. This should not be tolerated.

"the Islamic Republic of Iran is “enslaving women”"

We all have liberal tendencies here that we are in the process of purging however this western feminism should have been called out.

"I have seen people refer to Islam as “a painkiller” and that communists should “free [Muslims] from irrational immaterial thought” and make accusations that all Muslims engage in FGC"

I am unfamiliar with the term 'FGC', however the opiate of the masses critique is based. This is a long standing Marxist stance on religion. This should be allowed here.

"I was banned from the Palestine community for “being mean” to an israeli colonizer after I told them to expeditiously get out of Palestine."

Blaming the individual is radlib however in the Israeli case I would tell them to join Palestine instead of trying to paint them as the entire country of Israel.

"I have had my comments censored and removed when discussing the liberation of Palestine From the River to the Sea and citing the revolutionary leaders from the resistance. The reasoning for censorship repeated the zionist entity language: “advocating terrorism""

Not ok. We are against imperialist powers and projects.

"Throughout all of this I see invaders who live in the settler-colonies are defended as “comrades like everyone else”. Even though they are repeating toxic discourse about how such and such liberation movement “shouldn’t alienate the [colonizer] ‘workers’.”"

It seems that this latest topic in it's turbulent controversy was the last straw for you and I find it regretful that it has gotten this far considering 90% of what you experienced you shouldn't have.

Take care and I wish you the best.


The heroic uprising began with what was intended as a nonviolent protest against forcing Sunni Muslim prisoners to take a tuberculosis test involving the ingestion of an alcoholic substance — a violation of their religion. Other aggravating conditions that led to a full-scale rebellion included poor food and medical care; frequent guard violence and guard-instigated violence between incarcerated men, which had led to a number of deaths; overcrowding; and allowing only one phone call to loved ones each year.

After the uprising five men — Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan, Keith Lamar (aka Bomani Shakur), Nameer Mateen (aka James Were), Jason Robb and George Skatzes — were falsely convicted of murder and sentenced to death for the killing of a guard, Robert Vallandingham, and, in Skatzes’ case, taking a prisoner hostage during the siege. Lamar now has an execution date: Nov. 16, 2023.

Dozens more were scapegoated for participating in the uprising, framed-up on false charges and given long sentences. Most are still in prison.

The rebellion, which lasted 11 days, united Black, Brown and white prisoners. Of the five Lucasville defendants on death row, three are Black and two are white.


The Islamic Republic of Iran’s 20 year Vision Plan, as a multi-disciplinary document, has set out provisions on the ways and means on enhancing social justice, legitimate freedoms, protection of humans’ dignity and rights, social and judicial security, health, welfare, food security, social security, equal opportunities, appropriate distribution of income, acceptable sound environment and strengthening the institution of family, with no poverty, corruption and discrimination.

Any thoughts? I found it informative and totally contrary to the western-imposed ideas I had in my head of Iran's narrative surrounding women. Tasnim News, it should be mentioned, is fiercely loyal to the Iranian government according to their about page.


The month of fasting will soon begin, and may everyone have great month.

O you who acknowledge, fasting is decreed for you as it was decreed for those before you that perhaps you may be righteous. (2:183)


"To let those who are hypocrites know, that they were told: "Come fight in the cause of God or defend," they said, "If we knew how to fight we would have followed you." That day they were closer to rejection then they were to acknowledgement. They say with their mouths what is not in their hearts, and God knows well what they conceal." (1:167)


Welcome to this new community, vaguely inspired by reddit's r/islamicleft. This is just meant to be a leftist subreddit for muslims or people interested in Islam, or leftist Islam.

I'm completely new to this, so if anyone wants to help by offering criticism or wants to volunteer as a mod, please comment or PM me.

Moses said to his people: "Seek help with God, and be patient; for the land is God's. He will inherit it to whom He pleases of His servants; and the victory belongs to the righteous." (7:128)