submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/11649661

Download Arctic on the AppStore!

I am thrilled to announce that Arctic is now available on the AppStore! Looking back, it's amazing to see how much progress Arctic has made in the last six months. Initially, I began working on Arctic as a personal project to fill the void after leaving Reddit during the API fiasco. I had no intention of releasing it publicly. Now, I have a fully-featured Lemmy client, a fantastic group of beta testers on TestFlight, and an official release on the AppStore.

However, the journey isn't over yet. I have many exciting plans for Arctic, and this is just a significant milestone. Going forward, I plan to release more targeted updates on TestFlight and create a public roadmap for AppStore releases.

I would like to thank everyone who was involved with Arctic's TestFlight for all the valuable feedback and suggestions that have helped shape Arctic!


submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

it would be really great to have a lemmy client (or feature of existing client) that allows for batch downloading of a user specified list of communities.
this would allow a user to download all the content for the day or week on wifi internet and then depart from the source of internet but slowly & carefully read a selection of material(text posts, comment discussion, and even images like memes).
one benefit is that it would be extra impossible to see what users are loading/viewing because they already loaded everything and are disconnected from the internet entirely. performance is also good because there is no network latency that would be experienced, each time, when accessing the servers.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What I'm looking for specifically is adding tags to users, highlighting their names and a vote counter next to their names.

Sync has user tagging and highlighting if you pay monthly for Ultra.

Connect and Boost has user tagging.

Lemmy isn't to bad right now, but I'm definitely seeing a trend of people I'd like to avoid and or at least be weary of.

I prefer not using the block function since it remove to much context sometimes.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Looking for any Lemmy app that provides a setting to hide or collapse inline images in comments, like RES let you do on Reddit, or like RIF, to re-create the text-only comment experience. I've been using Boost, which I really like it and want to keep supporting, but this setting is still a WIP I think, and it's a must for me. I wanna try others until it's added.

Thanks all

Update: if you're looking for the same thing, I eventually landed on Summit.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by wason to c/[email protected]

Hi All. I have a profile on an instance that's on Lemmy 0.18.5 and want to migrate all my subscriptions to this profile on Lemmy.zip, which is currently running Lemmy 0.19.3 Someone knows how I can do this?

I tried using Lassim which supports version 0.18 so I can backup my old profile but not upload to the new profile. I even checked the .json files generated by both Lassim and Lemmy 0.19 backup and they save the communities in a different format each:

Lassim saves as community@server

Lemmy saves as server.domain/c/community


Edit: See my comment.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I didn't see any posts about it maybe there is but i didn't see any . Anyway eternity is a fork from reddit's infinity app . I tried it out it has really good features and great stability , polished look etc . I am still sticking with jerboa coz of minimalism but if anyone want a feature rich great open source , no ads , trackers client i would recommend eternity from fdroid . It hasn't got any updates in 3 months though but i don't think there is any need . If i am missing something or is wrong do let me know in comments and i'll edit the post.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

See title. Sorry. To clarify, I mean mobile oriented, touch oriented, etc.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Recently hopped over to Lemmy from Reddit, initially tried Boost and the web app and wasn't super happy with the experience however after installing Singing I can happily say the experience has improved vastly. It feels more promising and premium than the actual official Reddit app!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Since a few days ago I cannot connect to instances like slrpnk.net or szmer.info. It turns out the issue is a bad cookie left over after the instances switched to the newest Lemmy version. I fixed the issue in the browser versions both on mobile and desktop. Unfortunately, my go-to Lemmy app, Liftoff, is unsupported since September so this issue cannot (afaik) be fixed. I was reccomended to switch to Jerboa/Boost but I really like Liftoff's UI so Im wondering if there are any good forks of Liftoff y'all use, or potentially other alternatives.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

As title says, I can help the devs of lemmy apps to translate to portuguese (from Portugal). Brazil have much, MUCH more population than us and we have some differents things on language. Im saying this for your knowledge and we (portuguese or brazilians) have some things from our homeland language that sometimes we dont get it.

You can send me a mp if you want.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

One of the more interesting updates I saw mentioned in release notes for Lemmy v0.19 was scaled sort. So that posts from smaller communities can get bumped up more in the feed.

I currently use Sync, and it's great, but doesn't seem to have implemented this yet. Is there another mobile app for Android that does?


submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I guess it’s not a very widely requested feature? It’s interesting to me that Avelon is literally the only iOS app among the many that exist so far that has been able to enable GIFs automatically animating and displaying on the timeline instead of just displaying a link to the GIFs location. I prefer a couple other apps over Avelon in terms of other features but I still end up just staying with Avelon because of this one feature none of the other apps have.

Also, I don’t really expect anyone to know the actual answer to my question I’m mostly just venting and hoping to get this noticed by some app developers.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/10278061

Hi everyone and happy new year! It's finally time for another Thunder release. As always, there have been many improvements, additions, changes and fixes in this release which should make for a even better Thunder experience. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to discuss it in the Thunder community or on GitHub.

A quick reminder: if you are using the Google Play version or App Store version, please note that it may take a bit of time before you receive the update. Now onto the update notes. This update brings a few major features:

🎉 Features

  • You can now edit your own posts, and set the appropriate language for your post. When you open your own post, you will see a pencil icon which will allow you to edit your post along with the language.
  • The Settings page has been overhauled and re-organized, with post and comment previews for certain visual settings. This should hopefully provide a better overall experience for adjusting and customizing your settings.
  • You can now set Thunder's app language to any of currently available translations. Please note that the translations are not fully complete, and you may encounter untranslated content.
  • Additional settings have been added in which sync up with your Lemmy account. This includes showing/hiding read posts, showing/hiding scores, and showing/hiding bot accounts.
  • There is now a Safari extension which allows you to open Lemmy links within Thunder for iOS users. This extension is disabled by default, but can be enabled in the system settings under Safari -> Extensions.
  • Favoriting communities is now available. When you favorite a community, it will be prioritized throughout the app (in the drawer, search results, etc.)
  • Keyword filters are now available in the Settings page. Adding keywords will filter any posts whose title or body containing one or more keywords.
  • Many quality-of-life improvements including collapsible post bodies, more community translations, addition of more sort types, improved search filters.

⚙️ Performance

  • Improved general loading times when starting up Thunder. This should result in some drastic improvements for certain instances.
  • Updated many under-the-hood dependencies.

And much much more. I can't possibly go through all the changes in the changelog, but for those who are curious, feel free to check out the full changelog on the GitHub announcement.

As always, this is an alpha release, so do expect bugs to pop up here and there. We have a Matrix space if you would like to join in on discussions: https://matrix.to/#/#thunderapp:matrix.org

If you find any issues or would like to suggest features, please open up a new issue! As always, contributions are always welcomed here.

I would just like to thank everyone for the continued support and contributions. Thunder is still a project that I can only work on the side, and knowing that others enjoy it drives me to continue working on it!

If you would like to show a token of appreciation, you can buy me a coffee. The donations will help support some of the development overhead costs!

Thanks again for everything so far, and I hope you enjoy this update! Here’s a new year's resolution for you for reaching the end of this post 🎉

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/7792059

Hey testers! Here's another update to add to the winter charm.

If you're new here, Lemmynade is the refreshing mobile web app and desktop site for Lemmy, currently in active development. Follow [email protected] for announcements and updates like these.

This release brings private messages, an improved inbox, and scaled sorting to the table while greatly improving your Lemmynade doom scrolling experience. Huge thanks to the valuable testers that have taken time to report bugs and submit ideas.

Open Lemmynade →

What's New

  • Private Messages can now be viewed and replied to under Inbox → Chats
  • Scaled Sort (new to Lemmy 0.19.x) is now available as the "Spotlight" sorting option throughout Lemmynade (named this way to make more sense to the average user)
  • Infinite Scrolling has been rebuilt from the ground up. Your scroll position is now saved correctly, everything is faster, and many bugs have been exterminated.
  • The Inbox has been updated with infinite scrolling, slightly faster loading times, and simplified filtering
  • Your Home Feed tabs (My Feed, Local, and All) can now be switched between without loosing your place
  • In addition to long-pressing on user/community names, you can now Block & Unblock users and communities on their individual pages from the ••• menu
  • Upvoted & Downvoted Posts are now browsable from dedicated sections in your Account page
  • Profile Age can now be seen from user profile pages


  • Support has been dropped for instances running Lemmy 0.18.5 and lower. This was a tough decision, but will ultimately allow faster, more focused development on new features while we're still in alpha testing.
  • Vote scores have been removed from user profile following changes made in the latest Lemmy update

Fixed & Improved

  • Context menus and dialogs are snappier with better animations and reworked interactions
  • The top and bottom app toolbars are now a bit smarter about when they auto-hide
  • Fixed an issue that prevented clicking or tapping on action buttons on post pages
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements have been made in preparation for desktop layout down the road
  • Links in the feed and on individual post pages now use the same description (as they should)
  • Fixed an issue that caused images to flash when opening a post
  • The one-time-password field on the login page is now always shown to accommodate discrepancies between instances for the time being until the login page redesign
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the description of a post's attached URL to overflow outside of its container
  • Fixed an issue where posts were being marked as read from post feeds if your finger touched them while scrolling
  • A heart has been added to the top of the home page to make it easier to support Lemmynade's development
  • Many other minor bug fixes and improvements

If you have any questions or ideas, submit feedback or drop a comment below. Enjoy!

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I thought it would be a cool idea to do a poll right before the year ends to see what everyone is using

Android Poll

iOS Poll

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here is a message from the dev.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Are there any apps that feature swiping between posts?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi everyone,

The day has arrived: Lemmynade—a refreshing mobile web app and desktop site for Lemmy—is now open for testing! Scroll to the bottom to get started, or read the full post to learn more.


Get started!

While we're in alpha, expect to encounter plenty of bugs. You can report a bug or submit a feature request anytime from the ••• in the upper-right corner of Lemmynade. When you're ready, copy the Access Key below and continue to Lemmynade (lemmynade.app) →

Access Key:



Known Issues

  • The desktop layout will be available at a later date. Lemmynade is best used on small screens and mobile devices for now
  • Post creation is not the most elegant experience at the moment
  • Accessibility for screen readers, etc. is very limited at this time
  • Tabs do not always retain the last route or history
  • Sometimes, when returning to your home feed, it may spit you out above or below the scroll position you were at last
  • Markdown does not support tables, spoilers, and a few others at the moment




– silas

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Community moderators and contributors have released a statement:

Many people in the Artemis community have been patient and understanding of the lack of activity, ever since a prior period of radio silence was justified by Hariette saying that she was recovering from chronic pain.

However, this has gone on for long enough that the official Artemis Camp instance has failed over and never recovered. This is a problem for Artemis app users, since it is the only instance that is supported.

We are also unable to continue performing our duties as moderators in the Camp instance as a result. This effectively means that the entire project is dead.

Statement by Artemis Moderators

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I JUST finished this feature for Quiblr but I was anxious to get it out to the community and get some feedback!

I took a very different approach from the vanilla Lemmy messaging. Let me know how you like it

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Have been wondering about this in terms of how safe/secure it may be to use them. Not that a Lemmy account is exactly something to fret a ton over, but I always appreciate a little more peace of mind.

Searching through here I found where Alexandrite's dev gives a rundown to someone asking in regards to their work, but I didn't surface similar for others. I've tried running some broader searches but haven't had a ton of luck, so thought I'd ask.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Raccoon is available for testing on Play Store.

If you'd like to test it click here.

Try it out & feel free to report any bugs.

Testing aims to eliminate bugs and enhance user experience before app hit the market.

Should you have any questions post it below, on Github or send an email.

App includes mod tools. Happy testing!

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Lemmy Phantom is now Quiblr! Additionally, users can now login, post, comment, and vote on lemmy using a sleek and speedy UI!

I add new functionality all the time so go check it out and let me know what you think!

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/8708556

Arctic v0.2.7 is out

Arctic v0.2.7 is out on TestFlight. This update is focused on backend optimization and push notification features.

Community Notifications

You can now setup notifications for individual communities. Notifications can by filtered by post keywords, post author, and post score. In the coming releases I will add support for more filtering options. To list a few, filter by phrase rather than keyword, upvote/downvote rather than just score, multiple authors, comment count, pinned(stickied) posts, etc. I’ll also be adding support for temporary notifications,community notifications that will automatically expire after a set amount of time.

Account Notification Options

Account notifications can now be toggled by type, you can toggle notifications for: badges, replies, mentions, and messages. This also adds support for mods/admins. You can enable mod notifications for new post/comment reports, and admin notifications for new user registration applications. note that user application cannot currently be viewed within Arctic.

Community Jump

You can now tap the title in any posts feed and quickly jump to a different community using the community selector.

Backend Improvements

Arctics Lemmy API wrapper has now been extracted into a swift package (Swimmy) for improved maintainability and so it can be utilized as a shared code base for Arctics Push Notification server. In doing so, I also added support for Combine allowing for improved error handling with the API.

Arctics Server

I’ve migrated Arctics notification server to a new hosting provider. With the new provider, I may be able to offer all notification options as a free service provided I can sustain off of small donations. This would be ideal, as I never wanted to paywall any features in Arctic. I’ve also setup getarctic.app a new home for Arctic. The website is quite barebones at the moment, but I will be updating it as my time allows.

As always, thank you to everyone for helping test Arctic, and providing feedback. I know new features have slowed in the last few releases. Going forward I’ll be working on polishing the current feature set in hopes of an AppStore release in the next couple of weeks.

v0.2.7 full change-log

  • Added Community Notifications
    • Setup notifications for any community
    • Configure filtering options (author, keywords, score, more filters coming soon)
    • Add unlimited watchers
  • Added support for granular account notification options
    • Badges (Application notification badge)
    • Replies (Comment and Post replies)
    • Mentions (User mentions)
    • Reports (Moderator reports)
    • Applications (Admin user registration applications) (Arctic does not currently support showing applications in the app)
  • Updated the community selector to default to subscribed communities
  • Added typing suggestions when searching communities in the community selector
  • Added support for displaying thumbnails in push notifications
  • Added support for stripping markdown elements in push notifications
  • Added community jump to the Posts Feed, tap the title in the navigation bar to quickly jump between communities
  • Added Changelog to settings
  • Migrated API backend to a package (Swimmy) shared between Arctic and Arctic's push notification server
  • Fixed issue on iOS 15 where the Post feed search bar could overlap elements of the navigation bar**



Notifications Preview Notification Settings Account Notification Settings Community Notification Settings Community Notification Settings

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Lemmy Apps

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Lemmy Plugins and Userscripts is a great place to enhance the Lemmy browsing experience. [email protected]

Lemmy Integrations is a community about all integrations with the lemmy API. Bots, Scripts, New Apps, etc. [email protected]

Lemmy Bots and Tools is a place to discuss and show off bots, tools, front ends, etc. you’re making that relate to lemmy. [email protected]

Lemmy App Development is a place for Lemmy builders to chat about building apps, clients, tools and bots for the Lemmy platform. [email protected]

founded 1 year ago