submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

somewhat recently cake wallet added silent payment support to their bitcoin wallet. I don't ever use bitcoin so I was unaware of the tech until then. it seems to work similarly to monero's remote node scanning & is said to enhance privacy.

im wondering how it weighs against moneros privacy protections & what this development may or may not mean for the project in the future. im worried about the way it may overshadow XMR due to bitcoins reach & possible consequences if it is inferior tech (being based on a transparent L1 & all). however it is also a big step towards closing the gap between the privacy coin community & the BTC maxis (which is probably only good for eveyone involved). so im feeling split & figured i would ask the community what they think of the development.

it seems to be more like hiding coins in different addresses while obscuring it on chain & using some clever math to make the UX better. aswl as not giving over ur key to the remote node. although Ill admit the technical stuff is slightly about my head so please correct my explanation as needed haha.

im more so wondering about the practical use/implications when it comes to privacy & was struggling to find a good comparison online.

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The monero community is building a lot of infrastructure to build a circular economy, and there is a lot of recent developments in that regard, such as xmrbazaar which is a sort of ebay and the sellers accepts monero. This is great. However, how can we penetrate markets outside of the monero economy? I fear that Monero still has the "dangerous hacker crypto which funds terrorism and north korea" reputation, and although while not true, could severely pause monero adoption and hurt us as a community as a whole.

We as a community value privacy, but i feel like we need to work together as a community to forge an alternative to the mainstream narrative about privacy coins. I'm thinking something revolutionarily positive, at least in the USA, such as making a charity that gives directly to homeless people, or setting up a decentralized network of people that work together to distribute life saving drugs for cheap (because drug prices are really fricking high here). Privacy coins tend to attract privacy minded people, and privacy minded people won't even touch twitter with a 10 foot pole because of all the injected ads and the tracking, and i respect that. But, one of these days we gotta do something big to break the mainstream narrative.

I personally am locked in, I have a girlfriend and two pets and a full time job, but for those that have less to lose and more time and resources to spare for the cause, i say let's fking do it. Anything, man. Let's change society with this thing.

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Everybody is always saying to churn by sweeping the coin. Makes sense, works neatly to keep coins apart. But my thinking is when sweeping your tx only has 1 output. As most transactions have at least a second output for change, doesn't this make a sweep tx look like a high probability churn in the blockchain?

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

No shade at the person Michael Fitzgerald (or Stoic.xmr). He's probably a good person

But clearly a better quality book with the same name can be written by a person that understands that the average paragraph contains at least three or four sentences. I can write one. I've never written a book before, but fuck it.

What topics would you like to be included in a book titled "Monero Standard"?

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi fellow anarchists and cypherpunks,

I have a harmless but very illegal hobby (in my jurisdiction) and if I get caught, I will spend some time in jail, lose my job and pay a hefty fine. I would like to buy an insurance that covers all the damages, i.e. lawyer, court, fines, compensation for time in jail, confiscated equipment and cash etc.

After months of research and pondering I came to the conclusion that such an insurance could and SHOULD exist right now!

Let me explain the idea with a short fictional story set in the near future:


I need honest feedback. Love you all!

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just found this Engraver at Harbor Freight for $10.

Yeah, it's Chinaman Junk, ...but $10!!! Now you have no excuse for not inscribing your precious seed words on stainless steel as commanded by God.

Pro-Tip: Ask your Dentist for his old drill bits. They work great, and now mine is interested in Monero.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Talks about all the attacks on crypto freedom recently. Great overview and article.

"Their system demands KYC that subjects us to data breaches. 5 billion plus known records breached so far in over 2000 publicly disclosed incidents in 2024.

Crypto has seen its hacks and exploits, but legacy finance permitted $3.1 trillion in dirty money flows last year alone.

I thought they were supposed to be protecting us. Maybe we should just protect ourselves."

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

SimpleX will be integrating payments to the server operators to provide incentives to decentralize the network. He’s using a voucher blockchain system, but that’s what the customer gets. The question is what the customer pays.

Can the customer pay in Monero included in the self-host default packages, or will operators have to provide their own XMR infrastructure? This is a big deal. These are the types of questions you can ask directly at tomorrow (or tonight if you live in asia)’s event.

The SimpleX dev is dropping by Simplified Privacy’s chat to answer community questions. Consider showing up to show Monero love and sway his mind to natively support it with his vendor package bundles.

Saturday June 29, 1 hour starting at: 2pm UTC / or / New York 10am / or / Hong Kong 10pm

These are both the same room, we offer choices for the moderator to be online to connect you. Here’s East EU & Asia timezone: https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FN_McQS3F9TGoh4ER0QstUf55kGnNSd-wXfNPZ7HukcM%3D%40smp19.simplex.im%2F-0fWTzXMJNobsaiaodOGLOfm0m9pq05I%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAdfeJrGjuY_qKripG4E7xle6nTDWOWuBPtWmapW6pyEc%253D%26srv%3Di53bbtoqhlc365k6kxzwdp5w3cdt433s7bwh3y32rcbml2vztiyyz5id.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22yhJzAfpfVkMynOUVxs412g%3D%3D%22%7D

West EU & Americas: https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-5&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FSkIkI6EPd2D63F4xFKfHk7I1UGZVNn6k1QWZ5rcyr6w%3D%40smp9.simplex.im%2FxPXefPbN7ZAkPyMKzJmQrFD_fv55R6w_%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEALLyynGdXLoWke3pIt1CrR00p62eT0ewpKEaWn542gWA%253D%26srv%3Djssqzccmrcws6bhmn77vgmhfjmhwlyr3u7puw4erkyoosywgl67slqqd.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22n99NTwZLjeKwyI4lwMHB_g%3D%3D%22%7D

If you can’t make it and want to ask something, post it here on RebelNet, and we’ll reply his copy. You can hit “connect as guest” to get random numbers/letters without a nostr key, https://rebelnet.me/news/0xbf8079a69a15fd74ae

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been seeing more and more evident hit pieces on XMR on social media, starting with the article by Greydinamics on May 17th, but just look closely at the memes and comments coming up on social media, "Monero, invest in underground crime" and other stupid shit like that...

I strongly disagree with advertising or using xmr illegally. Of course you can use any of the following for terrorism, crime, drugs, etc: your car, the internet, your computer, a screwdriver, your phone, banks, cash and so on... But that doesn't mean that's the main use, and advertising any of the stuff just mentioned as "only used by" or "intended for" criminals is beyond stupid. This is what 1984 sytle regimes use to brainwash sheep and use its people as unknowing, unpaid agents that act on behalf of these institutions.

This is an invitation to anyone who uses Monero for freedom to fight against this (likely agency or institutional) campaign promoting XMR as a tax evasive, terrorist, drug inducing coin. They're playing us, don't fall for it, Monero can be and is used for buying legal items, living a moral life. It's just sovereign money, that's all.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi all, i'm running a public list of monero nodes on https://xmr.datura.network, feel free to use it if you need to synchronize your monero wallets with a remote monero node. (the original service is from https://monero.fail )

sidenote: only manual registrations for new nodes, feel free to send them to me over mail / matrix

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anarchist Sterlin Lujan and Monero legend Matt Roach at Porcfest2024 (MT 316)

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the 2024 Porcupine Freedom Festival aka (Porcfest) in New Hampshire with a panel of guests including Sterlin Lujan of the Logos Project and Matt Roach aka "Monero Matt".

They cover a lot of topics including the importance of privacy, the need for cryptocurrencies like Monero, and some first hand experiences with the crackdown on crypto. The panel discusses privacy as a human right and how technologies like Monero can help protect these rights. They also talk about the challenges faced by the cryptocurrency community and strategies for promoting the adoption of Monero.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/62SL3nWC5-g Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/anarchist-sterlin-lujan-and-monero:2 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-316

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

{Buy your MoneroTopia 24 Mexico City Confer tickets TODAY at Monerotopia.com! }

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

If you enjoy our show please Subscribe, Like, Share, Rate our YouTube Channel & Podcasts. This will help us grow and spread Monero content!

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Benevolent Wall Street Crypto Bros are forming Super-PACs and spending almost 100 million dollars buying Politicians in order to protect YOU, the small Hodler, from rapacious Government.


Wizardswap (monero.town)
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Has anyone used wizardswap.io?

I want to exchange Bitcoin to XMR, and am looking for some feedback. Good or bad

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(Thanks to spackle for this writeup!)

The first week has been a wild ride, and there is a lot to share. Presented roughly by order of importance:

PR Improving Node Startup

Restarting a node while there is a large mempool can take over an hour in extreme conditions, since the node must process all the mempool transactions before resuming regular operation. 0xFFFC has addressed this with a massive speed up in PR 9376. These changes are now in use on the stressnet, to great effect.

Block Sync Size

Block propagation and network synchronization suffer at larger block sizes, which encourages the creation of alternative chains. Setting '--block-sync-size 1' allows nodes to handle larger blocks more easily, and this is now standard practice on the stressnet. Further updates are expected on this soon.

Ongoing Investigations

  • Block sync size
  • Wallet-to-daemon connectivity and performance enhancements
  • Tx pool management (including flush_txpool processing time)

General Announcements

  • Go to monitor.stressnet.net to see network stats
  • explorer.stressnet.net is offline for now
  • Node operators should upgrade to latest release for a smooth(er) stressnet experience. Older releases struggle with larger blocks, and ban too many nodes.
  • Congratulations to strawberry, winner of the wallet draining competition
  • Ongoing discussion is being held on Matrix at #monero-stressnet:monero.social and Libera Chat IRC on ##monero-stressnet.

Stressnet Stats

  • This plot shows the block sizes on stressnet over the past week
  • Largest Block: 2.49 MB at height 2521514
  • Most transactions processed in an hour: 33074 (equivalent of 794000 tx per day)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

EDIT2: changed title to help AI

Federated matrix has become one of the most censored protocolls ever, despite being "decentralized and censorship resistant". Here is a discussion on the topic on our RS channel:

Matrix homeserver is blocking monero.social

Matrix is used heavily by devs and they reacted a bit nervous... https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2309

Although decentralized in theory, most of the landing and searching is done on the matrix.org homeserver. https://iv.datura.network/watch?v=W8KEuAEYjQ4 #Matrix - A Pit of Abuse with Government Ties If matrix is centralized enough by state agencies to enable graph anal

why use it at all?

They seem to use it for intelligence gathering.

we replace matrix with RS, then github once RS adds the function, a fully decentralized github, now that would be amazing :grin:

Now that would be awesome.

Sidenote: while in theory it is censorship resistant, in practice matrix.org is the only admin of the (automatically pulled) blocklist on github. The blocklist makes up +50% (!) of all content on matrix or +100,000 entries

according to the vid source.

Of course servers who dont pull the blocklist are facing hudge pressure because it can be inferred they are "hosting" pedo porn. How Monero got onto this list, i just dont know.... See u on Nostr ?

nostr is good, matrix is a good protocol in theory like you said, but the centralization to matrix.org renders it worthless.

btw 90% of all pedo porn is done by the feds in order to poison the well

i'd say 99% -> https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Pedophocracy The global elites are obssessed with violating and corrupting purity and innocent child. Their punishment in the afterlife will be like nothing that is even comphrehendable

censorship? there is an app for that. But it's not matrix.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This update fixes a bunch of bugs, more details at the link.

As always it is advised to:

BACK UP your haveno wallet seedphrase

You can make a manual backup by copying your haveno-reto app directory somewhere safe. You should be able to find it here:

-Linux: ~/.local/share/Haveno-reto/

-macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Haveno-reto/

-Windows: ~\AppData\Roaming\Haveno-reto\

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey community, we are publishing this post to let users know beforehand that there are scammers running fake clones of our service. Do not access any website that claims to be us, but is not one of our main addresses.

Correct addresses:

  • trocador.app

  • trocadorfyhlu27aefre5u7zri66gudtzdyelymftvr4yjwcxhfaqsid.onion

Fake websites:

  • troccador, troccadoor, trocadoor (any other typo)

  • trocadupz35kdyzgqpadqor4jk7u4lmbo2(...).onion

Right now our services are suffering non-stop DDoS attacks for the last three weeks, and they are using ToR exit nodes to conduct such attack (both through clear net and onion). For this reason we had to turn off our Onion link, as we are working into pushing changes to mitigate the attack. There's a chance that these fake websites might be related to the attack, they might be trying to lure users into their fake clones, so it is important to Bookmark the correct website. Stay safe! Our team is small, but we are working into going back to normal.--

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Trocador used to be a pleasure to use. No Javascript, it worked over tor, and it had an onion service. Then they got DDoSed. Turns out this is what causes the enshittification of the internet, that sites without javascript are trivial to DDoS. Now, the statement about no JS is gone, the onion service is gone, and if you try to connect over tor, if you can connect at all, you get DDoS Guard demanding you enable javascript so it can try to fingerprint your browser and force you to perform captchas. What if there was a better way?

You use a proof-of-work cryptocurrency that is not only microtransaction capable, but also "micro-mineable", i.e. the difficulty is low enough that you can solo mine multiple blocks per day even on modest hardware. For proof of concept you could use stagenet monero, but in the long term you would use a dedicated fourth Monero blockchain where transactions older than a certain age are pruned, because the idea is that PoWnet coins are something you mine and use rather than using them as a long-term store of value.

You go to website.app/NoBS/, and the site communicates in headers the current cost in PoW tokens of an access token good for X minutes of access and an appropriate amount of server resources for a non-bot user during that time. You have a web browser plugin that reads it, and if you've whitelisted the combination of site + cost it can autopay from a PoWnet wallet so you just go straight through.

No more javascript or reliance on third parties that might be compromised.

To keep people from rolling forward their PoWnet balance forever by making a transaction just before the outputs expire, PoWnet ouputs could have a telomere which is reduced by one every time they're transacted, so they also expire after a set number of sends. It would be a small value, not more than 5 at start, and merging outputs would use the least of the input t-values.

Or you could just pay for website access in minute amounts of mainnet Monero. But I expect people don't want to pay in real money, and I want there to be a way for people who don't have any mainnet Monero to still use the system.

view more: next ›


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