US and World News

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A hub for US and world news.

While the primary focus is US news, high profile global news is also curated here.

Prior to submitting, please read the pinned post for a full explanation of this community's goals, standards, rules, and moderation policy.

Community Rules

Please review the abridged version of the community rules before submitting as they are strictly enforced.

  1. All posts must be from a reputable news source that is known to report in good faith. Do not link to tabloids, blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media.

  2. Do not editorialize in the post. The post title must match the headline, and you should not editorialize in the post. Any opinions you have about the news story should be in the comments.

  3. Posts must have the original source as the post URL - do not include your own image even if the post image fails to load. To include an archive link that sidesteps a paywall, include that in the top of the post body.

  4. Be civil in the comments. No hate speech, bigotry, racism or any dog-whistle versions of any of that.

  5. Do not include bot-generated summaries of the article. Let people read for themselves.


founded 1 year ago


This is a curated news community with high standards for submissions. US news is the primary focus, but world events are also covered and welcome.

Mis-/disinformation, propaganda, and yellow journalism are rampant on the internet, and social media has only amplified the problem. The rules, post standards, and moderation policies established for this community are an attempt to curtail that and provide a reliable and objective source of world events from as many reputable sources as possible.

The purpose of this post is to provide complete transparency to the standards for posting and the moderation policies we use. Additionally, each of the community rules is explained in detail along with the rationale for implementing that rule.



I've found several news communities on Lemmy, and the only ones that I find to be actually well-moderated are the US and World News communities on Beehaw.

Unfortunately, I've had random and ongoing federation trouble with Beehaw where posts, and especially comments/replies, would just not appear to/from either side. This has improved with each update to Lemmy, but it still seems to be a problem when Beehaw is busy. Hope it doesn't sound like I'm throwing shade (I'm not).

Beehaw has also defederated from some larger Lemmy instances because the moderation tools in Lemmy are not sufficient to field such a large number of users. As an instance admin, I totally get that and support their decision. Unfortunately, that leaves those instances without access to a well-moderated, high-standards news feed.

Aside from those on Beehaw, I've not been impressed with the moderation and standards other news communities are using. So, in true Lemmy spirit, I started my own.

Fun fact: I contributed to the community rules Beehaw is using for their news communities. I decided to be a little more strict here, though. My reasoning for each rule is explained in detail below.

How are news sources determined to be unbiased and/or reputable?

Let's just get this out of the way first. I'm not going to say "this source is allowed and that one isn't" for every possible news entity. That would take forever, and I don't want to have to cross check every submission against a list.

Sources will be checked against Media Bias Fact Check in order to determine bias and credibility. While this isn't perfect, it's a very good and highly rated tool ran by a non-profit organization. If a source's bias is determined to be too far-left or too far-right or has a low credibility rating, the post will be removed and you'll be asked to resubmit the story from a more neutral and/or credible source.

What are the limits for bias and the minimum standards for factual reporting and credibility?

Using MBFC as a gauge for each metric, the standards for this community are as follows:

  • Bias Rating: Should be no more than left-center or right-center
  • Factual Reporting: Should be "High" or "Very High"
  • Credibility Rating: Should be "High Credibility" or higher.

Community Rules Explained

Rule #1: Reputable Sources With Low Bias

All posts must be from a reputable news source that is known to report factually, in good faith, and without significant bias.

I'm not naive, and I would consider very few news sources to be completely unbiased (AP and Reuters are the closest that come to mind). That said, most reputable sources of news will report the facts in good faith and leave the rest up to the reader to decide for themselves.

Reputable sources do not speculate on every topic nor just ask questions™ to the reader. Reputable sources do not tell you how you should feel about a topic or tell you what you should think about it; they merely provide the facts of the situation with the sole purpose of informing the reader.

The good faith part is key here. There are lot of news sources that are technically "news" but are known to operate in bad faith and/or with a highly partisan bias or other agenda. I will not list any specifically, but they are out there, and they are rampant.

Additionally, do not link to tabloids, blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media. Those are not news sources. They are rarely, if ever, confirmed or fact checked, have no journalistic standards, and are usually rife with opinion.

If a story is breaking and the only details are coming from a reporter's social media feed, then the information has likely not been corroborated yet. If they do not link to a full article on their organization's website, then refrain from linking to the social media post. If the social media post contains a link to an article on their organization's website, you may link to that so long as it is from a source within the community guidelines for bias, factual reporting, and credibility.

Rule #2: Do Not Editorialize in the Post

The post title must match the headline, and you should not editorialize in the post body. Any opinions you have about the news story should be in the comments.

Rule #3: Original Source is Mandatory

Posts must have the original article source as the post URL.

Let's face it. Many of us are busy and often don't bother to read the entire article. We'll just scroll through a news feed, look at the headlines, and add the tidbit of information in the headline to our collective knowledge.

The danger with that is that those headlines may be from a non-reputable news source which is fully aware of that habit and seeks to exploit it with sensationalized titles, misrepresented facts, or bad faith questions.

In the feed, the source URL is directly adjacent to the headline/title, so having an indicator of the headline's source, front and center, is an easy way to quickly discern where the information is coming from and whether it should be trusted.

If you use an archive or other paywall-bypassing link as the post URL, the source becomes obfuscated. That allows a tabloid headline to carry the same weight as one from a reputable source.

This is what we are seeking to avoid with this rule.

Similarly, do not include your own image even if the post image fails to load. The source URL will be that of the image and not the article which will prevent the source from being apparent.

To include an archive link that sidesteps a paywall, include that in the top of the post body.

Finally, do not link to shortened links that often appear on social media. Those similarly obfuscate the source, though not as badly as archive links. Always open the short link in a browser and use the full URL when posting.

Rule #4: Be Civil in the Comments

Be civil in the comments. No hate speech, bigotry, racism, "just asking questions™", or any dog-whistle versions of any of that.

Rule #5: No Bot-Generated Summaries

Do not include bot-generated summaries of the article in the post or in the comments. Let people read for themselves.

Bot summaries are hit or miss and often leave out nuance, perspective, or other pertinent details that are important to the story.

If someone prefers a bot to TL;DR things for them, then they'll likely already have some plugin/process of their own to do that. Leave them to their process and allow the rest of us to read the articles as the authors intended.

Moderation Policy

The rules in this community are strictly enforced. Infringing posts will be removed as soon as they are known to an admin/mod. I strongly believe in transparency, so here is the protocol for how posts are moderated:

  1. If your post is found to be infringing on a rule, you will receive a reply from a mod/admin stating which rule was broken and in what way as well as guidance for how to proceed (see #3 below).

  2. The infringing post will be locked for further comments and removed.

  3. Depending on the nature of the rule violation, the mod reply will advise you in one of the following ways:

    • You will be encouraged to resubmit after making the necessary corrections. (e.g. If you accidentally used an archive link for the source, you'll be asked to resubmit with the original URL)
    • You will be specifically told not to resubmit the post (e.g. you've linked to a tabloid/non-reputable source)
    • If this a repeat violation and a ban is warranted, you will be informed of that as well as the duration.

Remember: a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on. That's why we immediately remove posts that are in violation rather than allowing the poster to edit them; they may not respond immediately giving a non-truth a huge head start.

Ban Policy

Repeat offenders are subject to a temporary or ultimately permanent ban. This isn't baseball, and it's not a three-strikes policy; it depends on which rule was broken, how often, and in what way(s). Some rule violations are more egregious than others. For example, repeatedly submitting non-reputable news sources after receiving warnings will result in a ban. Being uncivil in the comments will also get you a ban.

Temporary bans range from 1 to 7 days. Continued violations after temporary bans are lifted will ultimately result in a permanent ban from the community.

All of the rules are important, but some are easy to forget about. Minor infractions to those will typically be dealt with much more leniently, typically by removing the post and providing guidance for re-submission. However, consistently and/or flagrantly violating them can still result in a ban from the community.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fox News aired the first GOP debate of the 2024 election cycle from Milwaukee on Wednesday night, featuring eight candidates. Not every candidate uttered facts that are easily fact-checked, but following is a list of 10 suspicious claims. As is our practice, we do not award Pinocchios when we do a roundup of facts in debates. These claims are examined in the order in which they were uttered.

“We all need to understand Joe Biden’s Bidenomics has led to the loss of $10,000 of spending power for the average family.”

— Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.)

This seems wildly overstated. In April we had checked a claim by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) that families have lost the equivalent of $7,400 worth of income. We tracked down the source of that statistic — E.J. Antoni, a research fellow in regional economics with the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis. As of last week, he’d revised his estimate down to $6,800.

But, more to the point, economists we contacted were dubious about the math, which relied on a change in purchasing power and a change in borrowing power. The change in borrowing power relied on mortgage rates — and not every family is looking for a new home. As for Antoni’s reliance on average weekly wages, this measure does not follow the same workers across time, and consequently the economists said it was an imperfect basis for families’ income changing over time.

Several economists pointed to another metric — real disposable personal income per capita — as a better gauge. That figure is produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis at the Commerce Department.

Per capita income, after inflation, was $46,790 in December 2020 and $46,795 in June 2023 — an increase of $5. That’s basically flat — but a far cry from a $10,000 decline.

“A 15-week ban is an idea whose time has come — it’s supported by 70 percent of the American people.”

— Former vice president Mike Pence

Recent polling does not back up Pence’s claim of such support for banning all abortions after 15 week of pregnancy, when people are directly asked about it, though in general, polls have shown majority opposition to second-trimester abortions.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll last year found that 36 percent supported and 57 percent opposed a law that would make abortions legal only in the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Last month, a Marquette Law School poll found that 47 percent of those surveyed favored a ban after 15 weeks, compared to 53 percent who said they would oppose it.

Also last month, an AP-NORC poll found that about half of Americans say abortions should be permitted at the 15-week mark.

A Fox News poll in April found that 54 percent supported such a ban, while 42 percent opposed it. But that is still well short of 70 percent.

“We’re better than what the Democrats are selling. We are not going to allow abortion all the way up till birth, and we will hold them accountable for their extremism.”

— Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

This is a common Republican talking point — that Democrats support nationwide abortion-on-demand up until the moment of birth. The implication is that late-term abortions are common — and that they are routinely accepted by Democrats.

The reality, according to federal and state data, is that abortions past the point of viability are extremely rare. When they do happen, they often involve painful, emotional and even moral decisions.

About two-thirds of abortions occur at eight weeks of pregnancy or earlier, and nearly 90 percent take place in the first 12 weeks, or within most definitions of the first trimester, according to estimates by the Guttmacher Institute, which favors abortion rights. About 5.5 percent of abortions take place after 15 weeks, with just 1.3 percent at 21 weeks or longer.

Increasingly, there is a period when premature births and late abortions begin to overlap. The CDC recorded almost 22,000 births between 20 and 27 weeks. Babies born before 25 weeks are considered extremely preterm, with vital organs such as heart, lungs and brain very immature. But the survival rate has climbed to 30 percent for 22-week babies and 55 percent for 23-week babies, according to a 2022 study.

Some states record whether a fetus was born alive during an abortion and whether efforts were made to save it. Seven were born alive in Florida in 2022, nine in Arizona in 2020, one in Texas in 2021 and five in Minnesota in 2021. A CDC study of 143 cases between 2003 and 2014 found that most died within hours, with only 4.2 percent surviving for more than 24 hours.

“Crime is at a 50-year low in Florida.”

— DeSantis

This statement is based on incomplete data, according to the Marshall Project, an online journalism organization that focuses on criminal justice issues.

“About half of the agencies that police more than 40% of the state’s population are missing from figures the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) used for a statewide estimation,” the news organization said. Participation in national data collection is even lower, with less than eight percent of Florida’s police departments included in an FBI federal database. Many of the largest, such as the Miami Police Department, the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office and the St. Petersburg Police Department, are missing from the national numbers.

It is impossible, then, to compare Florida’s crime rate with that of other states. And in any case, the crime rate in Florida has been steadily declining for three decades.

“We have a crime wave in this country.”

— Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy

This is a bit out of date. Crime spiked during the pandemic, and though rates are still higher than before the pandemic, homicides are dropping in dozens of major cities, including New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Examining homicides in 30 cities that make homicide data readily available, an analysis by the Council on Criminal Justice found that the number of killings in the first half of 2023 fell by 9.4 percent compared to the first half of 2022.

Moreover, gun assaults (-5.6 percent), robberies (-3.6 percent), nonresidential burglaries (-5 percent), larcenies (-4.1 percent), residential burglaries (-3.8 percent) and aggravated assaults (-2.5 percent) fell in the first six months of this year compared to the same period last year. However, car thefts continued to increase.

FBI data shows that the nationwide violent crime rate peaked in 1991 with 758.2 crimes per 100,000 people; in 2020, the rate was 398.5. The nationwide homicide rate reached a high in 1991, at 9.8 per 100,000 population. By 2019, it had dropped to 5.1.

“Not only weaponization in the Department of Justice against political opponents, but also look at the parents who show up at school board meetings are called domestic terrorists.”

— Scott

This is a frequent GOP talking point but it’s false. Attorney General Merrick Garland has never equated parents to terrorists, and in fact he told Congress he “can’t imagine” a circumstance under which that would happen.

This all started with a Sept. 29, 2021, letter from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) that asked President Biden for federal resources to help monitor “threats of violence and acts of intimidation” against public school board members and other school officials. Five days later, Garland issued a memo addressed to FBI Director Christopher A. Wray and federal prosecutors. He called for action within 30 days to “facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats” against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff.

Garland’s memo never mentioned domestic terrorism, but the NSBA letter that prompted it included a line that asserted “these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” There was enough blowback to that language that on Oct. 22, the NSBA apologized for the letter, saying “there was no justification for some of the language included.” A new executive director for the association was installed, the letter was deleted from the NSBA website, and the association announced in February that it had launched an independent review of how the letter was created.

Nevertheless, the Justice Department never equated parents to domestic terrorists.

When questioned by Republicans in congressional hearings, Garland and other top Justice officials have insisted that they do not think concerned parents are terrorists. “I can’t imagine any circumstance in which the Patriot Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children, nor can I imagine a circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorism,” Garland told the House Judiciary Committee.

“The Biden administration wanted to put 87,000 people in the IRS instead of giving the money we need to our own Border Patrol.”

— North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum

“Let’s fire the 87,000 IRS agents and hire or double the number of Border Patrol agents.”

— Scott

This 87,000 figure is a common GOP talking point but it is wildly exaggerated to speak of “agents” as Scott did. When Congress passed a bill to provide the IRS with an additional $80 billion in funding over ten years, that money was to be used in part to hire 86,852 full-time employees in the next decade. But many of those employees would not be enforcement “agents” but people hired to improve information technology and customer service. Treasury officials say that because of attrition, after 10 years of increasing spending, the size of the agency will have grown only 25 to 30 percent when the hiring burst is completed.

The administration’s strategic plan for the IRS, released in April, estimated that an additional 1,543 full-time employees would be hired for enforcement in 2023, or about 15 percent of newly hired staff. That would grow to 7,239 in 2024, or 37 percent of new staff.

Biden administration officials have pledged that enforcement efforts to collect unpaid taxes will concentrate on those earning more than $400,000.

“We secured the southern border and reduced illegal immigration by 90 percent.”

— Pence

Ninety percent is a cherry-picked number, apparently comparing May 2019, the highest month for border apprehensions during the Trump administration, to April 2020, when apprehensions plunged because of lockdowns at the start of the covid pandemic. Another complicating factor is that U.S. Customs and Border Protection changed the way it counted apprehensions during the pandemic, making apples-to-apples comparisons difficult because the numbers were inflated by people who were expelled for health policy reasons, not just enforcement actions. But generally, annual apprehensions increased during the Trump administration.

“We eliminated critical race theory from our K through 12 schools.”

— DeSantis

Critical race theory refers to an academic framework centered on the idea that racism is systemic, and not just demonstrated by individual people with prejudices. It is generally taught in higher education, such as law or graduate school, not at lower grade levels. So this is a bit of an empty boast. Educators, school officials and several Florida public school districts told PolitiFact that critical race theory wasn’t taught in Florida’s elementary, middle or high schools.

PolitiFact rated DeSantis’s claim as “mostly false,” saying that at most the state under DeSantis “rejected prospective teaching materials in recent years that it claimed was related to CRT. But questions remain about its rationale in several cases.”

“I did not grow up in money.”

— Ramaswamy

Earlier in the debate, Ramaswamy had said, “My parents came to this country with no money 40 years ago.” But then he went further later in the evening with the line “I did not grow up in money.” His parents did well enough, however, that in his book “Nation of Victims,” Ramaswamy wrote that by the time he was in sixth grade, he had a “comfortably middle-class family with two incomes.” His father worked for General Electric, which had a cost-cutting boss at the time, and he wrote that the fear of a layoff was ever present, so his father “tried to make himself indispensable” by becoming a patent attorney for the firm.

By the time he was 18, Vivek had a stock portfolio significant enough that he earned $453 in dividends in 2002, according to his tax return. By his sophomore year in college, when he made about $3,500 in wage income, he earned $11,712 from dividends alone.