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The process of treating, cleaning and emptying the 14-metre-deep fuel element storage pool at the Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant in Germany has been completed. It follows the emptying and cleaning of the reactor pool at the end of last year.

PreussenElektra said that the latest landmark moment meant the plant was now at the "free of water" stage of decommissioning.

The next stage of the project is dismantling the 400-tonne reactor pressure vessel, which is due to begin in November and take around eight months to complete.

Plant manager of Grafenrheinfeld (KKG), Bernd Kaiser, said: "With this milestone, we have now managed almost half of the nuclear dismantling of the KKG. I am proud of the great achievement of my dismantling team and look forward to tackling the next dismantling projects together with them."

The 1275 MWe (net) pressurised water reactor achieved first criticality in December 1981 and was connected to the grid in the same month. It entered commercial operation in June 1982.

In August 2011, the 13th amendment of the Nuclear Power Act came into effect, which underlined the political will to phase out nuclear power in Germany. As a result, eight units were closed down immediately: EnBW’s Phillipsburg 1 and Neckarwestheim 1; EOn's Isar 1 and Unterweser; RWE's Biblis A and B and Vattenfall's Brunsbüttel and Krümmel. As part of the 13th amendment to Germany's Nuclear Power Act, Grafenrheinfeld lost its authorisation for power operation and was finally shut down on 27 June 2015.

PreussenElektra applied for the decommissioning and first dismantling permit in 2014 and received it in 2018. In this first approval procedure, the company described in detail the concept for the entire dismantling of the system and the measures planned for this. PreussenElektra split the application for the individual dismantling scopes into two steps. The dismantling of the plant began in April 2018 with the granting of the decommissioning and dismantling permit. The second dismantling permit, which was granted in December 2022, for which the application was submitted in December 2019, includes the dismantling of the reactor pressure vessel and the biological shield surrounding it.

Since dismantling began at KKG, the fuel elements have been removed from the plant, more than 12,100 components have been removed and around 3100 tonnes of material have been dismantled. This material has been dismantled, cleaned and measured several times in the waste treatment centre. The internals of the reactor pressure vessel were already completely removed as part of the first dismantling permit.



Swedish nuclear technical services provider Studsvik has signed a memorandum of understanding with small modular reactor (SMR) project development company Kärnfull Next, which is investigating the possibility of constructing and operating SMRs on the Studsvik industrial site near Nyköping on Sweden's east coast.

Kärnfull Next said the feasibility study began in May, and preliminary results suggest that the Studsvik area "has favourable conditions" for hosting commercial SMRs. The study, which is due to be completed in December, is evaluating "the financial, technological, environmental, and societal feasibility of flexible and state-of-the-art nuclear power production at the site".

Studsvik said its Nyköping site is in a strategic location and houses the company's broad expertise in nuclear technology, including fuel and materials technology, reactor analysis software and fuel optimisation, decommissioning and radiation protection services as well as technical solutions for handling, conditioning and volume reduction of radioactive waste.

The partners said that provided the feasibility study indicates favourable conditions - not least as regards local acceptance - key decisions regarding financing, permitting and power purchase agreements with off-takers will be made in the second half of 2024.

"With its extensive expertise in the nuclear technology sector, Studsvik is the perfect partner for us", said Kärnfull Next CEO and founder Christian Sjölander. "The Studsvik site seems to be well suited to become Sweden's first new nuclear power site, accompanying the three that already exist. Our vision is that one of Europe's first SMR parks can be taken into operation here already in the early 2030s. Having several small reactors creates future-proof jobs and opportunities for co-location with other high-tech industries."

"Kärnfull Next has established itself as a reliable and innovative partner with solid expertise," said Studsvik CEO Camilla Hoflund. "We welcome the partnership and look forward to the outcome of the feasibility study. At present it is too early to say what this may mean for Studsvik, as the conditions have not yet been fully investigated and there are many years left before a possible establishment of an SMR at the Studsvik site."

In March 2022, Kärnfull Next signed a memorandum of understanding with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy on the deployment of the BWRX-300 in Sweden.

In March this year, Swedish lead-cooled SMR technology developer LeadCold - a spin-off from Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm - announced it was to conduct a feasibility study on the construction and operation of a demonstration SEALER (Swedish Advanced Lead Reactor) with associated infrastructure for fuel fabrication at Studsvik's site in Studsvik.

Earlier this month, Sweden's Radiation Safety Authority presented its final report to the government on how the regulatory framework for nuclear power should be developed and what other measures may be needed for nuclear power to be expanded in the country. The assignment included identifying the need for development of the rules or other measures that can affect the conditions for the use of existing and new nuclear power, such as SMRs, based on known, as well as new, reactor technology.



Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) announced it has begun releasing treated water currently stored at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean. The operation - expected to take up to 30 years to complete - is being closely monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

At the Fukushima Daiichi site, contaminated water - in part used to cool melted nuclear fuel - is treated by the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS), which removes most of the radioactive contamination, with the exception of tritium. This treated water is currently stored in more than 1000 tanks on site. The total tank storage capacity amounts to about 1.37 million cubic metres and all the tanks are expected to reach full capacity in late 2023 or early 2024.

Japan announced in April 2021 it planned to discharge treated water stored at the site into the sea over a period of about 30 years.

On 22 August, the government announced that it had decided to request Tepco begin preparations for the release of ALPS-treated water into the sea.

On the same day, the company transferred a very small amount of ALPS-treated water - about 1 cubic metre - to the dilution facility using the transfer facilities. This water was then diluted with about 1200 cubic metres of seawater and allowed to flow into the discharge vertical shaft (upstream water tank). The water stored in the discharge vertical shaft was then sampled.

"The results showed that the analysis value is approximately equal to the calculated concentration and below 1500 becquerels per litre," Tepco said today. "The sample of the water was also analysed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, who confirmed that the analysis value is below 1500 Bq/litre." In comparison, the World Health Organization guideline for drinking water is 10,000 Bq/litre.

Tepco therefore announced it has now moved to the second stage of the water release, the continuous discharge into the sea. At the same time, the company began transmitting data from various points in the process to the IAEA.

"Today at 1.00pm, the seawater transfer pumps will be started up and we will commence the discharge," Tepco said ahead of the process beginning. "During the discharge, one tank group-worth of ALPS-treated water from the measurement/confirmation facility, and the water already stored in the discharge vertical shaft (upper-stream storage) during Stage 1, will be continuously transferred/diluted and discharged into the sea.

"Furthermore, today, the intake/vertical shaft monitors will be put into operation in preparation for the discharge into the sea. We also started uploading real-time data pertaining to the discharge of ALPS-treated water into the sea to our website." IAEA monitoring

When Japan announced the discharge plan in 2021, it asked the IAEA to review its plans against IAEA safety standards and monitor the release. Neighbouring countries have raised concerns and opposed the planned discharge. An IAEA Task Force was established to implement the assistance to Japan, which included advice from a group of internationally recognised experts from Member States, including members from the region, under the authority of the IAEA Secretariat. The IAEA opened an office at the Fukushima Daiichi plant last month.

"IAEA experts are there on the ground to serve as the eyes of the international community and ensure that the discharge is being carried out as planned consistent with IAEA safety standards," said IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi. "Through our presence, we contribute to generating the necessary confidence that the process is carried out in a safe and transparent way."

The agency, which confirmed that the discharge had begun, noted: "The IAEA's independent on-site analysis confirmed that the tritium concentration in the diluted water that is being discharged is far below the operational limit of 1500 becquerels per litre."

The IAEA said it will have a presence on site for as long as the treated water is released. It also announced the launch of a webpage to provide live data from Japan on the water discharge, including water flow rates, radiation monitoring data and the concentration of tritium after dilution.

The IAEA experts will observe onsite activities related to the ALPS-treated water discharge, including samples and measurements, and will interface with Tepco and officials from Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority. The IAEA will also organise review missions periodically to observe activities on site and to request updates and additional data from Japanese authorities. The IAEA said its independent corroboration activities will also continue during the entirety of the discharge and will involve IAEA laboratories and third-party laboratories.

"All of these activities will work together to provide a comprehensive picture of the activities taking place at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant related to the ALPS-treated water discharge and whether these activities are consistent with relevant international safety standards," said Gustavo Caruso, Director and Coordinator for the ALPS Safety Review at the IAEA and Chair of the Task Force. "The data provided by Tepco, and displayed both by Tepco and IAEA, is just a single piece of the overall monitoring approach and the IAEA's ongoing safety review."

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

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We are continuously exposed to radioactivity in everyday life. Some of the most familiar sources of radiation include microwave ovens in our kitchens and the radios we listen to in our cars. Most of the radiation we are exposed to carries no risk to our health.

One source of natural radiation that presents a danger is radon — a radioactive gas with no colour, smell or taste. It is released from bedrock material and passes through the soil. It then tends to dilute in the air, so outdoors, radon poses no harm to human health.

On the other hand, indoor radon is dangerous and numerous studies have confirmed that even moderate concentrations – commonly found in residential buildings and at workplaces – pose health risks. High concentrations of indoor radon are particularly dangerous since prolonged exposure through inhalation significantly increases the risk of lung cancer.

Chemical elements which decay into radon, such as uranium, thorium and radium can be present in soil, water and construction materials. IAEA safety standards establish concentrations of radon in homes and at workplaces to protect the people’s health.

What are the risks from exposure to radon?

Radon accounts for around a half of all human exposure to radiation. It is also the most important cause of lung cancer after smoking and the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. According to WHO, radon is estimated to cause between 3% to 14% of all lung cancers. Depending on the average radon level indoors and smoking prevalence, long-term exposure can significantly increase the risks. The risk of lung cancer from radon is substantially greater for smokers: they are around 25 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radon as a proven human carcinogen along with tobacco smoke, asbestos and benzene.

What are the different variations of radon?

Radon occurs naturally in significant quantities in three different chemical variations, or isotopes, but only two of these present a risk.

Radon-222 — a product of Uranium-238 or Radium-226 decay — is the most dangerous one. It has a long decay rate, so it can accumulate indoors, and it is quite common due to high concentrations of Uranium-238 in the ground in some regions, as well as due to varying concentrations of Radium-226 in certain building materials. Sometimes together with Radon-220 — a product of Thorium-232 decay — Radon-222 acts as the main contributor to radiation exposure for the public. In terms of the protection to be provided, no differentiation is made between these two causes of exposure.

Radon-219 is not considered dangerous .

Radon in indoor air

Radon concentrations indoors tend to differ among countries and even individual buildings because of differences in climate, construction techniques, types of ventilation provided, domestic habits and, most importantly, geology.

After released from bedrock material, radon passes through the soil, diluting in the air before entering buildings. Granites, migmatites, some clays and tills are particularly rich in uranium and radium, which decay into radon. Radon exhalating from the ground beneath buildings is the main source of radon in indoor air.

Radon may enter buildings through cracks in the floor, gaps in construction, windows, drains or spaces around cables and pipes. This is particularly common in temperate and cold regions due to the pressure driven flow of gas which arises because buildings are normally at a slight underpressure compared to pressure under the building.

Radon does not dilute in indoor air as quickly as outside and tends to accumulate in the enclosed spaces of buildings, serving as a significant source of public exposure to radiation.

Radon in water

Radon can dissolve and accumulate in groundwater sources, such as water pumps or drilled wells in uranium rich geological areas. Radon in water can be released into the air during routine water use such as showering or laundry.

Epidemiological studies have not confirmed a connection between consumption of drinking water containing radon and an increased risk of stomach cancer, so the associated risks of lung cancer come primarily from radon released into the air and inhaled. In general, water tends to be a less significant source of radon exposure than soil beneath buildings.

Radon in building materials

Most building materials produce an insignificant amount of radon naturally. At the same time, some specific materials can act as significant sources of radon exposure. Such materials tend to have a combination of high levels of Radium-226 (which decays into radon) and high porosity, which allows the radon gas to escape. These include lightweight concrete with alum shale, phosphogypsum and Italian tuff. Use of material from old uranium tailings (by-products of uranium mining) as filling under the buildings can also contribute to significant concentrations of radon indoors.

How can we reduce the radon levels?

High levels of radon in buildings can be reduced by various corrective actions. One approach is based on preventing radon from entering the indoor environment through isolation in combination with indoor air pressure manipulation. Attention should also be paid to the thermal retrofitting of existing buildings as low ventilation rates decrease the overall quality of indoor air and can increase radon levels.

Preventing radon accumulation in newly built houses is now included in many national building codes. This approach is normally cheaper than corrective actions and is often highly cost-effective compared with other public health interventions.

Frequent ventilation is also helpful.

Radon at workplaces

Radon occurs at most indoor workplaces for the same reason as in dwellings. All types of workplaces may be affected: offices, workshops, mines, tunnels.

In underground workplaces radon levels may be elevated due to the geological conditions or limited ventilation. The workplaces particularly affected are often associated with work in mines, tunnels and basements. A large proportion of normal above ground workplaces such as factories, shops, schools, museums and offices may also have high concentrations of radon due to its presence in the ground, poor ventilation or processing of raw materials.

Levels of radon can be high in groundwater, particularly in areas of granite rock. Radon levels may be high in workplaces in water treatment facilities or spa facilities using natural water.

If measurements indicate that radon concentrations exceed the workplace norms established by the relevant national authority, the employers should undertake remedial/corrective actions. In case remedial action is impossible or ineffective, national authorities must be notified and special regulatory requirements will apply to this workplace.

What is the role of the IAEA?

  • The IAEA publishes safety standards on the protection of the public against radon exposure, including a safety guide to assist national governments, which includes guidance on how to establish regulatory control for protection against radon and, if needed, how to prepare a national radon action plan.
  • The Agency has also published technical recommendations of radon preventive and corrective measures and exposure in the uranium mining and processing industry.
  • The IAEA conducts webinars specifically on radon, seeking to spread awareness of the associated risks and mitigation methods. Those are targeted at national governments, health care or building professionals and anyone else interested in the topic.
  • The IAEA provides guidance on designing and conducting indoor radon surveys, as well as on measurement and calculation of radon releases from mining and milling.
  • The IAEA develops training modules that teach the basics of how to initiate national radon programmes.
  • The IAEA carries out technical cooperation projects on establishing enhanced approaches to control public exposure to radon.
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


How the International Physical Protection Advisory Service (IPPAS) facilitates the enhancement of computer security

For almost thirty years, the IAEA’s International Physical Protection Advisory Service (IPPAS) has been used by countries for peer review to ensure the physical protection of all types of facilities where nuclear and other radioactive materials are used, including nuclear power plants and hospital radiotherapy units. However, owing to advances in technology, digital systems are now at the heart of operations for these facilities. This has led to many new nuclear security challenges.

In response to the real threat of cyberattacks on facilities, including nuclear facilities, information and computer security for physical protection was added to the scope of IPPAS in 2012. Since then, countries have increasingly requested this module as part of the IPPAS review, in order to support their work in counteracting cybersecurity threats.

As a core component of the IAEA’s nuclear security programme, IPPAS is an advisory service that reviews a country’s existing practices against relevant international instruments and IAEA nuclear security guidance. It assists countries, upon request, in strengthening their national nuclear security regimes, systems and measures by providing advice on implementing international legal instruments.

“Twenty-seven years after the first IPPAS mission, the service has evolved to address modern challenges and needs,” said Heather Looney, Head of the Nuclear Security of Materials and Facilities Section at the IAEA’s Division of Nuclear Security. “Physical protection against the theft, sabotage or unauthorized use of nuclear and other radioactive material cannot be ensured without computer security measures. By inviting an IPPAS mission, countries can benefit from advice on what can be improved, and how,” she added.

IPPAS follows a modular approach and offers five modules, which cover the following: a national review of the nuclear security regime for nuclear material and nuclear facilities; a review of security systems and measures at nuclear facilities; a review of the transport security for material; a review of the security of radioactive material, associated facilities and activities; and a review on information and computer security. In total, 97 IPPAS missions have been conducted to date since the first one in 1996, and 22 countries have requested the inclusion of the information and computer security module in the IPPAS review.

What should a country expect during the information and computer security assessment?

As a first step, an IPPAS team of international nuclear security experts examines how national policies relating to information and computer security programmes have been set up and managed. The team will then look at the legislative and regulatory framework by comparing the procedures and practices in place in the country with the obligations specified under the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its 2005 Amendment, as well as with the guidance provided in relevant IAEA Nuclear Security Series publications. In this way, they are able to determine whether countries have the necessary policies and procedures in place to enable adequate computer security in critical nuclear and radiological facilities.

At the facility level, the computer security review will look at computer security management, computer security programme, access controls, defensive computer security architecture, and the detection of and response to computer security events. The team may also assess cross-cutting areas, such as risk management, graded approaches, nuclear security culture and human resource management.

Japan hosted an IPPAS mission and its follow-up mission in 2015 and 2018, respectively. “It was a valuable experience for Japan to review the current status of computer security measures and to promote their enhancement based on the reviewers’ suggestions,” said Hiroyuki Sugawara, Director for International Nuclear Security in the Division of Nuclear Security at Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA). “In response to the IPPAS findings, we decided to strengthen the computer security measures and increase the number of inspectors with expertise in the field. In addition, the NRA incorporated computer security threats in its national threat assessment and required licensees to take robust computer security measures, as well as to enhance the content of their computer security plans by incorporating countermeasures against cyberattacks.”

In France, following an IPPAS mission in 2018, the visibility of computer security was strengthened in the national nuclear security framework. “The IPPAS mission required a strong commitment from the various stakeholders giving the opportunity for France to consolidate its nuclear security regime and to stimulate its implementation,” said Frédéric Boën, Computer Security Project Leader in the Ministry of Energy Transition, Defense and Security Directorate, Nuclear Security Office. “The staff dedicated to computer security was increased and regulatory guidelines were established in line with the international standards and the IAEA nuclear security guidance.”

The IAEA has maintained the IPPAS Good Practices Database since 2016 to share the findings of such missions with the international nuclear security community, thus enhancing the impact of the assistance offered by the IAEA to countries around the world. “Maintaining this database and sharing such examples extends the benefits of IPPAS missions beyond the host country to the international nuclear security community, and multiplies the impact of the assistance offered by the IAEA to its Member States,” said Looney.

The majority of the State-level good practices relate to nuclear security management, which provides the foundation for computer security and coordination. In addition, there are 40 good practices relating to computer security both at State and facility level that are accessible for IAEA Member States through designated points of contact.

The IAEA continues to support countries in enhancing their national nuclear security regimes; demand from countries to receive IPPAS missions in 2023 and in 2024 remains high.



Defuelling of the second of two shut-down RBMK reactors at the Leningrad nuclear power plant in Russia has now been completed, an important step in the process to decommission the units.

Leningrad 1 and 2 were shut down in 2018 and 2020, respectively, after 45 years of operation. Defuelling of unit 1 was completed in August 2021, while defueling of unit 2 began in October that year. All 3361 fuel assemblies - 1693 from unit 1 and 1668 unit 2 - have now been unloaded into special storage pools.

Some partially used assemblies - those with more than 50% of their 'burn-up' still remaining - will be used in Leningrad 3 and 4, which are scheduled to remain in operation until 2025 and 2026, respectively. This has economic benefits, according to plant director Vladimir Pereguda, from avoiding the need to buy new fuel and reducing the costs of managing the used fuel assemblies. The rest will be moved to the station's used fuel storage facility.

Public consultations on plans for the final decommissioning of the two shut-down reactors, including the environmental impact, were completed in July, a necessary step before documents can be submitted for state environmental approvals and for Russia's Federal Service for the Supervision of Environment, Technology and Nuclear Management (Rostekhnadzor) to issue a licence for the work.

The Soviet-designed RBMK (reaktor bolshoy moshchnosty kanalny, high-power channel reactor) is a water-cooled reactor with individual fuel channels and using graphite as its moderator and is also known as the light-water graphite reactor. The design has been recognised as having several shortcomings, and today only eight - all in Russia - remain in operation. Major modifications have been made to those RBMK units that are still in operation to improve their safety following the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.



The UK government has announced it will provide a GBP192 million (USD243 million) loan guarantee to enable UK-headquartered Urenco to supply Energoatom, Ukraine's national nuclear company, with uranium enrichment services. The UK government also agreed a Memorandum of Understanding committing support to Ukraine's energy sector and green energy future.

The loan guarantee will be made through UK Export Finance (UKEF) - the UK's export credit agency. The funds will be released by partner banks once financial terms are agreed.

Urenco has been a supplier of enrichment services to Energoatom and Ukraine since 2009. The support announced today will enable the further supply of services, with a significant portion of the deliveries coming from the UK.

"The support will strengthen Ukraine's energy security and further isolate Putin by helping the country maintain its independence from Russian nuclear fuel," the UK's Department for Energy Security and Net Zero said in a statement.

The announcement came as UK Energy Security Secretary Grant Shapps visited Kiev and met with senior government ministers and energy company leaders, including Energoatom President Petro Kotin.

His visit comes just two months after the UK hosted the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, where international commitments for Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction topped USD60 billion. Once provided, the latest support will bring the total of the UK's non-military assistance to Ukraine to nearly GBP5 billion.

During the visit on 22 August, Shapps visited a power station that has been badly damaged by Russian bombing and is now undergoing repairs.

"Being here on the ground, it's truly remarkable witnessing first-hand the sheer courage, resolve and gritty determination of the Ukrainian people," Shapps said. "Putin has used energy as a weapon of war: the action today to support nuclear fuel deliveries will help Ukraine end their reliance on Russian supplies and bolster their energy security."

"Since the start of the invasion, we have provided support to our customer, Energoatom, and its employees, and increased our supply of nuclear enrichment services to help provide energy independence and security of supply in Ukraine," said Urenco CEO Boris Schucht. "We are actively discussing longer term supply with Energoatom and are ready to play our part in supporting their future. We have the capacity to meet current demand for uranium enrichment services and options to increase this to provide an enhanced offering globally.

"Collaboration from governments, such as in the UK with this agreement, is critical to facilitate this, as well as with customers and the wider nuclear industry, and we will continue to do all we can to play a valuable role."

The announcement follows the G7 Energy Ministers' meeting in April this year in Sapporo, Japan, at which the UK, USA, Canada, Japan and France agreed a new alliance to "support the stable supply of fuels for the operating reactor fleets of today, enable the development and deployment of fuels for the advanced reactors of tomorrow, and achieve reduced dependence on Russian supply chains".

Ukraine has 15 operable nuclear reactors at four plants - Khmelnitski, Rivne, South Ukraine and Zaporizhzhia - that generate about half of its electricity. The Zaporizhzhia plant has been under Russian control since early March 2022. All reactors are Russian VVER types, two being upgraded 440 MWe V-312 models and the rest the larger 1000 MWe units - two early models and the rest V-320s. Since the conflict started the number of units operated has changed over time, with reactors put online and taken offline depending on the situation around the plants and the stability of external power supplies.

Energoatom had been seeking to diversify its sources of nuclear fuel for its nuclear power plants in recent years, a process which has been accelerated since the war began in February 2022, with the company saying it will switch all of its reactors away from Russian fuel and make a full shift to using Westinghouse fuel, supplied from the company’s fabrication site in Västerås in Sweden.



Holtec International has completed its first used fuel loading campaign at a newly commissioned dry storage facility at the Slovenian nuclear power plant earlier than expected. Sixteen casks holding a total of 592 used fuel rods have now been placed in the facility.

"The 16th and final HI-STORM FW dry storage system was placed into the dry storage building at NEK's (Nuklearna Elektrarna Krško) Krško nuclear power plant last week," Holtec said. "This marks the successful completion of loading activities of Holtec's first loading campaign at Krško. We thank our partners at NEK for their support in project preparation and execution that led us to such a successful conclusion. We also thank our loading team for their efforts to make this project such a success."

The first HI-STORM cask was placed in the dry storage building in April, marking the start of commissioning of the facility which was designed and constructed by Holtec under a contract awarded by NEK in February 2017. The first loading campaign had been expected to be completed by late this year.

Each HI-STORM FW cask holds 37 used fuel elements, with a thick concrete shell providing full physical and radiological protection against extreme events such as weather, earthquakes or an aircraft crashing.

Krško, a 696 MWe Westinghouse pressurised water reactor, was the first western nuclear power plant to be built in eastern Europe, entering commercial operation in 1983. Slovenia's Ministry of the Environment earlier this year approved the plant's continued operations for a further 20 years, until 2043.



IAEA says shut-down station has cooling water reserves for ‘many months’

A new groundwater well has become operational at Ukraine’s occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station as parts of efforts to secure sufficient cooling water for the six reactor units at the site after the destruction of the Kakhovka reservoir in early June, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said.

The IAEA said staff at Zaporizhzhia are pumping water from the well and are planning to build an additional 10-12 wells in the coming months as an alternative measure to ensure longer term water supply to the site.

The disappearance of much of the water in the Kakhovka reservoir, which Zaporizhzhia had been using for its cooling needs, forced the facility to take steps to protect the bodies of water still available to it, including a large artificial cooling pond next to the site, and to start looking for alternative sources of water, the IAEA said.

The IAEA confirmed the station has sufficient cooling water for many months because the large artificial cooling pond and its other main supply of water, the discharge channel of the nearby coal-fired Zaporizhzhia thermal power plant (ZTPP), remain intact. Explosions Reported In Recent Weeks

However, IAEA director-general Mariano Grossi said the overall nuclear safety and security situation at Zaporizhzhia “remains precarious” with several explosions in the wider vicinity of the station reported by IAEA staff over the past two weeks.

All six VVER-1000 pressurised water reactor units at Zaporizhzhia have been shut down and disconnected from the grid since September 2022. Units 1-5 are in a cold shutdown state, while Unit 6’s hot shutdown state is being used to provide steam to the facility.

The IAEA said it encourages the installation of an external source of process steam as the safest longer-term solution at the site and has offered technical assistance on the matter.

Russia has been in control of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear station, the largest in Europe, since its troops captured it in March 2022. On 6 June 2023, a powerful explosion shattered the wall of the Nova Kakhovka dam on the Dnipro river releasing a massive tidal wave over settlements located downstream.

The Ukrainian government and western allies have accused Russia of blowing up the Nova Kakhovka dam, while Moscow has returned the allegations.



The war in Ukraine and talks of energy independence are pushing superpowers to turn to nuclear, driving uranium prices up again after a 10-year slump, and raising concerns that supply shortages are not to be ruled out in the long run.

Global supply of natural uranium, a mineral critical to nuclear energy, is coming back into the media spotlight following July’s coup in Niger, the world’s sixth-largest producer.

French nuclear mogul Orano, which exploits one mine in Niger, asserted the political situation in the Sahel did not threaten uranium supplies in France and the EU, confirming they have “20-year resources and reserves, through a four-continent-wide production and growth projects”, a spokesperson told EURACTIV.

Experts also agree there is no short-term ‘uranium problem’: until very recently, the mineral was “overabundant and accessible at low prices,” Raphaël Danino-Perraud, associate researcher at IFRI, a think-tank, said in a conversation with EURACTIV.

But all also flag that demand is going up in new, unprecedented ways, as large superpowers turn to nuclear to ramp up energy independence, and the ‘Fukushima scare’ is over.

Could the world be headed for a uranium shortage?

10-year price slump…

Tristan Kamin, a nuclear safety engineer contacted by EURACTIV, ruled out any significant disruptions in the next few years. Uranium resources are so far abundant, existing in large quantities in both discovered and exploited ‘resources’, as well as yet-unexplored ‘reserves’.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) estimates the world has a reliable 175 years’ worth of uranium usage ahead, in light of the expected resources, and the average annual uranium extraction. This is higher than coal (132 years) and crude oil and gas (approximately 50 years).

But the problem lies in the time it takes to exploit a newly found reserve: “There can be a 20-to-40-year time lag,” Kamin said. Meanwhile, mining companies have been discouraged from investing in the sector due to slumping market prices.

After the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, demand for natural uranium fell drastically as governments divested from nuclear energy.

After a steady price increase in the mid-2000s, reaching an exceptional, one-off $140/lb peak in the summer of 2007, uranium prices plateaued in the $50/lb range, increasing slightly to $70/lb in early 2011 before slumping down to $25/lb on average following Fukushima.

… but not anymore

But demand is on the up again.

The price of uranium “doubled in two years”, Teva Meyer, a nuclear geopolitics expert, told EURACTIV, topping $56/lb in mid-August 2023. This marks a market “anticipation of uranium demand growth in the next years,” the Orano spokesperson added.

The “Fukushima scare” is over, Kamin said, with China doubling down on nuclear, and implementing the world’s largest programme, having opened 21 reactors between 2017 and 2022.

France, a historically pro-nuclear actor, also marked its intention to build six new-generation EPR2 reactors by 2050.

At the EU level, general interest is also expected to increase: not only have some member states, for example, Poland, announced investments in nuclear, but the Commission’s Net-Zero Industry Act, a wide-ranging piece of legislation destined to decarbonise EU’s industry, recognises Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) as a technology that could contribute to decarbonisation.

The number of planned reactors is also increasing, and fast. “About 100 power reactors with a total gross capacity of about 100,000 MWe [megawatt electrical] are on order or planned, and over 300 more are proposed,” the World Nuclear Association (WNA) found in May 2023, atop the 440 already in activity.

As for the older generation, they have seen their lifetimes extended from 40 to 60 years approximately. By 2040, 123 reactors are expected to close and 308 to open, according to WNA numbers.

Supply crisis?

“We are waiting to see whether these announcements turn into real investments,” Meyer said.

But if they do, there is a risk they might stretch production resources, as existing mines are depleting faster than new ones can become fully functional.

As prices entered the 10-year trough, “the market reoriented towards countries with the lowest production costs” such as Kazakhstan, the world’s number one producer, the nuclear geopolitics expert added.

Mines that faced higher production costs due to more stringent labour and environmental standards, such as in Canada, fell off buyers’ radar.

In the 2011-2021 period, mines the world over were put to sleep, prospective work was halted, and mining companies’ economies of scale dwindled as the demand for new nuclear reactors dropped, Meyer explained.

“Major producing countries, including Canada and Kazakhstan, limited total production in recent years in response to a depressed uranium market,” coupled with a general pandemic slow-down, a joint IAEA and Nuclear Energy Agency report reads.

The WNA’s 2022 Fuel Report also highlights that “the four largest uranium producers have had reduced production output in 2016-2020”.

Mine shutdowns and production suspensions, “as well as reduced production levels, have resulted in a sharp decrease of global capacity utilisation factor,” it states.

But now, the increased market price has unlocked investment potential for mines that were historically too costly to exploit, such as those in Canada.

Ultimately, a supply crisis is “a long-run spectre, something that could perhaps happen far down in the future,” nuclear safety engineer Tristan Kamin told EURACTIV.

That could crystallise if many more nations turn to nuclear to most effectively decarbonise their electricity production, and rely on it in the global rise of electric vehicles.

“It’s a question we would never have asked ourselves 10 years ago,” Danino-Perraud said – though one that is becoming increasingly relevant to pose.



London | The British government is ready to trowel more than £20 billion (AUS$38 billion) of taxpayers’ money into turbocharging the country’s nuclear industry, as the daunting task of decarbonising the UK’s energy sector looms ever larger.

With offshore wind and solar unlikely to ensure Britain has uninterrupted baseload power, the official goal is to get 24 gigawatts of nuclear energy onstream by 2050 – up to a quarter of British power demand, up from 15 per cent now.

But hefty new gigawatt-scale nuclear power stations are struggling to get off the ground, so the government’s hopes are increasingly pinned on an early lift-off for small modular reactors (SMRs).

“The energy issue we’ve had in Europe in these past two years has been a bit of a reality check. Before that, we had a combination of wishful thinking and wilful ignorance about how we are going to decarbonise,” says Tom Greatrex, chief executive of Britain’s Nuclear Industry Association.

He says that although successive Downing Street administrations have all understood Britain’s flagging nuclear industry needs fresh legs, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government is now gripped with urgency. And it has clocked the key catalysing role of taxpayers and public policy.

“The lesson from anywhere in the world where nuclear power has been deployed is that unless the state is actively involved in encouraging it to happen, it doesn’t happen,” Greatrex says.

“It is public policy that has driven it, basically because the infrastructure is so big and capital-intensive.”

The government recently unfurled a £170 million investment into hurrying up work on the embryonic but enormous Sizewell C, a 3.2-gigawatt nuclear reactor to be built by the mid-2030s. This came on top of £700 million in earlier subsidies.

But the real action must of necessity be elsewhere. Construction of the next big new nuclear reactor, the 3.2-gigawatt Hinkley Point C plant in Somerset, has been subject to seemingly endless delays and cost blowouts. And of the five creaky old mega-reactors now operating, all but one will be shut in the next five years.

So, the focus is squarely on SMRs, which in theory can be rolled out more cheaply and snappily; and also on advanced modular reactors (AMRs), which use exotic new tech or methods that are still either largely on the drawing board or even just a glint in some scientist’s eye.

A week before the Sizewell announcement, the government confirmed it would set up a new agency, revelling in the Tory-boilerplate name of Great British Nuclear, to gee up the industry.

There would be up to £20 billion in subsidies, if needed, to get between five and eight SMRs up and running by early next decade, and about £160 million in grants to keep R&D ticking over into AMRs and nuclear fuels.

“I look forward to seeing the world-class designs submitted from all around the world through the competitive selection process, as the UK takes its place front and centre in the global race to unleash a new generation of nuclear technology,” energy minister Andrew Bowie trumpeted.

Leaders of the pack

At the front of the SMR pack is Rolls-Royce, leading a consortium that has already received £210 million in government grants. It has beefed up its SMR workforce to about 600 people.

Its reactor, based on the pressurised water reactor (PWR) in Britain’s nuclear submarines, is already being evaluated by the safety regulator, the Office for Nuclear Regulation.

Alastair Evans, director of corporate affairs at Rolls-Royce SMR, reckons its design is “at least 18 months ahead of any competitor in the UK”.

“Rolls-Royce has been a nuclear reactor plant designer since the start of the UK nuclear submarine program in the 1950s,” he says. The PWR design “has been used in over 200 reactors around the world … using proven and commercially available technology to deliver a fully integrated, factory-built nuclear power plant.”

GE Hitachi is Rolls-Royce’s main rival. Media reports say it already has a BWRX-300 under construction and regulatory review in Canada, and its model is under consideration in the US. The company claims to be the only contender with a realistic shot of getting an SMR operational by 2030.

The two are very likely to feature on Great British Nuclear’s short-list, which will be compiled by the end of the year. Other contenders could include Nuscale and Westinghouse.

The lucky winners will get access to the government’s subsidy scheme, which could be worth £20 billion if that’s what it takes.

It’s unclear exactly what form this largesse will assume. It could use the “regulated asset base” model, where investors are given a guaranteed minimum return, funded by a levy on consumer energy bills.

Another model might involve “strike prices”: a guaranteed price per unit, to smooth out the risks and uncertainty involved in committing so much capital upfront.

Whatever the capital cost, it won’t be as much as required for a mega-reactor: perhaps £2 billion to get an SMR up and running, as opposed to the £20 billion-plus for Sizewell C, thanks to the SMR’s modular, factory-based construction method. The catch, of course, is that you get just 50 to 500 megawatts of energy, rather than 3.2 gigawatts.

“It’s the economics of volume versus the economics of scale,” Greatrex says.

The initial batch of SMRs will almost certainly be built on the site of decommissioned larger reactors: communities there are socialised to nuclear; there are good grid connections; and the geography favours PWRs. This could help overcome a raft of potential political, planning or permit obstacles.

Dark horses

While the SMRs bolt towards an early-2030s target, the government hopes to back other horses in slower time. The AMRs might use technologies that ultimately prove more efficient, such as MoltexFlex’s molten-salt reactor. Or they might have different applications, such as local start-up U-Battery.

U-Battery was developing a gas-cooled micro-modular reactor (MMR) that could fit into a shed on land barely larger than a tennis court. Rather than feeding the grid, it could provide stand-alone heat and power to a single business or operation – a steelmaker, a hydrogen producer, a mine, a data centre – or to a remote township.

Its key backer, Urenco, ultimately couldn’t pull in investors, and in March handed the intellectual property to the government-backed National Nuclear Laboratory.

Other AMRs have higher-profile investors: TerraPower has Bill Gates; NewCleo has Italy’s Agnelli family. Most are working across multiple markets. X-Energy, for example, is using US funding to build a pilot of its gas-cooled pebble-bed reactor in Texas, which it says would allow it to roll out quickly in Britain.

“We’d probably benefit from two or three technologies,” Paul Norman, director of the Birmingham Centre for Nuclear Education and Research, told The Times recently. “You don’t want too many different designs, but you probably also want a bit of diversity and competition between vendors.”

The government has fired the starter’s gun, and the race in Britain is on. There’s bipartisan political support and investor interest, so Greatrex’s only anxiety is that Westminster might become distracted.

“It’s about maintaining momentum and focus. When something is at the top of the agenda it gets that attention and focus,” he says. “But if that focus is lost, that drive and commitment is lost? Then things could go back to taking a very long time.”


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NexGen Energy has completed the Provincial Environmental Assessment (EA) technical review process and submission of the Final Provincial Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for its flagship Rook I project to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment.

The project, which is in Saskatchewan's southwestern Athabasca Basin, includes underground and surface facilities to support the mining and processing of uranium ore from the Arrow Deposit. The ministry has confirmed completion of its conformity review of the revised EIS submitted by NexGen in July 2023, and the planned advancement of the Provincial EA to the public review stage.

The next step under the Provincial EA process will be a 30-day public review, which is expected to begin on, or before, 2 September. After this, Ministry of Environment staff will compile the requisite EA materials and prepare a recommendation to the Saskatchewan Minister of Environment, who will then make a decision on the advancement of the project.

NexGen CEO Leigh Curyer said the submission of the Final Provincial EIS is a significant step in the regulatory advancement of the Rook I Project, marking the completion of a "robust and thorough" technical review process, and incorporating the diverse perspectives of multiple agencies and stakeholders.

"We are incredibly proud of the contribution and partnership of all four local Indigenous communities in the local project area whom, through industry-leading Benefit Agreements, have all confirmed their formal and legal consent for the company and project throughout its entire lifespan," he said. "In parallel to today's exciting milestone, we focus on the successful completion of the Federal EA and licensing process working diligently on delivering generational benefits to Saskatchewan and Canada to secure the clean energy transition for the globe."

NexGen describes Rook I as the largest development-stage uranium project in Canada. Rook I hosts the Arrow deposit with measured and indicated mineral resources of 256.7 million pounds U3O8 (98,739 tU) supporting an initial 10.7 year mine-life.

The company has adopted an integrated approach to the federal and provincial environmental licensing processes, with the provincial energy ministry and the federal regulator, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, cooperating to share information while providing a comprehensive EA process in accordance with their separate requirements and guidelines. NexGen completed submission of all the final components of the complete licence application package earlier this year.



Microreactor technology company NANO Nuclear Energy Inc has begun the due diligence for locating a nuclear fuel fabrication capability at Idaho National Laboratory (INL), which it says could begin production as soon as 2027.

The company, which is developing the Zeus and Odin microreactors, said it has made a" key submission" to the US Department of Energy (DOE) which "initiates its due diligence for consideration of locating a NANO Nuclear fuel fabrication capability on the INL site." The submission includes answers to questions posed by DOE along with a proposed memorandum of understanding, including facility site selection, for the project, NANO said. The submission is being undertaken with assistance from INL.

The proposed facility would be integrated with INL facilities, and would be able to produce fuel for the laboratory's work as well as fuel for NANO Nuclear and for other potential customers. "Locating its fuel manufacturing facilities at INL would allow NANO Nuclear to avoid transporting nuclear material over public roads, which initial planning shows will save considerable time and cost," the company said. "NANO Nuclear's DOE submission contemplates a Nuclear Regulatory Commission-licensed facility that can produce a variety of fuel types catering to a range of customers as soon as 2027."

The company said there is a "national capability gap" in the USA relating to nuclear fuel fabrication for the next generation of microreactors and advanced nuclear reactors: "As the company began planning for its anticipated reactor business, securing fuel for its Zeus and Odin reactors became a principal priority. The capability gap presented the company with an opportunity to secure its own fuel supply while satisfying a national demand and creating new business opportunities."

NANO signed a Strategic Partnership Project Agreement with INL in April.

Jay Jiang Yu, NANO's founder, executive chairman and president, said the submission and collaboration with INL are a "big step forward" for the company. "We believe that our Zeus and Odin microreactors represent the leading edge of advanced nuclear microreactor technology and pairing this with the ability to focus on our own fuel in collaboration with the nation’s pre-eminent nuclear laboratory would be key vertical integration for our company that would both propel our own reactor business and create very promising additional business opportunities for NANO Nuclear," he said.

The Zeus microreactor features a fully solid core and is designed to fit within a standard ISO shipping container. Heat removal is through thermal conduction, eliminating the need for coolant and pumps. Odin, described as a low-pressure coolant reactor, is designed to use conventional sintered pellet UO2 fuel with up to 20% uranium-235 enrichment. NANO says it will use a unique reactivity control system design, minimising the number of moving parts, and will use natural convection of coolant for heat transfer. It will operate at higher than conventional water-cooled reactor temperatures, which the company says will allow resilient operation and high-power conversion efficiency in generating electricity.

In February, NANO announced the formation of its HALEU Energy Fuel Inc subsidiary to develop, improve and accelerate domestic US production of high-assay low enriched uranium.



The expansion of the nuclear power sector at the speed and scale required to meet net-zero, energy security and sustainable development targets will necessitate sustained and coordinated investment in the global nuclear supply chain, according to World Nuclear Association.

The association's World Nuclear Supply Chain 2023 covers the life cycle of nuclear power plants through construction, operation and decommissioning. In addition to the current status of the supply chain, the report looks at its prospects out to 2040 and beyond.

The report notes that, at the end of 2022, there were 437 operable power reactors worldwide with a combined generating capacity of 394 GWe. A further 60 units were under construction, while over 400 more units were at various stages of planning.

Under one scenario in its 2021 Nuclear Fuel Report, World Nuclear Association projects that nuclear generation capacity could reach as much as 839 GWe by 2040.

"The capital expenditure required to build the new reactors to reach this level of nuclear capacity is of the order of USD900 billion to USD1.8 trillion, depending on whether the series effect and cost optimisation from 'nth-of-a-kind' (NOAK) builds are realised," the report says.

Meanwhile, more than 140 existing reactors could be subject to extended operation in the period to 2040. The total value of this work could exceed USD50-100 billion and involve international procurement worth around USD3-4 billion per year, the report estimates.

In addition, the decommissioning and waste management market is annually valued at USD6-10 billion.

"Consistent policies to incentivise investment are needed to ensure that a fast global nuclear expansion can be supported by the nuclear supply chain, without bottlenecks, and build in resilience against potential supply chain shocks," according to World Nuclear Association. "Unlocking the potential of enabling technologies and industrial innovation within the supply chain will be a factor in the nuclear industry's success over the coming years."

The report makes a number of recommendations to optimise the supply chain, including: lowering the cost of the procurement process by strengthening the relationship with suppliers, and employing new business and financing models; lowering the cost of components by using strategic procurement methods, optimising the use of commercial off-the-shelf components and commercial grade dedication, and using innovative manufacturing and construction techniques in nuclear plant deployment; and reducing the procurement requirements through long-term operation and optimised management of existing plants, repurposing existing infrastructure for new build (such as using coal-fired plant sites and associated infrastructure), and simplifying plant design and operation.

"Since the publication of the previous edition of the report, the outlook for nuclear power has significantly improved," said World Nuclear Association Director General Sama Bilbao y León. "An increasing number of governments are recognising that nuclear energy offers a solution to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions targets, reliably and cost-effectively.

"Furthermore, concerns about the cost and reliability of gas supplies, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, have focused global attention on the importance of energy security and sovereignty, areas where nuclear power also offers advantages.

"The ability of the nuclear industry to seize the opportunities of the current energy challenges will depend on several factors, including the capacity of the industry to build and equip hundreds, and potentially thousands, of nuclear power plants efficiently."



Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (PEJ) has submitted an application to the government of the northern Pomerania province seeking a location decision for Poland's first nuclear power plant.

The company said the move is “one of the most important steps” in the administrative process preceding the construction of a nuclear power plant. The proposed site lies within the Choczewo municipality in Pomerania.

The decision will give PEJ the rights to acquire necessary land both onshore and offshore for the project’s construction, the company said.

It will also outline the real estate to be covered by the investment and set forth conditions for implementation, including technical, environmental, conservation, and fire protection considerations.

In November 2022, Warsaw chose US-based Westinghouse Electric to supply its AP1000 reactor technology for a three-unit nuclear power station at the Lubiatowo-Kopalino site in the municipality of Choczewo near the Baltic coast of Pomerania.

The first AP1000 unit is expected online in 2033 with others planned to follow into the 2040s.

Several other crucial administrative requirements have already been completed, including a decision-in-principle from the ministry of climate and environment affirming the project’s alignment with state energy policies, and a general opinion confirming the validity of safety analysis verification conducted by the national atomic energy agency. The process to obtain a decision on environmental conditions is also at an advanced stage.

Nuclear new-build plans are a central part of Poland’s drive to fundamentally realign its energy sector by 2040. The venture is one of Poland's most significant public works projects ever and will provide both energy security and support for a growing economy.



Japan is to begin releasing treated wastewater from the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power station from Thursday (24 August) with prime minister Fumio Kishida saying on Tuesday he had asked the facility’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), “to swiftly prepare for the water discharge” in accordance with plans approved by nuclear regulators.

Kishida said the release would begin on Thursday, “weather and ocean conditions permitting”.

The decision comes weeks after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), approved the discharge, saying that the radiological impact on people and the environment would be “negligible”.

The focus will now turn to Fukushima Prefecture, the location of the disabled nuclear power station, where over 1.3 million tonnes of water – cleansed of all its radioactive material except tritium – will be gradually poured into the ocean through an underwater tunnel.

Tritium levels will be thinned down to 1/40 of the concentration allowed by Japanese standards.

Tepco said that the hundreds of tanks storing the treated water are nearly full and will reach their capacity of 1.37 million tonnes in early 2024.

Both Tepco and the Japanese government say that the tanks must be emptied in order to facilitate the station’s decommissioning and avoid the risk of leaks in the event of another natural disaster.

Discharge Is Safe, Says IAEA

The water was largely used to cool the three damaged reactor cores, which remain highly radioactive. Some of it has since leaked into basements of the reactor buildings but was collected and stored in tanks.

Over the past two years the IAEA has conducted a review of the safety related aspects of handling and discharge of the treated water at Fukushima-Daiichi, which has been shut down since it was hit by a tsunami and earthquake in March 2011. An IAEA report concluded that the wastewater discharge is consistent with international safety standards.

IAEA director-general Rafael Grossi has said the agency will continue its “impartial, independent and objective” safety review during the discharge phase.

The IAEA and Japan agreed that the IAEA will maintain a presence at Fukushima-Daiichi. The IAEA opened an office onsite in July.

“IAEA staff are working there so that they can continue to monitor and assess these activities on site to ensure that they continue to be consistent with the safety standards, including on the day of the start of the discharge and after,” the agency said in a 22 August statement.

“The IAEA will also publish available data for use by the global community, including the provision of real-time and near real-time monitoring data.

“As soon as the discharge commences, the IAEA will provide a further update.”

Some experts point out that nuclear plants around the world use a similar process to dispose of wastewater containing low-level concentrations of tritium and other radionuclides.

“Tritium has been released [by nuclear power plants] for decades with no evidential detrimental environmental or health effects,” said Tony Hooker, a nuclear expert from the University of Adelaide.

Controversy And Opposition

However, the plan has caused controversy because tritium is a radioactive substance that cannot be removed by the facility’s water filtration technology.

Hong Kong, an important market for Japanese seafood exports, has threatened restrictions. Leader John Lee said on Tuesday he strongly opposed the water plan, adding that he had instructed the city’s government to “immediately activate” import controls on Japanese seafood.

South Korea and China banned seafood imports from some areas of Japan after Fukushima Daiichi suffered a triple meltdown in the March 2011 triple disaster along the country’s north-east coast. China remains strongly opposed.

The South Korean government recently dropped its objections to the discharge, but opposition parties and many South Koreans are concerned about the impact the discharge will have on food safety.

Greenpeace has described the filtration process as flawed, and warned that an “immense” quantity of radioactive material will be dispersed into the sea over the coming decades.

The government and Tepco also face opposition from local fishers, who say pumping water into the Pacific Ocean will destroy their industry.

Those fears were echoed in a poll published this week by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, in which 75% of respondents said the government had not done enough to prevent the expected reputational damage to Japanese seafood.

Kishida acknowledged those concerns but insisted that the water release “is absolutely not something we can put off if we want to decommission the Fukushima nuclear plant and revive the area”.

“I promise that we will take on the entire responsibility of ensuring the fishing industry can continue to make their living, even if that will take decades,” he told reporters on Monday.

The government has set up funds worth ¥30bn ($206m) to compensate local fishers for reputational damage, and ¥50bn to address any financial impact on their business, according to the Kyodo news agency.



Nuclear fuel cycle companies in Namibia, Kazakhstan and the USA are working on projects to ensure secure, sustainable power supplies for their operations and the communities where they are located.

Orano Mining Namibia has announced the start of construction on a 5 MW solar plant that will supply part of the power required for the Erongo Desalination Plant (EDP). Groundworks are underway for the plant, which is being built at Trekkopje under a ten-year power purchase agreement with InnoSun Energy Holdings signed in June 2022.

"Construction has now commenced and the plant is expected to be operational toward the end of 2024. Currently, site fencing, earthworks, trenching, and foundations for the switching and metering substation building is well underway," the company said on the X (formerly Twitter) social media platform.

"This will enable Orano to make the provision of water to the Erongo Region from a green electricity source more affordable in the long term, and contribute greatly to efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of the EDP."

The EDP was built to supply potable water to the Trekkopje mine, which has been mothballed since 2012.

Kazatomprom subsidiary Uranenergo LLP is implementing an investment programme approved by the regional and national government which aims to ensure the reliability and sustainability of energy supply to uranium mines and Taukent and Kyzymshek settlements in Turkestan, reducing the time taken for repair and restoration work, as well as reducing technical losses in the company's networks.

As part of 2023's investment programme, Uranenergo plans to build a fibre-optic communication line between two substations, as well as upgrading high-frequency communication channels, Uranenergo General Director Timur Tastanbekov said. A 125 kW photovoltaic plant is expected to be commissioned this year, he added. The investment programme "will ensure the energy security of the mining enterprises of Kazatomprom and Taukent and Kyzymshek settlements as well," the company said.

Urenco USA (UUSA) has also broken ground on a 0.5 MW solar array, which will offset its electric usage. "As a company we are committed to Net Zero by 2040 through the significant contribution to the production of carbon free energy as a key part of the nuclear fuel cycle and through the reduction of our own carbon emissions as well as those within our value chain," UUSA President & CEO Karen Fili said.

The company, which operates a uranium enrichment plant at Eunice, New Mexico, has also been adding electric vehicles (EV) to its fleet and replacing industrial vehicles with electric models. It has made EV charging stations available onsite for employee use and plans to add more to support the new fleet vehicles.

“This is an exciting day because this will be the first of many milestone events that we will have at UUSA,” continued Fili. Along with the strategic initiative of Net Zero, UUSA is also moving forward on capacity expansion and advanced fuels projects.



The vessel of the research reactor that Russia is supplying to Bolivia has arrived at the construction site in El Alto. The Bolivian Nuclear Energy Agency (ABEN) said its arrival marks the project's transition from the construction phase to the equipment assembly phase.

The pool-type 200 kW pressurised water research reactor, developed by Russia's Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, is designed to have a service life of 50 years.

"We advance along the path of development, science and technology as a dignified and sovereign people," Bolivian President Luis Arce Catacora said in a tweet on 13 August. "The vessel and first component of the Nuclear Research Reactor have arrived in Bolivia, which will be at the El Alto Nuclear Technology Research and Development Centre."

ABEN noted the arrival of the vessel in the country marks a "very important milestone" in the implementation of the country's Nuclear Research Reactor, "since it means the transition between the construction phase and the equipment assembly phase, that is, it is the beginning of the installation of the components that form part of the heart of the reactor in which the main processes are carried out."

"Unlike power reactors used to generate electricity, research reactors focus on the research and development of technologies related to nuclear power," said Erlan Vasquez, a specialist in nuclear engineering at ABEN. "These reactors are used by scientists, engineers and academics to carry out experiments, generate scientific data and train future professionals in the field of nuclear energy."

"This type of facility allows us to produce radioisotopes that can be used to improve the management of our water resources," he added. "Another example is the application of neutron activation analysis in mining, which will help us to identify minerals of national interest and strategic for the country and therefore identify areas with potential for exploitation."

The research reactor is part of a Russian-Bolivian project to create a nuclear research and technology centre at El Alto, at an altitude of more than 4000 metres. The Cyclotron Preclinical Radiopharmacy Complex (CPRC) is already up and running, and will produce a line of pharmaceuticals to provide the necessary supplies for the network of Bolivian nuclear medicine centres, intended to allow Bolivians to get quicker and higher quality diagnosis and treatment without having to travel abroad.

The wider project will bring together advanced nuclear technologies for healthcare, agriculture and other industries. The first two stages of construction - the CPRC and the Multipurpose Irradiation Centre - have been completed, with construction and installation work continuing on the research reactor complex.

Rosatom announced the signing of a contract with the ABEN in September 2017 for the construction of the nuclear research and technology centre in El Alto. Construction of the facility began in July 2021.

Rosatom announced in May this year that it had completed a test assembly of the research reactor in Russia ahead of it being shipped to Bolivia. During the test, the assembly process of the main equipment was reproduced, including the installation of reflector blocks, mock-ups and simulators of fuel assemblies, plus control and protection elements as well as kit to ensure quality control of the manufactured elements.



State utility SaskPower has chosen potential sites with ‘decision to build’ expected in 2029

Canada has approved up to CAD74m (€50m, $54m) in federal funding for small modular reactor development in Saskatchewan with potential deployment of a first plant in the mid-2030s and more units to follow.

The funding will support pre-engineering work and technical studies, environmental assessments, regulatory studies and community engagement to help advance the project, led by state utility SaskPower

SaskPower has already chosen the GE-Hitachi BWRX-300 SMR for potential deployment in Saskatchewan, subject to a decision to build that is expected in 2029.

In September 2022 the company announced it had chosen two sites in Saskatchewan for the potential construction of an SMR. One site is the Estevan area, just north of the US-Candada border. The other is near Elbow, a village about 140 km south of the provincial capital Saskatoon.

SaskPower said an area will be selected by 2023, with a specific site chosen by 2024.

SaskPower anticipates construction of its first SMR could begin as early as 2030, with a targeted in-service date of 2034. Additional facilities could begin construction as early as 2034.

The government said up to CAD50m for the project has been committed to SaskPower from a CAD250m program to support pre-development activities of clean electricity projects of national significance.

Additionally, over CAD24m has been committed to the government of Saskatchewan from the environment department’s future electricity fund. This program returns pollution pricing proceeds to support clean energy projects, energy-efficient technologies and other initiatives that will help Canada meet its climate goals and achieve a net-zero-emissions economy by 2050.

The fund is intended to help spur innovation and encourage the adoption of cleaner technologies and fuels in Canada – including Saskatchewan’s SMR project.

Cementing Canada’s Competitive Advantage

The government said in a statement that to cement Canada’s competitive advantage in the global shift to a net-zero emissions economy and to meet climate goals, “we need to significantly increase the amount of non-emitting energy that we use to power our homes, businesses and industries”.

“New, non-emitting electricity infrastructure projects, including projects powered by next-generation nuclear technologies, such as small modular reactors, can play a crucial role in this shift and in delivering economic prosperity to every region of Canada.”

John Gorman, president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Nuclear Association, welcomed the funding announcement, saying the CAD74m “serves as a strong indication” from the government that Canada is at the forefront of global innovation and implementation of SMRs.

Canada has a fleet of 19 commercial nuclear power plants that provide about 14% of its electricity generation. Major projects have begun to extend the lifetime of reactors at the Bruce, Darlington and Pickering stations.

Last year four provinces – Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick and Alberta – put forward proposals in a strategic plan to expand the nuclear industry through the development of SMRs, saying they provide a source of safe, clean power.

Off-Grid ‘Micro-SMRs’ Also Planned

The plan says a 300-MW SMR could generate enough clean electricity each year to power 300,000 homes. It also calls for off-grid “micro SMRs” that can be used to displace diesel generation used in mining in remote areas, and heat and electricity generation in northern remote communities.

Saskatchewan is also a participant in Canada’s SMR Action Plan, launched in 2020. The plan proposes the development, demonstration and deployment of SMRs for multiple applications at home and abroad.

Also last year the government announced funding of up to CAD5m for research and development projects that support provinces and territories as they work to develop and deploy SMRs as part of their decarbonisation and economic development plans.

In December 2021, GE-Hitachi was named Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) technology development partner to deploy Canada's first grid-scale SMR at the Darlington nuclear site.

Global First Power, a joint venture between OPG and Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation, is proposing to build a 5-MW micro-SMR project at the federally owned Chalk River Laboratories in Ontario. The project is intended to demonstrate feasibility for off-grid applications, such as remote mines.



A memorandum of understanding (MoU) om cooperation and the exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters has been signed between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU).

The MoU was signed by SNRIU Acting Chairman and Chief State Inspector for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Ukraine Oleh Korikov and CNSC President Rumina Velshi at the SNRIU headquarters in Kiev during Velshi's visit to Ukraine from 15 to 18 August.

"We are very grateful that you visited Ukraine and signed this memorandum of cooperation," Korikov told Velshi. "We are confident that this will establish the basis for productive cooperation in the future and contribute to achieving effective results in the field of nuclear and radiation safety."

"My visit to Ukraine is a sign of solidarity and support," Velshi said. "These are not only words, but also actions. I agree that the memorandum is the basis and key instrument for cooperation and support of each other. And today we have to define the main areas in which we will work."

During a working meeting that followed the signing of the MoU, the parties discussed a number of prospective areas of cooperation. The priorities include cooperation in the area of conducting pre-licensing safety assessments of new nuclear facility designs (including small modular reactors). Another area for cooperation will be the issue of regulatory activities for decommissioning of uranium mining and processing facilities.

In addition, the Ukrainian and Canadian regulators will cooperate on restoring safe operation of the currently occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and other nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities affected by the war, and on improving regulatory activities for radioactive waste management.

On 17 August, Velshi, accompanied by SNRIU representatives, visited the Chernobyl nuclear power plant site, which was occupied by Russian forces for several weeks in early 2022. Together they visited the dry used fuel storage facility and the New Safe Confinement.

"The purpose of the visit was to demonstrate the support and solidarity of the international community, as well as to ascertain what challenges and requirements Ukraine needs immediate help to overcome," SSE Chernobyl NPP said.

"What I saw at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant definitely exceeded all expectations," Velshi said. "The information that comes from the news or just from people cannot convey what is happening here. To see how enormous the challenge is for the enterprise and how quickly the staff was able to adapt to work after the occupation is impressive and inspires sincere admiration."



A Japanese town that was hoping to be the site of a new nuclear power plant has agreed to a geological study to determine its suitability as an interim storage site for spent nuclear fuel.

Chugoku Electric Power Company announced plans in the late 1990s to build new nuclear at Kaminoseki, a small town in the southwestern prefecture of Yamaguchi.

The company applied to the prefectural government and the town for the construction of the plant in 1996 and began preparation work in 2009, but work was suspended following the 2011 Fukushima disaster.

According to the Japan Times, the timing for the start of construction and operation of the Kaminoseki is uncertain, largely because the previous government did not include the construction of new nuclear power plants in its revised 2021 energy policy.

Kaminoseki has now said it would accept the offer of a survey by Chugoku Electric, one of two major nuclear operators, along with Kansai Electric Power Company, whose spent fuel storage pools are almost full.

The Japanese government is backing the increased use of nuclear power as a low-carbon energy source, but the country’s nuclear plants are running out of storage capacity for spent fuel.

The problem stems partly from Japan’s delayed programme to reprocess plutonium from spent fuel for reuse.

A plutonium-burning Monju reactor failed and is being decommissioned, while the launch of the Rokkasho reprocessing plant in northern Japan has been delayed for almost 30 years.

After the Fukushima disaster, nuclear plants were taken offline and their restarts delayed, helping to reduce the spent fuel stockpile. PM Backing Nuclear For Clean Energy

However, when prime minister Fumio Kishida’s government decided to reverse a phaseout and maximise nuclear power as clean energy, concerns over the lack of storage space were raised again.

Earlier this month, Chugoku put forward a proposal to build a storage facility jointly with Kansai Electric, but the plan was met by protests from residents.

The stalled plan to build a nuclear power plant in Kaminoseki has delayed subsidies for the remote town, whose population is aging and shrinking, reports in Japan said.

“The town will only get poorer if we just keep waiting,” Kaminoseki mayor Tetsuo Nishi told a televised news conference on Friday (18 August). “We should do whatever is available now.” He told a meeting the town faces the need to secure revenues amid its tough financial situation.

About 19,000 tonnes of spent fuel is stored at nuclear plants across Japan, taking up about 80% of their storage capacity, according to the economy and industry ministry.

Kansai Electric, Japan’s largest nuclear plant operator, is also looking for additional storage for spent fuel. The cooling pools at its plants are more than 80% full. The company pledged to find a potential interim storage site by the end of this year.

Kansai Electric recently restarted the Takahama-1 nuclear power plant in Fukui prefecture, western Japan, bringing to 11 the number of reactors now in operation in the country.


Nuclear power is the only reliable non-fossil option, climate minister says

Uranium mining is set to return to mainland Europe as the region seeks alternatives to Russian nuclear fuel and Sweden pushes to treble its atomic energy capacity, the country’s climate minister has said.

Romina Pourmokhtari, who last year became the youngest cabinet minister in Swedish history at the age of 26, said there was a parliamentary majority behind lifting Sweden’s ban on uranium extraction and opening up by far the largest deposits in the European Union.

Nearly 40 years after the completion of the country’s last new nuclear power plant, Pourmokhtari has announced plans to build at least ten large reactors to meet an anticipated surge in demand for zero-carbon power.

She said that while wind and solar power would be important, the country also needed massive volumes of nuclear-generated electricity because output can be reliably dialled up or down to keep the power supply steady through the peaks and troughs of renewable generation.

“The government is aiming at doubling electricity production in 20 years,” Pourmokhtari said. “For our clean power system to function, a large part of this has to be dispatchable where nuclear power is the only non-fossil option. Nuclear power also has a reduced environmental footprint and requires limited resources in comparison with most energy sources.”

While Sweden has historically had a strong anti-nuclear movement that effectively froze the sector from the 1980s, there are signs that the tide is turning.

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish figurehead of the Fridays for Future climate protest movement, has said she regards atomic energy as “very dangerous and expensive”. She has since taken a more nuanced position, criticising Germany’s decision to switch off its last reactors and increase coal-fired generation earlier this year.

Pourmokhtari, the charismatic daughter of an Iranian refugee and a rising star in the business-friendly Liberals party, has become the public face of Sweden’s pro-nuclear shift.

An important part of this agenda will be reversing the moratorium on uranium mining, imposed by the previous left-leaning government in 2018.

A number of European countries are seeking more reliable and local sources of uranium as transcontinental supply chains become increasingly vulnerable to geopolitical ructions.

While Kazakhstan is by far the world’s largest producer of uranium ore, Russia dominates the processing and enrichment of the fuel, accounting for nearly 50 per cent of global supply. Experts believe several western European states are still buying nuclear fuel from Russia despite the invasion of Ukraine.

China also plans to nearly treble its own uranium enrichment capacity by the end of the decade, which would make it the second biggest player and put it ahead of Urenco, a British-German-Dutch nuclear fuel consortium.

Next summer Terrafame, a Finnish state-owned mining firm, plans to begin extracting small quantities of uranium at its zinc and nickel mine in Sotkamo, 300 miles northeast of Helsinki.

Yet Sweden, which accounts for about 80 per cent of the EU’s uranium deposits, will be decisive. The case for exploiting these reserves is driven not only by a renewed need for security but also by an increase in the price of uranium, which has risen to its highest level in a decade after oversupply caused a crash in the mid-2010s.

Pourmokhtari pointed out that companies mining for other metals in Sweden were already having to extract uranium and dispose of it as an unwanted by-product.

At least two foreign mining exploration companies are waiting in the wings. Aura Energy, from Australia, is believed to be sitting on the world’s second-largest untapped deposit of uranium at Haggan, a site next to Lake Storsjon in the central Swedish county of Jamtland.

District Metals, a Canadian firm, has the mineral rights to nearly 25,000 acres of potentially uranium-rich land at Ardnasvarre in the far north and is looking at a second, smaller site in Jamtland.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put a spotlight on energy supply and security for Sweden, Europe and all other democratic countries that rely on energy from autocratic countries,” Garrett Ainsworth, District Metals’ chief executive, said.

“Relying on autocratic countries for anything is a large risk that has now been deemed unacceptable. The democratic countries must break the ‘not in my backyard’ mentality and focus on exploiting domestic supplies of resources for energy and materials.”

Adrián Godás, a mining industry analyst based in Spain, said the revival of uranium mining in Sweden could be “very significant” but there were still big hurdles to overcome. The country’s uranium ore tends to be relatively low-grade and expensive to extract, particularly under the EU’s stringent environmental rules.

“The European population has become accustomed to importing materials from other regions and hindering domestic mining, not just uranium mining,” Godás said. “The environmental regulations and processes are exhausting and require thousand-page reports that are often rejected for political reasons even if all the technical criteria are met.”

There is also a groundswell of opposition at local and national levels. Per Bolund, co-leader of the Swedish Green party and an environment minister under the last government, said he remained fundamentally opposed to the expansion of nuclear power, which he regards as a distraction from renewables and a risky source of radioactive waste. He is also firmly against the return of uranium mining.

“We’ve actually had uranium mining in Sweden [before] and that was a terrifying experience and led to enormous environmental problems and scars in the landscape,” Bolund said.

“[The mooted revival of uranium mining] leads to a lot of concern around Sweden for people who want to be sure that their water is drinkable, that they can produce food on their farms. Of course it will be quite difficult to convince people to buy our milk if your neighbour is a uranium mine.”

One of these people is Ida Asp, a manager at the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth from Oviken, a village in Jamtland where District Metals’ local subsidiary hopes to begin prospecting for uranium and other metals. She worries that she and several thousand of her neighbours might have to leave their homes so that miners can begin extracting the vast radioactive deposits buried in the earth far below their feet.

Asp said she was also concerned that the mine could pollute the nearby Lake Storsjon, which provides drinking water to another 55,000 households, as well as use up a large amount of local land.

“If we look at the history, we don’t know any mines like this that didn’t become an environmental catastrophe, so we don’t have any examples of how to do this in a good way,” she said. “That’s a bit scary and I think you should do some examples [of safe mining elsewhere] before you risk this big lake.”

However, Pourmokhtari said permits would only be issued after thorough environmental assessments and “proper dialogue” with people living nearby. “I know that Sweden has great potential to lead the mining industry towards a cleaner future,” she said.

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