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PPs! It just makes sense to me, haven't seen or heard this postulated anywhere yet.


Ready Player One is part of hodler film history, discussed repeatedly on stonks subs over the past three years. Gettin' hyped tonight for next week, watching for maybe the 10th time, and... BAM. Never saw this graffiti in this way before, now can't believe I've missed lo these many years.

At the end of the previous scene, Samantha and Wade meet IRL for the first time. and Samantha says "Welcome to the rebellion, Wade." Nice. Let's git some!


So, I've just read the HR and Senate versions of these bills, and I agree- they are too broadly-worded for the stated intent (foreign adversary data limitation)- especially the Senate bill. After writing my US Senators tonight (the House Rep still to go), I recalled that last year, RC told us "TikTok." Do you have an idea why? Speculation or DD, all is fair here, in the usual Ape spirit of open inquiry. Whaddya got?


OK gang, RC provides the clues, therefore we gotta dig, and in this case I can use some additional sparkplugs (that's you!). Dr Jacques is in the books, he's grabbing his lapel nametag, conveniently located adjacent to his pectoral region, we all thought "ha ha, that's Jake!" and moved along. But Jacques Tits turns out to be quite interesting. He's a doctor of advanced mathematics, from Belgium, spent his life in France, lots of crazy advanced math in his wikipedia page- even has various theories and constructions named for him. Died recently, on 5 December 2021. So- following links (below), we go to Group Theory, down to Public-Key Cryptography (interesting..) and scroll down to see "Examples of protocols using asymmetric key algorithms include: Bitcoin."

Maybe this nothing burger deserves further study? Anyone care to help dig while we wait for some news??

Dave. -> -> -> "Examples of protocols using asymmetric key algorithms include: Bitcoin"


There's some dk-butterfly-related excitement and speculative hype around next week which will likely be a nothing-burger, but this is the promise of GME-affecting news (for better or worse), considering Microsoft's initiative to no longer sell physical game "tokens" (that's all the discs are these days).

This reminds me of RC's tweet/reply on July 17th 2023 to Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, saying "Satya, GameStop is a large Microsoft customer. I've been trying to reach you and being ignored."

We can only hope this is good news. Perhaps the broader Xbox community's massive negative feedback regarding this revelation has forced Microsoft to either A) reverse the decision and promise continued physical game discs/tokens, or B) reveal their future plans for cryptographic game authorization tokens, IE NFTs, which might provide answers (or somehow tie into) regarding GME's cancelled NFT marketplace & Playr.


Here's my longtime fave BBBY end-game hypothesis, one with a fair amount of humiliation for the fraudsters and SHFs:

  • After all the legal effort, BBBaby is carved out or spun off;

  • Former BBBY shareholders are given shares in the new BBBaby (holding) company, as a bonus for going through hell the past 6 months;

  • Former BBBY shareholders also receive $ from any legal settlements related to BBBY fraud investigations;

  • BBBY shareholders retain shares in the old company as well;

  • CUSIP and/or Ticker is maintained, so shorts are forced by the court to close, buying up shares in an empty shell company in order to close billions of short positions, closely watched by the SEC. BBBY price skyrockets; shareholders sell shares in the old entity at their leisure, then the price seems satisfactory.

New company and GS are well clear of the media noise and lamentations of the SHFs.

This theory has the poetic justice that I see in other elements of this play (GameSTOP, Bed Bath & BEYOND, etc). This sequence would really underline the BEYOND in Bed Bath and Beyond, and meet RC's primary goal of delighting customers (in this case, diamond-handed shareholders).

Whaddya think? Could it happen? Why or why not?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected] we all certainly know by now. So watch out! There's a whole crapton of divisive political shit showing up on Reddit subs this week, right at the very moment when major change is looming. How convenient and predictable. Stay Zen, remember your training apes! Focus on the play, get some sunshine, and don't get caught up in nefarious side-quest psiops drama, rolled out precisely when the community is all keyed up. They've had plenty of time to plan and prepare this kind of crap. Ape no fight Ape! Monke peace out.


Please be advised that on November 28, 2023, the court entered the following judgment or order on the court's docket in the above−captioned case: Document Number: 2724 − 2710 Order Granting Application To Allow Attorney Kenneth A. Listwak as Counsel for Ollie's Bargain Outlet, Inc. to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Related Doc # 2710). Service of notice of the entry of this order pursuant to Rule 9022 was made on the appropriate parties. See BNC Certificate of Notice. This order has been mailed to the Treasurer of the New Jersey Lawyer's Fund for Client Protection via US mail. Signed on 11/28/2023. (rah) Parties may review the order by accessing it through PACER or the court's electronic case filing system (CM/ECF). Public terminals for viewing are also available at the courthouse in each vicinage.


has gotten me thinking…. What does one do if one is prevented from taking legal action against these aggressive shills (due to living in a different country, or lack of funds to file a lawsuit, etc) and such defamatory comments online begin to cause harm to one’s reputation. Is there a way to have Google or other tech companies step in? I’ve heard that Google does nothing in such cases! Maybe there is a person who could help us PP’s who get targeted to remove this type of content from Google search results? Thoughts??




Keep on fighting the good fight


Couldn't post to reddit due to karma requirements and rotating burner accounts.

I do web development. Not much experience with Shopify, but I imagine it has a similar content management system to something like Wordpress. Image assets are uploaded to the backend and the developer can select which ones to use. Looking at the source code on the page and the image filenames can tell us a couple things and here are my findings.

The images are a little bit interesting but not because they change. Even on the previous version of the homepage there are three different images for each book bundle to handle mobile, tablet, and desktop breakpoints. CSS is toggling between them depending on screen size. Nothing exciting there.

What I found curious was how the image sets were named. The newer images appear to follow a specific naming convention, e.g. 5_items_10.jpg, likely meaning number 10 of the 5_items image set. The designer of these images is sequentially iterating the filenames as they work, with some images being revisions of previous ones.

On the Volume 1 bundle where we see the title changing, the images with the new "Talk Is Cheap Money Buys Ice Cream" title follow the new pattern, but the image with the original title doesn't. - Original title - New title - New title

Looking at the page on the wayback machine, it does appear that IMG.png is the original bundle image and there are two other images for the large breakpoints (both with the original book title and similar filename to IMG.png)

As they already had images in place for Volume 1 at all three breakpoints they definitely updated those two images intentionally. It's unclear why they wouldn't also update the image at the mobile breakpoint.

Image sequence

Another interesting thing to look at is the sequence of images, and think of it as a history. We can look for both png and jpg since we see both being used:

5_items_1.jpg - Nothing

5_items_1.png - Nothing

5_items_2.jpg - Nothing

5_items_2.png - Alternate layout for Volume 1 bundle on mobile (with updated title)

5_items_3.jpg - Alternate layout for Volume 2 bundle on mobile

5_items_3.png - Mobile Volume 1 bundle (updated title)

5_items_4.jpg - Nothing

5_items_4.png - Alternate layout of Mobile Volume 2 bundle

5_items_5.jpg - Nothing

5_items_5.png - Tablet Volume 2 bundle (different order of books)

5_items_6.jpg - Nothing

5_items_6.png - Nothing

5_items_7.jpg - Nothing

5_items_7.png - Alternate layout of Volume 2 bundle

5_items_8.jpg - Nothing

5_items_8.png - Same as 5_items_3.png but the discount tag is rotated.

5_items_9.jpg - Nothing

5_items_9.png - Desktop Volume 2 bundle but with no shadow

5_items_9_1.jpg - Desktop Volume 2 bundle

5_items_10.jpg - Desktop Volume 1 bundle

5_items_10.png - Nothing

5_items_11.jpg - Tablet Volume 2 bundle

5_items_11.png - Nothing

5_items_12.jpg - Tablet Volume 1 bundle

5_items_12.png - Nothing

5_items_13.jpg - Nothing

5_items_13.png - Nothing

5_items_14.jpg - Mobile Volume 2 bundle

5_items_14.png - Nothing

5_items_15.jpg - Nothing

5_items_15.png - Nothing

5_items_16.jpg - Mobile Volume 1 & 2 bundle

5_items_16.png - Nothing

5_items_17.jpg - Tablet Volume 1 & 2 bundle

5_items_17.png - Nothing

5_items_18.jpg - Nothing

5_items_18.png - Nothing


10_items_1.jpg - Nothing

10_items_1.png - Alternative mobile layout of Volume 1 & 2 bundle (original titles)

10_items_2.jpg - Nothing

10_items_2.png - Desktop layout of Volume 1 & 2 bundle (original titles, no shadows, books are not all the same size)

10_items_3.jpg - Desktop Volume 1 & 2 bundle, correctly sized with shadows

10_items_3.png - Nothing

10_items_4.jpg - Nothing

10_items_4.png - Nothing

10items_4.jpg - Desktop Volume 1 & 2 bundle, no discount tag

10items_4.png - Nothing

What does this history say to me?

Let's assume any gaps are rejected unused assets sitting in the CMS not publicly available.

PNGs consistently seem to be the option without a background shadow on the book covers.

The designer started with PNGs and no shadows, then around 5_items_9 they made a switch to JPG and shadows.

From the beginning of the set they are using the new "Ice Cream" title not the original title. Except when they get to the ten book bundle they're back to using the original title... even though the 10 book bundle images seem to have been designed last.

A jpg version of 5_items_3.png with shadows is what we would expect to be used in place of IMG.png for the Volume 1 mobile breakpoint, but it doesn't appear to exist, at least not publicly. It doesn't make sense why they would update only two of the three images for Volume 1. Either update all three to follow some new design or new format, or save the effort and leave all three existing images in place since the bundle itself hasn't changed.

Also interesting that the same filename (5_items_3) with different filetype extensions is used for two totally different layouts on separate bundles. This isn't an accident and is the only instance we can see this happening.

We get a 5_items_9_1 which is the only obvious sub version number. This could indicate there was some client feedback here, probably "add shadows and make them jpgs" because from here on we only see the 5_items set as jpgs.

For the ten book bundle we see 5_items_16 on a mobile breakpoint, 5_items_17 on a tablet breakpoint, and then a switch in naming to 10_items_1 on desktop.

My initial impression for what might have happened here was the designer was working mobile first, copied the layout of the five book bundle, made their changes, saved the file but forgot to change the 5 to a 10. They do it again for the tablet version.

By the time they got to designing the alternative mobile layout they then made the change to the filename, but don't go back and change the existing mistakes.This would make it harder to find the right image in the CMS since it's not following the existing naming convention.

This would also indicate to me that these images were not delivered to the client as a set, but were a result of an iterative process.

Seeing the 10 item images with the wrong naming convention, the 10items_4.jpg filename with a missing underscore, and the 10_items_2.png with the books not sized correctly implies to me that this person doesn't care/is not very detail oriented, is not a professional, is rushing the process, or it's some combination of all of these.

With that in mind, it's entirely possible the wrong book cover was used in the Volume 1 bundle. Maybe "TALK IS CHEAP MONEY BUYS ICE CREAM" was a rejected title.

But then, why touch the volume 1 assets at all? Why not use the original set for that bundle that's already in the CMS?

It's weird any way you look at it. Either:

a) There was an oversight, the book was meant to be renamed, and all the images should have been updated with the new title including on the details page for the bundle and for the individual book. Unlikely.

b) There was an oversight, and none of the images should have been updated with the new title. Maybe it was a rejected title pre-publishing, the person doing the layout pulled in an old image of the cover, and no one caught the mistake. Possible, since the designer doing these layouts maybe isn't the most detail oriented (or if it's RC himself, is super busy with, you know, WORK)

c) It's an easter egg, and a nod to the community. But if it was an easter egg, why have a designer do multiple versions in multiple layouts, some with shadow and some without? It's also not well hidden. Why not just update one of the three images? Maybe have it appear at a weird breakpoint for 1 pixel so you only see a flash of the title when changing the size of your window (or if you peek the source code). That's how I would do it.


The image changing is because of responsive design serving the correct image for the browser, not because of any secret pattern of navigation. The designer created new images for the Volume 1 bundle rather than reusing the existing set, but whoever updated the site kept one of the three original images in place (the mobile one). It's unclear why. The designer of the new images chose to use the "TALK IS CHEAP MONEY BUYS ICE CREAM" title for that Volume 1 bundle, but based on some of the other clues in the filenames and rejected assets it's possible this person is sloppy or was rushed and made a mistake.

That being said, I don't want to take away from the fact that the alternative title exists at all is quite interesting in and of itself.

Side note / bonus tinfoil

The banner image alt text says "Dad with sons and Teddy with a dog" but we all know that's not Kingston and Princeton's dad, it's their grandpa Teddy.

So the person writing the alt text and developing the site isn't RC and doesn't know the books at all, or the teddy bear is Kingston and Princeton's dad a.k.a RC.



They definitely have sold varjo headsets at gamestop stores and have had demos with their headsets


tweet by @PhantomBlack699

$GME’s 10-Q filed September 6th 2023 indicates a high probability of an upcoming acquisition. I believe it will be $BBBYQ/BABY.

First let’s use our critical thinking applied with probability and numbers to form the basis for this assumption. I will use the size of previous 10Q’s:

10Q - 09/06/2023 – 267 Pages

10Q - 06/07/2023 – 27 pages

10Q - 12/07/2022 – 34 pages

10Q - 05/31/2022 – 25 pages

10Q – 12/08/2021 – 40 pages

10Q – 09/08/2021 – 42 pages

10Q – 06/09/2021 – 29 pages


We have a nearly 10x increase in the number of pages filed in the 10Q, the most recent being 267 pages and the word acquisition is mentioned 98 times within this 10Q.

What’s even more fascinating as me and @sboho discovered, was that the EXACT same legal wording in $GME’s 10Q has been used only once before, in an SEC filing by Signet here:

Fun fact, Signet’s Bermuda registration number in the above link is 42069, what are the odds?

What did Signet do shortly after filing this word for word, legal template with identical excerpts? They made a strategic acquisition of Blue Nile. The same wording used by Matt Furlong in Q3 2022.

It gets more fascinating here, Blue Nile was founded by Mark Vadon, who was also a chairman at Chewy.

So we have, identical legal wording not found in any other filings, in GameStop's extensively large 10Q, with the same legal wording Signet used before acquiring Blue Nile, whom the founder of was a chairman of Chewy with Ryan Cohen. Sounds like Gamestop is getting ready for a big acquisition.

$GME & $IEP’s share prices have been aggressively shorted recently, the parallels are pulling together to the apex of this play. Apotheosis is the destination.

Ryan Cohen’s vision for $BBBYQ wasn’t complete, he set contingencies in potentially funding them through Sixth Street, as speculated previously and the use of the now live global Teddy Trademarks.

The day Gamestop amended their credit agreement was May 11th 2023, the day before Ryan Cohen filed UK Teddy Trademarks. The day before he liked a meme posted by Pulte featuring Holly Etlin, Icahn & The Bed Bath & Beyond trolley.

The SEC also decide to probe into Ryan Cohen’s trade, a year after it occurred and days before the culmination of $BBBYQ’s Chapter 11.

Ryan Cohen still has a protective order for the disclosure of confidential and sensitive information, ongoing for a 15-month-old pump and dump allegation and short swing rule violation, despite this security ceasing to exist in its current form.

Until the bankruptcy court files a final decree under Rule 3022, the plan is open to change and a credit bid CANNOT be denied and the plan CAN be changed as long as it’s for the benefit of the debtors and doesn't FURTHER impair classes, which have already accepted a 0-2.5% projected recovery.

$GME earnings are in 10 days, the end is near. Unwavering Fucking Conviction.


This article has been scrubbed from Bloomberg Markets' website, along with much of the entire internet.

It speaks to the general corruption found throughout much of Wall Street and is an excellent source to be aware of for both for yourself and others - giving staunch credibility to the general theses much of this (and other) communities have been working on.

"In a little-known quirk of Wall Street bookkeeping, when brokerages loan out a customer’s stock to short sellers and those traders sell the stock to someone else, both investors are often able to vote in corporate elections.

With the growth of short sales, which involve the resale of borrowed securities, stocks can be lent repeatedly, allowing three or four owners [or more] to cast votes based on holdings of the same shares.

The Hazlet, New Jersey–based Securities Transfer Association, a trade group for stock transfer agents, reviewed 341 shareholder votes in corporate contests in 2005. It found evidence of overvoting—the submission of too many ballots—in all 341 cases."

Shareholders and the associated corporations/companies can be taken over / misguided / misled / duped by way of sham voting via short-selling and the subsequent counterfeit/phantom shares - where and when elections may result in highly questionable policies/decisions implemented, as well as an installation of corrupt officials & board members, resulting in dubious business-practices wherein ulterior motives are rampant, along with the potential creation of a lobbying, bribing, and (frankly) psychopathic organization.

Indeed, that's what has been happening.

When we hear talk about "corporations having too much power!" - this article speaks to one of the main mechanisms making that possible.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I came across this image from the AMC stock subbreddit regarding an equity swap for (999B) that expires on Dec 15th.

I found it curious that PULTE pushed comraderie with AMC stockholders and the SECRET MILLIONAIRES PARTY is supposed to be on the DEC 14th, the day before the swap expires. The swap start date was 3/3/2021.

UCOPY covered similarities 7 or so months ago talking about similarities in charting of AMC and BBBY. (So mads props to my boy over here you shitheads)


EDIT I can't Post on R/BBBY due to Low KARMA

Let's Go (
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Removing a dash (-) from the Teddy hidden Hebrew נכונ-וסלכו messages it translates to Let's Go - what a cohencidence (:

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know it's on reddit, but I put it on twitter too though and that's the point.


Posted awhile ago.. lost but not forgotten. Teddy should be at the end of this journey by now...

What is MOASS? (
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Looking for some discussion about a very intriguing concept. Members of this community commonly refer to this concept as MOASS. It doesn't often get discussed directly, but it looms large behind many discussions.

For posterity's sake, I'd love to get some discussion about it directly. It's November 24, 2023. As the future unfolds, I'd like to be able to look back on a discussion like this and see what the thoughts about this idea were at this time.

Here are a couple of questions that might be worthy of discussion.

  • What is MOASS?

  • What is the probability of this event occurring over what period of time?

  • Is it inevitable?

  • Is it controversial? If so, why?

  • Are many people aware of the idea?

  • Of people that are aware of it, there are those that believe that it is a real thing that will happen, and there are those that believe that it is not a real thing that will ever happen. Why do some people believe that it cannot happen?

  • Who benefits if MOASS materializes?

  • Who does not benefit / who suffers if MOASS materializes?

  • Is MOASS potentially an existential threat to some parties? If yes, which parties?

  • If MOASS is an existential threat to some parties, and if those parties had an interest in self-preservation, how would they be feeling? How would they be behaving? What actions would they likely be taking in the interest of self-preservation?

  • What are some of the implications if/when MOASS materializes?


You took forever, what were you doing in there?


Anyone else see the Thanksgiving Day Parade BBBYQ Add? 👀 Didnt have time to snap a picture🥲 Also saw a Toys R Us float🤔 Hmmmmmmmmm

Happy Thanksgiving Yall! Moon soon!🥳

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