Who would win? Battle boarding

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The captains:

  • Captain Jonathan Archer, USS Enterprise NX-01
  • Captain Saru, USS Discovery NCC-1031
  • Captain Christopher Pike, USS Enterprise NCC-1701
  • Captain James T Kirk, USS Enterprise NCC-1701
  • Captain Jean Luc Picard, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D
  • Captain Benjamin Sisko, Deep Space Nine / USS Defiant NX-74205
  • Captain Kathrine Janeway, USS Voyager NCC-74656
  • Captain Carol Freeman, USS Cerritos, NCC-75567

Round 1)

Each captain has a hand phaser (or a phase pistol, in the case of Archer) of a variety they could obtain in their ship's armoury. Battle takes place aboard the abandoned Cardassian space station Empok Nor. You and your defenders start in ops, the attackers start in the docking ring. They will stop at nothing to kill you, but are otherwise in character.

Saru has passed through the vahar'ai transformation.

Round 2)

Same as round 1, but each captain brings two members of their crew. All crew members have hand phasers (or phase pistols) in addition to their other specified gear.

Archer gets Phlox with ten minutes of prep time and access to his menagerie and Malcom Reed with a phase rifle.

Saru get's Michael Burnham with a tricorder and Mirror Georgiou with 2 daggers. Saru has passed through the vahar'ai transformation.

Pike get's Una "Number One" Chin-Riley and La'an Noonien-Singh with a phaser rifle.

Kirk gets Spock with a tricorder and Sulu with a katana.

Picard gets Data with a tricorder and Worf with a Bat'leth.

Sisko gets Odo and Miles "the Hero of Setlik 3" O'Brien with his tool box and a tricorder.

Janeway gets Seven of Nine with a tricorder and Tuvok with a phaser rifle.

Freeman gets Shaxs and Jack Ransom

Once again, you and your defenders start in ops, the attackers start in the docking ring.

Round 3)

Ships. You are in a damaged escape pod, with a transport inhibitor field (so you cannot be beamed away). The captains are coming after you in their ships. One of your defenders has you in a tractor beam when the battle starts, but the other ships are closing fast.

USS Discovery predates the time skip.

Sisko has the Defiant, not Deep Space Nine.

Voyager is season 7 (Delta Flyer, lessons learned from their travels) but NOT upgraded by future Janeway.


Captain Jean Luc Picard, Geordi La'Forge and Data are transported back in time, by an alien artifact and appear in the court of Phillip the Second of France in the year 1213. Their technology is not transported with them (other than Data) but they may build technology (up to their own tech level) out of local materials / with local help. The French king pleads with them to help him win the Anglo-French war of 1213, which Picard initially refuses due to the Temporal Prime Directive. But he changes his mind when it becomes clear that some other time travelers are helping England.

Because meanwhile, Nick Fury, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers (MCU) have been transported back in time by an alien artifact and appear in the court of John of England in the year 1213. Their technology is not transported with them but they may build technology (up to their own tech level) out of local materials / with local help. The English king pleads with them to help him win the Anglo-French war of 1213, to which Fury agrees in return for help return to their own time.

Keeping in mind the characters abilities, knowledge and their personalities (and how those personalities will interact with the period they find themselves in) which team is better equipped to help their side win the war?


Here's some background info on Butterball: https://superhuman-characters-and-their-powers.fandom.com/wiki/Butterball_(Marvel_Comics)

He's impervious to all physical damage, but is actually just an average man on offense.

Round 1: He joins the crew on Titan, can they get the Infinity Gauntlet off Thanos?

Round 2: He joins the group in Wakanda for the final fight, do the results change from the movie in any way?


Flash, from the latest Flash movie and Pietro from the X-Men Apocalypse movie!

Round 1: Who wins in a direct fight?

Round 2: Makkari from Eternals vs Flash?

Bonus: Makkari and Quicksilver team up, can Flash beat them both together?