this post was submitted on 09 Jul 2024
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[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

And crazy marge put in impeachment articles for biden. What's your point?

Still waiting on any ethics push from senate.

What do you think they've done to fight since 2020?

After vaccination tiny push they stopped caring about covid. Ignored doing anything to investigate trump. Fucked up where they charged him in the secret document case.

We got what a super watered down IRA bill? Then sanctions on the materials that would be used to help lower carbon emissions.

Oh and still killed immigration by implementing the republican wet dream at the border.

So please tell me the fighting as I'm so fucking tired of our 2 useless right wing parties.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Are you saying you didn’t get everything you wanted so therefore they’re not fighting hard? Are you thinking they’re not saying we want free school lunches, we want to tax the rich, we want to support Ukraine, just - what floating listlessly in space? How does this get done without fighting hard, and who or what needs to be fought?

Oh I know you don’t need another list of accomplishments, so are you saying they got those super easy? Really? No fight needed eh. Right.

Have you ever gotten something approved by 20 people? 350 people? 65 Million people? Any idea how it actually plays out? It plays out that way for many reasons, not least of which is it’s hard to build consensus and easy to destroy it.

I get the dems are not rubber-stamping the gay space communism we so deserve, yes, I have many complaints for them, but calling them right-wing is ridiculous. And if you can’t see your way to not supporting the actual-no-foolin-seriously-this-is-fucked-up fascist party, okay.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Amazing how all your arguments and reasoning boils down to shut up and stop complaining about their shittyness while also trying to say it'll all get better once they're the only party.

Or is it just you don't understand why a progressive space can see how shit the dems are. Better than Republicans but that is such a low bar we want better.

Also you are one of those who think we aren't voting blue because we are critical of the party that says they are better.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Or is it just you don't understand why a progressive space can see how shit the dems are.

Are you suggesting the dems can't see how shit the Dems are?

I would point out - I remember Reagan. Local and national Democratic strategies almost never recovered. They've been shit for decades. You know how long it takes to change minds? Look at us here now- just two people talking. Multiply that by 300 Million.

Walter Mondale was a fine person but a terrible choice for president. we bitched about that to deaf ears. We saw how shit dems were, if you will. And called it out.

Dukakis was a reasonable choice who campaigned like a republican and got trounced because the dems simply refuse to understand how communications work. (That, or, they're a shadow-op run by the dark lizard cabal to keep everyone enslaved. Or possibly somewhere in between.) We saw how shit dems were with that and called it out, also "progressives" were either nowhere to be seen or they were democrats.

Bill Clinton was the first time in over a decade a democratic national politician had any recognized sway since Carter. That was a long goddamned fucking decade, I can tell you. A long decade where dems were shit - and again, we called them out. Clinton did a lot of good things. He also did some terrible things that fit the political tenor of the time and were still terrible, and we called him out for that. More cops, cut down welfare, telecomm act. A lot. Got nowhere. This also happened to be the time when Fox News began destroying public debate. Which really helped. At least we didn't get into a war of choice for some bullshit reason like Oil again. And that was very much an option.

As we saw with Bush II. Who had meetings about invading Iraq before he was inaugurated and what-ho hey lookit that we invaded Iraq for bullshit reasons that everyone called out and stood on streetcorners yelling and honking and - nothing. The "progressives" weren't born then I guess or something, that was just dems who fought it. Our Democratic head of the Senate, Tom Daschle, was roundly pilloried for being as strong as a wet rag. Also got nowhere despite knowing how very much shit the dems were.

Oh by-the-by, your "progressive" ranks (I guess - who knows really) got their third party chance on a national platform. Ross Perot had borked up Bush I's chances in 1992, but here we had Al Gore (democrat) and Ralph Nader (. . . third party? I forget the party name) Anyway. Many intrepid "progressives" voted Nader and Gore lost. Which, to be fair, was his fuckup too. But had everyone voted Gore we wouldn't have had the surveillance state and war on terror we got. But hey - dems are shit, right.

Then Obama. we got somewhere. Not sure how, but getting some progressive ideas on the table made the right-wing absolutely batshit crazy. Fox News went off the fucking rails. Yes it didn't help that Obama was black but they went nuts also because the left was starting to get things done. Did Obama implement the gay space communism we so deserved? No. In fact, we gave him a year or so, and after the republican "T.E.A. Party" cheated back the majorities, he basically took this position of "well, this is what the people want" and we didn't like that at all. Gave him tons of shit for it. Because we knew the dems were being shit again.

Then Hillary. The primaries were pretty gory, and there was a lot of shitting on her as unelectable, as indeed she proved to be. You think that was "progressives" doing that? Who were the progressives in 2015? Hm? Jill Stein? Really? Putin's dinner companion? Michael Flynn's travel bud? That's your answer is it. Pathetic.

Look, you and your eight friends want to ride up and attack the castle with a frontal assault, you can have this extra crossbow but you will get slaughtered. It's just the fact. I can recount the stories of the other slaughtereds if you prefer but I doubt you do. I say again - there is one chance to avoid utter insane bullshit for four years that we or the planet absolutely can not afford. It is not third party, it is not trump. What's left? Pardon the pun.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

the votes didn't determine gore v bush

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Cool still managed to blame everyone but the dems for all their issues, including the 2016 election.

Continue punching left buddy and wonder why people keep saying Biden needs to be replaced after we've all be yelling he shouldn't have run for relection.

We'll be here still getting blamed

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

He trotted out the Clintons and every crappy Democrat after that to prove his point. We're not going to achieve anything with the majority consensus. We've got to reach those that those people deemed as not important enough to worry about. And I doubt it starts with voting.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Their entire point has only been get blues in but not accepting why we need more than that.

Oh well

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

It's going to hurt, one way or the other. I'm willing. I'm just one. I need access to a physical community. I'm working on it, but time ticks.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Who else am I gonna blame for 2016? Where did I blame [not-dems]?

I’ll “punch” whoever gets trump elected. Is that the idiot “left” who bring the combined wisdom of every twenty year old and the natural genius inherent in it?

Sure. Listen to nothing. Demand the improbable, vote the impossible, and sentence a lot of people who don’t know as much as you do to a horrifying several more years. After that, you can start kicking and crying again when the largest progressive party picks someone you don’t find appealing again. Assuming any relevant structures remain.

If you actually get involved in a progressive political party you think is national, let us know. Democrats are open to change, and they’re the only ones. Or - y’know, go full sovereign citizen and renounce the concept of countries. Also as effective. Please stay out of prison.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I'm attacking everyone I think is wrong but you are the issue

Again still waiting for you to have anything to offer or suggest.

I think it's gotten to the point it's clear you just want to rant so have a great day

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago

To offer?

Not living in hellish shitland chaos for four more years? Is that not clear?

To suggest - . . . voting for the Democrat who’s running against trump?

What . . .what did you think we were talking about?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

analysis of 1992 shows perot wasn't a spoiler: he damaged Clinton's margin of victory