Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
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Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
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Michiko to Hatchin is probably the only one I can think of with main characters specifically. Maybe Afro Samurai but I mean...that's kinda on the nose...
Japan isn't very good at depicting Black people unfortunately lol
that's assuming japan even depicts black people. sometimes they pretend black people don't even exist, if they're not portraying them in a, well, offensive or yikesy manner.
so. many. anime characters are light-skinned.
Oh yeah that's a fact...ahem....Mr. Popo....
At most we're just a set piece, we don't have any genuine depictions 😔
but wait, it gets even better! when you ask for genuine or better depictions, all the
come out of the woodworks, decrying that japan isn't netflix 🤪🤪🤪 because decent depictions of black people exist only within netflix's confines obviously 🤪🤪🤪Or they tell you to go make your damn they have plenty of depictions of actual white people with blonde hair and blue eyes, but they can't depict Black people properly??
i'll never get why they say this btw, it's not as easy as you make it sound to come up with a good story, especially one that'll be a smash hit too
nope, because somehow they never "interacted with a black person in their whole life" 🤡🤡🤡
Good stories aren't difficult to make if you have the creativity and the will to make something that doesn't have to rely on harmful stereotypes for representation. Problem is, there isn't much incentive to do so cause that's not profitable, and in the end we all know that's the reason why anime can be so toxic in a patriarchal and mostly homogeneous society.
but but i thought capitalism is all about innovating! you're saying that innovating actually doesn't result in growth? 😱😱