this post was submitted on 04 Aug 2023
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Don’t You Know Who I Am?

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[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Then he's a moron, and I'm gonna ask my buddy who was in the 82nd Airborne if he happens to know this fool. My dude was actually at my house yesterday and I showed him a new gun, I picked it up, unload and show clear, pass it to him, he shows it's clear as well, and now it is safe, that is paramount any time you touch a real gun, I don't care what your fucking job title is, I don't care what your experience level is, if you can't do that you DO NOT get to touch real guns, use airsoft until you can learn a modicum of responsibility. It isn't even that hard to do, it is literally "Press button, see bullets? No? Good. Yes? Bad." It is absolutely basic shit that a fucking 10yo could do (not that they maybe should lol, but they are physically and likely mentally capable of checking for rounds).

And accidents can happen at any level, this "squat leader's" cavalier attitude towards gun safety is actually pretty fucking dangerous, and I hope he's not some kind of instructor these days. He's liable to have an accident himself with this attitude ("Oh I was a squad leader I know what I'm doing." BANG, friend at the bbq has a new hole "Whoops sorry Jerry.") Hell, I know a dude who served as a grunt who recently got fired for having an ND at work (thank god nobody got hurt by that "experienced soldier" but all of us who never served and got on him for safety practices ended up being able to finally say I fuckin' toad-a-so.)

Tl;dr I don't fucking care what either of their job titles are, IF YOU TOUCH A REAL GUN, LEARN GUN SAFETY FIRST End of story, that is it, no other details matter, not your job, age, experience level, nothing.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You’re coming across as argumentative and needlessly aggressive. That kind of behaviour is not welcome in this community. Please take more care to follow the rules if you’d like to continue participating in this community. Thank you.

[–] Cethin 2 points 1 year ago

Just a word of advice, any time you're talking about gun safety, gun violence, or potential death especially by firearm, it's going to come off as aggressive. Firearms are aggressive.

As for argumentative, why is that against the rules? You aren't allowed to disagree? What if someone is saying something totally wrong that will cause harm? What if someone says that sucking on the barrel of a gun is a good way to relieve a toothache? Is no one allowed to argue against that?

[–] Cethin 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The number of military people who don't understand firearm safety is amazing. I've got a buddy in the navy and one time we were hanging out and drinking. He wanted to show off his gun and everyone around just told him to stop, put his gun somewhere else safe and that he could have it back when he was sober. Why he needed a bunch of civilians to tell him that I don't know.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Complacency kills, accidents can and do happen at any experience level. In fact I'd argue they may happen more with those who have grown too comfortable with firearms, usually the newbies are appropriatly cautious. I'd be real interested to see some data on that but idt anyone is compiling it.

If I had my guess as to "why," your buddy sounds like he falls into this trap (at least when drunk, which tends to exacerbate feelings of "Ah shut up I know what I'm doing." Lol) Hopefully he's better about it these days!