This manga is supposed to be a cute and light-hearted story about everyday life, described as "Adorably trapped ☆ A comedy about a fluffy prison♪"...
But the more I read it, the more I feel that setting a cheerful story in a prison just doesn't sit right.
It's not only the main character being in prison for a minor drug-related crime that bothers me, but also the idea of trying to make something cute out of a really bad situation.
The prison guards and the other background characters are also kind of vague and undefined. It's like that uneasy feeling you get when you watch a horror movie and you know something's about to go really wrong. Maybe I've read too much scary stuff by Junji Ito or something...
I don't personally know anyone in prison, but because of how this manga makes me feel, I can't bring myself to keep reading it.
Haven't read it, but this sounds like something that could be pretty great if it pulled a Madoka.
That would have instantly changed it towards brilliance