Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
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They do in fact have a cart I fucking used it last week to add two free games and check em out at the same time.
When did you last use it to pay for a game? Just curious, I find most people are more tolerant of issues with something they didn't have to pay for.
I bought Tetris Effect on it back when that game seemed to take every single exclusive offer before finally landing on steam (PS4, then Epic then Gamepass/Xbox THEN Steam) man that's annoying. Prior I picked up Rebel Galaxy Outlaw on the cheap cheap thanks to a coupon but later got a Steam copy through a bundle.
I don't remember when they added the cart but it's there. I can see it right now. It works. At least when adding 2 free games at once.
Nice. I'll have to take a look next time I'm on there. I didn't see anything that showed it was available last time.
Good on them.