Sell them to teenagers at parties
Ask exploding heads
Ask a question, any question
Give them the wrong address, because it's shit beer, regardless of who is on the can.
Start a YouTube channel where I just constantly shoot beer cans
shakem up and use them as water balloon at the local pride parade
You can do all kinds of stuff with cans in general. You can shake them and throw them. You can melt them and have a big slab of whatever metal they are built out of (it'll also have a bit of cool blue color). You can use the pressure to pump your tyres (not on your car but maybe on your bike).
If I’m not paying for it I’m drinking all that shit. The best beer is free. Second best is cold. Third best is your choice
Open a firing range business and invite people to come shoot at my unending supply of targets.
my thoughts (post yours before reading)
Free targets, free aluminum, free rust cleaner. Shit beer tho.
Oh and donate any recycled can profits to anti-trans groups cuz I think it'd be funny.