I'll probably be doing something else, but I don't mind helping out with the Debian spiral.
EDIT: here's a small (40x50) template of the Debian spiral:
The dimensions are based on the Firefox logo in the canvas, IMO a good balance between "small enough to defend" and "large enough to be visible". Monochrome so it's easy to lay out.
Depending on my creativity and time to spend I'll probably do:
- the cover of The Dark Side of the Moon. I started it in the Canvas '23 but didn't have enough time to finish it; OR
- a cow proudly shaking its back and saying "moo, I was branded!", with the "branding" being the words "your flag here" or similar; OR
- a smoking chimp, it's kind of my online sig nowadays.
I'm still willing to help maintain the Debian spiral if others are joining.