Can anyone explain this?
Everett True Comics
A place to appreciate the twentieth century comic character Everett True of "The Outbursts of Everett True." Feel free to check out the sticky.
My take: Neighbors keep dropping in on them at dinner time, so he insinuated they are doing so because they are looking for a free meal. Tired wife (who has on an apron because she’s making dinner) is thankful husband called them on it so they would go away.
My take: It's more about the disturbance than the self invitation.
I believe it's more about the self invitation since that is taking advantage of the hard working lady and we know Everett don't like people taking advantage of others.
Do not interrupt people at their commonly known meal time, unless something is on fire. If you do inadvertently interrupt their meal, apologize and leave.
Too right and that smoking jacket is boss!