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Billie Eilish.
Whispering should only be in music sparingly, not as the default vocal style. See Pulp for a good singing/whispering ratio.
Canned fruit. As a kid in the 70's I went on field trips to the Dole plant and the Del Monte plant. Seeing rotten, wormy fruit going to the juicer, then that juice being put in the can with the fruit still makes it something I won't buy 50 years later.
Well, that's upsetting. Probably not a fruit-exclusive phenomenon, though.
Do 99% of people love canned fruit?
Melted cheese, I don't eat grilled cheese sandwiches and I order my pizza without cheese as well. Nachos depends on how drunk I am. The texture is nasty to me.
Are you talking about cheese or „cheese“?
Pizza typically has mozzarella, so that would indicate real.
Runny yolks. I like eggs but the texture feels off.
Hoppy beer, IPA. Yuckko