this post was submitted on 10 Aug 2024
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The Alt-Right Playbook

Media owners, CEOs and/or board members

founded 1 year ago

ProPublica and Documented obtained more than 14 hours of never-before-published videos from Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, which are intended to train the next conservative administration's political appointees “to be ready on day one.”

Project 2025, the controversial playbook and policy guide created by the Heritage Foundation for a future conservative presidential administration, has lost its director. In recent weeks, it faced scathing criticism from both Democratic groups and former President Donald Trump, whose campaign has tried to distance itself from the effort. But Project 2025’s plan to train an army of political appointees who could battle against the so-called deep state government bureaucracy remains on track.

For transparency, we are publishing the videos as we obtained them.

Playlist of all of the other videos

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

More and more Project 2025 looks like the plan for what's to be done next time a coup succeeds, or (best case scenario for them) the next time they win the election.

They won't stop if Harris wins. Whatever the result, the months following the election will be chaotic.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I didn't watch all of them, I'm not sure I could stand it. But from the titles alone, I think you're on to something. Someone in the comments said this:

Right out of the gate: "Currently I serve as Legislative Director for Senator JD Vance". There's always been an us vs them in this country. Time to look it in the face. Thanks ProPublica.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

There is so much wrong with this:

  • "Gender Kamph"

  • "America was founded at a particular time... by a particular people..."

  • "Bad history ideas" like seeing our history as systemically racist...

But the way he invokes slavery multiple times then pretends that a conservative ideology actually helped eradicate it, ignoring Jim Crow and all that followed, is especially sinister.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I recommend listening to these at 1.5x speed, he's using hypnotizing techniques with his voice (sing songy and slowly putting you into a trance). You can counteract these techniques by listening to it faster. You'd probably do it anyway, since it's slow as shit.

Up until about the 14 minute mark, he is providing the basis of history to say that the entire government is based on nature, thus it's based on god (slipped that in there, he did). Then he goes on to say that there is a lawful revolution inherent in the constitution if there are "longstanding abuses." This is starting to be some scary shit.

"No government possess rights, only the people do, they only have power." He's saying schools and churches are who are supposed to be governing the US.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

A strong caveat to listening to any of it is that it doesn't have a rational or coherent basis so none of it actually makes logical sense. It requires an exceptionally white and christian upbringing to catch all the winks and nods, and that's kind of the point of it.