Recently made an FC this month with a small group of friends. Was allowed to start bidding for housing plots this past week, so I made a bid on a medium plot in The Lavender Beds. Didn't win the lottery for it so I drowned my sorrows... Ah well, the house hunting continues~
Just finished all the routes for the variant dungeons as well. Got the mount rewards for doing so. I do want some of the glamours, so I'll have to rerun them at some point for the currency drops.
Last but not least, going back and slowly working my way through the Endwalker role quests. Mainly for completion's sake. It's nice to have a couple of throwbacks to past characters (yes Hien and Yugiri, you do exist). But other than that, I don't feel too inclined to play. Besides certain dailies and weeklies, I hop on and work through my backlog of tasks whenever I feel like it.