Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
Postet hier Bilder von Dingen die ihr irgendwo gesehen habt, und lasst Leute raten wo diese sind. Alle Motive müssen öffentlich zugänglich sein und sind im besten Fall viel frequentiert. Euer Hinterhof sowie der kleine abgelegene Schleichweg in eurem Dorf sind vielleicht nicht so gut geeignet.
Yes! That's it! How did you solve it?
I suspected it to be switzerland, so i checked the ashtrays of Swiss Railways to confirm it. The stone tiling on the walls that goes up to the windows is unique for all the photos of Swiss station buildings I looked at. I checked them for that tiling until I found it.
wow, nice! Much smarter than I first tried to do it: I tried looking for trainstation with the right orientation, just by brute force. problem is: I failed to correctly determine the orientation so I ended up needing more help ^^ I immediatly had the feeling it was close to neuchatel tho :p
Where did you find an exhaustive list of swiss trainstation pictures tho?
Possibly important for a solve: It's this summer. (see position of the sun)
swiss alps, near italy
It is switzerland, but wrong region