I really like the vest
Internet as an art
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
I will introduce more rules later and when I finish doing that I will make an announcement post about that.
For overall temporary guide check out the rules here: https://www.reddit.com/r/hmmm/wiki/rules/
I won't be moving all of them here but I will keep most of them.
Here's what it looked like assembled:
Would ya lookit' that! Rabbit colored!
√ is not ✓ 😠
Spider Iguana Rhino Jelly Fish Barnacle Doodle Bug (out of stock)
Here's hoping for a "weasel" option.
Color: fruit
I'd prefer "Cat".
Hello~ Please change your title to "hmmm". Thank you. 🧐
Probably a mistranslation.
Unless it mimics the brown fur of a hare.
Actually, neither.
Fair enough. I don't have kids (and personally hate anything but plain colors) so that wasn't quite on my mind.
To be fair, I wasn't expecting actual rabbits either.