In Dutch, KAK means SHIT. So right on the money.
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You are not alone:
Etymology From Proto-Hellenic *kakkajō, from the Proto-Indo-European Lallwort root *kakka- (“to defecate”).[1] Related to Latin cacō, Middle Irish caccaim, Old Armenian քակոր (kʻakor), Middle Armenian քաք (kʻakʻ), and German kacken.
The word may or may not have the same origin as bad, κακά.
Kacke in German.
Not to be confused with khakistocracy which is when you install jake from state farm as the figurehead of your republic
I'd vote for Jake
I keep saying .... call it whatever you want but it definitely isn't democracy
or it's exactly what democracy is ☞ Plato - the republic
Even if we had a direct democracy this election, the convict would have still won the popular vote